The Strange Male Insect Cub

Quan Yan left that night. As he boarded the starship, he glanced back in the direction of the Alhandra estate, feeling a deep sense of calm.


There was no sense of parting reluctance or any significant regret.


He didn’t say goodbye to any of the Zerg, including his female father, even though this was likely their last meeting.


At the moment the cabin door closed, dark green Zerg patterns covered his entire body, crawling densely and obscuring his five senses, looking quite terrifying.


His scarlet eyes momentarily flashed with a fierce, savage light. Quan Yan’s entire body tensed as he bit his jaw hard to suppress the excruciating pain, the madness, and the urge for destruction.


He used his terrifying rationality to temporarily chain down the beastly nature lurking within his body.


Once he had calmed down, Quan Yan paid no heed to the blood caused by his ruptured capillaries. He took out the small tube of ointment, which was half the size of his hand but required both hands of the small Zerg to hold, and stared at it quietly for a long time.


The pain still made his veins spasm and convulse, but his expression remained unchanged.


He was the first offspring in the family. His female father was busy with military affairs, and his male father was used to being a playboy and was rarely home. The newly hatched Quan Yan had stayed in the incubation chamber for a full ten days, barely escaping starvation, and was eventually discovered by his male father.


That was his first meeting with his male father. The towering male Zerg’s azure eyes hid a barely noticeable sense of annoyance and eagerness, which made Quan Yan feel dazed for a moment every time he recalled this scene.


It was as if his male father had never hated him.


Quan Yan was actually the first Zerg offspring held by Alhandra. He was saved from the incubation chamber in a stiff and awkward manner by Alhandra, gaining a new lease on life.


But instead of receiving love and affection, he faced countless punishments and looks of disdain.


Among the various punishments, Quan Yan liked the punishment of kneeling in the rain the most. The soothing sensation of the rain falling on him brought a sense of peace from deep within.


As he grew older and joined the military academy, he returned home less and less until he nearly stopped visiting altogether.


His life was devoid of much to recount. He fought in thousands of battles, faced near-death experiences hundreds of times, and now had simply reached the end of his journey.


It is said that the likelihood of hig-level female Zerg having Zerg source riots is low, and it is indeed the case. The male father’s bloodline offers protection, and as long as they grow up, work, and live normally, they rarely experience Zerg source riots.


However, the Zerg race is inherently warlike!


The half of the protection from the male father’s bloodline in high female Zergs only allows them to stay on the battlefield longer and farther, delaying Zerg source riots, unlike lower female Zergs who may experience riots after just a few battles.


There is a saying among high female Zergs to avoid interactions or friendships with lower female Zergs. Quan Yan did not agree with this discriminatory notion at that time.


But as he witnessed more and more friends and comrades turn into irrational beast-like creatures and was forced to send them to the battlefield himself, his perspective changed.


His position at his age was partly due to being a high female Zerg, allowing him to accumulate military merits through hundreds of continuous battles, unlike lower female Zergs who might experience source riots after fewer battles.


Quan Yan looked down at his calloused and scarred hands, his eyes reflecting countless dark emotions, though he soon found peace again.


These hands were stained not only with the blood of enemies and star beasts but also with the blood of close friends and trusted comrades.


No matter how much he washed them, the strong stench of blood lingered at his nostrils.


He stared at his hands for a long time, as if seeing many past events through them.


The morning sunlight was just right, and the breeze brought the unique freshness of autumn. On Kato Star, autumn was particularly long due to the absence of winter.


When Wei’an woke up, Alhandra was still asleep. He climbed onto his male father’s chest, pressing down on him and then placing his small ears against him to listen to his heartbeat.


After a while, seeing that his male father was still asleep, he lay on his chest, amusing himself.


When Alhandra woke up, he caught a little male cub making trouble on him


“What are you doing?” Alhandra’s voice was still hoarse from sleep as he lifted Wei’an by the back of his neck and shook him.


Wei’an, used to being lifted, was not afraid at all. He wiggled his limbs and looked up with a bright smile. “Male father, hurry and help Wei’an get ready. Wei’an wants to go show his wings to the big brothers.”


He spread his wings, which were as large as two of his own bodies. The vast starry sky did not lose its luster under the sunlight but appeared even more dazzling.


Alhandra raised his eyelids. “Only you would dare to give me orders.”


Wei’an, holding onto his arm, spoke in a soft voice. “I’m male father’s little treasure~”


Alhandra’s movement paused, his eyes revealing an unclear emotion. “Who taught you this?”


I learned it from the Adventures of Little Feifei that Doctor Qiao showed me~ It’s very good. Father Xiong, do you want to see it~”


His eyes narrowed. “Dr. Qiao, huh?”


Dr. Qiao Song, working out in the gym, suddenly felt a chill down his back. His initial reason for coming to the Zerg was not only to be Little Wei’an’s exclusive doctor but also to get close to the male Zerg.


After some time of research and observation, he confirmed that EY material was noticeably reduced around male Zergs and their living spaces.


When he tried to find some Zerg hair or dandruff for further research, he encountered obstacles, as Zerg hair doesn’t naturally shed!


The last chance came when Little Wei’an got injured, but Alhandra kept a close watch, preventing him from taking action.


The remaining blood-stained gauze, hemostatic cotton balls and the like were handled by the nanny robot. After all, it was unreasonable for a doctor like him to handle these things.


If it were discovered that he was very interested in male Zergs and wanted to research them, he feared he might never leave the Zerg.


Unable to help but observe Little Wei’an, he found the Zerg’s peculiar upbringing routine was entirely focused on the superiority of male Zergs, with no positive education whatsoever.


As someone who had always interacted with human children and had infinite patience and affection for them, Dr. Qiao couldn’t help but show educational human cartoons to Little Wei’an.


Not surprisingly, human entertainment easily captured Little Wei’an’s heart, and he successfully coaxed a hair strand from him.


“Dr. Qiao,” the butler suddenly appeared and said with a smile, “The master would like to see you in his study later.”


“Okay,” Dr. Qiao replied calmly, wiping the sweat from his neck with a towel.


After the butler left, his movements slowed down.


Did Alhandra realize his intentions?

Although he had no intention of harming the male Zerg, he was indeed interested in studying them and had taken action.

In the Zerg race, this alone was an unforgivable crime.

It’s really troublesome!


Early in the morning, Wei’an, who was excited to show his little wings to his older siblings, was disheartened when he discovered they had already left.


He spent the entire morning feeling gloomy, lying in the male father’s arms and refusing to go anywhere. He barely ate any breakfast. This tiny cub, so young, was already feeling melancholic, which made Alhandra feel both amused and exasperated.


“Is it that important to show them your wings?” Alhandra asked, pinching Wei’an’s face.


Wei’an’s eyes suddenly turned red, and his tiny voice was full of grievance as he spoke and gestured, “Brother and sister are gone~”


Not just the older siblings, but also the female father was missing.


Yesterday, there were so many older siblings playing with him, but today, none were around. Such a huge contrast was too much for Wei’an, who was eager to share his little wings early in the morning!


Alhandra wiped the tears from Wei’an’s eyes, silently sighing. He wondered who this soft and crying personality resembled.


It certainly wasn’t like his own personality. Could it be like Quan Chu?


Recalling the female lord’s cold and stubborn nature, Alhandra’s eyes showed some doubt.


Was his female lord like this in private?


Unable to bear seeing Wei’an unhappy, Alhandra created a group chat named “Rice Dumpling,” with Wei’an as the group owner.


When Quan Fei and the others received Alhandra’s group invitation, they were first taken aback, then puzzled. What was their male father up to this time?


As they pondered and quickly joined the group, they were immediately pulled into a group video call.


Seeing the virtual images of his older siblings appear one by one, Wei’an’s little face lit up with joy.


After exchanging greetings, he climbed down from Alhandra’s lap, stood on the ground with his back turned, and puffed out his little butt, showing off his starry wings. “Brother and sister, look~ Wei’an’s wings are very pretty, right~”


Quan Fei and the others were momentarily stunned. In the familiar main hall of their home, their male father, Alhandra, lazily sat on the sofa, his eyes filled with a smile, never leaving the small figure on the carpet.


The once oppressive and fearful place seemed so warm at this moment.


It was so strange that it felt absurd.


It shouldn’t be like this!


When Wei’an, waiting for compliments from his older siblings, didn’t receive any immediately, he looked back in confusion, thinking they hadn’t seen properly, and spun around to show them again.


“It’s beautiful,” unexpectedly, Quan Ci spoke first, his gaze lingering on the wings, softening slightly.


“This is the first time I’ve seen a male Zerg’s wings. They really are beautiful and splendid,” Quan Yan’s gentle voice followed.


Indeed, it was the first time they had seen a male Zerg’s wings. They had learned in class that male Zerg wings are different from the female Zerg’s bone wings. They are soft and colorful, almost devoid of any offensive capability.


However, male Zerg are very reluctant to show their wings, even to their female lords and female fathers.


The wings before them were indeed as described in class—fragile, beautiful, and lacking any attack power. They were an obvious weakness, easily exploited. No wonder male Zerg never show their wings.


Quan Lu thought maliciously, his amber eyes narrowing, perfectly hiding all his thoughts.


What he didn’t realize was that during this moment, the lazy male father sitting on the sofa had slightly lifted his gaze toward him.


Wei’an, happy to receive compliments, spun around in excitement until the video call ended, still unable to calm down.


“Wei’an,” Shang You’s voice came from afar. They had come out to find Wei’an right after breakfast.


Seeing them, Wei’an immediately ran over, trying to imitate the serious expression he saw in cartoons, and asked, “Have you eaten?”


“We’ve eaten already,” Naiman replied with a nod.


“Then would you like some water~”


“A little snack would be nice,” Krillochuan added.


Seeing them act this way, Alhandra signaled the butler to look after them and then turned to head upstairs with a face full of disbelief. Was he that foolish when he was young?


In the study, Qiao Song was already waiting. Alhandra glanced at him and sat down, saying, “I thought you were a smart and considerate person.”


Qiao Song breathed a silent sigh of relief upon hearing this. It seemed that his study of the male zergs wasn’t exposed.


After the relief, he looked at Alhandra with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he meant.


Alhandra smiled, “I assume you have no objections to our Zerg’s way of raising our young?”


When a person is long subjected to a bad environment and unfair treatment, they don’t notice anything, they only believe that what they experience is normal. But if someone with a sympathetic gaze and words tells them they shouldn’t be treated this way, that they should be happy and cherished, they can no longer calmly accept their current situation.


In the human environment Qiao Song was in, children are always prioritized and protected. So, when he saw the four-year-old Quan Fan’s situation, even though he knew it was the Zerg’s way of raising their young, he still expressed sympathy and dissatisfaction through his actions and emotions.


Zerg young are naturally perceptive and intelligent!


Moreover, he had intentionally or unintentionally shown Wei’an human children’s cartoons, which taught kindness, politeness, equality, bravery, and other good qualities.


Wei’an would often share his favorite things with his older siblings, and Quan Fan had inevitably seen some of these cartoons.


In the long run, not only would Quan Fan question his current situation too early, but as Wei’an grew up and witnessed more gender inequality, he would also begin to doubt and be troubled, even experiencing fear and confusion due to the disparity between the world and what he had been taught.


Realizing this, Qiao Song’s back was instantly soaked with cold sweat. Different races have different cultures, rules, laws, and upbringing environments, and one shouldn’t interfere with how a race raises its young.


Not only did he interfere, but he also wanted to guide them towards a well-rounded development, which was a serious mistake.


Additionally, the Zerg are naturally warlike. Their strong physique and geographical environment determine that they will face different challenges compared to other races.


The entire Zerg territory is almost adjacent to the Star Beast Domain, blocking most of the star beasts from invading other star regions.


With the danger of the Star Beast Domain nearby, Zerg education for their young is strictly ruthless. Whether they join the army or not, they must possess fierceness. Those who have weak and kind emotions would not even have the qualification to survive on the battlefield.


If he truly treated Quan Fan as a human child, he would undoubtedly harm him and even Wei’an.


Seeing that Qiao Song understood, Alhandra waved him off, indicating that he could leave. If it weren’t for this doctor being useful, Alhandra wouldn’t have hesitated to give him a lesson and then send him back to his own planet.


There was no need to waste time pointing this out.



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A good news! Thanks to Cristina for providing a free raw of this novel from chapter 30-80! The said chapters wouldn’t be put behind a paywall anymore and would be free for everyone ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ The chapters before chapter 30 would be unlock every friday, the same schedule as mentioned earlier.


That’s all for now. Ciao~

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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