The Strange Male Insect Cub

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The birth festival was the liveliest day for the entire Zerg race.

During this grand, festive celebration, the chance of encountering a rare and noble male Zerg increases significantly. The female Zerg meticulously dress up on this day, bringing with them the achievements and wealth they’ve accumulated since reaching adulthood, hoping to find a male lord.

Kuer was one of those female Zerg. After straightening his collar in front of the mirror, he took his newly purchased Fini terminal and storage earrings and, with a rub of his buzz-cut hair, left the house encouraged by his younger brother.

This was his last chance. If he couldn’t find a male lord this year, next year he would turn into a mindless Zerg beast in the Zerg riot and be thrown into the battlefield against the star beasts.

To avoid such a fate, he was determined to showcase his charm today.

As soon as he stepped out, grand stages had already been set up in the center of the city and along the busy avenues of various squares.

These stages were all for competition battles, each stage offering a different event: mech battles, hand-to-hand combat, and virtual battles. The events were further divided into three age groups: the juvenile division, the youth division, and the adult division.

Winning seven consecutive matches awarded a third-class prize, fourteen consecutive matches a second-class prize, and twenty-eight consecutive matches made you the champion, earning the first-class prize.

Unlike the juvenile and youth divisions, the female Zerg in the adult division didn’t care about the prizes. They were more interested in displaying their charm to the male Zergs.

However, Kuer didn’t plan to participate in that. Female Zerg in battle mode are prone to absorbing EY substances, which raises their Zerg riot index. His zerg riot index was already high, so such an opportunity wasn’t suitable for him.

Meanwhile, Wei’an was extremely happy as Quan Ci lifted him up onto his shoulders. Looking down at Quan Yu and the others, he gestured to his head with his hand and said in a childish voice, “Wei’an is taller than all of you.”

Shang You, always competitive, immediately turned to Shang Yan upon hearing that.

Shang Yan, seeing Shang You looking at him, shook his head and spoke the truth. “Even if I carry you, you still won’t be taller than Wei’an.”

Knowing he was right, Shang You stomped his foot. Suddenly, remembering something, he covered his hands and looked up at Wei’an. “If you don’t come down now, you won’t get the birthday present I prepared for you!”

Attracted by the gift, Wei’an asked his brother to put him down. Once on the ground, he looked up with his big, curious blue eyes at Shang You. “What’s the gift?”

Shang You lifted his chin. “Come closer, and I’ll show you.”

When Wei’an got closer, Shang You mysteriously covered his hands and said, “The gift is in here. Be careful not to scare it with your voice.”

His mysterious tone piqued Wei’an’s curiosity, and his big eyes sparkled. “Okay, Wei’an will speak very softly.”

As Shang You slowly opened his hands, Wei’an held his breath in anticipation.

Suddenly, Shang You jumped up and threw his hands wide open. “Ha, tricked you!”

Wei’an, who had been eagerly expecting something, froze for a second. The next moment, feeling betrayed, he pouted and turned, throwing himself into Quan Fan’s arms. “Mean! Not playing with you anymore.”

Quan Yu, seeing his brother being teased, rushed over to hit Shang You, but Shang Yan immediately held him back.

With the air of someone who’s been through it all, Shang Yan said, “They can tease each other, but if you go over and hit him, we might have to visit the little black room¹.”

Hearing the threat of the “little black room,” Quan Yu quieted down.

Humph, he didn’t want to be locked up in a dark room where he wouldn’t be able to see brother Wei’an.

Seeing that Wei’an was really unhappy, Shang You quickly stepped forward and stuffed the present he’d personally made into his hands. “I’m not mean at all. Here, this is a birthday present I stayed up all night making just for you.”

Wei’an looked at the ugly mech model in his hands, he doesn’t know where its arms or legs were supposed to be, he hesitated for a moment before storing it in his space.

When he saw Wei’an accept it, Shang You proudly tilted his head back. “Isn’t it better looking than the one your big brother made?”

Somehow, Shang You had the confidence to ask such a question.

Krillochuan, unable to bear listening any longer, rushed forward, clamped his hand over Shang You’s mouth, and dragged him away. “Come on, there’s something fun over there.”

As the oldest of the group, Krillochuan really felt like he had an endless amount of things to worry about every day.

Feeling quite proud of himself, Krillochuan led the group of cubs, charging through the bustling streets.

Quan Yan(the second brother), Quan Ci, Quan Fan, and Papar Xing slowly walked behind, keeping an eye on them while chatting.

The reason they brought Wei’an out during this birthday was because he needed to choose a female Zerg affected by the Zerg riot to practice calming them down.

Something about it didn’t sit right with Quan Yan. He had never heard of male Zerg needing to practice calming a female Zerg from a young age.

But after thinking it over, he couldn’t find anything truly wrong with it. After all, the male Zerg had a different education than they did. And they were entirely unfamiliar with calming Zerg riots, so they didn’t have the right to question it.

Still, selecting female Zerg to calm in public like this was unprecedented in Zerg society, and the impact it would have was easy to imagine.

The sudden appearance of a male cub on a busy and crowded street is quite a shock to the females. They pretended not to care, but their eyes couldn’t help but glance repeatedly in one direction. From afar, it looked like a group of Zerg all having simultaneous eye spasms.

There was no way the sharp spiritual senses of the young male Zerg wouldn’t notice their stares, but since this happened every time they went out, they had long since gotten used to it.

“Eh?” Wei’an, who was holding a bunch of stuff in his arms, suddenly stopped in his tracks. As his companions turned to look, he raised his hand to point in a direction, his small voice filled with pride. “The target has appeared.”

Hearing this, Krillochuan and the others’ eyes lit up as they followed his gaze.

This time, their mission was to help Wei’an defeat EY and rescue other Zergs.

The female Zerg Wei’an pointed at was none other than Kuer, who was standing tall and stiff, trying to display his charm.

What Wei’an didn’t know was that as soon as he designated his target, the male Zergs who had gathered in a nearby high-rise building to watch the excitement all turned their attention to Kuer.

“He’s definitely a military female close to the Zerg riot. Tsk, I’m guessing he wasn’t saved in time on the last battlefield,” Shang Ying said, taking a sip of his drink and walking over to Alhandra’s side. “Wei’an’s control of his spiritual power is impressive. He could detect that military female from this far away. How did you teach him? Teach my Shang You the same sometime.”

Alhandra, lazily leaning against the bookshelf, his deep blue eyes glimmering with pride, said, “I didn’t teach him. He was born with it.”

“Tsk, you really still need a beating,” Cliff remarked from the side.

“Well, that’s only if you can beat me,” Alhandra replied, utterly unbothered, his handsome face practically glowing with arrogance.

“Come on, hit me!”

Farison Enger patted Shalou Kuyu who was gritting his teeth and said, “Calm down, haven’t you had enough of his beatings back when we were in school?”

Recalling those days, Shalou Kuyu rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know what kind of luck he had to give birth to a cub like Wei’an.”

Farison Enger, who had always wanted to steal the cub, couldn’t help but feel the same frustration.

Today, Kuer’s luck was particularly bad. So far, he hadn’t encountered any male Zerg, leaving him with no chance to show off his achievements and charm.

Just as he was feeling a bit dejected, a group of cubs suddenly rushed out and surrounded him. He wanted to take action as a reflex, but the moment he saw the male cubs, his whole body froze.

Now, he didn’t dare move an inch, afraid that he might accidentally harm the small male cubs, who barely reached his knees.

Wei’an, with his chubby little face and sparkling blue eyes, circled Kuer with his hands behind his back. Smiling mischievously, he beckoned, “Crouch down a bit.”

A bit confused, Kuer crouched down obediently, speaking softly and cautiosly, as if afraid to raise his voice, “What is it?”

Even crouching, Kuer was still quite large, and Wei’an had to tiptoe to reach the top of his lowered head.

The moment they made contact, the EY substance in Kuer’s body—residing in his Zerg source and spiritual sea, causing him immense pain—began rushing into Wei’an’s small palm resting on his head.

Wei’an’s spiritual tentacle quickly divided it into two parts: the beneficial black portion was devoured by the phantom knife inside his body, while the useless red part was all stuffed into the bodies of several other Zerg nearby.

One spiritual tentacle even bypassed the crowd to reach Quan Yan, attempting to inject the red mist into him. However, it failed. The mist, instead of being absorbed, mixed with the small amount of black mist in Quan Yan’s body.

Wei’an puffed his cheeks in frustration. Xingxing had told him that the substance he had separated out was beneficial to Zerg bodies, but unfortunately, it could only be absorbed by cubs and unhatched Zerg eggs.

Adult Zerg, whose bodies had fully developed, could no longer absorb it.

Remembering this, Wei’an had tried it out just now, only to find it was indeed impossible!

Wei’an’s small, soft hand rested lightly on Kuer’s head like a falling petal, and a faint milky scent lingered in the air. Kuer couldn’t tell if it was his imagination, but the pain and frustration he had been feeling seemed to disappear.

The group of male cubs had already drawn attention, but when they surrounded a large, blood-scented military Zerg, even more eyes turned their way.

A towering military Zerg and a few tiny cubs—nothing seemed to match.

Curiosity swelled among the onlookers, wondering what would happen next.

The Zerg markings on Kuer’s cheeks pulsed rapidly—anyone with common sense knew his Zerg source’s agitation level was high. Whether he could find a male lord at this birth festival gathering would determine if he lived through the next year.

Many Zerg died each year due to such high agitation levels, but male Zergs were so scarce that many could only watch helplessly as military and other Zerg lost their lives.

In the eyes of the surrounding Zerg, the large military Zerg crouched carefully, while the soft and sweet male cub stood on his tiptoes to place a small hand on the military Zerg’s head.

The moment they made contact, the once-active black markings on the female military Zerg’s face suddenly stopped moving.

The now-still black markings resembled the quiet patterns seen on the faces of newborn cubs.

Not long after, the agitation from the Zerg source that Kuer had been unable to conceal disappeared as well.

The other Zerg looked on, stunned.

What was going on? Why had the military Zerg’s agitation suddenly vanished? How was this possible?

Though they knew male Zerg could soothe an agitated Zerg source, none had ever witnessed it firsthand. In this moment, their minds were full of confusion.

It felt like a dream—a scene they had only dared to imagine. It was as surreal as the long-held hope that the EY substance would one day disappear.

Still dazed, they watched as the male cub withdrew his hand from the military Zerg’s head. His white, soft face framed a pair of bright blue eyes that curved into a smile. Clapping his hands, he said in a sweet, milky voice, “All done.”

He then turned around, his sparkling eyes scanning the crowd, seemingly searching for his next target, while several emotions exploded in the hearts of the onlookers.

There was shock, bewilderment, confusion, and excitement.

A chaotic mix of feelings erupted in their minds, pushing them to rush forward, but instinct held them back, afraid of startling or harming the male cub.

Kuer, whose Zerg source agitation had just been calmed, was even more confused.

He had never been a lucky Zerg. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have failed the military academy entrance exams several times. In the year he finally passed, his female father had died on the battlefield due to Zerg source agitation. That same year, before he could process the grief, his other female father² also succumbed to the same agitation and was sent to the frontlines.

Before he could fully grieve the loss of both parents, he had to shoulder the burden of raising his younger brother and supporting himself.

He finally made it to graduation, joined the battlefield with a high salary, only to face an unstable Star Beast Domain, which caused his Zerg source agitation to skyrocket.

Unable to abandon his younger brother, he had to dress up meticulously on this birth festival, hoping to find a male lord to keep himself alive.

Among the many Zerg, he was not outstanding, and due to a series of misfortunes, he was even a little bit below average.

Just when he was about to give up, luck unexpectedly found him.

His Zerg source had been calmed. He would live. He could still watch his brother grow up. Though he would face the risk of agitation again, at least he wouldn’t have to worry about it for the next few years.

Kuer collapsed to the ground without a care for his image, staring at the small figure in front of him with a sudden urge to cry his heart out.

High above, amidst the clouds, massive bone wings hung behind a figure, cold blood dripping from their sharp edges.

Mysterious and elegant dark green Zerg markings moved slowly across tanned cheeks as Quan Yi licked the blood from the corner of his mouth. His icy green eyes locked onto the black-haired, blue-eyed male cub below.

Every birth festival gatherings like this day is when male Zergs were most active, and it is also the time bounty hunters of the black market were at their peak. After all, the top-ranking mission on the interstellar black market had always been about a capturing male Zerg.

Male Zergs were too special. Even if some races didn’t dare to face the Zerg head-on, they were always up to secret tricks in the background.

Many races participated in these underhanded schemes, but the Zerg weren’t foolish enough to wage war on all of them at once.

Before the Zerg reached such strength, they became the sharpest blade, striking down anyone who dared to take on missions involving the male Zergs.

The male Zergs are absolutely safe in the Zerg tribe, and this sentence was built upon a foundation of bloodshed.

¹visit the little black room – a punishment room, probably a dark cell.

²his female father had died on the battlefield due to Zerg source agitation. That same year, before he could process the grief, his other female father – his family must be a female-female family, that’s why there’s no male father mentioned here, only two female fathers.



catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


  1. bluepheonix says:

    Thank for the chapter!!! I enjoy seeing Wei’an becoming stronger! Fighting! 💪💕

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