The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 80

Chapter 80:

Janice got into the carriage. Her face was more relaxed, but her insides were burning.

‘What did he call me for?’

When I glanced around, I felt several different signs.

“It seems like he’s just giving a direct warning.”

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been so obvious. It looks like Delther.
It was better to go this way.
I might have made a mistake if I didn’t know they were following me.
Janice entered the promised cafe. She naturally ordered tea and refreshments.

“There are seats ready. Follow me.”

Janice nodded at the guide’s words.
Sitting in a seat with a beautiful view from the terrace, she looked around still.

“How is he going to see me in a place like this?”

In my defence, it was not expected. I don’t even know what I’m going to do.
Above all, I couldn’t even guess what Edgar had to say to me.
It would have been enough if he sent it by letter, but he asked for a face-to-face meeting.
So Janice became more nervous.
Because it was such an important story that we had to meet and hear it myself.

“Here are tea and refreshments, Princess.”


Janice raised her head to a familiar voice.
He was wearing a mask, but this voice was evidently Edgar.
She hurriedly hid her surprise and nodded.

“Thank you.”

“And there is a lady, who wants to talk to the Princess.”

“……Really? I’m glad. I was in the moment of loneliness.”

Janice put her hands together and laughed.
Edgar soon bring a lady.

“I think I’ll keep calling you, so you’d better wait here.”

Edgar nodded at Janice’s words.

“It’s an honor to meet the Princess like this.”

The lady, who she saw for the first time, stared at Janice with a light smile.
He muzzled his voice.

“You won’t have to react to my story from now on.”

The lady moved her mouth to Edgar’s voice.

“I really wanted to see you once! As soon as I saw you, my heart thumped.”

The lady made a fuss and grabbed Janice’s hand.

“You can listen to the woman and focus on my story.”

It sounded as if they were talking, but Edgar’s voice reached only Janice.

“If you want to get away from the emperor, take a sip of tea.”

Janice savored the tea naturally at Edgar’s words.

“I’m also happy to have friends.”

She concentrated on Edgar’s voice, shedding the chattering words of the lady.

“The Princess has a great relationship with the Velois family.”

It was painful for Edgar to bring this up with his own mouth.
Because it’s been heartbreaking to think of his wife.
Nevertheless, it was for the rest of his family that he took courage.
Elle Natasia. The only gem left by Seline.
He goes silent for a moment.


Janice trembled at the unexpected remark.
Edgar whispered, pouring tea into her teacup.

“Because Elle Natasia and you are cousins.”

She was greatly agitated. What does that mean?
Elle and I are cousins.
Janice smiled as she calmed down her trembling hands.

“Seline Delisha, and Defeloa Delisha. They were sisters.”

Edgar went on to say.
The name of her mother, which came out of his mouth, naturally strained her fist. In addition, the other woman’s last name was the same as her mother’s.
….He knew my mother.

“If you intend to deceive me.”

“And Seline Delisha was my wife.”


This was an unexpected story. Then, why did the emperor deport the Belois family to the outskirt.
Janice believed that she was a member of the fallen baronet’s family.
Edgar’s words are not false because he was raised by a woman other than his mother.

“This doesn’t make any sense.”

“Do you want to know why?”

Edgar caught the image of Janice with his eyes down.
The clenched fist looked pathetic. He didn’t have any other feelings for Janice either.
He also had no intention of driving Janice to the brink if she didn’t threaten his daughter.

“My wife jumped in to save her sister. Because she couldn’t see her in pain.”
Sorrow flashed across Edgar’s face.
Janice seemed to understand the meaning of the word. She has been hiding in the shadows all her life.
Hiding from the empress’s eyes, protecting me, and looking forward to escaping from the emperor.
As a result, she couldn’t.

“The emperor is a man who will do anything to get what he wants”

At Edgar’s words, Janice closed her eyes.

‘…I was pointing a knife at my family again.’

After hearing everything, she felt strangely relieved.

“Thank you.”

“I’m telling you this story because I want the princess to make the right choice.”

After saying goodbye, Edgar left the terrace.

“Oh, it’s already the time! I enjoyed today’s conversation very much, Princess.”

The lady also left as if she had finished her job.
Janice, left alone, could not easily leave the place.
Her mind was complicated, and she was given another option.

* * *

“Have you been there, Count?”


Hessen glanced at his countenance.
He had an expressionless face, so he couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

“Nothing happened, don’t worry.”

“Yes, what should I worry about?”

“Is Duke Sen quiet?”

“Yes, he’s been busy lately and he’s quiet again.”

Edgar took a deep breath.

“Something will happen soon.”

“What’s the matter……?”

Hessen was really going crazy. This Count.
The incident did not stop day by day. It’s been a while since Elle started to change, but…….
And he also likes the changing atmosphere of the Count.

‘Damn it, it’s me from the past’

It may have been convenient to just leave the relationship between the father and the daughter in a bad state.

“Is the lady coming today?”

“She has to come. I can’t leave her alone.”

“Then you should pick her up.”

“What are you going to do?”

Edgar shook his head.
There are many horses and they’ll take you there.

“I am disappointed, Count.”


Edgar looked at Lord Hessen, wondering what kind of nonsense this was.
What do you mean you’re disappointed.
The look on his face really upset him.

“Give up that strange look.”

“I’m really upset.”

“……What is it?.”

“You push him away because you didn’t like him so much! Why do you believe him now.”

He’s not a child, what the hell is wrong with him.
Edgar looked at Hessen and turned away.

“Ah, Count!”

“You must have lost your mind because you’ve been staying still lately.”

“……That’s too much of you.”

Why are you doing this only to me.
Hessen glanced at Edgar with his shoulders drooping.
He said he would take out a stone with a rolled stone, and it was a sin to love Leon.

“You’re sick because you have useless thoughts.”

Edgar didn’t care much.
Hessen has done that more than once, and it was the best to ignore it.

“Aren’t you going to comfort me?”

“…Do you really want to die?”

“I’m sorry.”

Only then did Lord Hessen finish his expression and begin to work like a machine.
He complained a little because he had a lot of work, but it didn’t work.

‘I’ll have to find another way.’

I think I’m going to cut my throat using this.
He was quick to give up.
Only then did Edgar glance at his watch.

‘It’s been a while, but why isn’t she coming?’

I thought I could concentrate on my work only when Elle got home.
He tried to concentrate on his work with a little nervousness.

“…She’s still not here yet.”

“It’s been less than five minutes since you said it earlier.”

“…Is it?”

“Let’s just pick her up.”

A smile spread around Hessen’s mouth. That’s right.
The count couldn’t have trusted anyone. A certain sense of relief flooded in.

“Shall we?”


Hessen rose from his seat.
However, contrary to his wishes, there was a light in the middle of the count’s residence.

“I’m here.”

Edgar’s expression relaxed to the fullest with Elle’s bright voice.

“It was a needless worry.”

Edgar handed over the papers without even looking at Elle.

“Why are you coming here when other people could see you?”

“Oh! That’s right.”

Elle hurriedly put her cape on.

“Is this okay?”

Edgar’s lips twitched as he looked at Elle smiling softly.

“Where are you going, Lord Hessen?”

“Oh, I… The count said he might have to pick you up.”

“I couldn’t have done that.”

“That’s right, my father won’t do that.”

Elle responded to Edgar’s words.
Hessen approached Elle, realizing that whatever he said was useless.

“I will go with you.”

“Can you really do that?”

“Yes, someone has ruined my excitement.”

“What do you mean, excitement?”

“The excitement of work.”

Hessen put out his hand with a grim expression on his face.
Elle tilted his head and soon grabbed his hand.

“What is it, did something happen? I think everyone is talking without me these days.”

“It’s just your imagination.”

Elle closed her mouth at Hessen’s firm voice.
It’s just how she feels.
Doesn’t this make you feel weird?
Elle somehow seemed to have had another unpleasant day.


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