The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 90

Chapter 90:


“I didn’t know I would fail to hunt properly.”

Duke Sen’s barracks were rather noisy.
He couldn’t hold back his anger, huffing and throwing things.
He could have gotten rid of Elle if it weren’t for those guys who just suddenly appear.
He heard that she was going to accompany the princess, so he already think that it would not be easy. In that kind of situation, the chance to kill Elle finally came. However, the hard-won opportunity was brutally destroyed.
Above all, when he faced Elle today, she felt stronger than before. At this rate, he will also be consumed by her.
He had to finish everything before he lost his mind.
The hunting contest was the perfect opportunity for him.

“You couldn’t do it properly!”

“……I’m sorry.”

The knight bowed his head. As Duke Sen would have seen, they were not at the level to win.
How could you fight against monsters who took your life with a single force.
They were wiped out without a moment to escape.

“I’m going to move after the hunting competition, so make sure you know that.”

He felt like there was something prepared.
Maybe they knew?
But the knight remain silent. He don’t know what would happen if he offended Duke Sen now.

“…Yes, sir.”

“What about lady Elle’s barracks?”

“Oh, that. I think they’re still in the master of magic tower barracks. Even now the Count is guarding.”

“…Is Count Edgar here?”

The knight nodded.
Duke Sen’s face was horribly distorted.
He managed to hold back what he wanted to shout and grasped the knight’s face.

“Aim for the banquet after the hunting competition. Understand?”

“Yes, yes!”

Duke Sen sat down in his chair, breathing heavily.

“Damn it! If it’s keep going like this, I’ll die.”

He couldn’t end it like this.
The reason why he said he would be with Elle was to get out of the situation where he was suspected.
He only have to hold out until tomorrow. On the last day of the hunt, if he manage it somehow……!
If they see Elle safe when they are together, he might be able to turn the eyes of those in doubt.
He was going to use it to drive her to death once more. This time, he planned to be in danger, too.

‘It’s all right. Everything will be fine.’

They were thoroughly paid for.
It’s made up of people who are not related to me.
He thought he wouldn’t get caught because he was the one who paid for their lives.
Yeah, he need someone in a similar situation to me now. Princess Janice…
She’d make good sense.

“Right now, secretly guide me to the barracks of the Princess Janice.”

Following the knight, Duke Sen moved stealthily without being seen.

* * *

“You can’t go in.”

“Tell the Princess.”

“It’s too late, so come back next time.”

“It’s urgent.”

Duke Sen lowly recited at the knight who stopped him.
Janice appeared at the noise.
It’s late, she can’t believe he came to the barracks.
Janice was not pleased with his visit.
Because something happened earlier, and she also thought it was Duke Sen’s work.

“What are you doing?”

Janice was on high alert.

“I’ve come to offer you a proposal.”

“……A proposal?”

“I don’t mind saying it here.”

Duke Sen glanced at the knights staring at him and smiled slyly.

‘I don’t know what he’s up to.’

But it certainly wouldn’t be a bad thing for me. He tried to threaten Elle for whatever reason.
Maybe he’s on the same side as me.
Janice looked over at Duke Sen and nodded.
It was not far from Delther’s barracks here. It was enough to call Delther.
She didn’t think he’d have the guts to kill a royal family.

“I think you can communicate quite well with me.”

He continued in a soft tone to Janice, still without a smile.
He knew it would be a sweet temptation, so he was confident. She was sure to take his hand.
Janice stared at the face of Duke Sen.
She wondered why he came to see her.
He said she could communicate, but on what basis did he think so.

“Is there something urgent that you came to see me in the middle of the night?”

She responded calmly.
She wanted to ask him right away if he was related to what happened during the day.
She’s keeping her mouth shut because she know it’s more damaging than good.

“I won’t drag it out. I have a truth serum.”

“…Truth serum?”

It has been blocked in distribution . It still exists?

“Yes. I’ve been using it to find my companion.”

“What is the reason for telling me that? I could tell your Highness the Crown Prince right away.”

Duke Sen smiled slyly and stared at the princess.

“I know you won’t. Because you can get what you want only when I’m here.”

“You know what I want?”

Janice leaned slightly against the chair and slowly brought the teacup to her mouth.

“Leon Davis. Don’t you want him?”

She didn’t think it was that obvious.
Leon’s name from the duke’s mouth shook her eyebrows.

‘I need to be more careful with my behavior from now on.’

Recently, it was true that she only saw Leon without thinking about anyone else.
Above all, the Duke Sen seemed to notice at the hunting competition.
Why does that have anything to do with him, by the way.

“My companion is Lady Elle.”

Janice’s eyes narrowed at the unexpected remark.

‘That’s why he tried to deal with her under the pretext of a hunting competition.’

She was horrified to hear it directly from him.

“I think it would be a good opportunity for each other if you could give me a little help.”

“…Are you asking me to join in killing someone?”

“No, you just need to draw Leon’s attention.”

“Is that really enough?”

It was, in fact, a fascinating suggestion.
She already knew that Elle had a companion, but shedidn’t know it was a duke Sen.
She was amazed at his bold behavior.

“There was a very deep bond between Leon and lady Elle.”

“…I know.”

“I think the lady’s companion is Sir Leon, it’s my prediction. Is it right?”

“That’s rude.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer.”

The Duke of Sen raised his palm as if he were taking a step back.
Because that wasn’t the point.

“Don’t you wonder how he feels? What’s between the two”

“……So you’re giving me a truth serum now?”

“Isn’t it hard to get, princess? Besides, it’s a medicine that will let you know what you’re curious about.”

Janice gulped at his words.

“There is no reason for me to lie to you. I will wait until the day of the hunting competition is over.”

“…It was a wasted try.”

Janice rose from her seat and looked down at the Duke Sen.
Getting a truth serum is very hard, but the moment you use it, you’ll have a weakness.
She had no intention of taking such a risk.
It is beneficial to already know that he is Lady Elle’s companion.
Maybe he came to see me because his judgment was disturbed by today’s work.
Janice had no intention of doing anything stupid.

“Go back now. I’ll pretend I didn’t hear anything today.”

“You’ll have to think carefully, your highness. I have quite a few people, too.”

Janice swallowed a smile at Duke Sen.
Are you saying that those who hold your hand can be on your side?

“I see.”

But Janice could not guarantee how far he would go with her, holding his hand.
Can’t she say that he’s the one who’s trying to kill his companion?

“Oh, no! Your Highness!”

An urgent sound came from the entrance.
As Janice’s head turned around, Delther’s low voice rang.

“What are the two of you doing together in the barracks at night?”

“……Your Highness.”

Janice bit her lip slightly.
She can’t believe she’s in the right place to be misunderstood. Somehow she felt like she was going to suffer all day.

“I’m calling him for a moment because I have a question about what happened during the day.”

“You’re curious.”

“…Right. Her Highness and I faced each other during the day, so if there is a misunderstanding, we can resolve it.”

Duke Sen rose from his seat and smiled.
He did not tremble in front of the crown prince and naturally lied.
Seeing that, she thought she shouldn’t work with him even more.

“Well, then, go out.”

“Thank you for your time.”

The Duke of Sen greeted with courtesy and left the barracks.
Janice avoided Delther’s gaze, which was staring at her with suspicious eyes.

“Your Highness, what brings you here at this late hour?”

“Oh, I have a feeling something is wrong. It’s really not related to you during today incident.”

Janice nodded at Delther’s words.
She don’t know if it’s going to happen next time, at least not today.

“Yes, that’s what I mean.”

Delther sat in the chair where Duke Sen sat and folded his arms.

“…Why are you sitting there?”

“I’m thinking of staying up all night here tonight.”

“…I don’t want you to.”

“Did you think you had authority?”

He sat down and closed his eyes. She didn’t understand what the hell he was thinking.
Janice was forced to leave Delther behind and head to the bedroom.


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