The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 96

Chapter 96:


“What brings you here?”

“You know. What’s going on now?”

“…I don’t know.”

I examined the Empress’ expression.
I was obviously disappointed by my dull reaction.

“I know that the Velois family has something to do with Duke Sen’s death.”

“Is that so? I don’t know why you’re thinking that.”

The queen’s eyebrows fluttered. Did she hear something?

“It will be uncomfortable to see each other for a long time, so I won’t say anything useless.”

“Yes, I feel the same way.”

If my father found out, it would be a mess, so I had to go back quickly.
Diria will keep her promise, but… Still, I don’t know what people will do.

“Based on my reasoning, I think Duke Sen is your companion.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have a companion.”

I shamelessly shook my head.
She thought so because I always cover my wrist with accessories, but even if there was a pattern, she could not immediately know my companion.
Not everyone’s wrists could be checked.
So, the empress must be trying to trap me.
But the pattern had already disappeared on my wrist. So stop holding me.

“You don’t have a companion…If it come out like that, I have nothing to say.”

The Empress smiled leisurely. She also seemed to be the person who expected me to come out like this.

“After the hunting competition, Duke Sen died…That’s strange.”

“It’s a coincidence. You know I was a victim. In the shock of that time, I still…….”

I bowed my head and trembled.
The queen snorted, even though I seemed to be struggling with fear.

“Don’t worry. I didn’t come here to threaten you with that as an excuse”

So what are you going to say about?

“It seems that Princess Janice is hiding something.”

“Is something wrong with the princess?”

“Tell me everything you know. Then I will tell you what I know.”

The Empress avoided answering my question. I pondered for a moment and weighing the gains and losses.
Tell her about Janice and the Empress will hold her down.
How would it turn out if she found out she had two companions?
It was too risky. The best option is to let her know that Delther is her companion.

“Did you know that Janice has a companion?”

“Yeah, she said he was the lord of the magic tower. Since her companion is strong, it’s not strange to have a different heart anytime.”

If you already know that Leon is her companion, the story is different.
Just knowing from my side that Delther is my companion will restrict Janice’s activities due to the Empress.
I was sorry for her, but I had to do something for Leon.
There wasn’t much I knew.

“If I tell you something, what will Your Majesty do for me?”

“Tell me what you want.”

The Empress raised her head as if she would listen to everything.

“Princess Janice will want Leon. Maybe he asked the emperor for a favour.”

“Well, he did send me out and talk to the emperor anyway.”

If so, there must have been some talk about the Emperor and Leon.

“The princess has another companion.”

“……Another companion?”

You can’t believe it. There’s never been a case like this before.
I nodded.

“I can take responsibility for that.”

“I don’t lie. She have two companions.”

“…This is nonsense.”

“And the companion.”

“Stop. I don’t want to hear that.”

The queen’s face turned speculative. She must have noticed who the other companion was.
I shrugged my shoulders.

“Well, then the story will be easy. Please keep Leon from going to Janice’s side.”


“Wouldn’t your majesty be in trouble if Princess Janice has power anyway?”

“…That’s all I have to do.”

“Is it possible? Originally, I was going to ask the emperor, but the Empress should listen.”

The fact that we were expelled to the outskirts was mostly because of the empress.
I raised my head and said clearly.

“Please bring the Velois family into the capital.”

“…What did you say?”

“That’s what I’m going to ask your Majesty the Emperor.”


“You shouldn’t say it’s difficult. I do not have very good memories of the royal family.”

The empress looked puzzled.
If you didn’t expect me to come out like this, you’re stupid.
What happened to our family because of you?
Wasn’t she even the one who killed my mother?

“I believe the letter will arrive by this week. If it’s late, I don’t know how long my mouth will hold up.”

“You, you!”

“Don’t be angry. It’s the Empress who came to see me, isn’t it?”

I got up from my seat and opened the door of the carriage.

“Oh, by the way. You’d better not think about anything else. I’m also scared of what I’ll say when I go to see the emperor.”

I got out of the carriage before the empress’s wrath exploded.
She shouted like that, but she was scared.

‘Now I have to go to my father and tell him the truth.’

For now, I had to send a letter to Leon, too.
I have to be prepared for what Janice might have talked to the emperor.
I hurried to the mansion.

“Oh my god!”

I leaned down in a hurry because I could feel it from behind. The sharp roar in the air gave me goosebumps.

‘Well then. I thought it would end well.’

I turned and stared at the carriage.
The queen’s face, embarrassed by the window, also filled with anger.
As soon as I held assassin’s hand, I felt a strong force in my body. Soon he rolled to the ground as if he were being bounced off.

“Ugh! Ugh”

“Uh…? I think something is wrong with my body.”


I grabbed the hand of my shoulder and threw it on the floor without realizing it.


Without a moment to be embarrassed, I quickly dealt with the assassins who rushed to me.
Everyone was rolling around with a groan.
The situation ended in an instant, and before I could feel dizzy, the carriage on which the Empress was riding came to mind.
I took a breath and headed for the carriage.

“Your Majesty, it would be very difficult for you to come out like this.”

“Ugh, how!”

“Does that matter now? I guess I’ll have to shorten the deadline. Three days. If you don’t get the answer that I ask for…….”

I smiled.
Yeah, if it’s life or death.

“Your Highness, Prince Delther, will be quite in trouble.”

It seemed that the empress finally understood the situation.
I greeted her with courtesy and closed the door of the carriage.

“Don’t forget, three days.”

After leaving the word, I walked leisurely to the mansion.

* * *

Back in my room, I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

“I think I should tell my dad about this right away”

I feel strange.
It was strange, but it was too strange.
There was no way I could have any power, but how did this happen?

“Are you okay?”

“No, it’s not okay. I need to see my father right away.”

“Let me check!”

Diria hurried out of the room. I clenched my fist, recalling the strength I felt in my hands.
Is this related to the disappearance of the pattern?
If not… As Leon healed me, a power I didn’t know may have manifested.
I waited nervously for my father.

* * *

Delther, in a strange mood, headed to Janice.
The quietness of the past few days has been on his mind.
I heard my mother visited Janice recently.

“I don’t see the princess.”

“Oh, that’s…She has gone to see His Majesty the Emperor.”

The maid immediately told Delther.

“You don’t know what’s going on?”

“Yes, she went to see something urgently. After thinking about it, I think she made a decision.”



“…I think she decided to become a saint.”


A saint. You give up your right to succession so easily?
Delther let out a smirk. It can’t be.
She would have done an equivalent exchange because she needed something bigger than that.
He wondered what it was.
For example…Leon?
Father already knows that Janice’s companion is Leon.
Janice may have turned around. What if she turned to keeping Leon by her side as a way out of him?
Delther clenched his fist.

“Inform my father.”

“Yes, sir.”

The maid noticed immediately that the atmosphere around her was unusual.
At this time, she needs to show the Crown Prince well, so that her path will be cleared up.
Delther and the maid headed to the audience room.

“What about my mom?”

“I think she’s out.”

“…Going out?”

People who don’t even have to go out are going out.
Delther nodded, unable to erase his bitter feeling.
However, he was blocked from the audience room and could not enter.
“He said he won’t see anyone right now.”

“My father?”

“Yes, so come again tomorrow.”

“Is Janice still inside?”

“The Princess left earlier.”

Delther was forced to turn his steps.
There was only one place she would be if she wasn’t in the audience room.


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