The Strange Male Insect Cub

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Looking at the scene below, a group of male Zerg gathered upstairs, commenting.

“Hmm, not bad. The shock is visible to the naked eye.”

“They didn’t swarm around and surround Wei’an and the other cubs. Impressive self-control!”

“Look at that one, so excited he pinched the female Zerg next to him hard enough to draw blood.”

“Wei’an’s control over his spiritual power is truly excellent. Even the ones further away who couldn’t get in were noticed by him.”

As they chatted and laughed, they suddenly turned to Alhandra. “Do you need more Zerg over there?”

Although the question seemed out of nowhere, Alhandra immediately understood. He looked at them. “You want to join?”

“Well, isn’t that obvious?” Shalou Kuer replied, annoyed. “It concerns us directly, of course, we have to be involved to feel at ease. Otherwise, if you mess up and don’t have a genius like me to point it out, you might end up running into a dead end!”

Alhandra lowered his head and sipped his drink. “Need more? Of course we do. That little one Papar Xing is annoying me to death because of this matter.”

The matter they were studying was a secret among male Zerg. The females cannot be allowed to know the slightest bit of news, otherwise the Zerg society may be shaken.

So, they had to handle everything themselves. Fortunately, their strong spiritual power allowed them to absorb knowledge at an incredible pace, making it easier to deal with many things.

For example, setting up a ruse like this for the females that had lasted hundreds of years.

Farison Enger finished his drink. “Have you considered letting Angus join?”

That guy is annoying, but they have to agree that his IQ is astonishingly high.

“No way.” Alhandra’s response was firm, with a hint of gritted teeth, as if he suddenly remembered something unpleasant.

Everyone has that one rival during their student days, someone whose values never align with yours but keeps showing up in your life, with equal strength, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

“Still holding a grudge? Who doesn’t have a rival from their wild younger days?” Cliff said, amused.

“Rival? As if he’s worthy!” Alhandra scoffed.

“Give us an update, then,” someone brought the conversation back to the topic at hand.

So far, only Wei’an could separate the EY material. Their first priority was to figure out how to achieve this without Wei’an’s involvement.

As for the rest, it all hinged on succeeding at that first task.

Progress was slow, but at least they had a direction.

They laughed again and cast their gazes downward. Truthfully, they were all tempted to steal away the little male cub from Alhandra’s household, not because of his abilities, but simply because he was just too adorable.

After Wei’an finished soothing the tenth female Zerg, the knife within him, which had previously appeared as a mere shadow, now had a fully solidified tip.

Suddenly feeling very sleepy, he rubbed his head with both hands. “So sleepy…”

Quan Yan(the second brother), seeing that Wei’an could barely keep his eyes open, bent down to pick him up. “What’s wrong?”

Wei’an snuggled into his arms, trying hard to keep his eyes open, his chubby cheeks squished against Quan Yan’s firm chest. “Sleepy.”

He mumbled the word before falling asleep.

His tiny red mouth, slightly open due to his chubby cheeks being squeezed, began to drool onto Quan Yan’s clothes.

Seeing this, the initial worry Quan Yan had about Wei’an’s sudden fatigue eased. He was just really exhausted.

Also, can such a small one not get exhausted after pacifying ten female zergs in a row?


When this number registered, the male Zerg on the upper floor all set down whatever they were holding, stood straight, tidied their clothes, and made their way outside.

It’s their turn!

The moment they stepped out of the door, their originally relaxed and playful faces instantly changed into a look of sullen vultures, with their cold arrogant eyes and a violent and impatient look.

Wei’an slept for a long time, not waking up even when night fell the next day. No one knew that his body was undergoing changes due to that knife inside him.

Although both Qiao Song and the Zerg physician had examined him and reached the same conclusion—that there was nothing wrong with him aside from sleeping—the longer Wei’an stayed asleep, the more uneasy Alhandra became.

The EY substance was already the most elusive thing to grasp, and Wei’an was only two years old. Although there was something special about him, he shouldn’t have been exposed to it so soon. The more Alhandra thought about it, the more he regretted it.

As the moon rose to its peak, Wei’an finally woke up after sleeping for a full day and night. He blinked a few times before frowning and clutching his belly. “Hungry…”

He tumbled out of bed and immediately spotted Alhandra entering the room with a cup of water.

Wei’an quickly threw himself into Alhandra’s arms, tilting his head up with a pitiful expression. “Male father, hungry…”

Alhandra, seeing that Wei’an was awake, didn’t even hear what he said. He immediately picked him up and rushed to the medical building.

In the medical building, after another examination, Qiao Song was perplexed. He had been responsible for Wei’an’s health, and apart from Alhandra, no one knew Wei’an’s physical condition better than him.

But the results just now showed that all of Wei’an’s stats had improved?

Tsk, what to do? Qiao Song’s research instincts, which he had worked hard to suppress, were flaring up again.

After being examined over and over, Wei’an clung to Alhandra’s neck, whining, “Hungry! Male father, Wei’an’s starving!”

“Alright, alright, we’ll eat now.” Alhandra carried him away, deep in thought.

Although the results showed that all the changes were positive, Alhandra couldn’t shake his anxiety. What if… what if the changes in Wei’an weren’t all good?

Just thinking about that possible outcome was enough to terrify him.

At the dining table, Wei’an skewered a round pastry with a fork and took a big bite.

The sweet flavor spread through his mouth. With his cheeks stuffed full, he turned his head to look at his male father and mumbled, “Tasty.”

Alhandra pinched his cheek and glanced at his chubby little hands with four dimples, feeling slightly more at ease.

He is much fatter than before, it seems that he still has a talent for raising cubs.

After finishing his usual portion, Wei’an patted his belly and looked at Alhandra with his bright blue eyes, “I’m not full yet.”

Surprised, Alhandra reached out and touched his belly, realizing it was still soft. He recalled the changes in Wei’an’s body from the test report and tried having the butler bring over another half portion.

Seeing Wei’an eating happily again, his eyes darkened.

Papar Xing noticed his expression immediately and knew something was wrong.

Sure enough, after that, Alhandra deliberately avoided letting Wei’an come into contact with anything related to the EY substance.

Not to mention allowing him to soothe the Zerg sources again. Letting Wei’an merely visit the Zerg eggs, defined as dead eggs, every day was solely because of Alhandra’s sense of responsibility.

Papar Xing could actually understand Alhandra’s thoughts.

Before Wei’an, the Zerg had persisted like this, hadn’t they?

Once such thoughts took hold, a protective Alhandra might become stubborn and start doubting whether it’s appropriate for a two-year-old Wei’an to be exposed to these matters too early.

The responsibility of the race and Wei’an’s safety constantly pulled at his heart.

After he had finally chosen the race’s responsibility and cautiously let Wei’an engage with the EY, he was scared off by the changes in Wei’an’s body.

Papar Xing, understanding all this clearly, felt quite troubled and began his long road of persuasion.

It took him a full two months of reasoning, emotional appeals, and even secretly instructing Wei’an to cry and pout until, finally, Alhandra reluctantly compromised.

Besides agreeing to let Wei’an learn about the EY-related knowledge, under Papar Xing’s persistent badgering, Alhandra begrudgingly granted five slots for Zerg source soothing.

Soothe five female Zerg every seven days.

If he caught them secretly increasing the number of females or the frequency of sessions, Alhandra wouldn’t allow Wei’an to have anything to do with EY matters again until he came of age.

As for those female Zerg with high Zerg source agitation values? Let them die!

Rumors had spread that there was a peculiar little male cub in the Alhandra family on Kato Star who especially enjoyed catching female Zerg on the streets to practice Zerg source soothing.

When this news first circulated, no one believed it.

A male Zerg—a rare, precious, and proud being—doing such a thing? Even if a male cub misbehaved, wouldn’t their male father step in to discipline them?

He actually didn’t!

After a period of observation and discovering that this was true, the entire Zerg race set off a shallow wave of excitement.

Excitement, envy, and jealousy filled most female Zerg, while a few had already secretly made their way to Kato Star, hoping that the same luck would befall them.

The StarNet users who enjoyed gossiping about various races didn’t miss out on this story about a male Zerg.

22 Years Old Cheated Four Times: “A little male cub practicing on them? He’s only two years old, isn’t that a bit much? EY matters are life and death—aren’t they afraid something could go wrong?”

Makeup and flirting in one go: “The Zerg counts sixteen months as one year, so two Zerg years are about two and a half for us. Tch, naughty kid. At an age where he doesn’t understand anything, Zerg really are bold.”

Be Careful I Steal Your Name: “Don’t judge another race by your race’s standards. The Zerg have been in an untouchable position for so many years because they’re not dumb, right? And since so many female Zerg are rushing to Kato Star, that little male cub must actually be able to soothe the EY-induced Zerg source riots.”

Lonely Wanderer: “Exactly, otherwise, why would they willingly throw their lives away?”

22 Years Old Cheated Four Times: “I’m so envious. Why can only male Zerg suppress EY? If other races had this capability, research into EY wouldn’t be stuck.”

Colorlala: “But if it is not the Zerg that possesses male Zergs, but other races, then those with this kind of ability are the most miserable, right?”

Colorlala: “Which race could protect their males like the Zerg do? They’d be locked in a lab as a second home. If it were me, I’d want to die 3,800 times a day. If I can’t have a good time, why should anyone else? Don’t bother arguing with me, even if you do, I won’t listen.”

Be Careful I Steal Your Name: “We’ve gone off-topic. Weren’t we discussing the little male cub? How did we end up debating this centuries-old argument with no resolution?”

Who’s not a big baby: “Hey, don’t the other planets get jealous? Like, ‘Kato Star’s little male cub can practice there, so why can’t the males on our planet do the same’?”

Go away with your sobbing: “Bro, consider where this is happening—it’s the Zerg! Zerg society is male Zerg supremacy. A bunch of super powerful female Zerg could easily dominate the male Zerg, but they willingly let the males dominate them because of their instincts!”

Go away with your sobbing: “Would they ever think that way? Of course not. Male Zergs are supreme beings in their minds.”

Grab and run: “I don’t agree. I think there’s still some resentment. It’s like a trade: the female Zerg protect the male Zerg, and the male Zerg soothe the Zerg sources and help hatch eggs, in exchange for their high status and luxurious life. If these tasks could be fulfilled by others, they’d have turned on the males long ago.”

Sleepyhead who doesn’t sleep: “Turn on them? If a male Zerg got a scratch, those super-powerful military females would freak out. Turn on them? If they even touched a male Zerg, I’d drop to my knees and call him ‘Daddy.'”

Be Careful I Steal Your Name: “Jokes aside, I’m still envious of the female Zerg on Kato Star. When will that handsy little male cub come to our planet?”

22 Years Old Cheated Four Times: “Wishful thinking!”

Makeup and flirting in one go: “Dream on!”

Lonely Wanderer: “It’s not even dark yet, and you’re already dreaming.”

Go away with your sobbing: “Go take a nap, you’ll have everything in your dreams.”

In the royal city of the Parmin race, the king, who had four eyes, overturned the table upon hearing this, his face twisting in rage.

The more powerful and wealthy a being is, the harder it is to accept a short life span. Especially when a once long life could be taken at any moment by EY, the unwillingness to submit can drive any ambitious being mad.

The Parmin race, known for its high intelligence in the interstellar world, had clearly gone utterly mad from top to bottom.

“Launch an attack! I don’t believe the Zerg would rather sacrifice countless female Zerg lives than hand over a single male Zerg.” The furious voice echoed through the grand hall.

“Yes, sir.”


catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


  1. Spicyramen says:

    Thank you for the chapter!

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