The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 112

Chapter 112:


“Leon, are you okay?”

I looked at Leon’s body.
Fortunately, there seemed to be no injuries. Then, feeling relieved, I leaned back on the carriage.
“You seem to be like that now and you worried about others.”


I laughed awkwardly at my own face.

“It’s okay. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Go and get treatment for your injuries.”

“Yes, I will do whatever you tell me to do. Don’t scold Leon.”

I looked at my father and put my hands together.

“Elle, I…”

“Did the princess do something? I didn’t think it was going to be such a big deal.”

Janice’s shocked face came to my mind.
You don’t know how dangerous the magical rush is. Everyone in the crowd would have died if it had been bad.
If she lost her ego in such a rush…

“But why did you have this in your arms?”

I thought of the jewel and took it out of my arms.

“Oh…! Did it lose the light?”

“Yes, I think so.”

The clearly red jewel somehow looked dead.

“Come to think of it, there’s something wrong with it.”

Leon blinked and grabbed my face.

“It’s Elle.”

“Huh? it’s me.”

“It’s Count Edgar sitting on the other side…”

“What’s wrong Leon?”

“No way.”

Leon lowered his head and murmured to himself for a long time.

“Is there a problem? Shouldn’t this lose its light?”


Yeah, it must have been a big shock.
Now I don’t have a clue what to explain to everyone.
Should we reveal that Leon is the last remaining member of the Rubion family?
What if he becomes an experiment?
I’m a bit out of breath now.

“I think we need to check a little more.”

“I don’t know what it is, but let’s do it.”

I made eye contact with Edgar and shrugged.

“I think Leon needs to go back and get some treatment as well.”

“It looks like it.”

Edgar did not argue with it.

“There will be a major investigation soon.”

“…For this?”

“Everything in that regard.”

That would refer to all the investigations within the empire.
The imperial family will not be able to avoid it either.
Fortunately, the Velois had no problems with dealing with the law before.

“The emperor won’t stay still”

“It’s the unanimity of the nobility.”

“…… How did you come up with it?”

“This is Velois.”

I thought people didn’t like us, but there’s no business in front of power.
I nodded.

“And I have something to tell you.”

“I’m scared now when you say you have something to say.”

“It’s about Princess Janice.”

Edgar narrowed his brow.
A big commotion happened because of her just before, and it wouldn’t feel good to talk about her again.
She’s even the one who made me look like this.

“Maybe Princess Janice is not of the Emperor’s blood.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

It didn’t make any sense, but there must have been a reason why Janice had so far refused to be a saintess.
So, after a little research, the person who succeeded the emperor’s blood has never been a saint until now.
Didn’t I tell Delther already?

“You know too, father? A person who inherits the blood of the original emperor cannot become a saint.”


I guess you just remembered.
My mother’s incident must have narrowed your thinking circuit.

“That’s why His Royal Highness, the crown prince, decided to do a separate paternity test.”

“Why did you believe and tell him?”

“Let’s say we communicated because we have the same sense of desperation.”

“Elle, hold my hand.”

Leon’s words made me grab his hand.
He put his strength in and healed the wound.

“You’ll be better soon.”

“It must be hard for you right now, too.”

“It’s because of me… because of me.”

“That’s not true. So don’t feel guilty.”

I smiled broadly at Leon.
He did not give in to Edgar’s sharp eyes.
I had no intention of blaming him.
Now that everything is working out, it can’t go wrong.

“I’m a little sleepy.”

“Sleep on my shoulder.”

Leon made me lean my head on his shoulder.
Maybe because it was a busy day, my eyes closed quickly.

* * *

“Are you awake?”

At Leon’s faint words, he nodded his head.
I don’t know how much I slept, but I felt refreshed.

“Elle, I think the curse has been lifted.”

I came to my senses, perhaps because I was surprised.
What do you mean the curse is lifted?
Leon grabbed my hand and led me. He said the name of every maid who passed by.
“Your clothes are in disarray. Anna.”

“Oh, thank you.”

He was also recognizing the maids whose names were confusing at once.

“Diria, please prepare some warm water.”

“Shall I? It’s so nice of you to talk to me first.”

Diria smiled and disappeared into the bathroom.
In addition to that, Leon called all the names of the people one by one.

“It’s still awkward to say their name along with their face right away. Still, it’s worth memorizing their characteristics and habits.”

“It looks like the curse has been lifted.”

Edgar looked at Leon and smiled.
Leon must have been worried because everyone knew him.

‘Well, because he was sponsored by the Velois family.’

It was as if we were tied together.

“But how did you break the curse?”

Leon flicked his hand lightly and took a book out of thin air.

“It was written here, though I didn’t expect it to work.”

It succeeded because the provocation worked.
Of course, it wasn’t without risk. Elle turned her mind around promptly.
The title was not written, but it covered things related to the curse.
I unfurled the chapter that Leon had marked.

[The curse of Rubion’s jewel only works for those with red eyes.
To break a curse, you need another higher curse that can be broken. Only when opposing forces and equal forces coexist can you get out of it.]

Is it because it is about black magic?
I didn’t expect this to be in the forbidden book!
It seems that what I expected was correct.

“If you fail, what are you going to do, so reckless…”

“Because I knew you’d come.”

Leon gently stroked my cheek.
It was terrifying to think about it again.

“Then the fate has been twisted… … .”
Just in case, I rolled up Leon’s clothes and saw his wrist. I removed the accessory, but the pattern remained.

“The pattern hasn’t gone away.”

“I think all the curses down there have been destroyed.”

“…But I think it’s gotten a little lighter.”

Maybe it’s just a feeling, but it was in my eyes.

“People sometimes only see what they want to see.”

Father held Leon’s arm and stared at the pattern on his wrist.

“Now we just have to wait for the Crown Prince’s answer. You’ve both worked hard, so get some rest.”

“Are you not going to kick me out?”

Leon asked Edgar.
He stared at Leon with an unknown gaze, clicking his tongue.

“Everything is going to be in a mess, so it’s better to stay here.”

“Thank you.”

Leon bowed his head with a dazed expression.
Seeing the faint smile on his face, he seemed to have liked my father’s kindness.
My father went straight to the office, saying he had a lot of work to take care of.
Why does he get out of it by himself? The person who split his eyes with the light on.
It was strange, but a lot of things happened, so it made sense.
I’m stiff, and I asked Diria to get some water, so let’s take a bath.

“Then shall we warm up and go for a walk in the garden?”

At my words, Leon wrapped his hands around my waist and pressed our bodies close together.

“There is a way to warm up together.”

My eyes were warmed up by the words that were so sweet that I melted away.

“You’re mean.”

I guess he’s having fun making fun of me.

“I’m not kidding. We’re engaged.”

“That’s true,”

“There are cases where the pattern changes if we do it first.”

Leon seduced me by whispering in my ear.
E, Eh! What do you want?
I shook my head vigorously and looked ahead.
The moment I turn my head here and see Leon’s face, I will give up.

“Don’t you want to know how to warm up?”

“… Aa, a little. I’m curious.”

Leon smiled at me.
Eventually, I turned my head and faced him.
Leon, who grabbed my hand, hid us in a place where no one was around.

“How do you know this place?”

“Because I’ve been listening a lot.”

I felt strange when he touched my body in a small space.
Our breath mixed and gave me chills. Leon’s body temperature and body odor gave me confusion every time I breathed it in.
Those red eyes stared down at me, and the solid muscle glimpsed through the open shirt.
Even his forearm was covered with veins holding tightly to my waist.
It was perfect.
Thrilled, my heart beat like crazy as he lowered his upper body and got a little closer to my face.

‘I’m embarrassed!’

This is more embarrassing than I thought.
Maybe it’s because it’s dark, but I think the atmosphere is weird.
Besides, I felt the heat rising all over my body, making my breath hot.

“How fortunate it is that the pattern has disappeared here.”

Leon kissed my finger and held his lips on the back of my hand and my wrist.
I slightly raised my eyes and his eyes bent beautifully.
When he opened his mouth slightly and licked my wrist with his tongue, my mouth made a moaning sound.


“Shhh, they’ll hear it.”

How can I stay still when you do that!
I wanted to get angry, but I couldn’t say anything now that I was occupied by him.
Leon pulled my hand and pressed it close to the wall. Because of the height difference, I was lifted on a tiptoe automatically.


I closed my eyes on our lips which overlapped without warning.
I couldn’t breathe because of the deep kiss.
We fell in love with each other to the point where it felt like only the two of us existed in this space.


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not work with dark mode