The Time-Limited Extra is Disguised as a Tutor in a Villain's House

But before the teacup touched my lips, I asked slowly, “Professor, there’s no research-related material visible here, even though it’s supposed to be a research lab.”


At that, Jeffrey chuckled softly and replied, “Even to you, this cabin seems lacking in safety, doesn’t it?”


I looked at Jeffrey with surprise.


‘He knew.’


“Haha, don’t give me that look. All the research materials are kept in a secret place.”


“A secret place?”


Well, it’s even stranger that there are no security measures in such a shabby cabin.


“Just have a sip, and I’ll show you. You’ll surely be pleasantly surprised.”


Why is he so confident about it?


I found Jeffrey’s confident expression a bit unfamiliar.


The Jeffrey I knew was someone who smiled a bit more mischievously.


“Before that, remember when I said I had a proposition for you?”




“Yes, I remember.”


I nodded.


Yes, the letter stating that he had something to propose to me before the research presentation was the priority.


For a moment, Jeffrey’s expression became serious.


I set the teacup down and quietly faced him.


“It’s about you.”




“Do you perhaps consider becoming my assistant?”




I couldn’t hide my momentary bewildered expression.


“Your assistant?”


“Yeah, I’d like you to be my assistant.”


“Suddenly, why… and you haven’t had any assistants before.”


During our time at school, some students volunteered to be his assistants, but he never actually had one.


And now, out of nowhere, he’s asking me to be his assistant, even though I’ve graduated?


’And besides, he knows I’m the house tutor for the Mercedes family.’


As if he read my thoughts, Jeffrey nodded seriously and spoke.


“It’s true that I have never had an assistant. The field of theology that I study doesn’t really allow for outside help.”




“But this time, after hearing about you from Anna Lever, I changed my mind. I think you would be suitable as an assistant.”


“Anna Lever?”


He nodded.


Then, with a gleam in his eyes, he leaned in closer.


“I heard you discovered that Anna Lever was in possession of the Akavan, something she didn’t know about.”




I replied, pulling my upper body back slightly.


“It was simply a stroke of luck.”


“I know you better than that. You’re not someone who relies on luck.”




He knows how to leave me speechless…


“According to Anna Lever, you must have already known beforehand that the blade of grass in her possession was Akavan, because she said that your intellect revealed something that even Eden Aquilium could have easily missed.”


‘…Anna provided more details than I expected. ‘


You remember it in too much detail.


‘The atmosphere feels strange.’


I wondered if it was the mood.


There was a strange gleam in Jeffrey’s eyes.


“You might not realize it, but you’ve made a significant contribution. Finding decisive evidence against a family planning rebellion. If you hadn’t found it, the investigation would have dragged on longer.”


“…It was truly just a pure coincidence.”


“Where did you get the information that the blade of grass was Akavan? That’s highly classified information, so you wouldn’t have revealed it first.”


“I knew about the characteristics of Akavan. It’s colorless and odorless. I smelled it and it didn’t smell like anything, so I threw my thoughts in just in case.”


Unknowingly, Jeffrey and I were now engaged in a mental battle.


For some reason, a strong feeling surged within me that I shouldn’t reveal the fact that I already knew about Akavan’s existence.


’Perhaps it’s because of his gaze.’


It wasn’t the Jeffrey I knew.


There was something eerie and obsessively intense in his eyes that sent shivers down my spine.


‘This isn’t good.’


I wanted to obtain information about the ancient temple from him, but it didn’t feel right.


“I’m sorry, Professor, but I think I should postpone the tour of the lab for another time. I’m feeling a bit unwell, and I’m concerned about my companions.”


“Hmm? Oh… right. Yeah, that might be wise. Are you not going to drink the tea?”


Jeffrey’s gaze shifted to the cup I had put down.


Chandra tea.


My favorite tea.


Back in school, when Jeffrey offered me this tea, by the time I left the room, the cup would be empty.


“……Yes, I’m feeling a little under the weather today.”


“Is that so? That’s a shame. It’s a special tea prepared for Livia. Will you come back for it next time?”


“Sure, I’ll come back another time.”


I forced myself to smile at him.


“Ah, I see. I’m sorry for being disappointed about you never visiting after graduating from the academy. It was just a moment of petulance. I hope you understand.”


“Of course. Then I’ll take my leave.”


“I’ll see you off.”


Jeffrey got up from his seat.


I considered refusing, but I stopped myself.


Refusing to be seen off might seem too suspicious.


And rejecting it here in this isolated place wouldn’t make much sense anyway.


It might even provoke unnecessary tension.


‘A farewell that might provoke him…’


I was glad to see him after so long, and there were so many things I wanted to say before parting.


But being cautious not to provoke him in the end, I carefully retreated.


‘It’s bittersweet…’


As I left the cabin with Jeffrey, we walked silently along the forest path.


How long had we been walking?


Suddenly, I sensed something strange.




The trees in front of me began to split into two.


It wasn’t just the trees.


Everything I could see started to blur, leaving traces behind as if in motion.


As the movement accelerated, my consciousness gradually blurred.


‘Could it be… poison?’


These symptoms usually occur when poisoned.


I turned to Jeffrey slowly.


He was standing still a few steps behind me, unmoving.




I purposely didn’t drink the tea.


No, more importantly, why…?


“You recognized the colorless and odorless Akavan, but you didn’t recognize Roja, known for its sweet fragrance, Livia.”




Known for its sweet fragrance that induces a strong sleep paralysis effect if inhaled for more than 10 minutes…


Even a sip of the expertly brewed water lily would plunge you into eternal slumber.


He intentionally disguised it by brewing it in Chandra tea to conceal the scent.


Drink it and die, or don’t drink it and be knocked unconscious.


‘This madman, Jeffrey.’


But when I realized the truth, it was already too late.




My body collapsed onto the dirt floor.




“Sweet dreams, Livia.”


With one last look at Jeffrey’s figure walking towards me, I closed my eyes.


* * *




The steady sound of a machine beeping.


“Doctor! Over here…!”


Occasionally, urgent shouts are heard.




The pained groans of someone unable to sleep.


All these sounds mix like a dissonant chord.


‘I’m used to this…’


I slowly opened my eyes.


A white bed, pillow, and curtains greeted me.


Perhaps more familiar than my own home.


‘Although, I don’t really have a home.’


I smiled bittersweetly.


[Divine Power is…….]


I was startled by a sudden voice and turned around.


A slender woman was sitting on the bed, reading a book.


The title of the book was “Everyone Loves the Saint.”


And that woman was…




To be precise, she was the image of myself from my past life.


‘Yes, I always sat like that, reading only that book.’


Even if given other books, I stubbornly insisted on “Everyone Loves the Saint.”


I held onto that book until my dying breath.


I wonder if they cremated that book along with me when I passed away.


I don’t have any mementos.


But anyway…


‘Is this a dream?’


Why am I having such a dream?


Since I’m aware that it’s a dream, is it a lucid dream?


It’s intriguing, but it’s not exactly a pleasant feeling.


All I remember from this hospital room is reading books or gasping for air in pain.


Is there any way to wake up from this dream?


As I pondered, the voice spoke again.


[Divine power is a blessing and a gift from God].


Once again, the voice emanated from the thin woman, who was me.


I cautiously approached the version of myself reading the book.


At that moment, she turned the page and spoke again.


[However, depending on its use, divine power can become a curse or a weapon.]


I froze in place.


Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


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