The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 70

Chapter 70:

Delther stared at Janice, who faced him.
He’s been worried that she seems to have changed recently.

“I guess you still haven’t given up on your lingering feelings.”

“Your Highness seems to be free these days. If his Majesty knew this, he would like it because we have a good relationship between siblings.”

“I’m going to the magic tower tomorrow.”

“……Why are you going to the tower?”

Leon was there. There would be no need for Delther to go to the Tower

“Don’t bother him.”

“You thought I was going to see him, didn’t you?”

“…Aren’t you?”

“That’s right.”

Delther put down his teacup and stared at Janice.

“I wish you and I had met differently.”

“It’s already happened. Even if we met differently, it would have been the same.”

Janice was connected to Leon. Even if she didn’t have a blood relationship with Delther, she wouldn’t have been able to be with him.

“Do you really think so?”

Man, what a pattern is, it makes people laugh.
He pulled up his arms and did not draw his gaze from Janice.

“Janice, my sister. People don’t just get the way they wanted.”


A pattern was drawn on Delther’s wrist, which was slowly revealed. It was still faint, but the color of the band was clearly visible.
Janice’s face was distorted when she saw it.

“…… If this happens, will you be able to say it’s fate?”

Janice’s face turned pale at Delther’s words.

“Colors can be the same. But you know. That the shape of the pattern is important.”

She was sweating cold all over. Her hands and feet were sweating, and she was out of breath just to look at him.

‘It’s okay. There’s only one pair of patterns.’

So it doesn’t matter if he shows up the same gold.
Janice, holding tight to a small hope, did not shy away from Delther’s gaze.
However, her face was distorted after confirming the shape revealed in his pattern.

“……How come.”

It was the same as the gold moon she had.

“Now I understand, too. Why I was so drawn to you?”

Maybe it was because of the inherent power of the pattern.
The smile of victory spread on Delther’s face.

“What will happen if my father finds out about this”

“Oh, no. That!”

Janice shook her head in a hurry.
If it was known that there were two companions instead of a pair of patterns, it was likely that there would be an uproar.
The pattern was trust for the companion, and it was everything.
But Janice has two companions.

“So you’d better be clever from now on.”

Delther rose from his seat and smiled, gently grasping Janice’s chin.

“What are you going to do about this? It looks like you can’t run away.”

He was no longer anxious. for he has something to tie Janice up. Rather, it was she who was nervous about this situation.
Janice bowed her head and bit her lips.
Her whole body trembled and tears fell down.

‘No, I have to move fast.’

I had to do anything to get away from Delther before he broke everything down.

* * *

“Aren’t you too busy these days?”

“Don’t worry.”

“You’re mean.”

Leon lightly ignored the words of the wizard who showed interest in him.
Now that he knows that Duke Sen is Elle’s companion, the question is how to deal with it.
Unless he moves first, there will be no motive.
I warned him in advance, but it was a memory that I had alone.
The fear will come back when Duke Sen faces me again, but……that alone made me uneasy.

“You’ve become the lord of the magic tower, so don’t you have to let others know?”

“There’s no reason to tell.”

Leon didn’t like the man who kept talking to him.

“Do you know my name, my lord?”

Only then did Leon sigh and look up at the man.
Honestly, it was hard to tell the difference because the clothes were the same. However, if you look at his signature gesture, he is Kaven.

“Caven Isaac.”

“……Oh, you know my name.”

Caven shrugged and went back to his seat.
Even if the master was not interested in the tower, it was too much. It’s not that things didn’t work, but it was also difficult to argue.
Even the royal family doesn’t seem to know that he became the master of the magic tower…….

“Does the Velois family know?”

“I have no obligation to tell them.”

Leon wrinkled his brows. Why is he being so annoying today?

“If you have something to say, say it now. Don’t say any nonsense.”

Only then did Caven extend a letter from the royal family.

” This is a letter from the royal family telling they want to visit the tower.”


“……It was sent from the royal family?”


“……Do you hear what I’m saying, Master?”

“The royal family is coming. Is there an obligation to accept it?”

“No, but…… There’s no need to be so tense.”

“Ha. Kaven, I don’t think we’re in a position to look out for the royal family.”

“……I’m sorry.”

Caven closed his mouth only then. Still, it was obvious that Prince Delther would come in at his own will.
In the past, the tower had a friendly relationship with the royal family.
In fact, it was resting outside, but there was a big secret on how Leon had become the lord of the tower.
There are a series of steps to become a master of magic tower. The power they have had to be great, not only that but they also had to be recognized.
But Leon didn’t go through the whole process. He didn’t even have to.
He pressed the tower with only one stroke of force. The wizards who saw it did not react at all.
The power gap was overwhelming to the point of fear.
After meeting the emperor yesterday, the master of the tower ordered something, but Leon heard it and went wild.
It took him less than a day to level the master of the magic tower.
Leon, whose eyes were filled with madness as to what happened, turned the tower upside down.

‘He was like a madman.’

As a result, the state of the tower has changed. I wonder if it makes sense, but it was understandable to those who saw the mana he let out that day.
It’s only been a day since Leon became a master. That means it was a mess yesterday.
Very few people were aware of this fact.
The high-ranking wizards announced that Leon had been assigned, and that the master’s body deteriorated rapidly so the replacement was made.
Originally, it was necessary to convey to the royal family and others that the master of the magic tower had been changed, but Leon prevented that.
A monstrous fellow.
I didn’t understand why the Velois family had such a man as an escort knight.
Caven shook his head and concentrated on his work.

* * *

“Did you already get the truth serums?”

Why is our guild so competent.
I laughed out loud as I wrote to Duke Sen.
I asked how they got all that, but the return answer was silence.

“Sir Hessen, when the Duke comes, please take care of it.”

“Yes, my lady.”

He, too, knew that me and Duke Sen were intertwined with a pattern.

“What about my father?”

“He’s gone somewhere to deal with something.”

“From this morning?”

“Yes, he said he had to go right away from this morning”

“……That’s a big deal.”

I nodded. I’m not saying this as someone who gave me a reason to be busy.

“Oh, and you must drink this.”

“What’s this?”

“It’s an antidote.”


“You never know. If you face Duke Sen…….”

“I see.”

I took up the little bottle that Lord Hessen had given me.
I’ll keep it in my chest and use it when I’m in danger. Because I could use it for it too

“Now, shall we finish the work?”

“I don’t have any other requests today, so I think you can just handle this.”


I stared at Lord Hesse. He turned away from my burdensome gaze and rummaged through the papers.
But I didn’t stop and gave him a desperate look.

“……Why, why! Why do you look at me like that, my lady?”

“Sir Hessen. I’m so frustrated that I think I’m going crazy.”

“You can’t.”

He refused point-blank. No, I’m not going anywhere? I didn’t say anything yet.

“Let’s go out to the garden.”

At times like this, you should go out and refresh yourself.
I thought it would be easier to pack a lunch box like a picnic and get some sunlight in the garden.

“What are you going to do if we meet them again?”

“Oh, can we meet again? I haven’t even sent a letter yet.”

I didn’t even say I have the confession drugs, so there’s no way I’m going to face Duke Sen.
He’s not some kind of source, and there’s no way he’s overflowing with requests.

“It’s all right. Go, go!”

I’m going on a picnic in the garden.

“What are you going to do with the food?”

“What do you ask? Lord Hessen should bring it. Because I’m missing.”

I put on my cape with a big smile.
Sir Hessen’s expression was imagined, but I did not look back. I went out the back door excitedly alone and tried to go to the main gate, but my footsteps stopped.
It’s cool. I have a dagger on my chest…….
What’s this feeling.
Slowly turning my head, there was Edgar, arm in arm, staring at me.

“Oh, my.”

“What was my daughter so excited about?”

“Oh, my father is here.”

I bowed my head with my hands politely gathered.
Oh… There you go.

“Lady! How can I make a lunch box?”

Then cried Lord Hessen, running out with something in his hand.
No, Lord Hesse. Put that back in.
I lowered my head and shook my head at Hessen.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“……I told you to watch, and you were very excited.”


Only then did Lord Hessen find Edgar.
I smiled awkwardly at the sight of his pupils shaking.

“Well, it’s… I was just going to go on a picnic in the garden for a while.”

“My lady did nothing wrong. It’s because I couldn’t stop her.”

Hessen approached me, looking at Edgar’s countenance.

“Who said something? Lead the way.”


Do you want me to lead the way to death.
I grabbed Sir Hessen’s wrist and opened my eyes wide.

“You said you were going on a picnic, take the lead.”


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