The Strange Male Insect Cub

After the hatching ceremony, Little Wei’an had grown quite a bit. He had mastered rolling and crawling, and while Alhandra, as the male father, felt a deep sense of accomplishment, he also had some headaches.

Often, when he wasn’t paying attention, Little Wei’an would disappear. After a frantic search, he would often find the little white cub curled up and sleeping in various corners—under the bed, behind the dresser, and in other nooks and crannies.

Alhandra picked up Little Wei’an, who was hiding in the corner of the sofa, and pretended to have just discovered him. “Oh, who is this?” he said.

Little Wei’an, held up in his father’s arms, covered his face with his tiny hands and giggled, “Aiyaya~”

Alhandra exaggerated his surprise, “It’s Wei’an! The male father is so great, he found Wei’an right away.”

Little Wei’an laughed even harder, clapping his hands and exclaiming, “Eee-yaa~”

Seeing his little cub so happy, Alhandra couldn’t help but smile. He leaned down and gently bit Little Wei’an’s hand.

Wei’an was momentarily stunned, his bright blue eyes widening in surprise, “Ya~”

Alhandra laughed softly at the sight and carried him out. “The male father has to go out for a bit. I’ll find a temporary caretaker for you.”

Not understanding, Little Wei’an rested his head on his father’s shoulder, babbling in response.

In the Zerg race, male Zerg held a high status and had their duties, which is to take out seven days a month to use their mental power to baptize and guide the unhatched eggs in the egg garden on their respective planets.

Only eggs that received this spiritual guidance from male Zerg could successfully hatch. Otherwise, even if they managed to hatch, the cubs would lack intelligence, and they can’t even turn into humanoids. They can only maintain the insect state like lower animals throughout their lives.

This is also the reason why the Zerg almost abnormally protects male zergs—losing a male Zerg is equivalent to the extinction of the race.

When the male lord left, he had detailed every aspect of Little Wei’an’s care, feeding times, the temperature of the milk, when he would wake at night, his preference for grabbing the clothes at the chest when held, and so on.

Yun Lai was taken aback by the male lord’s detailed instructions. The level of concern and reluctance was almost overflowing.

This was a stark contrast to the male lord Yun Lai had previously known. Whenever he thought of his serious look at that time, Yunlai felt that everything in the past seemed like a dream—this caring Alhandra was truly their male lord.

On the sofa, Little Wei’an was lying on a toy, using his hands and feet to hold a bottle of milk, drinking with some effort. His discontented little grunts and the cute milk-drinking noises were quite endearing to Yun Lai.

Quan Fan, who was on a seven-day break, returned with a small backpack. “Female father, I’m back.”

Little Wei’an, struggling to drink his milk while lying on the toy, perked up at the sound of his brother’s voice. He tried to sit up but ended up toppling off the toy onto the sofa.

Yun Lai and Quan Fan quickly rushed over. Little Wei’an, now on his back on the sofa, looked dazed, as if he didn’t quite understand what had happened.

Yun Lai sighed in relief, reaching out to pick him up. Fortunately, he had placed a soft cushion on the sofa, otherwise, the hard surface could have caused an injury.

Little Wei’an waved his small hands, rejecting Yun Lai’s attempt to hold him, and reached out towards Quan Fan. “Yaa-yaa~”

Quan Fan, looking at his soft, white cub brother, hesitated. He didn’t want to pick him up.

Seeing Quan Fan’s reluctance, Little Wei’an’s face crumpled, his eyes filling with tears as he continued to reach out. His voice carried a hint of sobbing, “Yaa-yaa~”

Quan Fan, panicked at the sight of Little Wei’an about to cry, quickly scooped him up with both hands, giving him a half-hearted hug.

Little Wei’an didn’t fuss about not being fully picked up. He reached for his brother’s dark hair and grinned, “Yaa-yaa-yaa~”

The four-year-old Quan Fan looked at him expressionlessly, maintaining this action without moving, but thinking quietly in his heart, his brother is really so small!


Sunlight scattered through the treetops, and the wind, passing through the branches, accidentally shook off a few leaves, letting them flutter down onto the grass.

Occasionally, a leaf would land on the silver-gray hair of a female Zerg resting under the tree.

Quan Yan lounged leisurely on a reclining chair, occasionally tilting his head to shake off the leaves from his hair. The dappled sunlight created shifting patterns on his gentle face, occasionally revealing a fleeting coldness in his eyes.

But it might have been an illusion, as the calm and gentle female Zerg before him didn’t seem to fit the word “cold.”

Quan Yan tapped his fingers on the armrest, having to stay at the male father’s residence until his emotional energy settled due to the upcoming agitation of his Zerg source.

In reality, his male father wouldn’t waste energy calming his Zerg source, staying here was only to lessen the discomfort slightly. After all, in the presence of the male Zerg, the presence of EY was significantly reduced, which helped a little.

The four-year-old Quan Fan looked at him expressionlessly, maintaining this action without moving, but thinking quietly in his heart, his brother is really so small!

He smiled slightly, thinking this was the best news ever.

While lost in thought, Quan Yan suddenly felt a light tugging at his feet.

Looking down, he saw a small cub barely reaching his calf, tugging at his pants.

The little cub had black, fluffy hair, bright blue eyes, white skin, and a baby-fat face with pink, slightly pursed lips. He was dressed in blue overalls with silver edges, and his tiny hands were trying to climb up his brother’s pants.

Quan Yan didn’t pick him up immediately. Instead, he observed him with a calm expression, his Zerg markings subtly shifting.

So this was his little male cub brother!

It had been five months since he last saw him at the hatching ceremony, and he had grown even cuter. No wonder the male father adored him so much.

Ah~” Little Wei’an, unable to climb up, stretched out his little hands, wanting to be picked up.

Quan Yan remained unmoved, still smiling gently.

Little Wei’an tilted his head in confusion, not understanding why his brother wouldn’t pick him up.

Little Wei’an stretched his tiny hands even higher, babbling, “Eee-yaa~ Yaa-yaa~”

Quan Yan remained unmoved, observing his cub’s expression shift from confusion to distress, his brows furrowing as if he might cry. Only then did he bend down to pick him up.

As soon as he picked him up, his whole body froze.

Male cub, is it so soft?

He bent down and tried to put him down. Quan Yan didn’t expect him to be so soft at first, so he picked him up. Otherwise, even if he cried and was found by the father and punished, he would not pick him up.

He was so small and soft, it seemed that he would break if he was held hard.

Realizing what Quan Yan intended, Wei’an immediately wrapped his little hands around his neck, signaling that he didn’t want to be put down, even managing to utter a word with determination, “No~”

Quan Yan, surprised, asked, “Can you talk already?”

Wei’an shook his head vigorously, holding onto his brother’s neck, and repeated, “No~ Eee-yaa, no~”

Seeing this, Quan Yan raised an eyebrow and stopped trying to put him down. He lay back on the recliner, placing Little Wei’an on his chest.

At three months old, Zerg cubs can usually start uttering a few words. Quan Yan was surprised because, at six months, Wei’an still couldn’t speak. Other cubs were already running and jumping, which had been a concern in the family.

Even Quan Fan ran to him to complain several times, leading Quan Yan to wonder if his little cub brother might be a bit slow.

Wei An saw that his brother didn’t put him down, so he lay quietly on his brother’s chest. Not long after, he, who rarely saw his brother, began to tell his brother what he had done today in his baby language.

“Eee-yaa~ Eee-yaa-yo~ Eee-yaa~ Yaa-yaa~ Yo-yaa~”

Quan Yan lowered his eyes and looked at the small ball on his chest. He didn’t feel annoyed by his soft voice. He didn’t know how much milk the little cub drank. His whole body was filled with a faint milk fragrance.

Smelling this smell, Quan Yan gradually felt sleepy. The nerves that were tense and tingling due to the restlessness of the Zerg source were relieved, allowing him to close his eyes and fall asleep smoothly after not having a good sleep for half a year.

Wei An, who was talking happily, raised his head with effort and found that his brother had fallen asleep. He quickly covered his mouth with his little hand and blinked his big eyes to calm down.

He rarely saw his brother, so he kept staring at him, with a sparkling smile in his big eyes. Suddenly, he saw some black things running around on his brother’s forehead and body.

Weian’s little hand moved, and curiously grabbed the black air when it passed through his brother’s chest and squeezed it out.

Unseen by Wei’an, Quan Yan’s furrowed brow relaxed slightly, his sleep becoming deeper.

Wei’an, examining the black substance in his hand, shook it but couldn’t get rid of it. After blinking a few times, he brought it to his mouth and took a bite.

Instantly, a bitter taste filled his small mouth.

His face scrunched up, and his eyes welled with tears.

Wei An pouted and climbed up his brother’s chest. He struggled to climb to his brother’s shoulder and used his soft face to push Quan Yan’s face. His babyish voice was filled with tears, “Aiya~Aiya~”

Woken by the commotion, Quan Yan looked down at Wei’an’s tearful face, his brow furrowing.

He gently lifted Wei’an into his arms,letting him lie in his arms. His tone soft but carrying a hint of frustration, “What’s wrong?”

He couldn’t imagine anything in the estate that would harm the cub, but seeing him so upset sparked a protective anger.

Wei’an clutched at his brother’s clothes with one hand and vividly demonstrated his distress. He mimicked grabbing and biting, then scrunched up his face, saying, “Eee-yaa~ Puh-puh-puh~”

The series of actions were very vivid, and the baby fat on his face trembled. It looked very good to touch, and Quan Yan couldn’t help laughing.

Seeing that his brother was laughing at him, Wei An widened his eyes. He was already wronged and not only did he not get comfort but was also laughed at.

With tears streaming down, he buried his face in Quan Yan’s embrace.

Quan Yan’s chest soaked by tears made him tremble, and he stopped laughing immediately. His originally gentle face was replaced by a little panic.

Wei’an’s small hands tightly gripped his brother’s clothes, looking extremely pitiful.

Never having consoled a cub before, Quan Yan hesitated, then sighed.

He tentatively placed a gentle hand on Wei’an’s head, feeling the softness. As he looked at the tiny body nestled in his arms, he softened his voice, “Wei’an, don’t cry.”

Wei’an remained motionless in his embrace.

Quan Yan continued soothing, “I wasn’t laughing at you. I just thought you were very cute.”

Wei’an shifted slightly, raising his tearful eyes to look at Quan Yan, asking, “Eee-yaa?”

Quan Yan wiped the tears from his eyes, smiling softly. “Really.”

As soon as Quan Yan said this, Wei’an’s face brightened, his blue eyes sparkling with joy despite the remaining tear streaks. The sight was heartwarming.

Quan Yan stared at him for a while, then reached out to pinch his soft, baby-fat cheeks, feeling their surprising softness. It touched his heart in an unexpected way.

He recalled that this was the cub he had pledged to protect not long ago, a cub with whom he shared blood, recently arrived in this world, and as delicate and innocent as a blank slate.

Sitting on the recliner, Quan Yan placed Wei’an on his lap, displaying unexpected patience. “Call me ‘brother.’”

Wei’an looked up, trying to imitate, “Eee-yaa~”







The tall and gentle young man on the lawn smiled and patiently taught the little cub on his lap to learn to speak. The hand holding the cub’s back was cautious as if protecting some treasure.


That evening, while Alhandra was playing with Wei’an, he suddenly heard him uttering “brother.” Before he could bask in the joy of his cub speaking, he realized that the first word Wei’an had said was not “male father” but “brother.”

He had been away for only a day, and now his little Wei’an was calling another Zerg “brother” before him?

Alhandra, who had been enjoying playing with Wei’an, scooped him up with a frown. Wei’an, puzzled, looked up at his father and opened his mouth, “Ah?”

Alhandra, with a hint of a grin, patted his head and coaxed, “Call me ‘male father.’”

Wei’an nuzzled against him, saying, “Yaa-yaa~”

“Male father.”


“Male father.”

“Yaa-yaa hehe~”

Amidst the repeated calls, the young cub, still very tired, fell asleep in Alhandra’s arms.

Alhandra looked at the little Wei’an in his arms, who was slightly chubby and had a baby face. The slight dissatisfaction in his heart was finally washed away by the joy that he could speak.

He reached out and poked Wei’an’s face, smiling, “You little heartless boy.”

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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