Dorothea’s concerns were just right. People lined up to greet her when she appeared, and it took almost an hour just to accept her.
But there was an unexpected greeting among them.
“How have you been, Princess Dorothea Milanaire?”
It was the Duke of Bronte who approached him with a soft but wide smile.
Next to him was the Duchess, who was fanning herself to drown out the heat, and on the other side was Ethan, as beautiful as ever.
Dorothea blinked for a moment as she saw Ethan proudly standing next to the Duke of Bronte. This was the first time Ethan had officially appeared at a social gathering like this.
‘But the first time Ethan appeared at a social gathering like this was when he was 20…right?’
Originally, Ethan’s presence in society existed like a shadow behind a curtain.
Amid rumors that cannot be caught like the wind, ‘A handsome and unknown master’.
Even if he didn’t show his face in the social world, he couldn’t hide the light from his outstanding looks, so there were rumors of ghosts circulating here and there.
It was only after the death of Jonathan Bronte, the eldest son of the Bronte family, that he took off his veil and revealed his true face.
Whether it was a horse accident or a fall, Jonathan Bronte died in an accident while hunting.
The Bronte family was inevitably in need of someone to be their successor. In the end, Ethan Bronte, who had been hiding as a child, was brought to the public.
But what kind of change of heart happened to the Duke?
Ethan just smiled at Dorothea’s startled look.
Dorothea shut her mouth to ask Ethan how he got there. Because that question is tantamount to saying he shouldn’t come here.
“You came with Ethan today.”
Instead of asking why Ethan had come, Dorothea said so.
“Yeah, I think Ethan also needs to learn some social skills now.”
The Duke of Bronte introduced Ethan, and the Duchess’s gaze turned to another place as if ignoring the situation.
“Good for you. Congratulations, Ethan.”
“Thank you, Princess.”
Ethan’s soft smile shone beautifully.
‘I could see the faces of the nobility shaking. Even if I didn’t listen, I could tell they were talking about Ethan.’
But at the same time, they couldn’t take their eyes off Ethan’s beauty.
Ethan looked at Dorothea as if he was not conscious of other people’s gaze, and continued speaking calmly.
“Still, I’m glad that the princess is here. I was worried about what to do with people I didn’t know. It’s my first time in a place like this…”
“You will get used to it soon.”
Dorothea encouraged him.
Even before, Ethan took over the social world surprisingly quickly. Gossip about his origin is just the level of the gossip-loving nobles.
People will eventually fall for Ethan’s talk and charm one by one.
They’re gonna want to invite Ethan to their party, they’re gonna want to talk to him, they’re gonna want to brush his collar.
Even Ethan’s attendance doubled the number of attendees, making Ethan an important key to the success of the social party.
It was a result of people flocking to see the handsome, friendly, and numerous rumors. the acquaintances of the crowd coming together, and people wanted to go to a party with a lot of people if possible.
Signs of the snowball were already beginning to appear in the eyes of those gathered in the salon.
“Then see you later.”
The Duke said that Ethan should be greeting the nobles and that he would see Dorothea when the party started.
The Duke of Bronte took Ethan and walked away, and Ethan’s gaze slowly left a lingering lingering lingering impression on him, leaving Dorothy away.
Dorothea saw the two moving away.
‘Today, for some reason, seemed to be an uneventful meeting.’
* * *
Meanwhile, the back of the salon, where the Countess was preparing, was noisy.
This is because of the news that the piano accompanist at today’s party had injured his hand in an accident. It was a minor injury, but today’s accompaniment was impossible.
“I’ve been preparing for months!”
The Countess was angry at the news that flew on the same day.
“Let’s find someone else for now.”
“The party begins is just around the corner, Who are you looking for?”
“Someone in the crowd may be able to play the piano…”
“There are only people who learn as a hobby, so who can do this?!”
The music-loving Countess already knew the level of piano proficiency of those she invited.
At that time.
“Ma’am… if you don’t mind, may I play the piano for you?”
The countess turned her head to the unfamiliar voice he asked politely. A beautiful silver-haired boy stood where she turned. The Countess looked at the boy’s golden eyes as if possessed.
Surely only acquaintances were invited, but who the hell is this beautiful angel?
The Countess, who had been busy preparing for the party, had not paid attention to the new guests.
“I am late to greet you, ma’am. My name is Ethan Bronte, the second son of the Bronte family.”
Ethan politely greeted the Countess with a smile.
“Ah! You are from Bronte… !”
‘Handsome bastard?’
She had already heard the rumors. And looking at Ethan’s appearance, she thought.
‘I think I can see why the Duke of Bronte fell for a lowly woman.’
‘Hmm… Doesn’t the Duke of Bronte feel sorry for hiding this handsome son? Haha, if it’s a son like him, I’d like to brag about it.’
It was rude to bring a bastard to an invitation, but the countess was rather interested.
‘What’s more, if it’s a handsome kid like this, wouldn’t it be welcome even if he was a beggar?’
The countess smiled inwardly and opened her mouth again in a soft voice.
“But the young master of Bronte will play the piano…?”
“If only ma’am gave me a chance.”
“The song I need to accompany today is Werthven’s <Glory>, is it possible?”
The Countess asked in a disbelieving tone but never lost her kind smile.
She was adept at dealing with people enough to hold social gatherings in the salon.
“Fortunately, it’s a song I practiced every day.”
“The <Glory>?”
Werthven’s <Glory> was a difficult song that required a lot of practice even for those who could play the piano.
‘Is this boy already able to play that song?’
“I’m a little nervous, but can I show you a demonstration?”
The Countess nodded her head as if possessed by his fresh and charming appearance.
‘Who cares if he plays well or not? This lovely boy wants to play the piano.’
With the Countess’ permission, Ethan sat down at the grand piano on one side of the salon.
As he sat in front of the black piano, his silver hair shone in contrast. Just as the black and white keys of a piano harmonize, just sitting in front of the piano became a painting.
Ethan lightly tied her flowing hair with a ribbon and placed his hand on the keyboard.
The white of the neck was exposed under the tied hair, and long, slender fingers.
With a light breath, he moved his fingers over the black and white keys listed.
A simple piano sound that quickly rises from one level to a higher level and then goes down again.
However, the clear piano sound was enough to draw the attention of the people gathered in the salon.
As people’s eyes turned to him, Ethan bowed slightly to the audience.
It was just to see if he could play the accompaniment, but people had already stopped talking and waiting to hear him play.
Ethan, with his eyelashes, lowered, leisurely scans the keyboard, then presses them deeply with his long fingers. A sound that was pressed down with weight spread through the salon, and he began to play the intense introductory part of <Glory>.
As the white, long fingers moved, the stacked tones rushed in like a tidal wave, but at some point, as if a storm had broken out, that changed to a bright and joyful sound.
All of a sudden, people were completely concentrating on his performance and listening to the music.
‘Is this skill coming out at that age?’
‘You have small hands, how can you naturally play piano with that song?’
It didn’t end with precisely pressing the notes, but the strength and melody of each note were also quite high.
The Countess was enchanted by his playing. She didn’t think it was too much to name Ethan a pianist.
The violins and flutes waiting next to him also began to pile up one by one in line with Ethan’s playing. Ethan’s performance, which started as a light practice, soon turned into a complete performance.
In less than a few minutes, Ethan had everyone’s attention completely focused on him.
Dorothea also listened to his performance with her ears from afar. It was a similar impression to the last time He played the violin.
‘Genius. A person greater than I remember.’
‘It might have been better for him to become a musician rather than a prime minister.’
The reason he didn’t go down that path despite being such a genius was that he had too much political desire and domination to be a musician.
Besides, there were so many natural talents besides musical talent.
Clearly, Ethan was a person with many charms that could be said to have been loved by God. If only his origin is excluded.
While Dorothea was immersed in her sentiments, Ethan finished playing the climax for the last time. People gathered in the salon poured applause.
Even though Ethan didn’t finish the song, it was an enthusiastic response as if he had finished the song.
“Awesome! Each finger seemed to contain a soul.”
“How dare you hide such a genius until now!”
People praised Ethan and the Duke and his wife.
The Countess was even moved by his performance and wiped her tears with her handkerchief.
Ethan looked back at Countess Duncan with a friendly gaze.
“Countess, may I take the accompaniment?”
At his soft question, the Countess smiled and nodded.
“Of course, young Master.”
The Countess rejoiced that the young pianist’s participation would make the party special.
Dorothea took a sip of tea quietly as she watched Ethan sitting in front of the piano and staring at him.
‘You still love to be in the spotlight.’
It’s the kind of atmosphere that shouldn’t be interrupted.
Dorothea naturally fell behind people, as she had done in the imperial palace.
At that moment, her eyes met Ethan, who was attracting people’s attention.
“Princess Dorothea.”
Following Ethan, the eyes of the others fell on Dorothea.
* * *

Will he maybe dedicate the song to Dorothea?
Thank you for the translation!