The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 79

Chapter 79:


“Good night.”

How can she sleep in this situation.
Leon smiled at Elle, who was snoring and sleeping in his arms.

“Really, I’m the only one who’s fretting every time.”

He tapped Elle on the cheek.
It felt as if her soft skin would melt away.

“Even if I touch you like this, you didn’t wake up. Don’t you trust me too much?”

When will she be afraid of me?
She was a woman who reached out to me from the first time I met her. I’ve never forgotten that day.
How can I forget Elle who saved me from hell.
He would have lived with guilt all his life.
After meeting Elle, I was able to control mana, so for me, she was a noble and I’m a lucky person.
If there was one happiness given to me, who lived under the name of a cursed child, I would say it was Elle without hesitation.
Leon smiled low, stroking Elle’s hair.
Soon after carefully getting out of bed, he sat down at his desk and opened the papers.
Focusing on his work with his glasses on, he glanced at Elle, who had fallen asleep.

“Ah…… I should have just sent her home.”

He sighed as he put down the papers.
Every time she slept so defenselessly, I felt dangerous to her.

“It feels a little strange, too”

It doesn’t bother her that much?
Leon glanced over his body.
Strong muscles, smooth skin caught his eye.

“……That’s strange. Caven said this works.”

Maybe I should go ask him again.
Wearing a loose black shirt, he left the room.

“If snything uncomfortable…… I feel uncomfortable.”

Caven narrowed his brows as he looked at Leon.

“Just get dressed and come out.”

“How does it look to you?”

“…What do you mean?”

Leon strode toward Caven and pulled him by the waist.

“When I get this close. Didn’t you say your heart was beating?”

“…Gee, what are you doing now?”

“I think you said it’s sexy when I look down with my messy hair.”


Caven looked at Leon, who was taller than him, and swallowed a dry spit.

‘Why, why are you doing this?’

He must be crazy.
This man must have gone berserk and gone mad. Although, people were out of focus sometimes, but it’s not to this extent.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Caven flailed and pushed Leon away.
I think he was the biggest threat in my life.
I can’t believe he’s trying to seduce me with that face. I was straight, and I shouldn’t be tempted.
His eyes were wide open, and he posed on guard against Leon.

“Uh! Don’t come any closer!”

“No, I did what you said, but there is no response at all.”

“Well, it can be. What kind of reaction are you talking about?”

Caven’s eyes crept down.
“…Do you want to die?”
“No, I don’t.”

Caven smiled and distanced himself from Leon.

“Anyway, fasten that clothes.”

“Is it unpleasant to see?”

“Rather than unpleasant. It’s dangerous. Quite a lot!”

“A lot?”

Leon’s head tilted to the side.

“Well, yes! Uh!”

Caven’s face turned red with embarrassment. Why is he doing this again in the middle of the night.
He shook his head.

“No, I mean what you told me then.”

“Which one?”


Leon grabbed Caven’s hand and pushed it against the wall.
Surprised, Caven stammered, clutching his heart.
Why are you hitting me against the wall!
He wanted to hit him if he wasn’t the lord of the magic tower.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

He shouted in a voice mixed with anger.
Is the lord of the tower went crazy at night.
Looking down at him, locking him in his arm without moving, leon said,

“Tell me, does this really make your heart pound?”

“In common sense, isn’t it weird if I’m nervous in? Master, are you out of your mind?”

Caven looked up at Leon and sighed.
It feels like his heart is shaking.

“Ah……that’s true.”

“Don’t speak in such a voice. Because it’s offensive.”

Caven hated being locked in his hands.

“……What are you two doing?”
At that moment Caven made eye contact with Elle, who had come out of the room.
The current situation between him and Leon was a perfect posture for anyone to misunderstand.

“Well, I, this! It’s a misunderstanding!”


Leon turned his head with his disheveled clothes.
Elle’s eyes, which were half-awake and half-open, quickly grew.

“……My God.”

Silver hair, and fresh green eyes. Small and fragile? The Leon’s appearance , like a beast, imprisoned Caven.
Elle faltered back.

“Well, of course. I’m sure I misunderstand. Haha! I’m going back to sleep!”
I must have seen something wrong.
Elle slammed the door in a hurry.

“What, lady Elle?! Wait a minute!”

Caven hastily pushed Leon and cried.
I didn’t know my identity would be shaken like this.

* * *

“What’s this?”

Janice opened her eyes and blinked in a hazy state.
A letter was placed next to her.
“The seal of the Velois family?”
Only then did she open her eyes wide. The letter had to be hidden before the maid came.
If it was a story that could be seen by others, he would have told her through the visit.
When she looked around, there was no other sign of change. It seems that the only goal was to deliver the letter to her.

“…Why to me?”

Didn’t we already finish talking to each other then.
‘What is it?’
They may have noticed something about my pattern. If Leon told them everything…….
She opened the letter carefully.

[Princess janice].
I have something to say, so I’d like to take your time.
This is an essential story for you, so I hope you will come to the Cerbonta Cafe tomorrow.
[Edgar de Velois]

She was stunned by the sudden invitation. Janice looked at the letter for a long time, and flames erupted from the letter.


Surprised, she dropped the letter from her hand and it disappear without a trace.
She had to prepare first. If it’s a cafe, she can go out naturally.
Delter’s surveillance got worse after she went to the tower.
I’m sure his dogs are watching me, too.

Knock, knock, knock.

“It’s me, princess.”

“Come on in.”

She spoke to the maid as casually as possible.

“I’ll be out in town today, so please get ready.”

“In the town?”

The maid who came in now was also Delter’s ear. So they’ll catch up, too.
It may be more convenient.
She was really going to go downtown and stop by a cafe.

“I’m going to spend some time at a cafe today.”

“I see. I’ll make you pretty.”

The maid smiled and helped Janice dress up.

* * *

“Elle, it’s me.”

At Leon’s knock, Elle got out of bed in a disheveled state.
Immediately after seeing Caven, the two of them, I locked the door and fell asleep while imagining all sorts of things alone.

“It’s already morning.”

Do I have to go back home?
She slipped open the door and poked her face out.

“Are you going to send me home? What about Caven?”

“Kaven went because he had a lot of work to do. Come out for breakfast.”

Elle wondered at Leon’s attitude of not sending her back.


“Yes, so come on out.”

“I didn’t even wash up.”

“Come here.”

At Leon’s words, Elle opened the door and approached.
He reach out and gently stroke her face made her clean.

“Oh, what is this?”

You’re like a real wizard. This sort of thing seems to be possible casually.
Elle headed for the dining room, glued to Leon’s side.

“Aren’t this too big in the morning?”

Elle opened her mouth wide as she looked at the table full of food.

“I have to feed you well so that I don’t hear anything else.”

Leon pulled out the chair and sat Elle down.
She burst out laughing when she saw a table full of things she like.

“Too much.”

““No matter what I do for you, it’s not enough.”

Leon cut the meat and put it on Elle’s plate.

“Eat a lot.”

“I think I’ll gain weight if I’m with you.”

“It’s all right, there are more of you in the world.”

Elle got goosebumps and shook her head, sweeping her arms.
Maybe I’ll see what he reads and who he gets advice from.
If he have a teacher, I’ll make sure to hit him in the head.

“Leon, where the hell do you learn to say that?”


He looked at Elle’s countenance and smiled awkwardly.

‘I don’t think this is it.’

And Leon thought the same thing as Elle.
Caven, I won’t let that guy go. It must be wrong given that Elle hates everything he tells her.
Come to think of it, he didn’t teach him to eat with her
Leon reflected on what had happened the night before.
Surely she may have a different mind with him. Otherwise, Caven won’t be the only one blushing.

“Leon…… This is very delicious.”

Elle enjoyed the food, whether or not she knew Leon’s complicated mind.
Leon’s anxiety disappeared in an instant when he saw her.

‘Oh, this is why people say they’re full just by looking at it.’

Even if I didn’t put food in my mouth, I felt good just looking at Elle.
Seeing that she was eating with her cheeks full, he ended up smiling broadly.



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