The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 118

Chapter 118:


“What the hell is going on!”

The emperor could not hide his bewilderment.
He noticed that it was going differently from what he planned.
Edgar immediately picked up Elle. She struggled to continue.

“Me, ugh. Suddenly…attacked.”

At Elle’s words, everyone held their breath and stared at the emperor.

“This is absurd. I will tell them to call a doctor right away and treat her.”

Edgar asked in a mournful voice.

“I will withdraw what I said earlier. How can I believe if my daughter was attacked by Your Majesty’s guards?”

“Count Edgar! You certainly say you were coming with me earlier!”

The emperor shouted angrily, “How can a man change his attitude in an instant?”

“That! That’s the story when you didn’t hold a knife on my child.”

Edgar’s words made the nobles gulp down their dry saliva.

“We tried to stand by your Majesty’s side, but it seems your Majesty was thinking otherwise.”

“Beware of your words Count! Did you mean that I was going to kill her now?”

He smirked. Edgar, who had been on the side of the perfect emperor before, stood on the other side.

“Aren’t you trying to get rid of the restrained families by spreading the nonsense word of treason?”


The emperor was furious. They planned it. No way.
Elle sat quietly in Edgar’s arms and listened with her eyes closed.
‘A crack is taking place’

If they dig into the gap this time, he will be broken down.

“Bring in the guards, now!”

“Can’t you see my child was attacked by the guards?”

“That, that!”

The emperor’s face turned white.

“Empress! Where’s the empress? Crown Prince!”

“Your Majesty, what do you mean by all this?”

One of the nobles picked up a newspaper that had fallen on the floor.
The expression crumpled at the relationship between Janice and Delter, which was written there.

“What do they mean, not siblings…”

“What do you mean, give it to me!”

A man from Sorendia family snatched the newspaper and read it.

“Princess Janice Abel Bonita… is not the blood of the emperor.”

“That’s wrong! How can she not be my child!”

The emperor hit the table.

“Then does it make sense that the two are companions?”

He couldn’t refute it because there were even the patterns in the article.
But the emperor knew that Janice’s companion was Leon, so he didn’t believe it.

“I will bring in the person who wrote this article and interrogate him right away.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

Delther, whom he had been looking for so much, appeared.
He was like a reaper covered in blood.
As soon as the emperor saw the prince he had been looking for, he immediately left his seat and approached him.

“Delter, what’s all this about!”

“It is literally. I am Janice’s companion.”

“No way. I’m sure you’ve heard it too, so you’ll remember it. Those words that came directly from Janice’s mouth.”

“You have no evidence.”

The emperor laughed hard at the words.

“Since when was I supposed to prove it to you?”

The nobles shuddered at the emperor’s angry expression.

“After all, didn’t my father know everything and moved?”

“Son, I’m your father. Don’t tell me you’re moving with the traitors.”

“It’s not treason.”

Delter stared at the emperor.

“This is a cause. For all. Don’t we have to cut out the rotten?”

He threw the papers on the table soon after.

“It’s everything my father has done so far.”

The representatives of the family looked through the documents slowly. Among them, their work was also written.
In the emperor’s handwriting.
It looked like he was always going to use it to stab a knife in their back.

“Elle, are you alright?”

“Yes… I’m all right. I need to tell them.”

Elle was supported and stood on the floor.

“The Emperor was thinking of getting rid of us one by one.”

“…No way!”

Elle’s words threw the nobles into confusion.
If he has taken care of the Velois, who’s next?
He was going to get rid of the people who gathered here one by one.

“It was strange that a dinner was held all of a sudden, so I came in a hurry… The emperor’s guards… ”

Elle acted desperately.
Then Janice stormed in with the priests.

“The sin of deceiving me and everyone then destroying God. I have come to punish the emperor Terbion Bonita.”

At her words, the emperor made a bewildered face.
Everyone’s arrow was directed at him.

“Empress! The empress will be my witness.”

“Bring your mother in.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Delther’s dog hurriedly disappeared.
The nobles looked around.

‘I think they fell into a trap the emperor dug.’

They quickly summoned their respective escort knights.

“Now that it’s come to this, I can show you the pattern.”

Delter takes off the accessories with Janice.
Then, on their wrists, they saw the shape of a moon engraved with a gold pattern.

“Oh, my God…”

It couldn’t have happened if they were a real brother and sister.
Even Janice was a representative of God. Therefore, the fact that the emperor had deceived everyone became an unmistakable fact.

“How could you deceive me!”

The emperor shouted with his blood raised.

“She never lies. She just didn’t say anything.”

Delther looked straight at the emperor.
Janice managed to calm her trembling hand and raised her head.

“My long-awaited mother has come.”

The empress burst into tears as soon as she entered the dining room.

“Your Majesty, I can’t do it anymore. I can’t put my hand on the heart of the children…”

She sank to the floor and wailed.

“Please don’t kill me. Please save me… …Your Majesty, haven’t I done everything you’ve told me to do?”

“What the hell are you talking about, Empress!”

The empress trembled with fear at the emperor’s roaring.

“Huh, these children are innocent. I was forced to join the emperor’s violence and oppression.”

The empress’ confession brought contempt to everyone’s face.

“This is all out of the emperor’s greed! Do you think the Rubion family’s destruction was due to a curse?”

It was a family that had great power even before the extinction.
Its power was too great to say that it was destroyed by the curse. So some others have expressed their doubts.
Now, as if everything had come together, the faces of the representatives were seriously hardened.

“Can’t you shut up! Treason, this is ridiculous!”

The emperor pulled out his sword. His face was red with bloodshot eyes.
He would have already noticed.
He realized it was too late to turn it around.

“Father, I think it’s time to step down.”

“Ha, ha! Do you think I’m going to back off like this? Yeah, bring that Leon Davis guy!”

The nobles agreed with the emperor’s words.

“It’s important, so I have to check it out. Wouldn’t that be justification?”

Elle bit her lips. Leon’s wrist must have the same pattern as Janice’s.
If it’s discovered, it could rather backfire.
People are nervous because of his curse.
If they find out that he’s a case that has never existed, he’ll drive them to say that the rise and fall of the empire is up to him.
Like a witch hunt.

“Leon is my fiancée.”

Elle soon restrained anyone who wanted to leave the door.

“It’s for everyone, so please get out of the way.”

When she saw Delther, he stood still. Did he know that things were going to be like this, too?
She looked at him with a stunned look.
Janice shook her head. For some reason, she didn’t know, but she looked like she was asking her to trust her.

‘What should I do?’

She can see the end now, but does she have to repeat it?

“Elle, it’s all right.”

The familiar voice behind her back made her head turn automatically.
Behind him was a row of wizards.

“I thought you were looking for me.”

“Yeah, that guy is the culprit behind this all! Leon Davis The one who inherited the curse of the Rubion family.”

At the emperor’s words, the nobles staggered back.

“Curse… If so, it’s already gone. Your majesty.”

Everyone was relieved by Leon’s attitude of staring straight at the emperor and spouting words.

“I think you’re curious about this, so I’ll show you.”

Leon took off the accessory on his wrist with an expressionless face.


A loud bursting sound hovered in the air as it fell to the floor.


Elle’s heart pounded hard.

Thump, thump.

No, Leon…
Leon gripped Elle’s hand tightly.
He showed his wrists to everyone.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have any patterns.”


Surprised, Elle saw Leon’s wrist.
There was no pattern.
How is this possible? Elle is in shock.

“Now that all the questions have been answered, is the justification in place?”

“I, I…!”

The emperor tried to shake off the knights who held him.
But soon after, he couldn’t move due to the strong force that was holding him back.


“As of today, Emperor Terbion Bonita will be transferred to the prison of the temple.”

Janice tried to calm her trembling hand and catch her breath.

“Express your opinion right now if you disagree.”

Her voice felt divine. The representatives of the family shook their heads after agonizing.
Everyone must be thinking the same thing.
If the emperor is released, the necks of everyone here will fly away.
There was no choice.

“We agree.”

When Janice heard that, she used her power to bind the emperor.
The priests left the banquet room after taking over the emperor’s affairs.

“You all look surprised. You don’t have to be afraid unless you are guilty.”

Janice immediately looked at Delther once and then walked out.

“Well, I’ll call a meeting again after organizing it. We’ll discuss the disposition at that time.”

At Delther’s words, the nobles slumped to their seats.

“What the hell is going on…”

“Besides, did Count Edgar know this?”

“I didn’t know. If I was, I wouldn’t have been watching my daughter become like this.”

Edgar approached Elle and hugged her tightly.


Elle buried her face in his arms in a comforting touch.

“It’s all over now.”

One word burst her into tears. She doesn’t know why she’s crying.
She just wanted to cry.


  1. Nova says:

    Even though the story is too fast-paced for my liking, I’m glad that Janice and Delther had become more cooperative. I did say during the earlier chapters that I wanted to see Janice be miserable still this ending is also good so all (except the emperor) could be happy.

    Ty for the tl!

  2. Alma says:

    Even tho Delther was annoying, I didn’t really hate him, so I’m glad he’s been trying to correct his own behaviour after receiving advice about his poor personality from Elle. I still hate Janice tho. She had a chance to fix her nastiness when she got upset about Delther using the mark against her, but instead, she continued to act disgustingly towards everyone, especially poor Leon. Ugh, I just don’t even want to know what happens with her anymore (unless Leon finds a trash pile to dump her in). Thank you for the TL =)

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