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TISND Chapter 70

TISND Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Joshua, who had been in Seantillen, sent word that he would be coming to the capital.

Although he wouldn’t be staying long, he could remain long enough to attend a few events!

Helena hugged the long-awaited letter from the child and cheered with joy.

It had been less than two weeks since they parted, yet she missed him as if she hadn’t seen him in months.

Perhaps it was because the child, whom she had always seen at Frantor, had suddenly disappeared.

With this wonderful news, she headed straight to the backyard to find Jeremy.

It was the clearing she and Jeremy had discovered together not long ago.

Although she hadn’t planned to cultivate the land as seriously as they did at Frantor, it was a spot they occasionally tilled.

Believing the boy would be spending time there again today, she quickly made her way over.


A servant working at the capital estate greeted her awkwardly.

Unlike the servants at Frantor, with whom she had become quite familiar, Helena still felt a bit shy around the new staff at the capital.

The servant was holding a basket, likely having been tidying up the farming tools Jeremy had left behind.

“What brings you here, madam?”

“Has Jeremy come here?”

“Oh, he was here just a while ago, but he stepped out for a bit.”

“Stepped out?”

It was surprising news since Jeremy wasn’t the type to enjoy going out.

“Yes, Lady Rosalith came by earlier and left with Master Jeremy.”


Helena hadn’t expected Rosalith to take Jeremy out.

“Madam? Is there something wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Then, if you’ll excuse me.”

The servant bowed politely but continued to glance at Helena’s expression.

The servant, who had come from Frantor, tried to hold back, but rumors had been spreading within the estate.

Talks about Rosalith suddenly appearing, being the original intended bride, or even being a hidden lover, were all the buzz.

Both were daughters of Eskel, after all.

What’s more, there was gossip about the master’s strained relationship with Helena, fueling speculation about how Rosalith might be more favorable.

Rosalith was known as the greatest beauty in the empire and seemed a perfect match for the master.

With all this talk, rumors that the master favored Rosalith were spreading among the staff.

“…Rosalith and Jeremy,” Helena murmured.

Though surprised by the sudden outing, she felt an uneasy sense of foreboding.

It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Rosalith generally liked children and wasn’t the type to harm them.

Plus, it wouldn’t be bad for Jeremy, who had a narrow circle of acquaintances, to make a new friend.

But still, why did she feel so unsettled and anxious?

It was as if the ground beneath her feet was slowly, steadily shrinking.


Rosalith and Jeremy, who had gone out, didn’t return until late afternoon.

“Oh, sister,” Rosalith called out as she stepped out of the ornate carriage, spotting Helena waiting at the entrance.

“Were you waiting for us? How thoughtful.”

“Hello, Rosalith. You went out with Jeremy, I see.”

“I heard the Duke was out today. Since I was here anyway, I thought I’d entertain this boy, who looked so bored.”

“Who are you calling bored?!”

The child’s whining made Rosalith chuckle softly.

“You looked so pitiful sitting all alone in that clearing, staring into space. It almost brought me to tears. Why do you sleep so much, sister? This kid must’ve been bored out of his mind waiting for you.”

Helena couldn’t help sleeping more lately; it wasn’t something she could control.

Whenever she felt unwell, Aiden would give her medicine to strengthen her body. But the side effect of that medicine was an overwhelming drowsiness, and taking it once would leave her groggy until the next afternoon.

Jeremy, unable to wait for Helena, who had slept late into the morning under the influence of the medicine, had gone out with Rosalith.

It was something she should be grateful for, but why did it feel like her throat was tightening, leaving her breathless?

“We went out together, and I showed him what shopping is all about.”

“Shopping? Did you buy things?”

“Of course! We bought lots of toys. Isn’t it fascinating? These are the latest trendy ones.”

Jeremy beamed as he proudly showed the toys he had bought.

It was only then that Helena realized she had never bought him a toy before.

He hadn’t said anything, but maybe he had wanted one all along. She felt a pang of guilt for not noticing.

“Sister, you became his stepmother, and you haven’t even bought him a single toy?” Rosalith sneered, as if she could see right through Helena’s thoughts.

“They’re not even expensive. Isn’t it a bit much to neglect him like that? Pay some attention to the kid.”

“And who are you to say such things to her?”

“Oh my, are you talking back to me? Have you already forgotten the favor I did by buying you toys?”

“These silly toys? I can buy them too! I have plenty of money!”

“Really? Then why don’t you return those silly toys to me?”

“There’s no such thing as giving something and taking it back!”

Scoffing, Rosalith turned to Jeremy and asked, “You must really like my sister, huh?”

“Ah… uh…”

Jeremy glanced at Helena, his face flushed bright red.

“No, I don’t!”

“Really? Sister, it doesn’t seem like he thinks of you as his mom. You’ll have to work harder.”

It felt like she was utterly alone.

Even as the estate’s servants busied themselves with their work, they watched the scene with great interest.

Helena had pretended not to notice, but she was well aware of the rumors circulating among the staff.

Rumors that Calligo might be fond of Rosalith.

From the start, it had frightened her—anxieties that Calligo might regret marrying her.

It was something she had secretly feared until recently—or perhaps even now.

And now, there were servants in the estate who seemed to share her thoughts.

She didn’t want to dread something that hadn’t even happened yet. But she was still scared.

“Jeremy. Could you go inside for a moment?” Rosalith said.

“Why? Are you planning to hurt her? Say it to my face!”

“Oh my, this kid says the wildest things. Hurt her? I just have something to say.”

Jeremy looked uneasy, his eyes darting nervously toward Helena.

Helena didn’t want to see the child worrying because of her.

She hoped this fear and anxiety would remain solely hers.

“Let us sisters have some time to catch up. You can go and play with your new toys.”

“Oh, right. You said you were sisters.”

“Yep. To you, Rosalith is your aunt.”

“Aunt? Who’s my aunt?” Jeremy grumbled.

“You two don’t look alike at all, so I couldn’t tell you were sisters. Hmph, but I’ll graciously leave since I’m so considerate. Joshua says a true gentleman should know how to push and pull with women.”

“I don’t think that advice applies here… but thanks anyway.”

Once they were finally alone, Rosalith grabbed her sister’s hand and made her sit down.

“Sister, I have something I’ve been wanting to ask.”


“Why did the Duke of Frantor marry you?”


“I’m just curious. Did he marry you because he liked you?”

“I don’t know.”

She truly didn’t know, so there was nothing she could say in response.

“Did he meet you just as he was planning to get married? What a shame. If I hadn’t been traveling, I wonder if I could have met the Duke of Frantor first.”


“Maybe he would have chosen me.”

Helena couldn’t help but think that Rosalith might be right.

Rosalith was cheerful and sociable, someone who was loved wherever she went.

Before long, she would have settled comfortably in Frantor, and she would’ve easily gotten along with the children too.

Unlike Melissa, Rosalith wasn’t cold or unkind.

It seemed more and more likely that Helena had merely been lucky to end up married to Calligo.

She thought about the relationship between herself and Calligo.

Even when she went to change his bandages every night, they barely exchanged words, and his gaze toward her remained cold.

Would things have been different if Rosalith had married him instead?

Perhaps there wouldn’t have been rumors about her being an unappealing woman who hadn’t even spent a wedding night with him.

Marrying Calligo had been the first and only choice she had ever made purely for herself.

She had wanted to marry the man she loved and spend the rest of her life with him.

But now, she couldn’t help but wonder if that choice had been a mistake.

Being criticized as Eskel’s daughter was something she was used to.

But when it came to herself, she had no confidence.

Even setting aside the fact that she was Eskel’s daughter, she lacked faith in herself.

“Who knows? Maybe he would’ve fallen in love with me. What do you think, sister?”

Was Calligo’s recent coldness toward her because of Rosalith?

Perhaps he was regretting their marriage.

“I don’t know,” she murmured.

“Ugh, how boring. You’re as dull now as you were then.” Rosalith grumbled, but Helena simply smiled bitterly.

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  1. AyraRedwood says:

    My heart 💔
    I actually love the effect that Rosalith has because she doesn’t necessarily *make* Helena self-conscious, she just shows us exactly how insecure Helena actually is.

    I’m assuming that Caligo has to have some scheme that he’s trying to pull off using Rosalith, but it’s impossible that he doesn’t have an idea about the rumours circulating his estate.

    I am quite excited to have Joshua back as I believe he will bring a bit of maturity into things and see through Rosalith’s games.

    Thank you so so much for the translation 💕 I’m so excited to see how everything turns out

    1. Sid says:

      You are welcome dear Ayra.❤️
      You are absolutely right, I think so too. Thank you for your feedback.💕

      1. AyraRedwood says:

        Also, there’s a typo in your Patreon link 🙂 I had to remove the “http//” for it to work

        1. Sid says:

          Ohh I’m sorry. And thank you for informing me I’ll fix it. 💕

          1. AyraRedwood says:

            No worries 💕 I just checked and it’s working perfectly now

  2. YeahNo says:


  3. Torryy says:

    I hate everything and everybody. I don’t like this. I’m crying. WHY MUST THEY DO HER LIKE THAT. I feel like I should take a break from this novel for my own mental health.

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