The Time-Limited Extra is Disguised as a Tutor in a Villain's House


Hello, my dear readers. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you who have been patiently waiting for me to return. I have been translating like crazy for the last two weeks to give you a mass release for the novels “The Sickly Youngest Member of the Villainous Family” and “The Time-limited Extra Is Disguised as a Tutor in a Villain’s House”.

It will, however, undergo some changes going forward. As I am moving all my novels to for the time being, I will only upload one chapter per novel here on Moonlight.  Hopefully, this will help me spread the word so you will know where you can find my future chapters. In addition to the new chapters, the rest will be uploaded on the Dusk Blossoms website as well.




Cardien immediately moved Livia to a room and gathered all those skilled in antidote preparation.


“She suddenly started bleeding. She seemed drowsy and weak. Roja’s scent of poison was detected, but there might have been other toxins mixed in as well.”


Antidotes were created for her based on Cardien’s story, but none of them brought Livia back to consciousness.


In total, they must have made seven antidotes.


“Why on earth hasn’t she woken up yet?”


One of the antidote creators, who had been intimidated by Cardien’s ferocity, cautiously raised his hand.


“I, Your Grace…….”


At the cautious call, Cardien turned harshly.


“What is it? Do you think you know what kind of poison it is?”


“Oh, no, it’s not that… Carefully speaking, it doesn’t seem to be poison.”


“Not poison?”


The maker nodded slightly.


After a dry gulp, he added subtly, “How about showing her to a physician…?”


Cardien gazed at Livia lying still before calling for Winston.


“Yes, my lord…”


Winston’s hurried response didn’t bode well.


Since the day Livia collapsed, Vincent had been inconsolable, not eating or sleeping, just crying all day long. Despite efforts to comfort him, it was in vain. As a result, Winston was also visibly deteriorating day by day.


However, despite concern for Vincent, Cardien was the one Winston worried about the most.


It had been a week since Livia suddenly started bleeding and collapsed.


Livia remained unconscious, and Cardien never left her side.


His duties had naturally been paralyzed, and Cardien’s demeanor had reverted to its former, lifeless state.


No matter how much Winston urged him to eat a spoonful of food or get some sleep, Cardien remained unresponsive.


He simply sat by Livia’s side, gazing at her peacefully sleeping face.


Even after summoning Winston, Cardien remained silent for a while.


However, Winston didn’t dare to make the mistake of asking for an explanation prematurely.


After a while, Cardien’s lips parted, and a dry voice escaped through them.


“Summon the physician.”


Winston quietly bowed his head.


“Yes, Your Grace.”


As ordered, Winston quietly left the room, leaving Cardien to stare at Livia as still as a doll.


* * *


Winston immediately summoned the most prominent physician from the prestigious Mercedes Hospital.


Upon the urgent summons from the Duke of Mercedes, the physician who arrived at the scene was visibly taken aback by the sight before him, prompting a nervous swallow.


The Duke of Mercedes’s gaze was so cold and indifferent that it seemed any mistake could lead to the unsheathing of a sword and the severing of his neck.


“I greet you, Duke of Mercedes.”


Especially knowing the duke’s reputation for suffering from madness, the physician felt as though any misstep might result in immediate retribution.


“Come in.”


With the permission granted, the physician cautiously approached him with hesitant steps.


He soon realized that it wasn’t just the Duke of Mercedes present in the room.


The duke was seated by the bedside, where a woman lay with her eyes closed, looking as if she were deeply asleep.


‘She’s pretty…….’


The physician thought absentmindedly.


Her appearance wasn’t remarkably flashy or stunningly beautiful, but there was something oddly captivating about her face.


However, her pale complexion made it difficult to distinguish whether she was a living person or a corpse, if not for the rising and falling of her chest.


“She suddenly started bleeding and collapsed.”


“……? Ah…….”


Taken aback by the sudden statement, the physician hesitated before realizing he needed to quickly jot down the symptoms.


“Have there been any similar incidents before?”


Cardien seemed as if he was about to say “no,” but then hesitated, perhaps recalling something.


After a moment, his lips slowly parted.




As he spoke, his eyes were shaking violently.


“About a month and a half ago… She was staggering, then suddenly started bleeding from her nose.”


This was when he caught Livia as she fell with his bare hands to test the effectiveness on himself.


“A month and a half ago…”


The physician’s expression turned peculiar.


He immediately began examining Livia, utilizing all his medical knowledge for the tests.


After the examination, the physician barely managed to contain a rising sense of unease.


‘What should I do?’


With trembling eyes, he turned to Cardien.


Cardien was still gazing at Livia intently.


Given the circumstances, it seemed that Livia was either the Duke of Mercedes’s fiancée or at least his lover.


Hesitant to deliver the test results to him, the physician feared provoking unnecessary anger.


“If you’re finished, just say it.”


Cardien, with desolate eyes, turned to the physician and spoke.


Finally making a decision, the physician bowed deeply before him and said, “I regret to inform you, Your Grace, that from my limited medical perspective, the patient seems to be suffering from…


Swallowing hard, he struggled to continue.


“Magic Disease… It appears.”


“Magic Disease?”


“Yes, it’s an illness caused by a distortion in the flow of internal magic. A key characteristic is the appearance of flower-shaped marks on the body. As these marks appear, the disease progresses, leading to symptoms like dizziness, nosebleeds, high fever, and vomiting blood.”


“Can it be cured?”


“It’s… not curable…”


Lowering his head, the physician had to reveal the harsh truth.


“…There’s no cure.”




“If it’s been a month and a half since the nosebleed, it’s likely that the second mark has already appeared. As the number of marks increases, the symptoms will worsen progressively. At this stage, with the second mark…”




“Three years at the longest…… and probably less than a year at the shortest.”




Cardien stared at the doctor as he pronounced the time limit, then slowly, very slowly, he looked back at Livia.


Though her complexion was pale, her expression seemed peaceful.


’Are you having a pleasant dream?’


And thus, he wondered if she remained asleep because her dream was too delightful to wake from.


The physician silently observed Cardien, who was solely focused on Livia.




With that command, the physician left the room.


After the physician quietly left, Cardien called Winston again.


With a voice devoid of any human emotion, he ordered,


“Bring him before me.”


Understanding immediately who “him” referred to, Winston swiftly left the room.


It was three more days before Livia regained consciousness.


* * *




Startled by a sudden rush of thirst, I opened my eyes groggily and turned my head.


I saw someone standing by the window.


Outside, it was pitch black, indicating it was the dead of night.


How long had I been unconscious?




There was no need to ask.


I murmured softly.




My voice broke the silence of the quiet night.


At that moment, the figure standing by the window hurried towards me.


“Miss Pellington, are you alright?”


Indeed, the person standing by the window was Chelsea.


I nodded weakly in response.


“Water, please…”


“Water, here you go.”


Supporting my back with one hand, Chelsea helped me sit up.


After drinking the water in big gulps, I took a deep breath.


’At least I’m alive.’


Meanwhile, Chelsea switched on all the lights in the room.


With my throat now moistened, I turned to Chelsea and asked, “Um, how long was I asleep?”


Asking the question, the phrasing felt a bit odd.


Actually, “asleep” might not be the right term; “unconscious” would be more accurate.


“…Ten days.”


I blinked in surprise.


“Ten days?”


Goodness, I had been unconscious for ten whole days?


’It’s only the second time, isn’t that too much?’


“A little while ago…….”




While I was internally shocked, Chelsea’s voice reached me.


As I turned to look at Chelsea’s face, I was left speechless.

Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


  1. Mihni says:

    I was really waiting for the novel. Thank you for the translation. However, I couldn’t find the website you mentioned. How can I find the SalmonLatte website?

    1. Lurelia says:

      I should had added the link sorry about that >.< Here is a link since I have to move my novels to another site:

  2. Lunarmoth79 says:

    Do you have a link for salmonlatte? I’m having a hard time finding it

    1. Lurelia says:

      Yes of course but sadly I had to move to another site xD here is the link:

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