The Time-Limited Extra is Disguised as a Tutor in a Villain's House

The air seemed to have stopped flowing.


It was probably because the expression had vanished from Lemon’s face.


He slowly got up and looked down at me with a smirk.


He glared at me for a moment, then spat out in a cynical voice.




“The one who got caught is Lemon…”


“Ha, hahaha!”


I sealed my lips in response to his laughter.


“Wow, this is unbelievable. Seriously?”


He wet his lips and rubbed his forehead, then scrutinized me through his fingers.


“Is the tutor really the special guest?”


Even in his completely transformed state, I calmly retorted without wavering.


“You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to, but yeah.”


Looking at him, I smirked.


“Well, there’s no other choice but to believe, right? I searched everywhere, from the temple to the royal palace, and even the darkest corners, but nothing came up.”




As if a thorn had pricked him, Lemon tightly sealed his lips and remained silent.


‘Even without looking, it’s quite obvious.’


He must have been desperately digging through the clues I’d left behind that day.


“Having knowledge of the highest-grade cipher, you would have searched among the nobles, then with my understanding of the temple’s secrets, you would have focused on, well, saints and high priests. Considering my features were also known, you were confident you could find you quickly.”




Lemon remained silent, yet his lemon-colored irises blazed with questions about me.


However, soon he raised an eyebrow, his tone turning soft and gentle.


“So, which direction?”




I stared at the lemon, frowning.


‘Even in this situation, he’s trying to extract information.’


Indeed, being the Information Guild Master is not just a casual role.


At first glance, he may appear to be merely curious, but everything that seeps into him becomes information.


Now that he knows I’m his ‘special guest’, he would certainly make efforts to gather information about me.


‘Well, it doesn’t really matter.’


If I were truly connected to the royal palace or the temple, I would have concealed my identity.


‘But my information doesn’t come from there.’


Even if I were to speak the truth, he probably wouldn’t believe me.


I smirked and replied.


“Mercedes’ side.”


“… Don’t play around.”


“You’ve already done your research on me; you know better than anyone.”


What kind of life I had lived.


And even now…….




Lemon remained silent.


He couldn’t think of anything to refute me.


Well, I suppose it’s understandable.


A simple tutor with nothing, who turns out to be the one who handed over top-secret information even proposed a big bet.


‘But I was just as surprised.’


Honestly, if there had been no information from the original, I could never have imagined that the librarian Raymon would be the guild’s Information Master, Lemon.


In fact, Lemon’s role in the original was so small that I almost forgot about him.


The reason I could recognize him was only one.


Thanks to a scene from the original story.


[His body plummeted downward.


In the spot where he had fallen, there lay a key embedded with amethyst-colored gemstones.


The identity of the key, the key that opened some unknown door, was never revealed.]


Yes, the amethyst key!


It was the key to the library of the Duchy of Mercedes!


The true identity of the key remained undisclosed until the end.


So, I had initially thought that the author had simply forgotten about tying up that loose end.


‘It wasn’t that, though.’


Since the library of Mercedes never appeared in the original, there was no reason for it to be resolved either.


But isn’t it strange?


‘Why would the key to the Marcedes Library come out from within the Information Guild Master?’


Suddenly, I remembered that the Master of the Information Guild wears a disguise and goes undercover to obtain information.


If that’s the case, wouldn’t he naturally infiltrate the Duchy of Mercedes?


The Duke of Mercedes is one of the three pillars of the Lagranacia Empire.


With that thought, the pieces of the puzzle naturally fell into place.


He is disguised as the librarian of the House of Mercedes.


That’s when the story fit perfectly.


He might be a librarian, but his audacity in opening the door to the secret room and then casually brushing it aside.


Upon realizing this, I understood that when he kissed my hand, it wasn’t a mistake.


‘If I recall correctly, the Master of the Rune Information Guild uses his beauty to lure women to extract information from him.’


Pretending to make a mistake, he must have intended to seduce me to extract information about Cardien or Vincent.


And that thought solidified into certainty as I saw Lemon once again trying to use his charm on me.


‘To be honest, it’s a bit of cheating.’


After all, he’s the Master of the Information Guild.


It’s only fair that I use it to my advantage.


Lemon still seemed unconvinced, but…


‘Well, what can he do if he can’t accept it?’


I won the bet.


“Do you admit it? That you lost the bet.”




Lemon still seemed flustered, emitting a hollow laugh in response.


However, he soon nodded.


“I admit it. The butterfly of destiny was on Miss Livia’s side.”


Then he asked, a soft smile forming.


“So, what do you want in return? Money? Information? You know, my guild is occasionally called upon for assassinations.”


He whispered quietly, like a devil in angel’s disguise.


“There are people you want to kill, right? Count Lever? His brood? Of course, both of them were executed on charges of plotting against the emperor, but if you desire, I can have their remains neatly prepared by dissecting the beast’s belly and laying them out before you.”




“Or how about this? Those heartless scum who received your father’s grace and were knighted but didn’t even attend the funeral service. I can bring every single one of them here to kneel before Miss Livia.”


As expected of the Master of the Information Guild, he nonchalantly delved into the depths of my heart.


Seeing no reaction from me, he exclaimed, “Ah!” and continued.


“What about the nobles? How about this? With my information, I can turn Miss Livia into a princess consort for the crown prince.”


Say anything.


He urged me in an insidious tone.


I silently gazed at him.


At this, he smiled gently, like a well-behaved puppy.


“Mr. Lemon.”


“Yes, Miss Livia.”


He answered softly, but I shook my head.


“No, what I want is Mr. Lemon, Master of the Rune Information Guild.”




Lemon pressed his lips together.


His lemon-colored pupils gleamed coldly.


“What if I refuse?”


“I won the bet, didn’t I? The Master of the Information Guild shouldn’t go back on his word.”


“Why wouldn’t I? There are only you and me here, Miss Livia.”


Wow, this guy.


He’s shamelessly saying he’ll kill me to shut me up.


Well, I didn’t expect any less of a response.


Even Aladdin’s Genie can’t grant more than three wishes, and explicitly asking for the genie itself as a prize would violate an implicit rule.




“How about this?”




“I’ll give you the information you want, and in return you co-operate with me.”


Lemon’s eyes narrowed.


“Information I want, what is that?”


“Who killed your mother.”




This time, Lemon was visibly shaken.


His lemon-colored pupils trembled intensely.


The eyes that approached me unsteadily seemed almost inhuman.


“How could you know about that…”


The words that came out of his mouth were harsh, as if I had never been gentle.


However, I maintained a composed demeanor.


“You think I only know this?”


“You, who the hell are you?”


“I can only give the same answer to the same question.”




Lemon pressed his lips together.


A moment of silence arrived.


The sound of shallow breaths intersected.


“……Do you know the culprit?”


The voice sank deep, as if resigned, breaking the stillness.


A sunken voice cut through the silence, as if resigned.


I shook my head.


“I don’t know who the culprit is. But I have a few clues.”


This is the truth.


Looking back now, “Everyone Loves the Saint” had too many plot holes.


Like the amethyst-encrusted key that was lying next to Lemon when he died, there were questions raised but not answered.


Similarly, the story mentioned that Lemon established the Information Guild to find the murderer of his mother, yet the identity of the culprit was never revealed.


‘And ultimately, Lemon won’t survive.’


The identity of the culprit won’t be revealed either.


But just before his death, Lemon had gathered quite a few clues to find the killer.


I make a deal with Lemon: I’ll reassemble the clues he collected before he died.


I looked at Lemon.


He still appeared confused.


Of course, I would be confused too.


“I’ll give you time to think.”


It was the moment when I took a step back.

Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


  1. ABlossom says:

    Que vigarista, ela vai dar as info que ele mesmo encontrou ksksksk
    Thanks for the update 😊🇧🇷🐱

  2. hermeshemp1 says:

    Thank you for your hard work translating

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