The Strange Male Insect Cub

In the Alhandra Manor, Alhandra was walking around the room with Wei’an in his arms, patting him on the back to help him burp.

He had finished the last meal of eggshell powder last night, and the milk powder this morning was the best quality Alhandra had painstakingly selected from several options over the past ten days.

Patting the now slightly chubbier Wei’an in his arms, Alhandra felt a sense of accomplishment.

With a bit more flesh, Wei’an felt better to hold, especially the soft, smooth baby fat on his face, which was quite rare for Alhandra.

Quan Chu, who had just returned from the military department, noticed the smile at the corners of the male lord’s eyes and couldn’t help but stop in his tracks.

Despite being his female lord for so long, Quan Chu had rarely seen Alhandra smile. The most common impression was his indifferent, slightly sullen smiles, often accompanied by the smell of female insect blood.

The gentle, genuine smile he now displayed was something Quan Chu had never seen before.

Alhandra was indeed very handsome. He had dark green hair and deep, ocean-like eyes, with sharp brows, a straight nose, and a slightly thin mouth that curved into a casual, charming smile.

But his bad and cruel character is not as handsome as his appearance.

Quan Chu’s gaze shifted to the little Wei’an in Alhandra’s arms. It has been a month since he last saw him when he broke out of his shell.

Wei’an seemed to have gained some weight and looked even more adorable and soft.

Wei’an, noticing Quan Chu standing at the door, immediately reached out his tiny hands and grinned, making cute baby noises, “Eee~ Ahh.”

Alhandra turned his head to look at him.

Seeing he had been noticed, Quan Chu stepped forward and slightly bowed his head, “My lord.”

Seeing Quan Chu in his cold, rigid military uniform, Alhandra frowned in distaste but, perhaps for Wei’an’s sake, his tone wasn’t too harsh, “Have you finished with the matters at the military department?”

Quan Chu lowered his head and his eyes turned cold. Did the lord expect him to stay at home rather than be at the military?

Before he could respond, he felt a slight tug on his shoulder.

Turning around, he saw a tiny white hand gripping his shoulder. The owner of the hand smiled widely at him, with clear, bright blue eyes full of crystal smiles., “Ah~”

The transparent drool trickling down the corner of Wei’an’s mouth somehow didn’t feel disgusting but rather endearing.

Quan Chu looked at the trembling baby fat on Wei’an and unconsciously raised his hand to touch it. However, before he could reach halfway, Wei’an grabbed his hand.

Wei’an tried to put Quan Chu’s hand into his mouth, but his strength was too small. He struggled with all his might, but couldn’t move it even a bit.

Seeing he couldn’t move it, Wei’an decided to bite instead. Quick-witted Alhandra placed his hand on Wei’an’s face, smiling softly at the little one’s confused expression, “You are getting more and more naughty.”

Quan Chu looked down at the tiny fingers clutching his index finger, too afraid to move, worried he might break them.

Young male zergs were indeed the most fragile beings he had ever seen.

Alhandra was about to say something when the little Wei’an in his arms, who had been smiling and laughing just a moment ago, suddenly vomited.

The sour filth vomited all over Alhandra. He had a mysophobia but didn’t care about it at all. His mind went blank, and once he came to his senses, he rushed out holding the retching and crying Wei’an.

He ran and shouted, “Butler, notify the medical building to be ready!”

Quan Chu stepped forward and wanted to take Wei’an from him. He was faster and could reach the medical building in a shorter time.

But in his panic, Alhandra stubbornly held onto Wei’an. In desperation, Quan Chu had no choice but to pick up both Alhandra and Wei’an and rush out as fast as he could.

The military consorts, accustomed to battle speeds, were indeed faster. For them, a journey that would take Alhandra five minutes could be covered in just two.

The medical staff, who had been prepared well in advance, barely noticed the state of the two. Qiao Song quickly took the pale-faced Wei’an from Alhandra’s hands and entered the treatment room.

Alhandra, initially reluctant to let go, soon realized the situation and quickly released his grip. His gaze never left Wei’an throughout.

The lord known for his flirtatious demeanor and ruthless nature appeared, actually seemed a little fragile at this moment.

Quan Chu almost thought it was an illusion. Looking at Alhandra like this, he couldn’t even connect him with the indifferent look when he almost killed Quan Yan and others before.

The others are also his offspring, could it really be that his cruelty was only reserved for female insects?

The female doctors in the medical building secretly looked at Alhandra, forgetting how ruthless and unfeeling he had been.

However, this scene was soon disrupted when the butler brought news that the female young masters had returned.

The rare display of vulnerability in Alhandra quickly transformed into fury. His blue eyes darkened as if smeared with dirt, and his mouth twisted into a malicious grin. He reached for a barbed whip from a robot servant and stormed out.

He needed to release his anger.

Quan Chu watched him leave with cold eyes. Such outbursts used to happen every seven days, but over the past month, the lord had not punished any female servants or slaves due to Wei’an’s presence, which had already surprised him.

This time, the hatching banquet was canceled because the little male cub Wei’an had an accident.


Under the scorching sun, the bloodstained and scarred female zergs Quan Yan and others knelt neatly on the hard ground. Thirteen zergs, including the youngest, Quan Fan, had varying degrees of injuries on their bodies.

The most severe was Quan Ci, ranked thirteenth. He was not only whipped but also kicked severely. The force of an adult male zerg, combined with the natural pressure from the male father, nearly took his life.

Despite this, he continued to kneel with gritted teeth, allowing the blood to stain the tiles around him red, without uttering a word of submission.

None of the zergs dared to speak or complain, as it would only result in harsher punishment.

They understood that they had to remain kneeling until the little male woke up.

“Little Wei’an had an adverse reaction to the current cub milk, which caused severe vomiting and a series of rejection responses…” Qiao Song finished explaining and left, leaving Alhandra in the ward.

Alhandra sat by the bed, watching Wei’an’s pale face and the slight rise and fall of his chest. Only then did his tense nerves begin to relax, and his expression showed visible fatigue and anxiety.

As Wei’an, who had been sleeping soundly, woke up and started crying because of discomfort, his eyes red and teary, he reached out his little hands, seeking comfort.

Alhandra, who had been by his side, quickly picked him up and comforted him softly.

Wei’an grabbed the clothes on his chest, and his baby voice was hoarse after a long sleep, and he kept complaining, “Ah~ Yaya~”

Seeing Wei’an’s pitiful state, Alhandra pressed his lips together and said, “Sorry, it’s the male father’s fault.”

This was the first time he had ever said the words “I’m sorry” since he was born.

Wei’an shook his head, “Yaa~”

It wasn’t the male father’s fault.

Alhandra gently pressed his forehead against Wei’an’s, affectionately rubbing against him and softly promising, “It won’t happen again.”

He couldn’t bear to see this male cub, whom he had taken care of since he hatched, suffer.

That was more painful for him than suffering himself.

Under the warm light, Wei’an looked up at his male father with a tiny, shaking head, babbling and making little sounds, which made Alhandra’s heart soften.

Outside the door, Quan Chu watched this scene quietly, neither approaching nor leaving.

Because of Wei’an’s special condition, he couldn’t drink the existing cub milk. The doctor had recommended using breast milk.

It has been two years since Quan Chu gave birth to the insect egg, and it is useless even if he takes lactation drugs now.

Fortunately, Yun Lai, the female father of Quan Fan, had just given birth to an egg three months ago. After taking lactation drugs for just one day, he had milk in just one day. He then used a breast pump to extract the milk and put it into a bottle and sent it to him.

In Wei’an’s nursery, Alhandra was holding the bottle, ready to feed him.

After being fed with rice soup for a day, Wei’an’s eyes lit up when he smelled the milk. He eagerly grabbed the bottle and drank greedily, making satisfied little noises as he drank.

Quan Chu, who couldn’t help, looked at the unconscious pampering in the eyes of the male lord and the white and tender little Wei’an, and suddenly felt that this was the feeling of home described by other races.

Just as this thought crossed his mind, he quickly suppressed it.

With Wei’an’s feeding resolved, Alhandra was very pleased and allowed the female servant Yun Lai to open a personal account, depositing a considerable sum of money for him to use.

Yun Lai, overjoyed by this unexpected favor, immediately bought a terminal for his own offspring, Quan Fan.

Wei’an’s body recovered, and the postponed hatching feast was rescheduled to today, a week later.

Today was a sunny day, a lucky time according to all species’ calendars. To choose such a date, their male father had spent a lot of energy to choose such a day.

Quan Fei, holding a cigarette, leaned against a pillar, looking at the lively scene below. The smile in her silver-gray eyes did not reach her eyes.

His hand, holding the cigarette, still showed the marks of the whip. He hasn’t seen the male cub brother yet but he had already endured quite a lot of suffering. Quan Fei lowered her gaze, extinguishing the cigarette on his fingertips and turning away.

Tsk, indeed, male insects were born to be a bane to him.

Among the returning female zergs, except for the young Quan Fan, there were twelve others. The rest were either on dangerous missions or stuck in the battlefield.

If he had known earlier, he would have become a military female instead of going into business, at least he could have found an excuse to avoid it.

This so-called “home” was utterly disgusting to him.

At noon, when the sun was at its peak, Alhandra personally carried the little Wei’an outside and placed him on a massive dark blue crystal in the center of the courtyard.

Qiao Song watched in astonishment.

The enormous disk was carved from a solid piece of dark crystal. The star-like light flowing through the crystal was a special energy, essential for spatial migration. A piece as small as a palm could support a year’s worth of spatial migration between two planets and was also a medium for creating spatial storage.

In the entire universe, only the black star system area occupied by the Zerg has black crystal mines.

Qiao Song had seen a fist-sized dark crystal auctioned for tens of millions.

No species was not envious of the Zerg’s dark crystal mines, if not for the Zerg’s formidable strength, this star field would have been divided among various races long ago.

To see a hundred-meter-wide piece of such precious dark crystal today was truly outrageous!

How crazy is this? !

Wei’an, placed on the crystal by his male father, looked up at him with wide, confused eyes, asking, “Ah?”

Alhandra patted his head, “Wei’an, be good. Don’t be afraid. The male father is here.”

Hearing this, Wei’an, slightly scared, immediately calmed down and began to play with himself, waving his little hands.

Seeing that he didn’t cry, Alhandra was relieved and took a step back.

As he stepped back, the entire scene changed dramatically. The lively courtyard disappeared, and Wei’an’s view suddenly soared, reaching up to the sky, high enough to overlook the entire universe and starry sky.

Sitting on the dark crystal, Wei’an looked around in bewilderment. Once he came to his senses, he turned to look for his male father, “Yaa~ Yaa~”

At this time, all the high-rise buildings and obstacles in the entire zerg race, all those that blocked the view were transparent.

Countless female zergs, across planets and star fields, looked up at the sky. Above the sky was a small figure sitting on the black crystal with confused eyes.

Groups of female zergs, with their left hands on their chests, bowed in reverence.

They have another precious male zerg.

Zerg God!

Quan Chu, Quan Yan, Quan Fei… and other zergs also knelt on one knee in the same manner.

Zerg God!

We will protect him no matter when, where, or in what situation we are.

No matter the cost!

No matter life or death!

This was a ceremony for the birth of the male cub, announcing the existence of the male cub to the entire Zerg, telling them that this was the existence they were to protect.

Every female Zerg was undoubtedly pious when taking the oath, and Quan Fei was no exception. Needless to say, she still hated male Zergs, but in the Zerg, hating and protecting never conflicted.


Hello, friends!

I’ve decided to have a fixed update time from now on. I’ll be posting new chapters at 13:00 UTC every day. Yay~( ̄▽ ̄)~*


Also, it’s still a long way off, but I wanted to inform everyone that starting from Chapter 22, all new chapters will require payment using our site’s Moondust currency—13 coins per chapter (roughly about 0.6 to 0.8 cents due to site sharing) It’s not that I really want to˙◠˙, but because I’m actually purchasing each chapter and also rewarding the original author themselves (only when there’s extra).


Don’t worry, though! I understand that not everyone can grind and collect coins here for free because not everyone can always be online or has the time to collect coins, and not everyone has the money to buy Moondust. So, I’ve decided that every Friday, from 13:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC, the five latest chapters will be free! (。・∀・)ノ゙(watch out for the unlocked 🔓 chapters!)


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A good news! Thanks to Cristina for providing a free raw of this novel from chapter 30-80! The said chapters wouldn’t be put behind a paywall anymore and would be free for everyone ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ The chapters before chapter 30 would be unlock every friday, the same schedule as mentioned earlier.


That’s all for now. Ciao~

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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