The Strange Male Insect Cub

Wei’an no longer carried his little wooden sword but had started holding onto an egg instead. That round white egg practically filled his arms, and he refused to let go of it except when he slept or bathed.


As a result, Cen Sui had been dragged to the sparring room for beatings more times than he could count. After barely surviving three rounds of daily beatings and crawling out of the treatment cabin yet again, Cen Sui crouched down in front of Wei’an, “Let’s discuss this. What will it take for you to put the egg down?”


“I won’t put it down~” Wei’an replied, hugging the egg tightly and scurrying behind Quan Chu for protection.


A bit afraid of Quan Chu, Cen Sui flashed an awkward smile in response to the cold gaze thrown his way. Internally, he wanted to cry. No wonder people said young males were a nightmare. During his time here, he’d already been to the treatment cabin five times. This fierce female cry!


Ever since Wei’an had seen the little figure of his brother inside the egg, he would often extend his mental power to check on him while holding the egg.


Each time he looked, his brother was still sleeping inside. What a sleeper he is!


Wei’an, who sighed inwardly, thoughtfully covered the eggshell with a small piece of cloth and used it as a quilt cover for his naked brother.


Every time he looked at his brother, his mouth felt bitter. After thinking it over for a long time, Wei’an finally decided to put two candies in his mouth before looking again.


Sure enough, with candy, it didn’t taste bitter anymore. Wei’an patted his head, feeling proud of himself. I’m so smart~


What he didn’t notice was that as he kept absorbing the thick black mist from the egg, the tiny cub inside it moved ever so slightly.


When Quan Fe arrived, he saw Wei’an sitting under a tree, talking to the egg. Upon closer inspection, there was even a cloth draped over the egg? And he was chatting with it?


The first thought that crossed Quan Fe’s mind was, Which poor Zerg cub is being messed with? Did Alhandra, that cold-hearted male, give Wei’an a Zerg egg to play with as a toy?


The second thought was that his younger brother might really have some problems with his IQ.


After all, while young males were fragile, they still had an innate Zerg ferocity. They loved all kinds of powerful and destructive things. Even their toys were mecha models and weapon replicas. The more skilled ones enjoyed battling in virtual arenas.


But none of that ferocity was present in this soft, fluffy little brother who was cradling an egg and talking to it.


Quan Fe had come with some business to discuss with his uncle, knowing the male father was likely here. Though he’d prepared himself to meet the family, he hadn’t expected the first one he’d encounter would be this little cub, nor to see such a scene.


While he should have gone straight in, he couldn’t help but take a detour toward the little cub. “Which poor Zerg are you messing with?”


Hearing a voice, Wei’an looked up. The moment he saw it was his brother, he jumped up and rushed toward him, “Brother~”


Quan Fe stopped his charge with a hand to his forehead, smirking, “Answer my question.”


Wei’an turned back to pick up the big white egg and showed it to him, “It’s brother~”


“Brother?” Looking at the egg in his arms, Quan Fei thought for a moment and figured it out. He remembered that his uncle had an unhatched egg. He just didn’t expect it was still around after all these years, and now it had fallen into this little cub’s hands.


“Did you come to see Wei’an?” Wei’an’s bright blue eyes were filled with hope.


Not falling for it, Quan Fe mercilessly crushed his expectations, “I came to discuss something with Uncle.”


“I know where Uncle is! Wei’an will take you there~” he said, his enthusiasm was not dampened at all.


Quan Fe glanced at his little brother’s short legs and ruthlessly replied, “It’ll be dark by the time you take me there.”


Knowing he was slow, Wei’an pouted and stuffed a snack into Quan Fei’s hand. “Then eat this, Brother. It’s really good~”


“No need.” Quan Fe said as he turned to leave, leaving a slightly dejected Wei’an to stuff the snack into his own mouth.


My brother is a little cold.


But Wei’an quickly perked up, patting his chest. Oh dear, he doesn’t even like such a cute baby as Wei’an, Brother must not have any friends!


No friends to play with, no wonder Brother is so cold.


Certain of his guess, Wei’an hugged his big white egg and hurried to catch up with Quan Fei.


Up ahead, Quan Fei secretly glanced behind him and saw Wei’an struggling to keep up, his cheeks bouncing up and down as he ran, even the two little tufts of hair on his head swaying in the wind.


He looks kind of silly, doesn’t he?


Quan Fe slowed his pace, thinking to himself that the surroundings here at his uncle’s place were actually quite pleasant. Since he didn’t visit often, he might as well take his time and enjoy the scenery.


As Wei’an gradually caught up, he looked down at his legs, feeling proud. See, my legs aren’t short! I caught up with Brother!


Just as that thought crossed his mind, he tripped over his own feet.


Quan Fe, who had been keeping an eye on him, quickly turned and grabbed the back of his collar.


The frightened Wei’an closed his eyes tightly and hugged the big white egg in his arms tightly, and as if he had already felt the pain, his white and tender face was almost wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.


Seeing this, Quan Fe’s irritation disappeared, and he smirked. “You look ridiculous.”


Wei’an, who had his eyes closed, immediately opened them and stared at him with watery eyes, “Not ridiculous, I’m cute~”


“Heh.” Quan Fei put him back on the ground. “Watch where you’re walking next time, or you’ll really fall and get hurt. Then you’ll be crying.”


“Wei’an doesn’t cry, I’m strong~”


“Oh?” Quan Fe gave him a sideways glance. “I heard a certain Zerg crying at the military academy not too long ago.”


Wei’an quickly turned his head, feigning innocence. “Wei’an doesn’t know. It wasn’t Wei’an~”








“Wei’an missed you~”




“Did you miss Wei’an?”


“Father’s egg is about to hatch,” Quan Fei changed the subject.


As expected, Wei’an’s eyes lit up. Watching the scene unfold, Quan Fe couldn’t help but wonder why this little cub seemed to have such a strong attachment to him and to a sibling he hadn’t even met.


“Is Wei’an going to have a little brother?”




“That’s great~” Overwhelmed with excitement, Wei’an immediately forgot what he was about to ask, peppering Quan Fe with questions about the new brother all the way.


It wasn’t until he spotted his female father that Wei’an waved goodbye and ran over to Quan Chu.


Finally free, Quan Fe sighed in relief and quickened his pace to leave. He had no idea why he had gotten involved with the little cub in the first place. He didn’t know how to get rid of such a small sticky bug.


Wei’an who jumped into Quan Chu’s arms, asked expectantly, “Female father, are we going back~”


“Do you want to go back?” Quan Chu, understanding what Wei’an meant by ‘back,’ felt an unfamiliar trace of reluctance in his heart.


“I want to see my brother!” Wei’an replied in his soft, clear voice.


“In a couple of days, you’ll be able to go back,” Quan Yan said while gently smoothing Wei’an’s hair.


“Female father, aren’t you coming back with us?”


“No, I’m not going back.” He had only returned this time because of the heightened unrest in the Zerg source, but after resolving that, he had to return to the battlefield.


“Then Wei’an won’t go back either. I want to stay with the female father,” Wei’an clung to him, nuzzling his shoulder affectionately.


Quan Chu hesitated for a moment, finding it difficult to explain to him that even if Wei’an stayed, he wouldn’t be able to spend time with him.


Finally, Quan Chu spoke the truth.


Wei’an, with his eyes turning a little red, buried his head into Quan Chu’s chest, not wanting to come out. It wasn’t until Quan Chu became a little worried that a muffled voice came out of his arms.


“Wei’an really misses female father~”


Quan Chu was silent for a while before finally responding, “Mm, I know. Be good.”


“Not good~”


Without saying anything further, Quan Chu gently patted Wei’an’s back. After some time, the sadness in Wei’an’s heart faded, and he fell asleep.


Quan Chu carried him back to the room, carefully laying him on the bed. Ever since Wei’an had come into his life, Quan Chu often wondered: how could such a small, adorable cub grow up to become someone entirely different?


He had seen the male lord Alhandra once when he was young. At that time, although Alhandra wasn’t as cute as Wei’an, he was still just a somewhat prideful little male cub.


How did he change so much as he grew older, with his personality completely altered?


Aside from Alhandra, the other female Zerg in the Alhandra family were all well-raised, steady, determined, reliable, strong, with the fiercest fangs and the most unyielding spines.


Quan Chu gently touched Wei’an’s soft, flushed cheeks as he slept, and a thought crossed his mind. He wanted to raise Wei’an properly—at least so that he wouldn’t turn out like Alhandra.


Meanwhile, in the back courtyard, Alhandra had just finished soothing the Zerg source for Alhandra Zangshi. As soon as he came out, he sneezed. Frowning, he turned and headed toward the medical building.


I have to go and have a look. It would be bad if he is sick and passes it on to Wei’an.


Quan Chu didn’t stay long before quietly leaving, knowing that if he waited until Wei’an woke up, it would be much harder to depart.


When Alhandra returned from the medical building, ready to visit his precious Wei’an, he was greeted by the sight of a little cub, freshly awakened, with tears brimming in his eyes.


Alhandra, who had a deep aversion to dealing with tears, was struck by a mix of concern and helplessness. He stepped forward, pulling Wei’an into his arms. “Who made my little Wei’an cry again?”


Wei’an, still upset, said, “Female father left~”


“You’re crying just because of that?” Alhandra pinched his cheek.


“I’m not crying~”


Seeing Wei’an become even more aggrieved, Alhandra didn’t have the heart to tease him anymore. He quickly brought up something else to shift his attention. “How about I take you to the egg nursery tomorrow? Want to go?”


“The egg nursery?” Wei’an’s big, puzzled eyes were full of questions.


“It’s filled with Zerg eggs, just like that big white egg by your pillow.” Alhandra pointed at the egg next to Wei’an. “Tomorrow, I’ll take you to see little cubs hatching from their eggs. Want to go?”


“Yes~” Wei’an’s blue eyes sparkled with joy. He leaned up and planted a kiss on Alhandra’s cheek. “Male father is the best!”


Seeing Wei’an so happy, Alhandra’s eyes also lit up with a smile. He suddenly stood up and tossed Wei’an into the air, catching him as his tiny voice squealed with laughter.


After a round of playful antics, Alhandra took Wei’an downstairs for dinner.


At the dinner table, Wei’an kept looking around. “Where’s brother?”


Knowing Wei’an was referring to Quan Fe, Alhandra gently pressed down on Wei’an’s fidgety head. “Your brother is busy.”


“And where’s uncle?”


“He’s busy too.”


“Then let’s wait and eat with them!” Wei’an excitedly swung his little legs as he spoke.


The smile in Alhandra’s eyes vanished, replaced by a dangerous glint. He looked at Wei’an intently. “But your father is already very hungry.”


Wei’an hesitated for a moment, his little face scrunching up as he thought, but in the end, he didn’t want his father to be hungry. “Then Wei’an will eat with father first~”


Satisfied, Alhandra’s smile returned.


Sitting quietly to the side, Cen Sui shrank into himself, thinking to himself, Uncle’s expression just now was way too scary!

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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