The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 95

Chapter 95:


“Okay, now tell me.”

Janice only opened her mouth after the queen left.

“I have a favour to ask you about the companion I told you about last time.”


The emperor waited for the words to come out of her mouth.
It’s a welcome thing if it has to do with the Velois family.

“Please proceed with my engagement to sir Leon. I’m thinking of revealing my companion after being appointed as a saint.”

“I’m going to keep my foot out. But you must know that the magic tower is not under the influence of the royal family.”

“Yes, I know.”

It was not the recognition that I had accumulated for this purpose, but I was confident in public opinion.

“The people will be enthusiastic about the scandal anyway. Even more so if it’s a relationship between a saint and a lord of the magic tower.”

The image of the tower was not bad either.
A dogmatic organization worthy of opposing the royal family. If they show harmony, the people will be happy
Even if the romance of companionship is added…

“That’s not a bad idea. So, is the lord of the tower aware of this?”

“No, everything will go wrong if he finds out. So it’s better to disclose it on the day you appoint me as a saint.”

“You’ve grown up pretty well.”

The emperor was proud to see that Janice, who could not do anything, had changed so much.

“I have one more favour to ask of you.”

“What is it?”

Janice examined her father’s expression. it was filled with affection for her.

‘But not yet.’

It was not enough to discuss the disposition of the empress.
Moreover, even if she tells him what happened to her, he will not dismiss the Empress.

“I wish only Your Majesty and I would know all this”

“Hmm. Keep it a secret from Delther, too.”

“Yes, the more people know, the easier the story will leak.”

“All right, we’ll do that.”

Only then did Janice smile broadly.
What’s left now is how to keep Delther’s mouth shut.
Once it is announced that her companion is Leon, there will be nothing Delther can do.
Furthermore, if he dies, Leon will become suspicious, so his life will be guaranteed.

“Thank you. Your Majesty.”

She greeted with courtesy and left the audience room.

* * *

The emperor called in his vassals to appoint Janice’s saint.

“Jenice Abel Bonita. I’m going to make my daughter a saint.”

They didn’t know he was really thinking about putting her in the saint’s seat. The faces of the vassals and noble representatives hardened.

“How can your majesty be certain that it is your child who has the holy power?”

“This has never happened before. We cannot accept it!”

As expected, the emperor tapped his chin at those who were strongly opposed.

“Defeloa, you didn’t forget that I had locked her up and held her. He was not a woman of all walks of life, but a person with the power of an ordinary family. It’s no wonder she was half blood.”

“Your Majesty!”


The loud sound of the chair hitting shook the bodies of the vassals.

“Are you doubting me now? My child is right. Why would I make it up as a lie?”

“Well, that’s…….”

“Don’t say any more about this. I’m very disappointed in you.”

At the threat of the emperor, the nobles bowed their heads. The Empire was a country with a strong imperial power, so no matter how much they oppose it, it is of no use.
If you don’t accept it, they’ll have your head.
So, they could no longer complain about the emperor’s words.

* * *

“How can he do this to me?”

The Empress was kicked out of the audience room and shivered with anger.
She went back to her room and shouted, throwing things on the floor.

“Janice, I should have killed this girl then!”

Defeloa hindered me even when she died. She didn’t even know the emperor would find Janice.
She wishes she could just hide and live.

“Find out at once what she was talking about with your Majesty.”


“And she seems to be hiding something, so find out what it is and bring it.”

The Empress puffed her breath away.

“Where is the Crown Prince?”

“Your Highness has been away for a while because he is currently busy with political affairs.”

“He goes out a lot these days.”

It’s so hard to see her son’s face. She tapped the table with her fingers and was lost in thought.

“I think there’s something.”

The palace is quiet and the outside is noisy.

“Duke Sen’s mansion is on fire, isn’t it? Find out who did it. Quietly and without anyone knowing.”


The knight did not leave.
The Empress noticed a strange sensation and approached him and raised his chin with a fan.

“Oh. It would be frustrating if you kept it by yourself. It will be easier if you tell me.”

“…It’s nothing.”

“You have quite a few families, don’t you? Even though you are an imperial knight, you wouldn’t be rich.”

She pulled out a ring from her finger and held it out to him.

“Sell this one and you’ll get quite a price.”

“Thank you!”

The knight prostrated himself on the floor and packed the ring.

“In fact, there was a little commotion in the hunting competition.”

“……In the hunting competition?”

It was the first time I heard of it. I didn’t know because no one reported to me.

“Lady Elle Natasia of the Velois family was threatened, but the assassins were dead…”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I wish she had died then.”

The queen smacked her lips with regret. Then she smiled broadly as if she had a good trick.

“Then, I think things will work out more easily.”


“It’s nothing, so go out.”

“Yes, thank you!”

The Empress prepared to go out as soon as the knight left.

* * *

“You’re here quickly.”

Guess the letter works well.
I tilted my head to the side as I saw Leon emerging from the darkness.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I think I’m feeling well.”

“Duke Sen. You haven’t told me anything yet.”

“The house is on fire. No one is alive.”

“…Did you do that?”

I approached Leon. He had an expressionless face.

“If I say I did, you’d see me as a monster, too.”

“That’s not what I’m saying.”

“That was the only way. Anything that threatens I will get rid of whatever it is.”


He really was a great man to do so. Anything for me.

“I know, it’s no use as long as I have a companion.”

The words brought me to my senses.

“No, you can’t.”

That way it will end up being the same. Delther will not stand still.
He only changed positions with Leon, but he loves Janice.
Leon also shares a pattern.

“No matter what you think.”

“You must know what I’m thinking.”

“Leon, Leon.”

I hugged him tightly. He might know that Janice and Delther are coming here tomorrow.
Maybe Leon won’t miss that time.
It had to be stopped. Because this way is not good for each other.
There will be some way.

“The movements of the princess are unusual.”


What the hell are you up to. Let’s try to think calmly.
I hugged Leon and pat him on the back.

“…I’m sorry.”

I tried to stop him from becoming a monster, but as a result, I couldn’t.

“Elle, I hated the word sorry.”

Leon took me out of his arms and made eye contact.

“So say it in another way.”


I quietly closed my eyes at the touch of Leon who swept my hair away.

“I was surprised at first. I wonder if I did something wrong.”

I woke up to Leon’s relieved voice.

“…Thank god.”

Leon, who slowly peeled off my accessories, stared at the wrist with nothing drawn on it.

“Are you sure you’re all right? When they find out you’re the criminal…….”

“It’s all right. The crown prince has taken care of it.”

“……Why is he?”

“Oh, he’s in debt.”

I tilted my head at Leon’s words. Debt…Something must have happened between the two.

“There will be no official investigation. So there’s no way I’ll ever be caught.”

“I see.”

Only then did I feel much relieved. I was worried that Leon might be on another path because of me.

“Don’t do that anymore.”


“What do you mean by the movement of the princess is strange?”

“I’m not sure yet. Take care of yourself for now.”

I nodded.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Well, my lady. It’s Diria.”

Surprised, I looked at the door at the same time as Leon.

“Hey, I’ll have to go see”

“Come the day after tomorrow, not tomorrow.”

“Okay. I’ll do as you say.”


Leon nodded. Gently grabbed my face and kissed me before the door opened.


The cool scent that gently pushed through the open lips brushed the tip of my nose.
He grinned, stroking the tender flesh with his tongue, and widened the distance from me.

“I’ll be back.”

“Wow, really…”

I caressed my lips with a blank face.
Where did he learn this. I have to compliment him very much.


Diria opened the door, came in and saw me.

“Are you okay?”

“Uh, uh, it’s all right. But what’s the matter?”

“Oh… It’s this.”

Diria showed me a letter. I frowned at the letter bearing the royal pattern.

“What’s this?”

“Someone came a little while ago and asked me to deliver it to you.”

“To me?”

I opened the letter. The queen’s seal was stamped on it.

“…I got an unexpected card.”

It’s an unwanted card. It seemed to be quite useful now.

“I think I’ll have to go out for a while.”


“Yes, keep it a secret from the others.”

“……But without escort.”

“It’s alright.”

Perhaps she had received reports of Duke Sen’s work and what had happened in a hunting contest.

‘She’s slow.’

I don’t think there’s any side of the empress in the royal family?
I came out of the room in a cape.
So, let’s go make a deal. She’ll find me, too, since she’s found out something.

“Don’t report to my father.”

“Are you really going?”

I nodded. A carriage stood as I stepped out the back of the mansion.

“You’re slow. Get on quickly so that no one else can see you”

The Empress nodded through the window.


  1. Mejred says:

    Na początku życzyłam księżniczce dobrze, ale teraz już nie mam dla niej nawet krzty współczucia.

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