The Strange Male Insect Cub

Logically speaking, a military academy is not a place where ordinary Zerg are allowed to enter, but what came was someone from the prominent Alhandra family, the head of the military department, and it was also a male bug.


Under such circumstances, the rules could occasionally be bent.


Gu Yi Military Academy was a massive complex constructed from an iron jungle and infused with the spirit of blood and steel. In the sky above, the enormous, intimidating school emblem shimmered under the sunlight.


This emblem was forged from the heart bones of hundreds of star beasts. From a distance, one could feel a powerful and ancient aura radiating from it.


The initial materials for this emblem were gathered when senior students at Gu Yi hunted and killed 316 star beasts.


That precise and brutal slaughter caused a tremendous sensation throughout the military and even across the entire interstellar space.


After all, these were star beasts!


The horror of the star beast that every star citizen talks about cannot be described in just a few words.


One reason why the Zerg hold such a high place in the hearts of various races is because they guard the majority of the Star Beast Domain. The remaining, smaller part of the domain is jointly defended by dozens of other races.


In the vast expanse of space, star beasts are truly considered a disastrous existence.


Yet these very same star beasts had been hunted down, with 312 of them slain by cadets still in military school. Given the sheer size of a star beast, the corpses of those 312 beasts could cover a small planet.


Such a bloody and ruthless hunt shook those races who had initially planned to negotiate with the Zerg after their strength was weakened by recent battles with the Orc race, the Parmin race, and the Yula race, all aiming to divide up the Black Crystal domain.


The cadets’ successful star beast hunt struck a heavy blow to these races, who could only maintain their hold over a small portion of the Star Beast Domain by banding together. The result was that they abandoned the idea of negotiating for the Black crystal Domain altogether.


From that moment on, Gu Yi Military Academy became the undisputed number one academy of the Zerg. Every year, graduation required the students to work together in hunting a star beast, using its heart bones to further enhance the glory of the school emblem.


And today, this fierce military academy welcomed a very special little one.


A little male cub that looks like a glutinous rice dumpling.


Gu Yi Military Academy did have male Zerg. Although male Zerg were incredibly fragile during their childhood, with nearly half of them not surviving to adulthood, those who did grow up were not weaker than female Zerg. In fact, their spiritual power grew at a rate several times faster than that of female Zerg.


Although male Zerg did not have bone wings, their spiritual power could manifest into wings, which didn’t harm the body but could destroy spiritual power.


Most male Zerg entered command departments. On the battlefield, they could establish mental links with countless female Zerg simultaneously, instantly becoming aware of battlefield conditions and changes in every corner. They were born commanders.


Moreover, having a male Zerg on the battlefield significantly reduced the increase in Zerg Source Agitation after female Zerg returned from partially transforming for combat.


Other races believed that such rare and precious beings as male Zerg should be protected with no exceptions, shielding them from any dangerous places.


However, the Zerg took a completely different approach. They were highly respectful of a male Zerg’s individual will.


Want to go to the battlefield?


Go on, as long as you can pass the exam!


Want to eat at home and wait to die?


No problem, that can be arranged!


Want to leave the Zerg territory and explore outside?


That might not be possible, though. It’s too dangerous out there, and it’s hard to station large numbers of female Zerg on other races’ turf.


This contradictory nature of the Zerg was something the star citizens of the interstellar space never really understood, which is why anything concerning the Zerg always captured their attention.


Meanwhile, little Wei’an, having just arrived at the academy, was growing impatient because Cen Yan was walking too slowly. Eager to see his brother, he got down and struggled to climb into the school bus on his short legs. The female Zerg inside, witnessing this scene, felt like their hearts were caught in a high-altitude freefall. Their breathing became irregular.


Zerg God above, are all male cubs this cute when they’re small?


Cen Yan silently followed behind Wei’an, who was trotting along on his little legs, thinking he was running incredibly fast.


As a military academy that spent all its money on mechs and virtual battlefields, Gu Yi Military Academy had a very minimalist lifestyle. High-tech conveniences like cloud ladders and transporters, common at other schools, were nowhere to be found here.


This meant that when they reached their destination, Wei’an had to climb each step of the stairs one by one. Built specifically for military cadets, the steps were obviously too tall for him. He had to lie flat on each step and wiggle his way up after a long struggle.


The military cadets, who had rushed over after hearing the news, watched the little cub, with his serious expression, painstakingly climb each step. Their hearts melted as though they were slamming into a wall.


They couldn’t help but think of the male Zerg in the command department who frequently used spiritual power to crush them in combat courses.


Did they look like this when they were little?


No, they couldn’t keep imagining it!


Several female Zerg covered their noses. If they kept thinking like this, they would lose control.


Exhausted from the climb, Wei’an turned around and threw himself into Cen Yan’s arms, speaking in a pitiful tone, “I’m tired, I can’t climb anymore~”


Cen Yan stepped to the side, shielding Wei’an from the intense stares of the female Zerg as he strode forward with large steps, holding little Wei’an tightly.


Not long after, Wei’an, who had been holding back his grievances, finally saw his brother who was in class. He struggled to get out of Cen Yan’s arms and rushed over, crying, “Brother~”


Quan Ci, who was attending a theory class, was utterly shocked when he saw the disheveled Wei’an running toward him. His surprise was beyond words.


He quickly crouched down and caught the little cub in his arms. “What happened? What’s wrong?”


Feeling extremely wronged, Wei’an nestled in his embrace, tears streaming down his face. “Wuu… Cousin Cen Sui said… said the male father doesn’t want me anymore… wuuu… and wants to send me to Uncle…”


Believing it to be true, little Wei’an was overwhelmed with panic, clinging tightly to his brother’s neck and refusing to let go. Quan Ci felt both heartache and anger as he looked at him.


“He was lying to you. How could the male father ever bear to give away such a cute little Wei’an? Even if he could, your brother wouldn’t let it happen.” Quan Ci, no longer concerned about disturbing his classmates, hurried to comfort the obviously terrified Wei’an.


Watching the little one hold back his emotions the whole time, only to break down when he finally reached his brother, Cen Yan couldn’t help but admit that Cen Sui had gone too far. With his carefree nature, Cen Sui had no idea the damage a single comment could do to a young cub.


In fact, neither Cen Yan nor Quan Ci realized just how deeply that comment affected Wei’an.


Although Wei’an’s spirit had only recently developed consciousness and was still naive, it could faintly feel and understand abandonment when its body—the very vessel that brought it into existence—was destroyed by its creator.


This left a small, hidden wound in Wei’an’s subconscious, which was unknowingly torn open by Cen Sui’s careless words today.


As a result, no matter how much Quan Ci comforted and reassured him, Wei’an clung to him tightly, refusing to let go.


With no other choice, Quan Ci had to sit down with him in his lap. “Are you hungry?” he asked, gently smoothing down the sweat-drenched strands of hair sticking to Wei’an’s forehead.


“I’m hungry~”


Quan Ci took out a prepared bottle of milk from his space necklace.


Wei’an gulped, turning his head away and gripping Quan Ci’s clothes tightly, refusing to take the bottle.


Understanding that Wei’an was afraid of being put down if he let go, Quan Ci had no choice but to feed him. After all, this wasn’t the first time he’d done it.


As Wei’an suckled on the bottle, his big blue eyes instinctively curved into crescent shapes, his adorable appearance melting the hearts of the female Zerg peeking in from both inside and outside the classroom.


After finishing the bottle, Wei’an dozed off in Quan Ci’s arms under his gentle soothing. Even in his sleep, his tiny hands still held onto Quan Ci’s clothes firmly.


Taking all of this in, Quan Ci, filled with anger, asked his instructor for leave, then headed toward his uncle’s house with Wei’an in his arms.



Late at night, lying in a medical cabin, Cen Sui, who had been lamenting his miserable life, never expected the little male cub to run off to the military academy to complain to Quan Ci.


That same night, just as he was sleeping soundly, Cen Sui was dragged out of bed by Quan Ci and received a vicious beating. Before he could crawl into the medical pod, his female father, Alhandra Zangshi, and his uncle, Alhandra, arrived after hearing the news, giving him a brutal double-team thrashing.


With several broken bones, he was finally carried to the medical cabin by Cen Yan, who took pity on him.


Just as he was sighing in frustration, a tall figure appeared in his line of sight. When Cen Sui saw who it was, his entire body shuddered. He stammered, “Big brother, why are you back?”


“Impressive,” Cen Wei shot him a glance. “I heard you bullied the little male cub from Uncle’s house so badly that he ran off to the military academy to cry to his brother?”


“The news travels fast!” Cen Sui laughed awkwardly, his voice growing quieter under his brother’s increasingly icy gaze. “I was just teasing him. I didn’t expect him to be so sensitive.”


“You’re actually not a female of the Alhandra family. Female Father told me to keep it from you, but look at yourself—your personality is unlike anyone in the family,” Cen Wei said casually.


Cen Sui almost bolted upright, but his injuries made him wince in pain. “Big brother, that joke is a bit low. I’ve never heard of determining family by personality.”


Cen Wei stared at him in silence, his serious expression making it seem like he wasn’t joking at all.


Seeing his brother’s demeanor, Cen Sui’s heart began to sink. Just as his panic was rising, Cen Wei finally spoke again. “It was indeed a joke. Was it fun?”


Cen Sui, who had nearly believed him, felt a wave of frustration build up in his chest. “Big brother, that joke was a bit too much…”


Facing Cen Wei’s increasingly cold gaze, Cen Sui swallowed the rest of his words.


If there was anyone in the family he feared the most, it was undoubtedly his big brother.


“Tomorrow, go and apologize to Wei’an.”




Cen Wei, who had rushed back just to ensure Cen Sui formally apologized to little Wei’an, turned to leave. As he walked away, he paused and, with his back to Cen Sui, left him with one last remark, “In the future, don’t rely on your foolish brain to assess things. Use your eyes and your heart.”


Watching his brother leave, still managing to mock him on the way out, Cen Sui sank into depression.


Though he was a bit carefree, Cen Sui considered himself intelligent. Only a monster like his big brother would criticize him like that. Any other Zerg wouldn’t even dare bring up intelligence, fearing the shame it would cause them.


catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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