The Time-Limited Extra is Disguised as a Tutor in a Villain's House

The thick diary looked dated at first glance.


‘Let’s grab it.’


After picking up the diary and also retrieving the pendant, which had reverted to its original form after losing its magic, we left that place.


’It really was a cave.’


It was just big enough for one person to move around comfortably.


Considering its modest size, it seemed like Jeffrey had made the cave himself.


Perhaps he had dragged me here while I was unconscious in the forest.


I looked back at the cave in disbelief.


I still couldn’t fully grasp what I had been through. But one thing was certain.


Jeffrey was crazy.


In the truest sense, Jeffrey had gone mad.


I can still see him screaming ‘Egrid’ with madness in his eyes.


‘I’m going to get the worst nightmares……….’


The fatal flaw in my power is that I can’t use it on myself.


As I let out a deep sigh, a thought crossed my mind, and I hastily looked at Cardien and asked.


“What about Vincent?”


To which he replied with a puzzled expression.


“I sent him home first through the coachman.”




Thank God.


That’s a relief…….


“……I’m sorry, Your Grace.”


I said apologetically.


Looking down at me quietly, Cardien asked.


“Sorry for what?”


All the while, he kept moving forward.


“I ruined the rare outing for both you and Vincent.”


Both Cardien and Vincent.


’And Vincent showed immense courage…’


“To get me involved in something like this…….”


Jeffrey was probably targeting me from the start.


‘Maybe he orchestrated the speech to keep me away from Cardien.’


It was very possible.


It was my fault, obviously, for involving Cardien in that scheme.


“Why is this about you?”


In response to the casually returned question, I raised my head to look at him.


There were still traces of blood on his cheek, neck, and shirt.


As I stared at the bloodstains, Cardien suddenly asked.


“Do you feel uncomfortable? Should I give you some space?”


His unspoken consideration made me chuckle softly as I shook my head.


“No, there’s no reason to feel uncomfortable. You were just offering help…”


Although the request seemed cruel given the circumstances.


The sword didn’t seem as intimidating when it wasn’t pointed at me.


But still…


‘My eyelids feel heavy…….’


Seemingly influenced by Roja, an irresistible drowsiness crept over me once again.


‘I mustn’t sleep.’


I shook my head to keep myself awake.


But my mind was not strong enough to overcome the poison.


I asked questions to keep myself awake.


“But why weren’t you at the entrance to the hall…?”


“I was there. You went out the back door, tutor, so we couldn’t find you.”






I was too busy following Jeffrey to notice at the time, but he went out the back door, not the front.


I didn’t even realize that the auditorium was a perfectly symmetrical building.


In the end, even that was part of Jeffrey’s plan.


“But how did you manage to find me then?”


Cardien replied promptly.


“The pendant.”




“There’s a location-tracking spell on that pendant. As soon as magic is infused into it, the location is immediately transmitted to me.”


“I see…”


So, in other words, it was like a personal safety device and GPS.


’You should have told me about that sooner!’


“Now You know. You didn’t realize it had that function.”


“Your Grace, you’re a mind reader.”


“It seems like you’re still not fully awake.”


“I was awake, but I’m getting sleepy again. Damn poison…”


Hearing that, Cardien glanced down at me and said, “Then sleep.”




“Isn’t it difficult to resist anyway? You’re just going to suffer unnecessarily.”




It’s true, and it’s a bit unfortunate.




’It’s getting difficult to resist now.’


“Then…… excuse me…….”


“Very well.”


With one last look at Cadien’s emotionless expression, I closed my eyes.


My consciousness quickly sank beneath the surface of sleep.


* * *


Carrying Livia through the forest and out the back gate of the academy, Cardien carefully laid her down in the waiting coach.


“Try to drive as smoothly as possible,” he instructed.




The carriage soon pulled away, and Cardien stared at Livia’s face as she slept soundly on the couch opposite.


Suddenly, he noticed a smear of blood on her cheek.


It must have happened when he held her in his arms.


After hesitating for a moment, Cardien reached out toward Livia’s face.


But his hand stopped in midair before touching her skin.


Eventually, he removed his soiled gloves and wiped away the dirty blood from Livia’s cheek with his bare hand.


A faint pink mark remained on her cheek where it wasn’t completely cleaned.


As Cardien reached out again, Livia let out a faint whimper, causing him to pause and withdraw his hand.


His gaze remained fixed on her face.


It seemed like she was having a bad dream, as her long eyelashes were fluttering.


It appeared that she was experiencing an unpleasant dream.


Cardien muttered sarcastically.


“…..That ability isn’t anything special. You can’t even control your own dreams.”




As if responding to his words, Livia mumbled softly in her sleep.


Cardien chuckled lowly at the sight.


But then, as if for a moment, his expression froze cold.


“Livia Pellington…….”


His low voice carried a heavy weight.


Cardien still couldn’t forget the moment Livia disappeared.


No matter how much he waited at the designated meeting place, Livia never showed up.


The realization that she had vanished reminded him once again that he too had a heart.


‘If it weren’t for that magical tool, I wouldn’t have been able to find her.’


Because the signal was coming from an unusual location, Cardien sent Vincent to the coachmen first and headed straight to where he felt the magic.


A small cave. How he felt when he found Livia in it, her ankles trapped.


‘I don’t remember well.’


All he remembers is that he now knows what it’s like to be cut off from reason.


“Livia Pellington.”


Continuously uttering her name, Cardien gazed at her as if expecting some kind of response.


* * *


I slowly opened my eyes.


“Are you awake?”


Turning my head at the voice, I found him staring at me with his arms folded.


Only then did the memories from before falling asleep come back to me, and I quickly got up.


“Oh, sorry. Did I sleep too long?”


“Not really. We’ve only just arrived.”




Thank goodness.


Relieved, I got up.








As soon as I stood up, my legs gave out, and I ended up sitting back down.


‘Is there still a lingering effect of the poison?’


No, my mind seems clear enough.


Tilting my head in confusion, I tried standing up again.




But once again, I immediately sat back down.


“…What are you doing?”


With a puzzled expression, Cardien asked as I repeated this sitting and standing routine.


I smiled awkwardly and replied.


“It seems like my legs haven’t fully recovered yet.”


“Should I support you?”


He asked sarcastically, and I quickly shook my head.


Given that I had already been carried in his arms, asking for support would be the worst.


“I’m fine.”


This time, I exerted my leg muscles and managed to stand up.


Although I felt a bit wobbly, I could stand safely.


But considering that stairs could be dangerous, I accepted Cardien’s help to descend.


As soon as we reached the bottom, the front door creaked open, and Vincent rushed towards me with a sobbing voice.


“Tutor Via!”


“Ugh, haha…….”


Not only Vincent but Winston and Chelsea as well, everyone seemed to have been waiting in front of the entrance.


Vincent clung to me with teary eyes and asked.


“Where have you been? I was worried when I didn’t see you!”


“I was just…… for a walk and got lost, haha. It’s okay…….”


I was ready with a string of excuses, but suddenly, a surge of intense heat rose up from my throat like lava.


Pushing Vincent away, I hurriedly tried to cover my mouth with my hand, but it was already too late.




Drip… Drip…


Through the gap in my hand covering my mouth, bright red blood dripped steadily.




Once the flow started, it seemed unstoppable.


To shield Vincent from the sight, I quickly turned away.


However, that wasn’t a wise choice.


“…… Tutor?”


My eyes locked with a pair of bulging purple eyes.




My body collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.


“Tutor, damn it. Livia Pellington!”


Cardien’s urgent shout and Chelsea rushing over hastily.


The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was Winston holding Vincent tightly to shield his sight.

Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


  1. Kath says:

    I miss this 🥹🥹 thank you for the update

  2. mariamoonx says:

    Why did it stop when her illness will be revealed. 🥹 This is the second novel that I was immersed I read it without break.

  3. mariamoonx says:

    And thank you Lurelia. 🙏🏻

  4. helloworld15 says:

    Thank you for the chapters!

  5. Oageona says:

    Thank you for the updates, Lurelia. This drama gonna be exciting 🍿🤓

  6. Hime says:

    Next chapter please! It was getting da*n exciting and it stops here. It’s unfair 😡.
    🥺next chapter soon. It’s already about more than month please!

  7. Hime says:

    Thanku for the hard work❤❤

  8. WeirdoKid245 says:


  9. Fara says:

    Thanks for the update.pleeeease translate more🥺

  10. Scarleywinter says:

    No way!! What a cliffhanger, please don’t leave me hanging.

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