The Troublesome Obsession of a Tragedy's Male Leads


Chapter  5


“Veloa Manor is located in the southern part of the empire, while Douglas Manor is situated in the western part of the empire.’’


Therefore, it takes about a week by carriage, but using portals created by wizards, one could travel there in just two hours.


‘Wow. Magic portals are the best! Magic portals are awesome!’


Living in a world where science has advanced, I’m not easily impressed by most things, but magic portals never cease to amaze me.


I carefully stepped off the carriage, grateful to the mage who created the portal.


‘Come to think of it, it’s been a while since I’ve been to Douglas Manor…’


I hardly ever visited Douglas Manor.


If I had to think about it, I only visited a few times in my past three lives to revive Jeffrey.



That’s how little interest I had in Jeffrey Douglas.


In fact, there was hardly any interest to begin with.


Jeffrey was handsome, the next Duke of Douglas, and wielded powerful wind abilities, but fundamentally, he was a playboy.


Sure, he would settle down after genuinely falling in love with Julietta. But even then, I didn’t like the guy.


‘After all, the trend these days is for quiet, sincere men…’


Tsk. I clicked my tongue and entered Douglas Manor.


And there, I met the butler who was waiting for me.


“Welcome to Douglas Manor. I am the butler, Elias Burkoff.”


The butler bowed respectfully towards me.


I nodded and greeted him back.


“Hello, Butler. May I first pay my respects to Duke Douglas and the Duchess?”


When visiting a noble’s manor, it was basic courtesy to greet the adults of the household.


However, the butler wore a troubled expression at my question.


“The master and mistress have gone to an important social gathering today. They deeply regret not being able to meet Lady Ariadne.”


“Ah, I see. Actually, I came today with the intention of decorating Jeffrey Douglas’s room. Is there a way to obtain permission from the mistress?”


“As for that, the mistress has already granted permission for Lady Ariadne to do as she pleases. If you need anything else, please let me know. I will assist you wholeheartedly.”


“Thank you. Then please guide me to Jeffrey’s room.”


I followed the butler with light steps towards Jeffrey’s room. Behind me, three florists I hired for today and ten thousand yellow roses followed.


‘Hehe. Jeffrey. Today, I’ll let you sleep in a field of yellow roses.’


Of course, it would be even better if he stayed asleep forever.”

I laughed wickedly, indulging in such foolish thoughts.


My obsession with Jeffrey was just beginning, from now on.


“Ariadne, it’s finally finished!”


Three florists approached me and informed me.


I rose from my chair and looked around Jeffrey’s room.


“Wow, isn’t it amazing?”


The spacious room was filled with bright yellow roses. Yellow roses everywhere you looked. It was a beautiful room, as if inhabited by a fairy of yellow roses. I smiled proudly and clapped my hands.


“Oh. It’s beyond expectations. Thank you all for your hard work.”


“Thank you, miss. It’s all thanks to you generously providing the roses.”


“Haha. You’re talented and humble. I suppose I should tip generously.”


“Oh, no, miss. We just did our job…”


As heartwarming conversation flowed, the door suddenly burst open and Jeffrey stormed in.


“W-what is this…”


Jeffrey lost his words as he looked at his room.


Yellow roses on the walls, on the bed, on the table, even on the ceiling. It wasn’t surprising that he was speechless.


“Oh, Douglas Youngsik is here. Good evening.”


I deliberately spoke kindly and greeted Jeffrey.


Instantly, Jeffrey snapped out of his daze and approached me aggressively.


“Are you insane? What is this?”


Jeffrey glared at me fiercely, demanding an explanation.


The protagonist being angry was quite intimidating indeed. Moreover, there seemed to be a chilly wind blowing around him.


I gestured for the trembling florists next to me to leave. They nodded and quickly exited the room.


“Why are you so angry? Did I do something wrong?”


I crossed my arms and looked at Jeffrey squarely.


When obsessed, one must never show fear to the other party. Instead, confidently repeat, ‘I am right, and you are wrong.’


“Why am I angry? After you’ve done this to my room?”


“Why, the room? I only decorated it for Douglas Youngsik. I want him to think of me whenever he sees these yellow roses.”


I casually picked up one of the roses from the vase and held it up.


Then, I chuckled as I placed the rose behind Jeffrey’s ear.


“It suits you well. This bright yellow suits you much better than a pale yellow.”


“Th-this, what the hell! What are you doing?”


Jeffrey exclaimed in surprise and swatted my hand away. Somehow, it felt like his ears had turned slightly red.


According to my 9-year data on Jeffrey, his ears tend to turn red whenever he’s angry.


So, it meant that Jeffrey was genuinely angry at my obsession.


“Alright. If I continue to obsess like this, eventually Jeffrey will come to hate it.”


With a victorious smile, I took another step closer to Jeffrey.


“Douglas Youngsik, you don’t look well. Is something wrong?”


I expressed concern, placing my hand on Jeffrey’s cheek.


“Ugh! Are you, are you really insane?”


Jeffrey, now with a flushed face, shoved me away.


I was pushed back with force, stumbling and ending up on the floor.




It’s infuriating. But male leads with obsessions don’t yell and get angry at moments like these.


They simply intensify their obsession with a stern gaze.


“Did you just ask if I’m crazy? Douglas Youngsik, are you asking that because you don’t know?”


“……What, what’s wrong with you?”


“Do you think I wouldn’t go crazy if I only think about you giving flowers to another woman?”


“Hey, you, you can’t be serious… because of the flowers to Cutler Yeongae?”


Yeah. That’s why I’m acting like this.


But I got up without saying a word.


And with steps neither too fast nor too slow, I approached Jeffrey.


“Hey, what are you trying to do again…”


Jeffrey muttered in confusion as he looked at me with bewildered eyes.


I stopped right in front of him and looked up at him.


‘Hmm… he’s too tall…’


I have to whisper, but Jeffrey is too tall.


No choice. I kicked his shin lightly.


“Ugh! Ah, seriously! You lunatic!”


Jeffrey groaned as he grabbed his shin. Thanks to that, I finally reached eye level with Jeffrey.


Alright. It’s now or never!


With a light heart, I whispered in his ear.


“So, please don’t provoke me anymore from now on.”


“What? W-what is this….”



“If you don’t want to see me go crazy.”


Phew. I finally said it.


I reached out my trembling fingers and tapped Jeffrey’s shoulder twice.


“This, this is insane…”


Jeffrey stared at me with eyes full of disbelief.


Yeah, you don’t believe it either? I can’t believe it myself.


Seriously, did you think it was a good idea to obsess over Julieta like that…?


I smiled slyly at Jeffrey and walked out of the room.


And then I started sprinting towards the carriage of the Veloa family parked outside the mansion at full speed.


“Damn it! Ridiculous! Ridiculous!”


How can these obsessive male leads say such lines without any shame?


I may not know, but they certainly had incredible audacity and nerve.


I paid my respects to the countless obsessive male leads I had seen in my original world and hurriedly set the carriage in motion.


And that night. When I returned to the Veloa mansion, I had to bundle up in my blanket before I could finally fall asleep.


Damn it. My life….


“Get out! Get out!”


Ariadne’s voice echoed.


As I opened my eyes, I saw Ariadne throwing a water glass with an angry face.


Even then, she didn’t seem to calm down, grabbing the flower vase on the table and throwing it to the floor.




The long white flower vase hit the floor and shattered into pieces.


Julieta, who was standing in front of it, looked at the fallen vase with a gloomy face.


“What’s this?”


I observed their actions from a slight distance, feeling like a third party.


It seemed like they couldn’t see me at all.


“Julieta, can’t you hear me? Get out right now!”


Ariadne shouted at Julieta again. She looked very angry, her eyes fierce.


“What’s this? How many times has this happened? Have I ever been this angry at Julieta?”


As I thought about it, I weakly shook my head.


No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t recall it. Would I really throw a vase at the female lead like this?


If by any chance the male leads witnessed that scene, my life would be over that day. I couldn’t afford to do such a risky and utterly useless thing.



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