The Strange Male Insect Cub

Huge thanks to cyanlaurence for the Kofi!🥳

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In the evening, while Wei’an was sucking on a piece of candy and giving spiritual guidance to the big white egg, he was suddenly pinched on both cheeks by Alhandra, who was passing by.

Alhandra looked at the candy in Wei’an’s mouth and laughed in exasperation. “You just brush your teeth and now you’re eating candy?”

Realizing that the male father was a little angry, Wei’an blinked, trying to act cute. “Can’t eat candy after brushing my teeth?”

“What do you think?” Alhandra put his hand near Wei’an’s mouth. “Spit it out.”

“No~” Wei’an shook his head.

“You have to spit it out.”

“Male father is the best~”

“If you know I’m the best, then spit out the candy.” Alhandra was unmoved by Wei’an’s coquettishness.

In the end, Alhandra gave in to Wei’an’s tearful gaze, gently wiping his eyes. “I’ll let it go this time, but no more candy after brushing your teeth.”


“Because if you eat candy after brushing, your teeth will rot,” Alhandra warned him.

Wei’an, shocked, quickly covered his mouth and mumbled, “I don’t want them to rot~”

Seeing that he had frightened the cub, Alhandra, satisfied, smoothed Wei’an’s hair. “So, will you eat candy after brushing your teeth again?”


“Good boy.”

“I’ve always been good~” Wei’an said, hugging the big white egg and continuing with the spiritual guidance.

Watching Wei’an focus so hard that his little eyebrows furrowed, Alhandra chuckled and reached out to smooth them before standing up and leaving, not wanting to disturb him.

It is a good thing for a little cub to concentrate on doing one thing, and it should be encouraged regardless of whether there are good results or not, but he must quickly find a way to find an egg to replace it.

Lest he drown him in tears when he knows it can’t break out of the shell.

After finishing the daily spiritual guidance, Wei’an stood up, still holding the egg, and started heading outside.

Alhandra reached out and tugged on Wei’an’s light green pajamas. “Where are you going without going to sleep?”

“I want to sleep with Naiman and the others~”

Alhandra raised an eyebrow. “So you’re abandoning your male father?”

“Male father, be good~” Wei’an turned back, patting his head. “I’ll sleep with you tomorrow~”

Reluctantly comforted, Alhandra pinched Wei’an’s cheek. “Alright, alright, go ahead.”

With permission granted, Wei’an immediately turned around and, still holding the big white egg, rushed out the door. As soon as he opened it, Shang You and the other cubs, who had been waiting outside, excitedly pulled him toward their prepared room.

“Goodnight, Uncle Alhandra,” Shang Yan said, closing the door behind them.

Left alone in the room, Alhandra chuckled to himself, feeling a bit sad. It seemed he was becoming a bit too attached to Wei’an.

This wasn’t a good sign.

He rubbed his head and collapsed onto the bed.

Meanwhile, the group of young cubs, sleeping together for the first time, was clearly excited. They lay in a row on the bed, with Wei’an and the big white egg in the middle.

“You said you saw the little brother inside the egg, and he even moved?” Shang You asked in surprise, his eyes wide. After Wei’an nodded, Shang You scrambled up to the big white egg. “How did you see it? We can’t see anything.”

“You probably need to use spiritual power,” Shang Yan, who had been observing since earlier, couldn’t help but chime in.

“I know how to use spiritual power. Let me try,” Naiman said, squeezing forward. With his movement, Cole and Krillochuan couldn’t resist getting up, forming a circle around the big white egg.

After a while, Naiman shook his head. “I still can’t see anything.”

“Let me try, let me try,” Shang You said eagerly, hugging the big white egg and attempting to explore with his not-so-skilled spiritual power.

In the end, he saw nothing either. He pouted and put the egg back. “There’s really nothing in there.”

As soon as he said that, Krillochuan suddenly clapped his hands. “I got it! Maybe Wei’an can see inside because he’s related to the egg, and that’s why we can’t.”

That explanation seemed reasonable, and the cubs all nodded in agreement.

But if that were the case, how could they see the little brother inside the egg?

What they didn’t know was that even Alhandra, who shared the same bloodline, couldn’t see the cub inside the egg either.

Desperate to see, the cubs huddled together and discussed for a long time before coming up with a seemingly reliable plan.

They decided that if they held hands while looking, they might be able to see.

Without delay, they linked hands, except for Shang Yan. The lead, Wei’an, held Shang You’s right hand while placing his left hand on the big white egg. Naiman, bringing up the rear, held Cole’s left hand and placed his right hand on the egg, overlapping with Wei’an’s.

Unseen by Shang Yan, the male cub’s mental tentacles spread toward the big white egg.

Unlike the other thin mental tentacles, one of them looked very fat at first glance. Those thin mental tentacles immediately wrapped around the fat tentacles as soon as they saw it.

The chubby tentacle led the smaller tentacles into the big white egg. Inside, it was pitch black with no light at all. After some searching, they finally saw the little cub in the center.

So small!

The cubs marveled in their minds, and their thin mental tentacles detached from the chubby one, curiously wrapping around the little cub.

The little cub was covered in dark Zerg patterns, far more than any female they’d ever seen, so many that his face couldn’t even be made out.

While poking him with his mental tentacles, they all thought the same thing: So ugly!

What they didn’t realize was that wherever the small tentacles touched, the black Zerg patterns lightened slightly, and thick, dark mist began to wisp away toward their bodies, but they were stopped halfway by the chubby mental tentacles.

The fat tentacles absorbed the dark mist and tossed the unpleasant red mist that came from it to the thinner tendrils.

Not bitter anymore!

Wei’an, who had originally frowned tightly from the bitterness, suddenly smacked his lip, he was no longer miserable~

After the bitterness was gone, the chubby tentacle started to greedily devour the black mist, causing a ripple across the entire space.

Not long after, the fat tentacle, now burping from eating too much, rolled up the few other tentacle and withdrew.

Retracting their spiritual power, several of Shang You’s eyes sparkled brightly, completely different from the sleepy Wei’an. They didn’t feel sleepy at all, much more energetic than even after a good night’s sleep.

“This is so fun, Wei’an! Let’s play again, okay?” Shang You excitedly shook Wei’an’s shoulders.

Wei’an, rolling his eyes from being shaken, refused, “No~”

“Come on, let’s play a little more.” Shang You tried to act cute.

Wei’an lifted his hand, pushing against Shang You’s face in a grumpy refusal, “No~”

“Don’t you want to eat the black mushroom?” Shang You stubbornly asked, his speech slightly slurred due to his face being pushed.

“I’m sleepy~”

Seeing Wei’an genuinely looking exhausted, Krillochuan stepped forward and pulled Shang You away. “Wei’an is really tired, let him sleep.”

“Alright!” Shang You turned his head and saw that Wei’an had already pulled a small blanket over himself and fallen fast asleep.

“He fell asleep so quickly.” Shang You leaned over in front of Wei’an, playing with his eyelashes. “And his eyelashes are so long.”

Saying this, he pinched Wei’an’s cheeks with a satisfied grin. Wei’an definitely wouldn’t let him play like this while awake—being asleep is better.

Cole slapped Shang You’s hand away, “If you wake Wei’an up and he cries, you’ll have to console him yourself.”

Shang You, still a bit dissatisfied, immediately put his hands behind his back and shook his head the moment he heard Wei’an might cry. “No way, I’m not consoling him. Wei’an is hard to console.”

It seemed that Wei’an’s previous bout of crying gave him a big shadow.

Shang Yan thought about dragging his quilt and moving to sleep next to Wei’an when they weren’t paying attention.

Krillochuan and the others, inexplicably full of energy, sat cross-legged, chatting softly.

“What do we do? I can’t sleep.”

“I can’t sleep either.”

“Why don’t we play the virtual battlefield?”

“Sounds good.”

Each of them pulled out a custom virtual cabin from their storage space, placing it on the side before climbing in to lie down.

The room fell into silence. Meanwhile, in the egg, unseen by anyone, the cub curled in the center was growing visibly bigger, bit by bit. This growth lasted about ten minutes before stopping.

The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight streamed through the window, Shang Yan opened his eyes. He sat up, ruffling his gray-white hair, then jumped off the bed, dressed, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, he checked on the still-sleeping Wei’an, tucking the blanket around him. Then, he walked over to the four virtual cabins to inspect them. Seeing that they were in sleep mode with stable life and spiritual signs, he sat by the bed and started reviewing his lessons on the terminal.

Though he hadn’t started school yet, he couldn’t fall behind on his studies, or others would make fun of him.

Before long, Wei’an woke up. He lay in bed, blinking his eyes, then used his little hands to rub his face before sitting up.

As soon as he sat up, his gaze was drawn to the four virtual cabins at the foot of the bed. Curious, he crawled over, supporting himself on the bed. “Shang Yan, what’s this~”

Noticing that Wei’an was awake, Shang Yan turned around. Knowing that the virtual battlefield wasn’t suitable for Wei’an, he made up a story. “This is their special small bed.”

“Oh~” Wei’an exclaimed with his mouth agape, “I want one too~”

“What do you want?” Alhandra happened to walk in just as Wei’an said that.

As soon as he saw Alhandra, Wei’an crawled over and threw himself into his arms, pointing at the virtual cabin. “I want that little bed~”

Hearing that it was a little bed, Alhandra glanced at Shang Yan, also thinking that Wei’an wasn’t ready for the virtual battlefield. “Alright, your male father will have someone make you an identical little bed.”

Wei’an, delighted, smiled brightly and leaned in to give Alhandra a kiss on the face. “Male father is the best~”

“Mm-hmm.” Alhandra responded absentmindedly, putting Wei’an down before helping him dress and wash up.

Wei’an cooperated throughout, moving as directed. Afterward, he ran back to the bed and hugged the big white egg, “Huh?”

He blinked in confusion. Why does the egg feel heavier~

Noticing Wei’an pick up the egg, Shang Yan remembered something and leaned in close to Wei’an’s ear, whispering softly, “Krillochuan and the others told me to tell you, don’t tell your male father or the others about the egg. Let’s secretly hatch it and give them a big surprise.”

Wei’an’s eyes widened and he nodded eagerly. When Alhandra returned after getting ready, he saw this and ruffled Wei’an’s hair. “What are you whispering about? Keeping secrets from me?”

Wei’an smiled sheepishly, grabbed Shang Yan’s hand, and ran downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, he handed the egg to Shang Yan and reached out to Alhandra. “Male father, carry me~”

Alhandra took him into his arms and weighed him, “How come you’re willing to let go of the egg now?”

“Male father, don’t ask. This is Wei’an’s little secret~” Wei’an said with a serious expression.

Alhandra squinted slightly. “You’ve got little secrets now, huh? Whisper it to me, I won’t tell anyone else.”

Wei’an lifted his hand to cover Alhandra’s mouth, “No~”

“Alright.” Alhandra said, his voice a little muffled from the hand covering his mouth. “Look who’s waiting for you downstairs.”

Wei’an stretched his neck to look down and saw Papar Xing holding a wooden sword, smiling softly at him. “I’ve come to play wooden swords with you all.”


Hey friends! Is someone reading this novel? Please comment your thoughts about this chapter so that I will know someone is still reading and I’ll continue uploading the next chapters(*´︶`*)ฅ♡


catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


  1. acil says:

    I like this novel very much and check it out every single day for updates 🥰

  2. Kate says:

    I love this novel, Thank you for all your hard work.

  3. pringlescaprisun says:

    can’t wait for the egg to hatch!! thx for your translations, i’m always checking to see when a new chapter has been updated 🙂

  4. bluepheonix says:

    Very much still reading! ☺️
    ✅️ Daily check in.
    Thank you for translating 💙

  5. River song says:

    Thank you for Translating! Very much enjoying the novel!

  6. rayrayray says:

    Thank you for the update!

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