The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 73

Chapter 73


It couldn’t stay like this. Janice’s heart raced.

“My heart feels strange every time I see Delther after he has a pattern.”

I didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

“I need to figure it out quickly.”

Where is Elle? And she need to know what’s changed in her personality.
Janice returned to the room, put on her cloak, and immediately went out.

“It’s no use telling my father… Well, anyway, I’m just being used.”

She had to do everything she could to get out of here.

“Where are you going?”

“……Oh, I’m going to town for a while.”

“We will accompany you.”

“Okau, then.”

Janice was being tailed, but she didn’t care. The guards will shut up if she give them money.
Janice, who got into the carriage, looked out the window. The wind was really cool because she went outside after a long time.
She pressed her wrist and whispered.


A companion appear again. What will happen to us?
Obviously, the companion was me, but Leon refuses it and choose Elle.
Then I may be able to reject Delther, too.
I had never heard of such a case in the first place.

“This is ridiculous.”

Janice tried to erase Delther’s gaze, who had looked at her.
However, the afterimage that appeared more and more clearly only increased the pain.

* * *

When did I fall asleep?
I looked sideways, raising my stiff body.

“…He’s gone.”

I curled up at the traces that Leon had left.
There was still a pattern that could not be erased on my wrist, and Leon was back with me.

Knock, knock, knock.

“I shouldn’t be doing this.”

Duke Sen took the truth serum, so it was obvious he’s going to use it.

‘I need to know where he use it.’

To do that, I must go to where he is.
I tried to open the door and leave. But somehow it didn’t open.


No wonder El was quiet.
Edgar think Leon didn’t know where I was.
I think he put him to sleep because I’m in trouble if he reports to Edgar that he came to see me.
I opened the door with all my might and came out.
El was asleep. If Edgar watches this, it’ll be a mess.

“I’m sorry, sir El. I want to wake you up, but then I won’t be able to go out.”

You understand, right?
I believe you may understand. First of all, I had to figure out his plans.
I had a cloak to disguise, so I won’t be caught.

“Okay, let’s go!”

There was no answer if i stay in the room like this. Shouldn’t I do something, too.
I didn’t have the power or the ability to defend with magic, so I’ll find a way to live.
I should stop relying on Leon.
The imprint of the companion will get worse. We don’t know how long Leon’s rebellion will last.
Since I shook him up for my greed, shouldn’t I do my best in my own fate.
I’ve earned a lot of money from the guild, so it’ll be easy to dig up information on Duke Sen with this.
First, I had to go to a place where he often appears.
Yes, I am going to be the bait now.
Because he won’t hurt me easily anyway. That’s what a companion is.
Your body doesn’t follow what you think.

‘It’ll be all right. You can do a good job.’

I comforted myself and headed into town.

* * *

Janice stopped walking towards the guild.


A woman with a familiar atmosphere drew attention.
I could see her looking around in the city.

“What’s wrong?”

“No, nothing. Ah…… it’s personal.”

She gave the guard a gold coin and smiled.

“May I be alone for a moment? Don’t worry, I won’t get away from you.”


“I won’t let you get in trouble. I promise.”


Janice nodded.

“I think I just saw a familiar face for a second, so I’m just going to talk”

“I see.”

The knights nodded helplessly.
He thought it would be okay because she was a princess who never caused problems.
How far will she go.
Her face is already spread throughout the empire, so even if she runs away, she will be caught quickly.
Janice slowly approached the woman in the cloak.
Obviously if her hunch is right, she is Elle Natasia.
There was a mixture of hope and anxiety.

‘What if I’m right?’

If Elle’s presence is found because of my discovery, wouldn’t it be good for him.
The thought stopped my steps.

“Yes, I don’t think so. What can you do if she say yes?”

Are you going to kill her or something.
No, Janice didn’t have the guts to do that.
Above all, to use the divine power that has been given to me…….

“I’d rather go to the magic tower”

If I found out about her, it would be enough to coax Leon well.
Janice, seeing the knights, soon caught another carriage.

“The magic tower, please.”

“……The magic tower?”

“Yes, I’ll give you as much money as you want.”

“I see.”

The coachman quickly headed for the tower. I have to see him, even if it takes some time.

* * *

“Huh? I thought someone was looking at me.”

I glanced around and hid into the alley.

“I need to move quickly.”

As I searched for information, I could easily find out where Duke Sen was.

‘As expected, money works.’

It’s so easy to get.
I became foolish again. After all, even I was saving up a lot of money to live.
I had a lot of money because I offered my father a business and got a fair commission.
When I heard that he was in the cafe, I really found the duke.
It felt strange to see that he was talking with another lady hahaha.
The teacup in front of her was a little empty, but Duke Sen looked full as if he hadn’t taken a sip.

‘There’s a truth serum there.’

But for what?
If you already knew that your companion was me, you didn’t have to use it for others.
I sat right behind and listened to the tea.
Both were wearing accessories.

“Did you find your companion?”

“No……not yet.”

“I see, the color of the pattern…….”

“It’s blue.”

Wow, I didn’t know it blew it like that. I was again impressed by the efficacy of truth serum.
There’s a reason why it’s expensive.
How did he even find a person with a blue pattern.
I was amazed at Duke Sen’s intelligence.

‘The truth serums are pretty dangerous.’

I squeezed the medicine bottle in my arms and rolled my eyes.
At that moment, I heard a sound rising from behind.
I was holding my breath and drinking tea calmly, but there was a shadow on my side.

“I… excuse me, if you don’t mind, can we have a cup of tea for a moment?”

“…With me?”

“Yes, I’m somehow drawn to you.”


My mouth is burning up.

“My name is Botemiro Jan Sen.”

His false introduction lifted me up from my seat with a smile.

“My name is Elloche.”

I don’t know.
I name it as soon as I can.


“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you my last name.”

It may seem suspicious, but this was the only way.

“That’s alright. Then, I’d like to treat you to a cup of tea, would that be alright?”

“Of course.”

I accepted his favor with a smile.

“I’d like some refreshments with a new tea here.”

“Yes, sir.”

When he looked away for a moment, I took out a bottle of medicine from my arms and poured it into my mouth.
This is the beginning of a war of wits.
I had to figure out what he was going to do. But Duke Sen will not know anything from me.

“I think I’ve never seen you before. I guess you don’t come out too well in society.”

“Yes, because I’m not feeling well.”

“I see. Aren’t they frustrating?”

“It’s okay because I’m used to it. Ah!”

I raised my hand and waved. Then Duke Sen’s head naturally turned back.


I tilted my head when I swiped the teacup in an instant.

“Oh, I must have been mistaken. I thought it was someone i knew…….”

“Is that so?”

Duke Sen’s countenance was subtly distorted, but he did not care.

“Hey, the tea seems to have flowed a bit.”

Oh, my God.
He changed the teacup with a nonchalant smile.

“My teacup didn’t spill, so I think you can drink this.”

“Is that so?”

He must have noticed. I had to accept my original teacup.

“I like the smell of tea.”

Duke Sen smiled and took a sip of the tea.
I also followed him over tea and smiled.

“I see, I quite like the tea.”

“I would like to ask you, Eloche, what is your last name.”

I didn’t know you’d poke me this right away.
It was useless because I took an antidote, but if I get caught like this, I won’t get what I want.

“My name is Eloche Moldia. I don’t think anyone knows because the family was extinct a long time ago.”

I looked around thinking of a family that had only fallen.
His breathing was shaken by the tension, but his expression was still relaxed.

“I see, are you also a pattern holder?”

“That’s right.”

“I think it has a red pattern.”

“Oh my! That’s right. How do you know so well?”

I acted like I confessed. I don’t think there’s anything suspicious about what I say.

“For some reason, I think you’re my companion.”

“No way. You have a companion?”

In my reply, the countenance of the duke struck with perplexity.


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