The Time-Limited Extra is Disguised as a Tutor in a Villain's House

“The butterfly of destiny chose Lady Livia, they said.”




“Perhaps my butterfly of fate was Lady Livia after all.”


Saying so, Lemon smiled more brightly than ever.


* * *


The day after I teamed up with Lemon, I was in the midst of resting deeply.


When was the last time I rested like this?


The lessons with Vincent were fun, and the ups and downs of the festival left their mark as memories, but it had been a long time since I did nothing but rest.


I woke up in the morning, didn’t get dressed, and rolled around on the bed, reading the books I’d borrowed from the library.


“This book is quite good.”


After finishing the book Lemon recommended, titled “The Relationship Between the Empire’s History and Romance,” I let out a tired yawn.


Then, gazing at the blue sky outside the window, I indulged in languid thoughts.


‘It´s peaceful…….’


Though I had many problems on my plate, to call it peace, but I am at peace right now anyway.


‘Maybe I should take a nap.’


I pondered briefly, knowing that classes would start again tomorrow.


‘Alright, I’ve decided.’


With determination, I pushed the book aside and began to prepare for a nap.


But in that moment.


Knock, knock.


“…..Are you there, Professor? It’s Winston.”




I sprang up from my seat.


“Isn’t she here…”


When I didn’t answer, a somewhat downcast voice came from beyond the door.


‘What’s this? Why is Winston at my room?’


Had something happened to Vincent?


I hastily threw a shawl over my head and flung the door open.






“Ah, tutor.”


Seeing me, Winston sighed and spoke.


“I’m sorry for disturbing you while you’re resting.”


“Oh no, it’s okay. By the way, what’s the matter?”


“Well, it’s just that…”


Winston’s voice trailed off, and he let out a sigh.


My unease deepened further.


Urgently, I asked again.


“Could something has happened to the young master?”


Upon hearing this, Winston was startled and shook his hand.


“No, not at all. It is about the young master, but…”


Winston inhaled deeply, then exhaled before continuing.


“There’s something I’d like to discuss with you. If you don’t mind, I was wondering if you could spare a few minutes? I really apologize for taking your day off.”


This was the first time I had seen Winston in such a difficult position.


I nodded my head.


“No problem. I’ll get ready and come over.”


“Thank you. I’ll be waiting.”


With his head lowered, he gradually walked away with feeble steps.


His appearance made him seem not like the butler of a villainous family, but simply like a frail old man, which weighed heavily on my mind.


As I went inside, I combed my hair and changed clothes while lost in thought.


“What on earth could have happened to make him like that?”


It was astonishing to see someone like Winston, who was usually so composed, so distraught.


‘He was fine until yesterday.’


Not only that, but he needed to talk to me about Vincent.


‘In the original story…….’


Around this time in the original story, I tried to think about what might have happened at the Mercedes’s estate, but I couldn’t recall anything particularly significant.


“I’ll find out once I talk to him.”


Quickly and with determination, I headed toward Winston’s room.


Knock, knock.


“Butler, I…….”


Before I could finish my sentence, the door swung open.


“Tutor, I’ve been waiting. Please come in.”


He greeted me with a forced smile and guided me inside.


Winston’s room was filled with the scent of green tea.


It seemed he had prepared the tea in anticipation of my arrival.


“Here, please have some.”


“Thank you.”


Sitting on the sofa, I received the cup of tea from him, steam rising gently from it. I took a sip of the green tea and placed the cup back on its saucer.


Without wasting any time, Winston began speaking.


“I apologize for interrupting your rest.”


He lowered his head again, offering an apology. I quickly raised my hand in response.


“Oh no, it’s alright.”


I meant it.


Though I did want to take a restful nap, Vincent’s situation took precedence.


‘By the way, what is it that he’d like to discuss?’


I swallowed my saliva and looked at him, curious about the nature of the matter.


What could this be about?


“First, please take a look at this.”


He extended something towards me.


“This is…”


It looked like a letter, but the issue was that the Imperial Academy’s emblem was stamped in the center.


I took the envelope, which had already been opened once, cautiously examining its contents.




Greetings, may the warmth of light grace each household.


In commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Academy on the 26th of October in the 572nd year of the Empire, we have arranged a gathering and a small celebration with the past top graduates.


Please honor us with your presence.


P.S. Guardians must accompany attendees.」


‘Come to think of it……’


It finally dawned on me.


Though it wasn’t from the original work, the Academy used to hold special events every 50th anniversary.


‘This year, there’s a gathering and a party for the graduates.’


This… I should definitely attend, right?


I’m not just any graduate; I’m a ‘top graduate in history.’ This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with people of influence.


And if it’s anything like this, it’s not just the most distinguished graduates, it’s everybody in the Empire.


Seeing that Vincent received an invitation too, it seems like they’ve sent them to students on leave as well.


Well, it would be a shame to waste such a great opportunity because of a leave of absence.


“The problem is…….


“Guardians must accompany attendees…”




Winston made a pained sound and rubbed his forehead.


I finally understood why Winston looked so out of sorts.


Knowing Winston’s personality, he would definitely want to include Vincent. But to make matters worse, it’s specified that guardians must also attend.


Still, he can’t just let this pass without consideration, so Winston probably came to discuss this with me.


“What do you….. think, tutor?”


“Well, I…”


I replied, fingering the invitation.


“As a home tutor, I think it would be good to attend. It’s going to be a valuable occasion.”


“That’s right! You think the same, right, tutor?!”


He leaned forward eagerly.


I nodded, looking at his eyes shining as if he had found a comrade on the battlefield.


And then, I didn’t forget to add one more thing.


“…As a home tutor, I mean.”




Understanding the implication of my words, Winston sighed deeply as if the ground beneath him had crumbled.


I looked at Winston with pitying eyes.


There’s no one who cares for Vincent as much as Winston does.


So, imagine how frustrated he must be right now.


“It’s going to be okay…….”


I was about to say something comforting.


Suddenly, Winston’s head snapped up like a spring.


“Do you think you could persuade his Grace?”




What are you talking about!


‘Well, actually, when I saw the invitation, I had a faint suspicion…’


But I never expected he’d really come to ask for help.


Winston looked at me with pleading eyes.


“If His Grace listens to you, he won’t easily refuse, right?”


“Refuse, refuse so easily.”


Get a hold of yourself, Winston!


He’s so anxious that he’s just blurting out whatever comes to mind.


This is an unbelievable sight, considering his usual demeanor.


“Tutor… You really can’t do it?”


He gazed up at me with a pitiful expression, like a rejected kitten.




It’s not exactly cute, but it does evoke sympathy.






“I think I can try to persuade His Grace…”


I eventually said with a heavy sigh.


And then.


‘Since it would be a waste to let it go like this.’


It seems like they’ve prepared grandly for the 200th anniversary.


As Vincent’s home tutor and as someone who wishes for Vincent’s well-being, I should make an effort as one of those people.


But the problem is…


“However, His Grace……”




A heavy silence fell in the room.


Winston, too, seemed to find this situation too difficult to push against, avoiding my gaze with an embarrassed expression.


‘If only I could attend as a guardian…’


I thought absentmindedly and then my eyes widened.


Right! Why wasn’t I thinking about this earlier?


“Butler, I think there’s a way.”


“Oh, what is it?”


“I will attend as young master’s guardian.”


“You mean you tutor?”


“Yes, since they require a guardian to be present, there’s no strict necessity for it to be a parent. I can go as a guardian.”


And the academy must have considered that too when they used the term ‘guardian’ instead of ‘parent.’


‘Noble families’ parents are all busy, after all.’


From tutors to knights, all those who qualify the status of guardians like me.


“Indeed, if that’s the solution…..!”


It seemed Winston had thought along the same lines as his complexion brightened.


“But wouldn’t you be too tired, tutor?”


When Winston asked in a concerned tone, I replied with a smiling face that I was fine.


“It’s like visiting your hometown after a long time.”


“I see, thank you so much. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what…”


Winston muttered, wiping away a tear.


“Everything will turn out well.”


I patted Winston’s shoulder and offered him comfort for the troubles he had endured.


However, contrary to my words, the next day’s letter that arrived before me disrupted the plan.



Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


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