The Strange Male Insect Cub

In the early morning, Shang You and the other cubs, carrying a bunch of wooden swords, arrived at Alhandra Manor to apologize to Wei’an. When they saw Wei’an standing on the lawn, holding a wooden sword and swinging it with a serious little face, they immediately ran over.


“Wei’an, look what I brought you,” Shang You’s voice echoed.


Wei’an, who was swinging the sword with a cute voice accompanying each swing, paused in confusion. Seeing Shang You, Wei’an carefully hugged the wooden sword to his chest and asked warily, “Why are you here~?”


Shang You smirked and showed him the wooden sword he was carrying, saying, “I’m here to replace your toy.”


“No need~” Wei’an sighed with relief upon hearing that Shang You was there to replace the toy. He shook the wooden sword he was holding, “Wei’an already has a new one~”


Shang You stubbornly shoved the wooden sword into Wei’an’s arms, saying, “I promised to replace it, so you have to take it.”


Wei’an, who now had his arms full of wooden swords, blinked in confusion.


Krillochuan took the wooden sword Shang You had forced into Wei’an’s arms and said, “Are you stupid? Didn’t you see Wei’an’s short arms can’t hold it?”


Hearing this, Wei’an immediately wasn’t confused anymore. He stretched out his small hands to prove, “Not short~ Wei’an’s hands aren’t short~”


“Let’s not talk about that.” Shang You, holding a wooden sword for himself, waved it around aimlessly, “Wei’an, what were you doing with this thing just now? It looked quite fun.”


“My hands are obviously not short~” Wei’an stubbornly emphasized again before answering Shang You’s question, “Wei’an doesn’t know, just felt like doing it~”


“Why did you two run so fast?” Naiman, a bit out of breath, caught up.


Krillochuan gave him a look of confusion, as if he didn’t understand why Naiman would say that, “We weren’t running fast, it’s just that you and Cole have short legs and couldn’t catch up.”


Naiman and Cole jumped up instantly, “You’re the one with short legs.”


After some commotion and noisy arguing, the cubs made up and followed Wei’an’s lead, mimicking his wooden sword swings with their own cute sound effects, “Hoo-yah~”


It was clear that Wei’an, who was trying to maintain a serious expression as the little teacher, was unsteady on his feet. Every swing caused him to stumble slightly, and his stern little face was so amusing that the other cubs couldn’t help but laugh.


In contrast, Shang You and the others, though trying to mimic the movements, at least didn’t look like they were about to fall.


Quan Chu, who was watching this scene, didn’t know how he could give birth to such a cute little thing. The cub exuded a soft, milkish aura, completely different from his iron-blooded military demeanor.


No one noticed the pervasive black-red mist in the air. As Wei’an moved, the black mist was absorbed into his body, leaving only the red mist to seep into Shang You, Shang Yan, and the other cubs.


Soon, Wei’an, panting heavily and supporting himself on his knees, was breathing heavily, his small chest rising and falling rapidly.


Shang You and the others looked at Wei’an’s exhausted state in confusion. “Are you very tired? We don’t feel anything, actually, we feel more energetic.”


Krillochuan furrowed his brows with a mature expression, “You need to exercise more.”


“Let’s supervise Wei’an’s exercise from now on!” Naiman suggested.


“We’re doing this for your own good,” Cole patted Wei’an’s shoulder.


So tired~


Wei’an, feeling very worn out, looked at them, who were not sweating at all, and could only pout and nod in frustration.


After resting, he looked up and saw Quan Chu not far away. He immediately ran up, hugging Quan Chu’s leg and softly begging, “Female father hug~”


Quan Chu looked at the nearly one-year-old little guy and crouched down to expertly pick him up. “Your birthday is in half a month. Is there anything you want?”


In the Zerg race, sixteen months old is considered one year. In half a month, Wei’an would have been born for sixteen months in this world, which is why Quan Yan returned early. In the Zerg, celebrating the birthday of a little male cub is a big deal.


Even the military would give the female fathers a significant amount of leave.


Wei’an, once picked up, kissed Quan Chu’s face loudly before answering, “Nothing~”


Quan Chu’s fingers curled slightly as he held Wei’an. No matter how many times this kiss happened, it still felt strangely special.


This was a type of affection Quan Chu had never experienced before. Neither his own childhood nor his first cub, Quan Yan1This is a new character actually. The Quan Yan in the first few chapters that appeared is an actor and his raw name is 权宴 (quán yàn). While this new character’s name is 权闫(quán yán). I don’t know why the author did this but lol, had shown such closeness.


The Zerg are a warlike race, and fierceness is their best-known trait. Even male cubs are only soft when they are very young.


As they grow up, male Zerg are just as robust as the female Zerg, particularly skilled in using mental power as an invisible weapon.


A soft, clingy, and affectionate cub like Wei’an is truly rare.


After kissing Quan Chu, Wei’an saw he didn’t react and used his hands to hold Quan Chu’s face, pressing his soft cheek against Quan Chu’s, “Female father, Wei’an~”


Quan Chu glanced at his white and tender fat and turned his eyes away, a little reluctant to kiss him.


After waiting for a while with no kiss, Wei’an tilted his head in confusion, “Why doesn’t female father kiss Wei’an~”


“There’s sweat on your face.” Quan Chu quickly wiped the sweat off Wei’an’s face.


Wei’an nodded understandingly, realizing that his face was sweaty and dirty, so the female father didn’t want to kiss him.


He wiped his face with his hands and said, “Then after Wei’an washes clean, the female father has to kiss me~”




Quan Chu agreed but didn’t take it seriously. Young cubs often have poor memory and are more likely to forget things after playing happily.


At night, Quan Chu was silent as he watched Wei An, who ran to his bedroom after taking a bath wearing piggy slippers and pajamas. With his soft, pale face tilted up, he was waiting for Quan Chu to fulfill his promise from the morning.


“I’m all clean and smell nice~” Wei’an twirled around to show off and leaned in so Quan Chu could smell him.


Faced with Wei’an’s eager, deep blue eyes, Quan Chu finally gave in, bending down for a quick kiss.


As he got close, he smelled the sweet, milky scent from the little cub.


It wasn’t a lie, Wei’an really did smell sweet!


And he was so soft!


After Quan Chu awkwardly gave him a kiss, Wei’an’s eyes visibly brightened, showing his immense joy.


Having finally received the kiss he had been thinking about all day, Wei’an happily waved his little hand and said, mimicking what the male father usually said, “Female father, good night, have sweet dreams~”


“Mm, good night.” Watching the joyful back of the little male cub, Quan Chu’s usually stern expression softened with a hint of a smile.




Autumn dawns always come early. The warm autumn wind diligently passes by the forest and grass. Occasionally, when it finds something it likes, it quietly slips through the windows, bringing a hint of fruity aroma.


Wei’an, savoring the fruity scent in the air, happily ate the snacks made with fruit by the housekeeper. The soft, chewy, and slightly elastic texture won him over, making it his first time enjoying such treats.


Seeing Wei’an happily swaying his little feet as he ate, Alhandra felt a smile in his eyes and his mood lightened, enjoying the peaceful morning.


Quan Ci, who had rushed back through teleportation points, immediately noticed the little male cub happily eating. “Male father, good morning.”


As soon as he asked, Wei’an, who had been sitting and eating contentedly, jumped off his seat and ran to hug his leg with a small, surprised voice, “Brother~”


Quan Ci crouched down and picked him up. “Hmm?”


“Brother missed you~” Wei’an rubbed his face against Quan Ci’s.


The soft touch brought a warm feeling to Quan Ci’s heart. Even though it had only been half a month since he last saw Wei’an, it felt much longer, an unusual feeling for him.


“Did you miss Wei’an~”


“Yes,” He responded in a low voice, sitting back down with Wei’an on his lap. “Are you full?”


Wei’an shook his head, “Not yet~”


He picked up the last piece of snack from his plate and said, “Brother eat~”


“No, you eat.” Quan Ci declined.


“Wei’an has milk, brother should eat this. It’s really good~” Wei’an pointed to the milk bottle beside him and laboriously held the snack up to Quan Ci’s mouth.


Quan Ci opened his mouth and took a bite. The subtle fruity fragrance and sweetness lingered in his mouth, and it tasted quite good.


Seeing his brother eat, Wei’an contentedly hugged the milk bottle and drank from it, not caring at all about giving away his last piece of snack.


Quan Ci looked at him and couldn’t help but pat his head. Time passed quickly, and the little male cub in his arms was nearly one year old. His small body had grown a bit in Quan Ci’s absence.


After breakfast, Wei’an dragged him outside. “Brother, let’s pick some fruit together~”


Quan Ci picked him up and walked towards the orchard. As for why Wei’an had appeared in his dorm in such a strange state recently, Quan Ci had never shared it with others and didn’t intend to investigate further.


It was best to let this matter remain buried in his heart.


The peaceful orchard was disrupted by the arrival of the two zergs. Wei’an, nestled in his brother’s arms, spotted a particularly red fruit and excitedly pointed, “Brother, over there, red and sweet~”


“And over here~”


“There’s some here too~”


“So many, Wei’an can’t hold them all~”


“I’ll help.” Quan Ci’s calm voice came as he put the picked fruits into the storage bracelet he used for various weapon materials and mecha parts.


With his arms now empty, Wei’an continued to cheerfully pick fruit, his cheerful laughter ringing through most of the orchard.


Watching Wei’an’s joyful little figure, Quan Ci slightly curled his lips, feeling the fatigue from his complex training and coursework dissipate.


Due to the long distance and multiple uses of the warp points, Quan Yan arrived late at night. He rubbed his aching forehead and suddenly smiled.


The cost of using teleportation points was extremely high and draining on mental energy. Unless it was urgent, few zergs would use them.


In fact, there was no need to hurry so much, arriving the next afternoon would have been fine. But he was eager to see the milk-scented little boy and urgently wanted to hold him.


Returning so late, he didn’t plan to disturb Wei’an. Instead, he simply glanced at the main building and headed towards his own residence.


Halfway there, Quan Yan suddenly noticed a figure silently standing ahead. Alarmed, he stopped immediately, and his demeanor shifted dramatically to one of hostility, starkly different from his usual self.


“It’s me.” A hoarse voice came through the thick night, and Quan Yan relaxed as he recognized the figure. “Elder brother?”


The figure turned around. The pale moonlight faintly illuminated his tall, imposing form, and his fierce, blood-red eyes flashed briefly before disappearing into the darkness.


He was wearing a military uniform that was as silent as the night. The tall and straight figure gave off a dangerous aura from a distance, like a beast hidden in the night. Occasionally, when the moonlight fell on his face, the hideous scar that ran across his entire face could be clearly seen.


Quan Yan looked at his usually gentle younger brother, who seemed to have changed. He now radiated a sense of ease and mild pleasure, unlike the past when he was superficially gentle but internally sharp and repressed.


Quan Yan hadn’t expected him to return. He hadn’t seen his elder brother since he joined the military at fourteen.

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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