The Strange Male Insect Cub

Huge thanks to pigeoncries for the Kofi!🥳

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Two months later…

“Not stupid.” Qiao Song gave his verdict regarding the question of whether Cen Wei was stupid or not. “He’s not stupid, just a bit lazy.”

“Just a bit lazy?” Krillochuan expressed doubt, reaching out to poke the limp Cen Wei lying on the examination table. “Other than eating, drinking, excreting, and sleeping, the biggest movement he makes is rolling over. He won’t even say a word. Are you sure he’s not actually stupid?”

Qiao Song sighed helplessly, “He’s really just lazy. Aside from that, there’s nothing wrong with him.”

In all his years, he had never seen such a lazy cub.

Wei’an’s small mouth opened slightly in surprise, his eyes full of surprise. So his brother was lazy? He always thought his brother was too dumb to move.

Curious, Alhandra picked Cen Wei up by the collar, saying, “That guy Alhandra Zangshi wouldn’t tolerate such a lazy female cub.”

Cen Wei, being picked up, lazily lifted his eyelids to glance at who was holding him, then remained motionless.

Amused, Alhandra put him back on the ground and said to the still-surprised Wei’an beside him, “This kind of behavior isn’t good for the body. Until your uncle arrives, the task of supervising his exercise is yours.”

Wei’an’s eyes lit up as he straightened his back, “Understood, male father.”

Krillochuan and Shang You, along with the other cubs, quickly chimed in, “And us, we’ll help supervise too.”

“Make sure the task is completed,” Alhandra said with a smile, patting Wei’an on the shoulder before getting up to leave, needing to deal with the so-called ‘dead egg’ matter.

After watching the male father leave, Wei’an squatted in front of Cen Wei, who was sitting on the ground, and said in a childish voice, “Brother, get up and walk.”

Cen Wei gave his biggest response yet to Wei’an’s words, shaking his head.

Wei’an puffed his cheeks, “Brother, you need to listen.”

Cen Wei still shook his head.

Shang You and the rest of the group tried to persuade him too, but Cen Wei, who at least reacted a little to Wei’an, completely ignored them, frustrating Shang You, who stomped his feet in anger.

After a while, a worried Wei’an began to fret that he might not be able to complete the task his male father had given him.

Seeing Wei’an frown, the slow-moving Cen Wei suddenly reached out, trying to smooth his furrowed brow.

Nearby, Shang Yan’s eyes lit up. He pulled Wei’an up and ran a few steps away before whispering something in his ear.

Just as Krillochuan and the others were starting to feel confused, Wei’an suddenly fell backward onto the ground not far away. Before they could react, Cen Wei, who had been sitting, propped himself up and stood.

Wei’an had initially wondered why Shang Yan told him to pretend to fall, but when he saw Cen Wei walking over to try and help him up, his bright blue eyes curved into crescents with joy.

He could complete the task his male father had given him now!

Shang You and others were surprised and had bad ideas. They quickly grabbed Wei’an and began running. Just as they were about to leave Cen Wei’s sight, they had Wei’an pretend to fall again.

Seeing this, Cen Wei, who had just sat down, wobbled back up, his pale purple eyes staring at the constantly falling Wei’an with apparent distress.

Krillochuan and the others exchanged glances, and upon realizing that this strategy was actually working, they started taking turns dragging Wei’an up hills, through forests, and around the orchard.

In this way, little Cen Wei, only two months old, was led around everywhere by them using Wei’an as bait.

An hour later, Shang You, Wei’an, and the other Zergs were all exhausted, panting as they collapsed onto the ground. Meanwhile, Cen Wei, who had been running everywhere with them, wasn’t even out of breath as he walked over, sat next to Wei’an, and rested his head on Wei’an’s shoulder before falling asleep.

Wei’an was too tired to even speak. His brother Cen Wei seemed to be able to run better than any of them!

Little Cen Wei had an astonishingly good physical constitution. If he were willing to move, he could beat all the Zergs his age, without even breaking a sweat.

“Tch, could it be because he was once an egg that couldn’t hatch?” Cen Sui stroked his chin, circling the ‘brother’ lying on the carpet.

“I think it’s because of him.” Papar Xing smiled, pointing to the left.

All the Zergs followed his gaze, landing on Wei’an, who was being tossed into the air by Alhandra.

Why is Cen Wei’s physique so strong? This has to do with Wei’an. To avoid feeling bitter and uncomfortable, his spiritual tentacles latched onto the red mist and stuffed it into the other zerg cub’s body. What to do if it couldn’t fit any more?

He had a sudden stroke of inspiration and started putting it into the egg where Cen Wei was. Upon discovering that no matter how much it filled the egg, it never reached capacity, the spiritual tentacles became excited, sweeping all the black mist out of the egg.

At the time, Cen Wei was still developing inside the egg, his body being shaped in the process. After this operation, his physical condition skyrocketed.

Unfortunately, after careful research and repeated verification, it was discovered that the substance extracted from EY only affected Zerg cubs still inside their eggs or those whose bodies were still developing.

It had no effect on adult Zergs.

The solution to the problem of male Zergs losing their lives due to EY depletion remained a long way off.

Papar Xing sighed regretfully.

Sensing their gaze, Alhandra shot them a cold look, causing everyone, including Alhandra Zangshi, to avert their eyes.

You don’t mess with a protective male Zerg!

If Wei’an could help a supposedly dead egg hatch, why couldn’t the other male Zergs do the same? Was it intentional, or was there some other reason?

Intentional or deliberate?

Faced with Cen Sui’s question, Papar Xing laughed. A gentle breeze lifted his silver hair, twirling it around his fingers with a unique kind of grace.

His golden eyes shimmered ambiguously, revealing no emotion, making it impossible to fathom his thoughts.

Cen Sui looked down and felt a slight tremble in his heart. This young male Zerg in front of him was only nine years old, yet he always felt like he was facing someone whose mental capabilities far surpassed his own.

It seemed that when male Zergs weren’t going mad, they could really make others feel quite intimidated from the bottom of their hearts.

“Do you still have money? Want to go to the black market and fight a few rounds?” Papar Xing suddenly asked.

“No,” Cen Sui shook his head. If his big brother found out he was fighting in the black market, he’d be crippled.

Wait a minute!

Cen Sui suddenly looked up. “How do you know I’ve been fighting in the black market?”

He liked buying all sorts of strange and quirky things, and because of that, he often ran out of money. Occasionally, he would go to the black market to fight and earn some extra cash. Since his big brother didn’t allow it, he’d kept it all hidden pretty well. How did Papar Xing know?

Papar Xing looked behind him at Cen Wei and slowly smiled.

A large hand suddenly landed on his head, and Cen Sui, sensing something wrong, stiffly turned around. When he met his big brother’s icy gaze, he managed to force out a weak smile. “Brother, when did you get here?”

Cen Wei’s(the big brother) lips twitched, and the black Zerg markings on his face became even more menacing. “Guess.”

Nearby, Wei’an, who was sitting on the grass next to Cen Wei(the cub) and holding Quan Yu, heard the distant screams and raised his head in confusion. “Uncle?”

Alhandra Zangshi, who was picking fruit for him, reassured him, “It’s nothing, Cen Wei and Cen Sui are just practicing.”

“Oh.” Wei’an turned his gaze back and pointed to a fruit hidden among the leaves. “Uncle, that one, that one is sweet.”

There were many types of fruits in the orchard, and Wei’an, who loved picking them, knew exactly when each fruit would be at its sweetest.

And so, amid the red and green fruits, Wei’an welcomed his second birthday.

“Wei’an, hurry, hurry up!”

Early in the morning, Shang You’s voice echoed through Alhandra Manor.

“I’m coming!” Wei’an responded as he ran outside, his baby-fat cheeks jiggling with every step, while behind him trailed Quan Yu, a little tail who was now almost as tall as him.

As they ran, suddenly, a Zerg lifted Wei’an into the air and shook him gently.

“Where are you off to?” Quan Fei, whom he hadn’t seen in a long time, asked, shaking the cub in her hand.

“Sister!” Wei’an, who had been a bit confused at first, brightened when he heard her voice. He grabbed onto Quan Fei’s hand, “Why are you here?”

Quan Fei, now sporting a buzz cut, looked even more heroic than before. A scar at the end of her brow, causing her eyebrow to appear cut off, gave her a sharper and more imposing aura.

She patted the head of Quan Yu, who thought she was bullying Wei’an, and had rushed up to hold her calf and beat her, and said, “Your birthday coincides with the Feast Day again. If I didn’t come, wouldn’t our female father break my legs?”

“He wouldn’t.” Wei’an’s bright eyes stared at her as he whined, his voice soft and sweet. “Wei’an missed you~”

Quan Fei’s light green eyes looked at him, unmoved by his cutesy act. “Missing me won’t change anything, there’s no way you’re getting a gift.”

Wei’an pouted, “But did you miss me?”


“What about brother?” Suddenly, Wei’an remembered Quan Yan(the eldest) and asked hopefully.

“He can’t make it this time.” Quan Fei put him down. Recently, the Parmin race had been acting up, attempting to launch several attacks.

If the Star Beast Territory wasn’t becoming increasingly unstable, she’d want to march straight to their capital. Such bad luck!

Wei’an was a little disappointed to hear that Quan Yan couldn’t come.

Seeing this, Quan Fei purposefully ruffled his hair and pulled a box from her storage. She tossed it into his arms. “Even though he couldn’t come, he asked me to bring you a gift.”

The box was as tall as Wei’an, and the weight of it knocked him onto the grass. He sat there dazed, his big round eyes staring up at Quan Fei.

Quan Fei silently stared back at him for a moment, then reached out to lift him up. “You’ve grown a year older, yet there’s still no progress at all.”

Standing back up, Wei’an wasn’t upset. Instead, he curiously opened the box. “Wow!”

Inside was a mecha model as tall as Wei’an, hand-made by Quan Yan, piece by piece.

He compared his height to the mecha and found that they were exactly the same. His eyes squinted in delight as he smiled. “It’s as tall as me!”

Quan Yu, Shang You, and the other Zerg gathered around, amazed, touching and examining it from all angles.

In the box, there was also a small hand-woven bracelet with a wooden bead on it. The bead had some writing that Wei’an couldn’t understand.

“What does it say?” He held it up and asked Quan Fei.

Quan Fei paused for a moment. “How would I know? It’s not mine.”

“Let me see.” Papar Xing, who happened to be passing by, came over. He was well-versed in many races’ literature and immediately recognized that the writing was in a human language. It consisted of just three characters: “Peace and longevity.”

He glanced at Quan Fei, who remained nonchalant, and smiled before tying the bracelet around Wei’an’s left wrist. “It’s a prayer wishing you blessings.”

Wei’an beamed, his smile so wide it hid his eyes, showing only a row of cute tiny teeth.

Such a silly smile!

Quan Fei looked away, then turned to leave. She had come solely to deliver Quan Yan’s gift, and her warship was still docked in the port waiting for her.

“Sister,” a young voice called from behind. Although she was supposed to leave, she stopped.

Wei’an ran up to her and clung to her leg. “Sister, are you leaving?”


Now understanding many things, Wei’an pursed his lips in reluctance. “Then please come back and visit me often.”

Quan Fei didn’t respond.

“And thank you for the gift, sister.”

She looked down at the little boy holding onto her leg, finding it amusing. “What gift did I give you?”

“Gift of peace.” He held up his small hand, shaking the brown prayer beads that contrasted with his pale wrist.

Xingxing had quietly told him earlier that the bracelet was from his sister.

Quan Fei didn’t correct him. She pinched the baby fat on his cheek and turned to leave decisively.

Wei’an watched her leave, feeling sad until she disappeared from sight. Then he patted his chest with his small hand, comforting himself. When he grew up, he would be able to visit his brother, sister, and female father whenever he wanted.

Whenever he missed someone, he’d go find them. During the day, he’d visit his brother and sister, in the afternoon he’d see his female father, and at night, they’d all sleep together.


catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


  1. BYEOL says:

    Such a cutie 🥹❤️

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