The Troublesome Obsession of a Tragedy's Male Leads


Chapter 1

I wasn’t always a wreck from the start.

So, when I first transmigrated into the trashy romance novel Julieta in the Cage, I was quite ordinary.

Julieta  in the Cage was a trashy reverse harem romance fantasy novel where the female protagonist, Julieta, was tossed around by the obsessive male leads.

Being a reverse harem novel, there were not one, not two, but three male leads crazily obsessed with the female lead.

They varied in appearance, personality, and age, but they all shared the commonality of being madly in love with the female lead.

They would do anything to possess the female protagonist.

Especially towards the end of the original work, they even attempted to confine her to their hideouts to monopolize her affections.

Like a bird trapped in a cage.

Perhaps that’s why the title of the novel became Julieta in the Cage.

Anyway, whether the real Julieta was trapped in the male leads’ cages or not, I couldn’t know.

Because just at that crucial moment, when the story was about to unfold, the novel was discontinued.

“What? Is this a joke? What do you mean it ends here?”

I exclaimed in frustration, tossing my smartphone onto the bed. It infuriated me that it cut off at the most irritating moment, leaving me desperate to know what would happen next.

However, it wasn’t like I was asking to be transmigrated back into Julieta in the Cage.

As I opened my eyes, a strange ceiling greeted me. And before me appeared a square window-like interface, reminiscent of something from a video game.

Welcome to “Julieta in the Birdcage.”

You have become Ariadne Veloa, 18 years old.

“…Huh? What’s this system window?”

I wasn’t even playing a VR game. Yet, this strange system window in front of me wouldn’t disappear.

With a bewildered feeling, I read through the text in the system window.

“So… I’ve become Ariadne Veloa from  Julieta in the Birdcage?”

Ariadne was the antagonist noblewoman in  Julieta in the Birdcage . She was the unfortunate villainess who, consumed by jealousy for Julieta’s love, eventually meets her demise.

“But why would I become that Ariadne?”

What nonsense is this?

I was so shocked that I rushed to the mirror in one stride.

In the opulent mirror befitting European royalty, there stood a surrealistically beautiful woman with blonde hair and jade eyes.

“What… what is this?”

I exclaimed in disbelief. But the voice that echoed back sounded higher and purer than my own, sending shivers down my spine.

“This is insane! Did I really get possessed by a character from a novel?”

As I floundered in confusion, a new system window appeared before me.

Complete the unfinished “Julieta in the Birdcage.”

Success: Receive a “Wishing Stone” granting one wish.

Failure: Return to ” RESET POINT.”


After a while, I managed to calm my mind.

Then, I stared at the system window in front of me and pondered deeply.

“So… are you telling me to complete the unfinished  Julieta in the Birdcage?”

Although I wasn’t particularly bright, I could easily see that it wasn’t a bad deal.

“No, it’s not just good, it’s totally sweet, isn’t it?”

I had been possessed by Ariadne, who was the main antagonist, but she wasn’t a crucial character.

She was just someone who tormented and eventually tragically died at the hands of the main characters, due to jealousy towards the female lead.

“Then, there’s no need for me to intervene in the original work, right?”

If Ariadne, who constantly interferes with the female lead, is removed, the female and male leads would connect more quickly.

So, the conclusion would be reached faster and more stably than in the original work, and I would obtain the Philosopher’s Stone to live as I pleased.

Yeah. I thought it would end that simply back then.

So, I didn’t deeply ponder what the ‘RESET POINT’ in that system window meant.

“Wow! I’m so happy!”

Three years later. Before I knew it, I had entered the climax of the novel.

According to rumors, the male leads in the capital of the empire were determined to imprison Julieta.

In other words, I had truly reached the climax of the novel now.

“All right! This is it!”

I looked back on past events with joy.

Unlike the original, I maintained a friendly relationship with the female lead, Julieta.

And I gladly agreed to the proposal of Male Lead 2 to break up with me and marry Julieta.

“…What? Are you serious? You’re willing to break up this easily?”

I felt uncomfortable as I recalled the surprised expression on Male Lead 2’s face staring at me in that moment.

And then, what he said next…

“…No! Let’s not think about it! I won’t have to see that jerk’s face again from now on.”

Yeah. So let’s focus on the good things, think about the good things only.

I calmed my mind while looking at the refreshing emerald-colored sea.

In fact, I had no desire to get involved with the male leads from the original story at all.

So, until now, I had only interacted with Julieta, and just a few days ago, I received my father’s permission to move from the capital to a remote coastal area nearby.

“Here, I won’t have to face the male leads anymore.”

Yeah. I’ll just enjoy myself here and wait for “Julieta in the Cage” to be completed.

That’s how I spent my days freely and happily.

Exactly one week later.

I died unable to escape the raging black tsunami.

“This, this is insane!”

A huge black tsunami engulfed the villa in an instant.

In shock, as I widened my eyes, the familiar system window appeared before me.


Due to Julieta’s obsession, Julieta went on a rampage.

As a result, the empire collapsed and moved to a  ”RESET POINT.”


Julieta went on a rampage? So, does that mean Julieta caused the black tidal wave?

And the empire collapsed? Also because of Julieta?

…Does this make sense?

As far as I knew, Julietta was just an ordinary protagonist with a bit of talent in magic.

There was no mention of Julieta going on a rampage in the original novel.

In the original, Julietta was depicted as affectionate but fragile, a typical, worn-out protagonist in a novel…

But why would she destroy the empire like some kind of final weapon? What on earth is this?

Feeling disappointed, I closed my eyes.

And returned to being eighteen-year-old Ariadne.

At that time, I was greatly shocked by the news that the empire collapsed due to Julieta’s rampage.

So, I didn’t see the cause of the rampage clearly.

Looking back now, that was the most important thing…

Due to the unfinished story, we will restart.

You are Ariadne Veloa, 18 years old.

“X, X shots… Wh-what is this…?”

I looked at the system window with a despondent gaze.

And forcefully squeezed my head that wouldn’t turn.

“Suddenly, the collapse of the empire… Could it be because I didn’t act according to the original work?”

There was enough reason for that.

Whenever someone is reincarnated, if the reincarnator behaves differently from the original, unintended situations occur.

That’s why a reincarnator who reincarnated as a villain unintentionally receives love from their family or marries the Duke of the North.

“If the reincarnator doesn’t perform the role in the original work, the story won’t progress properly.”

I didn’t want to die foolishly again because of Julieta’s rampage.

Yeah. So…

“Let’s act according to the original this time.”

So I hated Julieta  as faithfully as the original.

Of course, I adjusted it appropriately because if I acted exactly the same, the male leads would die as in the original.

Instead of slapping cheeks, I insulted.

Instead of splashing cold water on the face, I insulted.

Instead of tearing apart the dresses given by the male protagonists, I insulted.

Instead of attempting poisoning, I insulted.

And even with insults, I didn’t curse parents.

I moderated the insults appropriately.

“Phew. This should be enough.”

Thanks to that, I managed to avoid the tragic ending of dying miserably like in the original.

Instead, I was imprisoned in the central prison of the capital for a year-round perspective. It was the male leads who couldn’t stand my insults joining forces and putting me in prison.

“The defendant Ariadne Veloa is sentenced to 2 years in prison.”

Thump thump thump. The sound of the judge tapping the gavel echoed.

“Well, I expected this much.”

I accepted the court’s verdict without any resistance. It was fortunate enough not to be murdered by the male leads.

“Phew. It feels so refreshing. The era of Veloa is over now!”

“How fortunate. After treating Cutler so disrespectfully… It’s somewhat satisfying to see.”

“Yeah, I knew since we harassed the angelic Cutler… One must mess with those who need messing with. How dare you… ”

People in the courtroom cheered as if they were relieved. Everyone seemed to welcome the downfall of Ariadne Veloa.

Except for one person.

“Ari! No!”

As I followed the guard with handcuffs, Julieta’s voice came from behind.

Pushing through the crowd, Julieta roughy grabbed my arm.

“Ari! Something’s wrong! What did you do wrong?”


“Plus, imprisonment… It’s so unfair! So go straight to the judge and…”

I silently examined Julieta’s face.

Sure enough, her eyes were swollen like pufferfish. She must have shed tears all night because of me.

It was remarkable that Julieta  stood by me even in this situation. In my second life, I had never been kind to Juliet even once, yet she continued to like me just like in the original.

“She’s such a kind and good girl. That’s why the male leads can’t resist and rush to her…”

So I couldn’t truly hate Julieta. Before I knew it, I too was falling for her affection.

Julieta had that power.




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