The Strange Male Insect Cub

On the way to the egg nursery the next day, Alhandra looked at Wei’an, who was walking ahead, happily holding a big white egg, and felt a bit of a headache.

He glanced briefly at Cen Sui, who insisted on coming along, and thought to himself that perhaps he should send Cen Sui to the Black Crystal Mines to dig for a while.

Unaware that his fate of mining had already been sealed, Cen Sui was chatting with Quan Fe. “You know, we’re both his brothers, so why does he treat us differently?”

Quan Fe glanced at Wei’an, who would walk a few steps and then turn around to check if he was following, and gave a knowing smile. As for why he had woken up this morning with the little male cub lying on his stomach, he had more or less figured it out.

Other than his cousin here probably instigating it, he really couldn’t think of any other reason.

Perhaps I should talk to Uncle about how Cen Sui seems to have too much free time. Sending him to Black Star to mine might be a good idea.

Cen Sui, who was talking happily, suddenly shuddered and looked up at the sunny sky. The weather is quite good today. Why is it suddenly a little cold?

Shrugging it off, he took a few quick steps forward and scooped Wei’an up into his arms, ignoring the little one’s struggles. The soft, warm body in his arms was just the right size, like a custom-made heater for him.

Wei’an, who was forced to stay in his arms, puffed out his cheeks angrily and clutched the egg in his hands. Brother Cen Sui was indeed a bad guy.

As they stepped outside, Alhandra, who didn’t want to take a car, whistled, and moments later, a massive shadow descended from the sky.

“”It’s an eagle~” Wei’an pointed excitedly at the sky.

The eagle bird was enormous, with wings spanning ten meters. It was entirely black except for its golden beak, and its sharp feathers glistened in the light, clearly well-cared for.

“Let’s go!” Alhandra said as he stepped onto the eagle bird’s lowered wing and climbed onto its back. Cen Sui followed quickly with Wei’an in his arms, and Quan Fe brought up the rear.

The Zerg had designated air paths specifically for such exotic beasts used for transportation.

High in the sky, all sorts of flying creatures zoomed past, their gusts of wind sending their hair and clothes fluttering. It was a sensation you simply couldn’t get inside a vehicle.

The scorching sunlight was blocked by an energy shield, leaving only a cool, vibrant glow. Wei’an lay on the back of the eagle’s softened feathers, his blue eyes full of curiosity, and his plump little fleshy hands pointed in surprise at the passing beasts. “Father, fly!”

“Huh?” Alhandra asked, confused.

Wei’an flapped his little wings as hard as he could. “Fly fly! Wei’an has wings~”

Amused, Alhandra scooped him up and playfully rubbed him all over until he was daze. Wei’an didn’t get angry and instead tried to smooth down his ruffled hair with his small hands.

Cen Sui, finding it curious, nudged Quan Fe for confirmation. “Why isn’t he mad?”

In his memory, this little male cub would usually get upset with even the slightest teasing.

Quan Fe brushed off Cen Sui’s hand. Though he hadn’t planned to say much, he was reminded of being woken up that morning with Wei’an on his stomach. He decided to tease Cen Sui instead. “Wei’an never gets mad at family.”

“No, he’s always mad at me…” After reacting, he pointed at himself in disbelief, “Wait, are you saying Wei’an doesn’t see me as his brother? I’m not his family?”

Quan Fe smiled broadly and nodded in confirmation.

Ignoring Cen Sui, who was a bit mentally broken, Alhandra, satisfied with ruffling Wei’an’s hair, began fixing it and explained, “The wings of male zergs do not have the ability to fly.”

Wei’an turned to look at his beautiful wings behind him in confusion. “Can’t fly?”

“That’s right.”

“Okay~” Wei’an quickly accepted the fact and carefully crawled down from Alhandra’s lap. He reached out to touch the base of the eagle bird’s wing. “It’s different from Wei’an’s wings~”

“Is it because Wei’an’s wings are soft, that’s why he can’t fly~” he asked, looking up at his brother.

Quan Fe, who wanted to say he didn’t know, couldn’t help but nodded when he looked at his eyes full of trust and dependence, “Probably!”

In fact, he knew whether the male insect’s wings were soft or not, and why it couldn’t fly.

“Black, black!” Wei’an suddenly pointed at another eagle beast that flew by them.

He crawled back into Alhandra’s arms and pointed at the black dot that was now far ahead, wrinkling his nose. “It smells bitter, black.”

Thinking Wei’an was referring to the color of the beast, Alhandra absentmindedly patted his back, not paying much attention as his thoughts drifted.

With their keen senses, they had already identified the Zerg riding the beast when it passed by. It was a male from the Papar family, an elder who was already 110 years old. Though 100 years seemed young compared to the Zerg’s average 200-year lifespan, for a male Zerg, it was nearing the end.

Judging by the direction the beast was headed, it was likely going to Ence Hospital, the top medical facility for male Zerg.

Alhandra lowered his gaze, hiding his emotions. It wouldn’t be long before they’d be attending another funeral, and the Zerg would lose yet another male.

He continued gently stroking Wei’an’s back, resting his chin on the little one’s head.

Wei’an, nestled obediently in his father’s arms and looked ahead with innocent sapphire blue eyes. That big zerg is so dark~

He could smell the bitter smell from so far away.

Sunlight bathed them, its warmth filtered through the protective shield, leaving only a gentle, glowing radiance.

The sunlight spilled over them, filtering out the heat and leaving only warmth and brilliance.

Before long, they arrived at their destination.

The egg incubation center covered a vast area. Although it was located in the heart of the city, it felt as if the city had been built within a forest—no, more like the forest was built around the egg center.

Every day, countless Zerg eggs were sent here. They were meticulously logged and placed into incubation boxes, waiting in batches for the male Zerg assigned to help guide them through hatching.

This season happened to be the blooming period for the firefly flowers, and as soon as they entered the incubation center, they were greeted by a cascade of silver and purple petals, dazzling and beautiful.

Wei’an stuck out his little butt and picked up a handful of flower petals on the ground and carefully placed them on the big white egg in his arms. Looking at the beautiful big white egg, he raised his head happily and was about to talk to his father.

But before he could say anything, Cen Sui, who couldn’t resist causing trouble, crouched down and blew, sending all the petals from the egg fluttering to the ground.

Wei’an stared blankly at the big white egg who had nothing left, and then at Cen Sui who was squatting in front of him with an innocent face. Suddenly, Wei’an moved forward and softly slapped his face with his little hand, saying in a babyish voice, “You’re bad~”

The tiny hand on Cen Sui’s face didn’t hurt at all, but he acted as if it was a great blow, plopping down onto the ground with a thud. “Ouch! That hurt so much, Wei’an hit me.”

Wei’an looked at his own palm, his mouth open in surprise. Was he really that strong?

Seeing Cen Sui’s pained expression, Wei’an ran over and, with all his strength, helped him up. His chubby little face was full of seriousness. “If you don’t bully Wei’an, Wei’an won’t hit you~”


Cen Sui suppressed a laugh inside. This little cub really was quite fun.

From behind, Alhandra watched them with a piercing gaze. This kid’s got guts, daring to bully his cub right in front of him.

“Long time no see.” A male Zerg, wearing big red shorts, a floral shirt, with silver hair tied into a small ponytail, and shuffling in flip-flops, lazily walked over.

“Is that your cub?” He bent down to take a closer look at Wei’an. “Cute little guy.”

“Hello, little one, I’m your Uncle Papar lok,” he said, flashing a bright white smile, clearly very familiar.

Wei’an, who was holding the egg and looking at him in bewilderment, responded blankly, “Oh~”

“Can Uncle hold you for a moment?” Papar lok crouched down and opened his arms, itching to pick him up the moment he saw him.

Wei’an immediately scampered over to hide behind his brother, poking his little head out only after he felt safe, and refused the strange big Zerg, “No~”

Rejected, Papar lok brushed off his pants and stood up, turning to Alhandra. “He’s nothing like you were as a kid. Back then, you almost tore the capital star apart.”

Young Alhandra had been a bit sharp-tongued and tsundere, later becoming a little tyrant who almost wreaked havoc on all the schools of the capital star. To this day, just the mention of him could still make the headmaster of Gu Yi Military Academy curse up a storm.

Alhandra stepped forward, covering Papar lok’s mouth and smiling at Wei’an’s curious eyes. “The cub’s here, keep your chatty mouth shut.”

Aside from Wei’an and the other Zerg here today, many other female Zerg parents were also waiting to collect their cubs.

Eggs resulting from female-female pairings would hatch as soon as they were guided by male Zerg spiritual power. In contrast, eggs from male-female pairings required multiple rounds of guidance to hatch.

They arrived at the very center of the incubation garden and stopped. In front of them was a room filled with thousands of Zerg eggs.

Wei’an, still nestled in his brother’s arms, widened his eyes. He pointed at the large white egg in his arms, “Just like Wei’an’s~”

“Yep, just like yours.” Papar lok could tell at a glance that the egg Wei’an was holding couldn’t hatch. “Want to trade with me?”

“No, this is my brother, can’t trade~” Wei’anshook his little head and refused.

“Alright.” Papar lok’s demeanor became serious. Today, he was the male Zerg responsible for guiding the eggs to hatch. He had to finish it quickly and go back, otherwise he would not be able to see his male father again.

The usually laid-back male Zerg now stood silently at the center, his spiritual power—unseen by female Zerg but clearly visible to other male Zerg—spread out like a dense web.

It stretched through the forest, over houses, and through the sunlight, reaching every egg in the vast incubation center that was waiting to hatch.

This scene left a deep impression on young Wei’an. He watched, wide-eyed, as the dark mist flowed from each egg along the invisible threads of spiritual power, surging into Uncle Papar lok’s body.

So dark~ So bitter~

He frowned, took a candy from his pocket, and popped it into his mouth.


The crisp sound of the first egg hatching was followed by a series of cracking noises.

A white and zerg insect cub poked its head out of the cracked eggshell, and black insect patterns spread from its cheeks to its waist.

Their first instinct upon hatching was to grab the nearest eggshell and start munching away.

Wei’an, still nestled in Quan Fe’s arms, looked on with bright blue eyes filled with wonder. The eggs were hatching~

By eating the dark parts, the eggs could hatch~

He glanced down at the large white egg in his arms, eyes brimming with excitement.

He is going to work hard to eat all the bitter~

Then, his brother would be able to hatch!


Hey friends! Is someone reading this novel? Please comment your thoughts about this chapter so that I will know someone is still reading and I’ll continue uploading the next chapters(*´︶`*)ฅ♡


catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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