The Tyrant Mistook Me for a Companion

TMMC Chapter 102

Chapter 102:


“Did you take care of him?”

“Yes, he’s not conscious yet.”

I nodded.
I brought Viroid, so it was enough to go inside the house.
When the carriage entered through the rain, the butler was surprised and left the mansion.

“Uh, uh!”

The butler’s face lit up with embarrassment when he saw us getting off the carriage.

“Lord Viroid!”

Hessen hands over Viroid to the butler who rushed over.

“It’s raining, but I found him because he was lying on the street.”

“Oh, my God. What is this?”

“He must have been attacked. It’s very terrible these days.”

I got caught in the rain.
The person who saved his owner is standing in the rain, so it’s better to warm up and go.
How would he pay off this debt later if he told me to just go?

“My Lady, your body is very cold.”

Hessen looked at me with a worried look.

“As expected, we should have left him and returned to the mansion. You’re not feeling well anyway…..”

I shook my head and saw the butler.

“Will I die just because I catch a cold? It’s okay.”

“Ah… well, then. Come in for a moment.”

“Is that really okay?”

“Yes, the master will thank you too.”

I smiled graciously at the butler’s words.
Fortunately, the skit seems to have worked effectively.
I went into the second house that was like an iron castle.
I think it has something to do with the Rubion family jewel…

“You can wipe the water with this. I’ll get you some tea to warm up.”

“Thank you.”

When I looked inside, it was so beautiful that I wondered what I would have done if I didn’t see it.

‘I guess he’s a really rich guy.’

I’m not a high-ranking aristocrat enough to know, but if I enjoy this wealth, I’m done.
I shrugged and headed to the room where the guest could stay.
The soft bed, the cute sofa, the wallpaper, and all the accessories fit my taste. It was a pretty classic taste.

“Sir Hessen, what do you think?”

“It’s more than I thought. It’s worth double the price.”

“Right? But I’m not going to take a double price. I’m a lifesaver.”

Hessen stuck out his tongue at my shamelessness.

“My lady is really.”

“Let’s say I’m an accomplished master.”


“By the way, if they have such a fortune, why don’t other people know about it?”

It’s a property that even Velois guild doesn’t know about. It was strange.
I stroke my chin and looked around.

“Give me information on this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everything in this house.”

“…Do you want me to walk around?”

You’re asking me something obvious.
I came in like this already and I just can’t go back.

“What are you doing? You’re not moving.”

“…Really, you treat me so badly.”

I smiled softly.
Reluctantly, Hesse got up from his seat and took out his notebook.

“Then rest here.”

“Yes, yes, go ahead.”

I let Hessen out with a flick of my hand.
When he stepped a little further away, I got up from my seat and looked around.

“Well, there won’t be anything in this room.”

What did Viroid know to buy the jewel?
Besides, it was strange to give up the house all of a sudden like an escape.
Coincidentally, the timing is even more suspicious when the jewels are up for auction.

“There must be a connection.”

I think it’s time to bring up what’s in the novel.
Of course, the story has already changed, but the part will be the same.
Once you have the Rubion family’s jewels, you know that there is a way to solve the curse.
I didn’t expect it to really exist…
Had I known, I would have been looking for it right away.
I forgot about it because I only knew the ending of meeting the female lead and being released from the curse.
It’s a part that doesn’t even appear in the novel.

“Did Leon go after the clues of the Rubion family to break the curse?”

If so, the story was a good fit.
He needed an invitation, so he must have hurriedly targeted someone.
That happened to be Viroid.

“I should buy this place at all costs.”

I was thinking of having someone watch me unloading.
If not… It’s perfect when Leon comes.
It would take some time because he would be meeting with the owner to win the auction item.
I have no choice but to take my time.
Hessen is out for now, so we’ll do something else.
First, I rushed to the sink and doused my face with water like a cold sweat. Then I erased the color on my lips.
Looking in the mirror, I looked like a pretty sick person.

“Is this okay?”

I lay on the sofa like I was falling down and made a groaning noise.
Lord Hessen will be back soon and find me.

“My Lady!”

Hessen opened the door just in time.
He approached me with a startled voice and lifted me up.

“My Lady, it’s fever… Huh?”

“Hush, be quiet, I have to drag the time.”

“Can’t you discuss it in advance next time?”

“I wasn’t in that situation.”

I did ventriloquism with my eyes closed.

“Hurry up and call someone, I have to buy time for Leon to come here.”

“…Is Leon coming here?”

“Yes, he will come.”

We didn’t say anything, but we had something in common.
It’s not like a pattern, but something stronger than that.

“I see.”

Hessen went out again. When he called the butler to tell him my condition, he looked troubled.

“I’ll ask for a doctor for now. I don’t know if he’ll come soon because the weather is not good.”

Through the door, I could see the butler’s face.
It would be quite embarrassing if something wrong with the noble here.

“I think we’ll have to stay here for now until she feel better. Didn’t you say you were selling this house?”

“Yes…that’s right.”

“I don’t think the owner is feeling well either. I’m willing to sign a contract, so let me know when he wakes up.”

“Okay, he seem to be getting a little better, so I’ll tell you right away.”

I was relieved by the conversation between the two.
Now, we can wait for Leon to come.
Shall we pretend to be a little more ill?
I groaned as I flopped on the sofa.

* * *

Leon entered the room prepared inside the bar.

“I didn’t expect this to be really sold. In fact, it’s like a curse medium.”

“…I just recognized the value.”

“As expected, the person lord Viroid sent is different!”

Leon didn’t reply, because he wouldn’t have thought of buying one either.
Thirty million gold was difficult for most nobles to afford.
I’m sure he’ll be happy to sell it at that price.
As expected, the host’s lips did not go down.
A gem that comes down from the Rubion family, everyone must have been curious
Maybe the host didn’t intend to sell.
Word of mouth might have wanted more people to flock to the auction.

“I will also show you how to store it. Perhaps lord Viroid will like it very much.”

Leon nodded.
He was a man who knew more about Rubion’s jewels than anyone else.
Nevertheless, he waited for the host’s words to end without saying anything.

“I can’t confirm if the curse is true, but be careful because it’s the same thing.”

“Do you know what that curse is?”

Leon leaned forward slightly and clenched his chin.

“Well, who doesn’t know? They were destroyed because of it.”

The host shook his head.
When he recalled it, he shook his hand and crumpled his face.

“An incident in which a child with red eyes killed everyone in his family without even recognizing them.”

His body trembled at the sound of an emotionless voice.
The host smiled awkwardly and raised the atmosphere.

“I knew it! It must have been the last bloodline left. They don’t know where he’s gone. It’s like a ghost story, right?”

“A ghost story…”

His heart ached when he saw a person talking about his pain like gossip.

‘I should get going. It’s been a while.’

Leon was beginning to get tired of playing around.
They didn’t know the truth, they only knew what was spreading around the world.
It was determined that there was no information that could be obtained from interest.

“You can claim the money. He told me to come as soon as the transaction is over, so bye.”

He got up with a box of jewels.

“Thank you for the good deal. As you know, you have to write a memorandum of confidentiality to get out.”

The host smiled slyly and pushed in the contract.
Leon lowered his head and made eye contact with him.
At that moment, his black eyes turned red.

“Then I’ll say goodbye.”

“Yes, yes. Please go.”

“How did you get this gem?”

“I don’t know. I came across it and I was asked to sell it…”

The host spat out his words as if he had been possessed.
When Leon heard that, he didn’t want to continue any more.
If he do it again because he already had an accident, Elle will get angry.
Maybe he’ll put it away just because he’s becoming a monster.
So Leon calmly put the host to sleep.

“…I didn’t expect to get my hands on this.”

Somehow he felt different. Leon looked up and sighed briefly.


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