The Strange Male Insect Cub

Under the bright white sunlight, two Zerg, one large and one small, walked across the lawn. The tall female Zerg frequently bent slightly, as if listening to the small male cub, who hadn’t even reached his knee, speak.


Wei’an clung to Quan Yan’s pant leg, speaking in his soft, baby voice as they walked. Given his tiny stature, it seemed impossible for Wei’an to keep up with Quan Yan’s long strides. To others, it appeared as though the tall, fierce female Zerg was almost taking small, deliberate steps, creating an oddly amusing scene.


Quan Yan, who came over and saw this scene, laughed and walked forward to hug Wei An, “You sure know how to torment big brother.”


His familiarity in speaking caused Quan Yan to glance sideways. He didn’t feel like their relationship was close enough for such teasing.


Quan Yan nodded slightly at his brother, then gently turned Wei’an’s head to face the other direction. “Look, your little friends are here.”


Wei’an turned just in time to see Shang You and a group of other Zerg rushing over noisily.


“Wei’an, Wei’an, we’re here to celebrate your first birthday!” Shang You cheerfully circled around Quan Yan.


Krillochuan tried hard to maintain a dignified expression, looking up at Wei’an, who was being held by Quan Yan, and said in a big-brotherly tone, “We’ve got a present for you. Do you want to come down and see it?”


Wei’an blinked, then patted Quan Yan’s shoulder, “Brother, let me down~”


Quan Yan smiled and set him down. As soon as his feet touched the ground, Cole pulled out a large, black-feathered eagle-like bird from his spatial bracelet.


Once released, the bird flapped its wings and soared into the sky, letting out a long, resounding cry that echoed overhead.


The wind from the bird’s wings knocked Wei’an backward, causing him to land right on his brother’s feet. Stunned, he looked up at the enormous bird that landed in front of him and opened his small mouth in awe. “It’s so big~”


Quan Yan chuckled as he helped him up. “You’re still too light. A gust of wind knocks you right over.”


Quan Yan, watching from the side, silently agreed.


Wei’an lifted his hands to cup his small chubby face in confusion, “Not light,I’ve got all this chubby flesh~”


“Hah,” Quan Yan laughed. “It’s only your face that’s got any meat.”


Meanwhile, Cole swiftly climbed onto the bird’s back, and seeing his friends’ amazed expressions, he proudly tilted his head back. He waved to Wei’an to come up. “This is an exotic beast my female father recently got. I took it to give to Wei’an as a birthday present. Come on, you guys!”


Hearing this, Wei’an eagerly scampered forward, trying to climb up, but his legs were too short. After struggling for a bit and realizing he couldn’t do it, he turned back, planning to ask his brother for help. But just then, the bird lowered its wings, lifted him up, and placed him on its back.


This bird, called an eagle beast, was docile by nature, making it a perfect mount. The one before them was still young, and when fully grown, its temperament would be even more gentle.


Once Naiman, Krillochuan, Shang You, Shang Yan, and the other Zerg had all climbed aboard, the eagle beast flapped its wings and flew straight up into the sky. The sudden height and thrill caused the young ones to let out excited squeals.


From below, Quan Yan and the others could clearly hear the delighted cries from the sky, including Wei’an’s soft, babyish laughter.


Quan Yan squinted as he leaned against a tree trunk, his silver-gray hair swaying in the breeze. The golden autumn sunlight bathed everything, and the wind carried the scent of ripening fruit, announcing the deep arrival of autumn.


“Brother,” he called, looking at Quan Yan with a light smile in his green eyes. “It’s been a long time.”


Quan Yan was the first female child of Alhandra and Quan Yan’s only older brother. From a young age, Quan Yan had always had a unique perception of him. This brother of his was both powerful and fierce, yet also silent and gentle. His heart was delicate and had the heaviest sense of responsibility.


A very complex yet incredibly charismatic figure.


Quan Yan looked at him in silence. “It has been a long time.”


They stayed below without leaving, ready to act in case of an accident so they could quickly catch the little ones.


“Thinking about it, I still feel a bit of regret,” Quan Yan suddenly said. “Wei’an must have been much smaller when he was first born, probably no bigger than the size of our palms”


“It’s a pity that I didn’t see it!”


Quan Yan’s scarlet eyes gazed at the little one laughing up in the sky, and he too felt a small tinge of regret.


In the distance, Qiao Song watched the eagle beast soaring with the young Zerg on its back and sighed in admiration. The way the Zerg raised their cubs was truly unique. If this were happening back home, they would definitely be grabbed and spanked by the worried parents.


After playing for a while, Wei’an finally landed, but his legs had gone weak, causing him to plop down again. As Quan Yan lifted him up with a smile, Wei’an, dazed, patted his legs with his small hands and said, “My legs won’t dork anymore~”


“Oh?” Quan Yan acted serious. “Well then, I guess I’ll have to carry you from now on.”


Wei’an tilted his head in thought, then wrapped his arms around his neck. “Okay~”


Seeing that he’d taken it seriously, Quan Yan burst into laughter. “I’m just kidding. You’re just a little weak from the excitement. It’ll pass soon.”






“That’s good~” Wei’an patted his chest in relief.


From over Quan Yan’s shoulder, Wei’an saw Quan Yan’s departing figure.


He noticed that his brother was enveloped in thick, swirling black mist, just like that female Zerg they had helped last time. Wei’an vaguely understood that this black mist was making his brother sad. Frowning, he muttered, “Bad~ Yucky~”


Thinking about it made his mouth taste bitter, so he quickly turned his head and spat, “Puh, puh, puh.”


“What’s wrong?” Quan Yan asked, noticing his furrowed brows.


“Bitter~” Wei’an tugged at his shirt with a deep look of resentment, causing Quan Yan to laugh.


Though he didn’t understand why Wei’an said it tasted bitter, Quan Yan still pulled a candy from his little pocket, unwrapped it, and held it to his mouth.


The candy he put in his pocket last time is almost gone again, and he needs to replenish it in time!


“Not bitter now, but it will be later~” Wei’an muttered as he popped the candy into his mouth anyway.


As soon as the sweet taste hit his tongue, he squinted his eyes with satisfaction, candy, candy~ delicious~


With the candy in his mouth, he had the courage to face the black mist, but when he looked back, he saw that Quan Yan was already gone.


He reached out and patted Quan Yan’s shoulder, “Brother~ Brother is missing~”


Quan Yan glanced back and then set Wei’an down, allowing him to catch his breath and continue playing with his friends. “Big brother has something to do and left first.”


“Okay~” Wei’an said, relieved, and went off to play with Shang You and the others.


For Wei’an’s first birthday party, Alhandra didn’t plan a grand event. After all, it was just a young cub’s birthday, it was enough to have fun and celebrate. Why mix in some irrelevant factors?


After a day of joy and play with his male father, female father, brother, and friends, Wei’an, after his bath, suddenly seemed to remember something. He ran to the side of the main building where his brothers lived and knocked on Quan Yan’s door.


Quan Yan opened the door and looked down at the little cub in a warm yellow pajama who had just had a bath. “What’s the matter?”


“Did Brother apply the medicine~” Wei’an tilted his head but couldn’t see Brother’s face. He took a few steps back and looked up with difficulty to see Quan Yan’s face clearly.


Seeing the little cub leaning so far back it seemed he might fall, Quan Yan silently crouched down so Wei’an didn’t have to strain so much.


Wei’an noticed that Brother didn’t answer his question and looked at him with confusion. “Did Brother apply the medicine?”


Recalling the untouched ointment in the space, Quan Yan paused and then said, “I did.”


Little cubs are very sticky, so it’s better to avoid trouble.


Knowing that Brother had obediently applied the medicine, Wei’an smiled and extended his tiny hand. “Brother, hug me~”


The hand he stretched out was small, and four cute dimples could be seen on the back of his chubby hand.


Quan Yan looked away. “No hugs.”


“Brother, want to hug~” How else could he help Brother catch the black if he didn’t hold me?


Quan Yan shook his head, even standing up, which increased the distance between him and Wei’an and also made him away from the little guy’s face that was used to bewitching the mind.


“I don’t want to hug. It’s late, you should go back to sleep.” He deliberately made his face cold. His already fierce appearance became even more intimidating. Every time he turned cold, the thorns in the army dared not look directly at him, but he didn’t expect to hit a wall by such a little cub.


“No~” The cub stomped his feet in anger. “I want Brother to hug me.”


“Why do you insist on me hugging you?” Quan Yan was quite puzzled. He couldn’t understand why the little cub specifically came to him for a hug after a bath.


“Brother is uncomfortable because he is black. If I hug it, it won’t be uncomfortable if I catch it and eat it~” Wei’an explained in his own way.


Quan Yan looked down at his black bathrobe and thought, is it because I’m wearing a black robe that he keeps saying I’m black?


In the end, Wei’an was picked up by Quan Yan by the scruff of his neck and taken back to the main building.


After placing him in the main building, Quan Yan turned and walked away, leaving Wei’an, who couldn’t keep up, feeling aggrieved in the living room.


Brother is bad~


After leaving the main building, Quan Yan stood in a corner where the little cub couldn’t see him and watched until Wei’an, who had been missing from his bed after a bath, was found downstairs by Alhandra and taken back.


The little cub was bright and pure, not something a female zerg like him, who had been immersed in the stench of blood for half a lifetime, should touch.


Back in his room, Alhandra didn’t immediately put Wei’an to bed. He patted Wei’an’s back, crouched down, and said, “Our little Wei’an has wings now. Show them to the male father.”


In the Zerg, female cubs are born with bone wings that match their body size, while male cubs only develop their wings visibly at one year old. Their wings are different from the females’ sharp and hard bone wings, they are mostly soft and bright.


“Wings~” Wei An, who was a little aggrieved because of his brother, was no longer aggrieved when he heard about wings. He tried to twist his little head to look behind him, “Will Wei’an have wings too~”


When playing with Shang You and the others, he had seen their wings, which were very beautiful.


“Yes, Wei’an has wings too.” Alhandra said while patiently teaching him how to spread his wings, demonstrating many times.


In fact, male wings are a manifestation of their Zerg source and spiritual power.


After a lot of effort, Wei’an finally spread his small wings. They were like the night sky, with countless shining stars embedded in the deep blue, beautiful and dazzling, as vast as the ocean.


Alhandra Zangshi gently touched his wings. The color of these wings was so bright with no hint of dimness.


At this point, the anxiety that had been hanging in his heart since hearing the news about Quan Ci taking him to calm the Zerg source’s riot finally eased.


Male wings gradually darken with each time they calm a female or guide an egg to hatch.


This is something only the males themselves know.


Alhandra’s wings were once a dazzling golden color, comparable to the brightest sunlight, but now they have dimmed by almost half.


That’s why he was so furious when he learned that Wei’an had saved Jian Feng.


He carefully looked at it inch by inch, until he was sure that these small wings like the starry sky were indeed not dim at all, and then a slight ripple was raised in his heart.


He didn’t know if this was just a coincidence or if Wei’an was truly special. If he is special, that would be wonderful…


He bent down and gently hugged Wei’an, his deep blue eyes filled with ocean-like affection. “Do you know who I am?”


Wei’an giggled and said in a sweet, childish voice, “It’s the male father~”


“Yes, it’s the male father.”



This chapter is very important guys!


catto support me!! (By onee-chan)


meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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