The Strange Male Insect Cub

In Dorm 213 of Gu Yi Military School, the translucent Wei’an was sitting on the floor, curiously watching a floating, pitch-black knife beside him.

He reached out to touch the knife, and his eyes widened in surprise. Then, he leaned against the wall to stand up, staggered forward, and stretched out his arms to hug the knife. Rubbing his soft cheek against the blade, he softly murmured, “Like Wei’an~”

When Quan Ci came out of the shower, what he saw was a tiny cub, barely reaching his calves, struggling to carry a palm-sized knife, taking one step and resting for a moment.

It was clear that this mini knife was a bit heavy for him, but for some reason, even though he was already panting with exhaustion, he was unwilling to put the knife down.

Quan Ci walked over and lifted him by the back of his collar. Wei’an, who wanted to show the knife to his brother, didn’t resist, as if he was used to being lifted this way. He immediately looked up and gave him a smile, his fair little face full of trust.

If he were a female Zerg with such little vigilance, he would have been scolded by now. But since he’s a male Zerg, he couldn’t be scolded.

As Quan Ci thought about this, his hand instinctively supported the cub’s bottom.

Sitting in his brother’s hand, Wei’an presented the knife in his arms like a treasure, his voice soft and childish, “Look, brother~ It’s Wei’an~”

Fresh out of the shower, Quan Ci’s hair was still damp, making his already stern face appear even colder. He looked at the small knife in Wei’an’s arms, picked it up with two fingers to examine it carefully, and only returned it to him after confirming it wasn’t sharp.

It seemed this little cub named Wei’an really liked knives, which was different from what he had heard about other male cubs’ preferences.

When he handed the knife back, Wei’an didn’t take it. Quan Ci frowned at him and realized he was staring blankly at his face.

Before he could say anything, the cub’s eyes turned visibly red.

Quan Ci’s facial features were sharp, with piercing eyebrows and deep-set eyes. His dark red pupils held deep, complex emotions, and the dark green Zerg patterns slowly moved along both sides of his face from his neck. With such features, coupled with his cold and reserved personality, every time he pressed his lips together without speaking, he exuded an oppressive aura.

Thinking he had scared the little male cub into crying, Quan Ci was about to put him down when he saw the cub wobble as he tried to stand up on his palm.

Watching him repeatedly stand up only to fall back down, Quan Ci couldn’t help but reach out to support him.

Seeing his brother’s hand extend, Wei’an quickly grabbed it with both of his small hands, using all his strength to stand up.

Once standing, Wei’an immediately tiptoed and reached out with both hands to touch Quan Ci’s face. Surprised by this, Quan Ci’s first instinct wasn’t to dodge but to instinctively raise his hand to protect the cub’s back in case he fell backward.

Because of this reflex, Quan Ci didn’t manage to dodge in time and felt a small, warm hand lightly touch his face.

“Hurts~” The soft, teary voice reached his ears.

Hearing this, Quan Ci paused. When he looked down, he saw his reflection in the cub’s moist eyes, noticing the bruises and scratches on his cheekbones and forehead.

These were probably injuries from the night battle in the forest. They were so minor that he hadn’t even noticed them.

So, he wasn’t afraid of me after all! Quan Ci felt a sense of relief.

Seeing the bruises and bleeding scratches on his brother’s face, Wei’an’s eyes became even redder.

A few days ago, when he was playing with his male father, he accidentally hit his hand on a cabinet, and the pain made him cry until his voice went hoarse.

His brother’s injuries were worse than his own, so they must hurt a lot.

Wei’an wanted to touch them but didn’t dare to, so he leaned in and softly blew on them, “It won’t hurt~ It won’t hurt~”

Quan Ci looked down at his red eyes and pouting lips without saying a word, only feeling that the little puff of air on his face was small and ticklish.

This kind of blowing on injuries was pointless and childish, but even as he thought this, he didn’t stop him.

That night, for the first time, Quan Ci placed the little cub on the bed instead of letting him climb up by himself.

The little cub was noisy when he couldn’t climb up the bed by himself, so Quan Ci took the knife he was holding and said coldly, “Don’t sleep with the knife.”

“It’s not nayff’ it’s Wei’an~” Wei’an reached out, wanting the knife back.

Facing his pitiful gaze, Quan Ci, against his better judgment, placed the knife beside the pillow, “Put it here.”

Wei’an looked at the distance between the knife and himself and nodded, “Okay~”

After saying this, he looked up at Quan Ci’s face again, “Brother, put some medicine on it~”

“This will heal by tomorrow, no need for medicine,” Quan Ci said.

For a female Zerg, this kind of injury wouldn’t even be considered an injury.

Wei’an shook his head, touching his own face with his small hand, looking scared, “It hurts~ Medicine will make it better~”

“No medicine.”

“No~ Medicine is good~”

“Do you want to sleep or not? If not, I’ll throw you out.”

“I want to sleep~ But I also want medicine~”

After a few rounds of back-and-forth, Quan Ci finally said there was no medicine.

Weian was at a loss. There was no medicine, so he couldn’t apply medicine.

With the medicine issue settled, the little male cub obediently lay down on the pillow to sleep, and the room fell quiet, with only the soft sounds of their breathing filling the space.

Quan Ci touched his own face, then glanced at the little cub sleeping with his butt in the air on the pillow, wondering how he could fall asleep in such a position.

Later that night, as Quan Ci was drifting off to sleep, he vaguely felt a small hand lightly touch the edge of his injury, followed by a tiny puff of air on the wound.

He didn’t open his eyes, instead feeling the tiny breeze, and suddenly, his heart softened.

The night secretly embraced the light source, keeping it for a while before returning it to the world.

Under the sunlight, the breeze caressed the treetops, the dew refracted the light into a rainbow of colors, and the birds and beasts cheerfully sang to welcome the day.

When Wei’an woke up from his sleep, he quietly waited for his male father to wake up.

When Alhandra opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Wei’an lying on the pillow, playing with his hair. Smiling, he reached out and pulled the little mischief into his arms, lazily rubbing his head, “Awake so early?”

There was no mention of applying any medicine, and the little male cub obediently lay on the pillow and slept. The entire room fell into silence, with only the faint sounds of breathing filling the space.

Quan Ci touched his own face and then glanced at the little male cub who was sleeping on the pillow with his butt sticking up. He couldn’t understand how the cub could sleep in such a posture.

In the middle of the night, as Quan Ci was drifting into sleep, he vaguely felt a small hand gently touch the edge of his wound, followed by a tiny breath of wind on the injured area.

He didn’t open his eyes but felt his heart soften at the sensation of that small, almost imperceptible wind.

The night secretly embraced the light source, keeping it to itself for a while before returning it to the world.

In the daylight, a gentle breeze brushed against the treetops and leaves, while dewdrops refracted the light into a rainbow of colors. Birds and beasts chirped happily, welcoming the arrival of the day.

Upon waking up, Wei’an quietly waited for his male father to wake up.

When Alhandra opened his eyes, he saw Wei’an lying on the pillow, playing with his hair. Smiling, he reached out to pull the little rascal into his arms, lazily rubbing the top of his head. “Waking up so early?”

Held in his arms, Wei’an eagerly turned around, his little hands tightly clutching his clothes, his voice incredibly soft, “Brother~ hurt~ no medicine.”

“What brother?” Alhandra raised an eyebrow, feeling a bit jealous. “Did you dream about your brother last night?”

Wei’an didn’t understand what he meant and continued blinking, “Brother hurts~ no medicine~ get medicine for brother.”

Alhandra assumed he was dreaming and responded perfunctorily, “Mm, mm, mm, the medicine has already been given to brother.”

Hearing that the medicine had been given to his brother, Wei’an immediately smiled with squinting eyes, “No more pain~”

Alhandra, with a hint of exasperation, pinched his little chubby cheek, “Always thinking about your brother.”

Even after having his cheek pinched, Wei’an didn’t get angry. Instead, he leaned forward and gave him a kiss, wrapping his little hands around his neck and rubbing against him, “Male father is good~”

Seeing this little display, Alhandra’s anger dissipated completely.

During breakfast, Wei’an suddenly remembered something and began looking around.

Noticing his movements, Quan Yan asked, “Wei’an, what are you looking for?”

He gestured with his hands to indicate the size of the knife, “Looking for Wei’an~”

Having more or less figured out what he meant, Quan Yan raised an eyebrow. “What’s the deal with searching for yourself?”

Wei’an seemed a bit anxious, tugging at his male father’s clothes. “Wei’an is gone~ must find~”

Seeing his eyes turn red, both Alhandra and Quan Yan couldn’t bear it. They immediately stopped eating breakfast, rushing to search the StarNet for answers.

No answer?

Quan Yan frowned and contacted the cub-rearing center to inquire about this situation.

After searching through all the available materials and consulting everyone they could think of, they still couldn’t find an answer. They figured it might be because Wei’an wasn’t speaking clearly, so they patiently asked him what exactly he was looking for.

Wei’an, seeing his brother and male father exhausted after a whole day of searching, shook his little head and quietly lay in his brother’s arms, his voice tiny, “No need anymore~ Wei’an no need~”

His obedient and sensible demeanor made Quan Yan and Alhandra feel uneasy.

Why is their male cub so different from others? Not even a bit arrogant or mischievous. Weren’t they supposed to be troublemakers when spoiled? Could it be that they haven’t pampered him enough?

At the nursery school for female cubs, Quan Fan packed his little backpack and left.

Sitting on the school bus, he stared blankly at the rapidly passing clouds outside. Today was the nursery’s once-in-six-days holiday. He usually wouldn’t go home until the afternoon because he didn’t like staying at home for too long.

But things are different now. His soft and sweet brother Wei’an had sent him a voice message yesterday, saying he missed him and wanted him to come back soon to keep him company.

It felt strange, someone saying they missed him for the first time, but he didn’t dislike the feeling.

After arriving at the estate, Quan Fan got off the school bus and boarded another vehicle.

As soon as he reached the door, a small figure was waving below, and a soft voice called out, “Brother~”

Quan Fan waited for the vehicle to descend from the sky and come to a complete stop before getting off. As soon as he did, Wei’an, who had been waiting impatiently, hugged his leg, “I miss my brother~”

“Mm.” He kept a stern face but, after a moment of hesitation, reached out to gently ruffle Wei’an’s hair.

Wei’an opened his arms to him, “Brother, hug.”

Quan Fan glanced at his male father for approval, and after Alhandra nodded, he bent down and picked up Wei’an, carrying him inside.

His dark green eyes observed the soft voice of Wei’an nestled in his arms, saying something in his baby talk.

His little brother is so soft, maybe even softer than the clouds.

That night, Quan Yan, who was hanging out with friends, saw a picture in Quan Fan’s social media feed.

The picture showed a pale, tender male cub holding a bottle and smiling with crescent-shaped eyes. He had midnight-black hair, sky-blue eyes, and skin as white as clouds. From his hair to his fingertips, the little cub was utterly adorable.

The caption on the picture read:

“Brother, soft!”

“Heh,” Quan Yan chuckled lightly, stood up, grabbed his coat, and left.

“Where are you going?” Seeing him leave early yet again, Ruan He raised his voice. “You’ve been leaving early several times recently!”

Quan Yan casually waved his hand behind him, his tone cheerful. “To take pictures, or else my brother will be snatched away.”

Later that night, Quan Ci, who had just returned from extra training, was surprised when he saw Quan Yan’s social media post. A single picture with just four words:

“Brother, mine!”

The picture showed a tall, gentle-looking female standing on the lawn, holding a small figure in his arms. The small figure was clutching a bottle, tilting his head up to kiss Quan Yan’s face.

In the moonlight, only the white side of the little male cub’s face and the affectionate gaze of the female could be faintly seen.

Quan Ci couldn’t understand the meaning behind Quan Yan’s post. From what he knew of Quan Yan, it didn’t seem like he would be the type to like this male cub brother. He was more likely to ignore him than anything else.

Who knows what he’s thinking.

Quan Ci thought to himself as he closed the terminal, got up, went into the bathroom, and took a shower. After sitting by the bed for two minutes, the half-transparent little male cub appeared in the room as usual.

He went forward and carried it back to the bed. If it was a little male cub, he felt that no little male cub could compare to the one in his arms.

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


  1. taruro says:

    i just realized after rereading this chap that since wei’an is an artifact spirit, his artifact form was a knife 😭😭 the author rlly does have a habit of implicitly saying stuff but i love itt~~ rlly makes u wanna read more closely to get the details

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