The Strange Male Insect Cub

At this time, Quan Yan was already several star fields away from Kato Star, he would be able to leave the territory of the Zerg in seven days.

He was very surprised when he received the call from Alhandra. It was rare for his male father to call him, and it was still a virtual video call?

Unable to figure it out, he answered the call. Upon opening the communication, his eyes fell on Wei An, whose little face was red from crying in his father’s arms.

When he left, the little male cub was still cute and squinting his eyes to wave goodbye to them. At this time, his blue eyes were full of water vapor, revealing grievances from inside to outside. The eyelashes wet by tears were folded listlessly, and the baby fat on his face trembled slightly with his sobs, looking so pitiful.

Uncontrollable anger and slight heartache suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, which made it impossible for him to maintain the gentleness on his face for a while.

The pair of dark green eyes were as cold as a cold pool frozen in the ground, deep and dark.

He tried to control himself and soften his voice, “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Weian looked up with tears in his eyes when he heard his brother’s voice. When he saw that it was really his brother, he quickly got out of his father’s arms and rushed forward.

But he didn’t expect that he would stumble through the shadow.

Weian, who was supported by his father in time, blinked and looked at his brother in front of him with a blank face. His little head, which was slow to cry, thought for a long time before he remembered that this was fake, just like the uncle’s, which could be seen but not touched.

Thinking of this, Wei’an’s tears fell even more. Feeling wronged, he urgently hoped that more relatives would be around him.

He stuffed himself into his father’s arms again, and suddenly remembered something and eagerly took out the broken wooden sword in his hand to show his brother, “Brother~ the knife is broken~”

The eager look made Quan Yan feel more distressed, and he hurriedly coaxed, “It’s okay, brother will buy you a lot of knife, okay?”

“Yeah.” Wei An nodded, looking at the wooden sword in his hand with reluctance, “Brother bought it~ it’s broken~ so sad~”

This is his favorite gift bought by his brother.

This little guy, is he so sad because the wooden sword is a gift bought by him?

Realizing this, Quan Yan’s heart softened, and even the initial anger was relieved. “Brother will ask someone to fix it for you, and I guarantee it will be the same as before it broke.”

Wei’an’s eyes lit up instantly when he heard that it could be fixed, “Can it really be fixed~”


He trusted his brother very much and held the broken wooden sword in his arms with a smile, “Brother is the best~”

Quan Yan laughed and ignored Alhandra who was jealous and coldly looking at him, “Then Wei’an will not cry, okay? Brother feels bad when he sees Wei’an crying.”

Weian embarrassedly buried his face in his father’s arms and rubbed it. When he felt that his tears were wiped clean, he raised his face, shook his little head, and looked around with a guilty look, “Wei’an didn’t cry~”

Oh, he still knows how to save face!

Seeing this scene, the zergs around tried to hold back their laughter, for fear that if they really laughed, this tear ball that was not easy to coax would cry again.

Shang Ying directly covered Shang You’s mouth, which was about to open again. This little brat needs to be disciplined when he goes back. He has been spoiled by the zergs at home.

After being coaxed by his brother, Wei’an stayed in the arms of the male father obediently, but he was still listless and unwilling to play with the other cubs.

Seeing this look, Alhandra had a headache. The purpose of bringing him out this time was completely ruined. Not only did he not make friends, but it might also leave some shadows and make him unwilling to make friends in the future.

His little Wei’an was too obedient and quiet. He had to be more lively.

After finishing his own tasks, Quan Chu thought of checking on the little male cub. Following his instincts, he went up and saw Wei’an looking dejected in Alhandra’s arms.

As soon as he arrived, Wei’an slid down from Alhandra’s arms and rushed towards him, “Female father~”

After greeting Alhandra and his friends, Quan Chu squatted down and pulled Wei’an into his arms, “Not happy!”

He assessed Wei’an’s expression and reached this conclusion.

Wei’an showed him the broken wooden knife, complaining, “The knife is broken~”

Quan Chu took the knife and examined it closely. It was a surprisingly fragile toy. If it had been in the hands of other cubs, it wouldn’t have lasted a day.

Crying over something so minor? It’s a bit too pampered.

When he was about to preach a few words, he met the grievance and expectation hidden in Wei’an’s pitiful blue eyes.

After a moment, he patted Wei’an’s back gently, “Female father will buy you a new one.”

Well, he’s still too young, he can discuss this further when he grows up.

Alhandra, after much thought, decided to call in Quan Fan from his class to come and keep Wei’an company and help him make friends.

On the other end, Quan Yan, who had hung up the call with a jealous Alhandra, sent a communication to Ruan He, instructing him to fetch a damaged wooden knife from Fengshan and repair it to look exactly the same.

Ruan He was speechless after receiving the message, but agreed to go to Fengshan, motivated by Quan Yan’s promise of good wine.

When he arrived at Fengshan and saw the little cub looking up at him with eager eyes, all his reluctance vanished, replaced by a determination to ensure the repair was perfect.

In the end, he walked out with a slightly unsteady step under Wei’an’s admiring gaze.

Alas, the little male cub is just ignorant.. Just fixing a small wooden knife earns such admiration, it’s a bit overwhelming.

Quan Fan, who was interrupted in the middle of the class, calmly packed up his things and followed the female zerg who came to pick him up.

It was not until he came here and saw Wei An, who looked dejected, that he understood why the male father suddenly called him over.

After receiving permission, the four-year-old Quan Fan picked up Wei’an from Quan Chu’s arms and walked to the cub area to sit down.

Suddenly being taken from his female father’s arms, Wei’an clung to Quan Fan’s neck with his available hand, and after sitting down, looked up with teary eyes, “Brother, why are you here~”

Quan Fan looked at him and adjusted his clothes, “I came to keep you company. Why were you crying?”

Wei’an glanced at Shang You, looking a bit embarrassed, “He bullied Wei’an, but Wei’an didn’t cry~”

Quan Fan looked in the direction Wei’an pointed. It was a two-year-old male cub. He felt a bit regretful. If it had been a female cub, he could have retaliated.

Raising his hand and stroking Wei’an’s head, he said in a light tone, “He is a male cub, I can’t help you bully him back.”

If a female cub dared to act out against a male cub, it would leave a permanent mark on their academic future, which is hard to shake off.

Wei’an was about to speak but was interrupted by Shang You, who jumped out, hands on hips, “Nonsense, I didn’t bully you. I just wanted to play with you. Your toy was too fragile, and you cried.”

Seeing Shang You approach, Wei’an stood up immediately, positioning himself protectively in front of Quan Fan, with his only movable hand spread out to guard his brother.

Hearing only the last part of Shang You’s words, Wei’an’s face flushed red with embarrassment. After being caught lying, he glared at Shang You, “Don’t bully my brother~”

Shang You, who had initially liked Wei’an and wanted to play with him, was now jumping with anger, “Who wants to bully your brother? I don’t even want to look at him. Why would I bully him?”

Wei’an’s face puffed up with pride, “Hmph~ My brother is the best~”

Shang You looked confused, “What does your brother being the best have to do with me?”

Wei’an puffed out his little chest with pride on his face, and declared, “Wei’an has a brother, but you don’t~”


Shang You looked at Wei’an, then at Quan Fan behind him, and turned to run away.

After a while, he returned, panting and pulling Shang Yan along, standing him in front of Wei’an. “My male father said he is my brother.”

Shang You, who had been carefully pampered since he was born, didn’t know Shang Yan was his brother because no Zerg had ever told him this. So, when Wei’an mentioned having a brother, he ran back to ask his male father why he didn’t have one.

Shang Yan was very surprised when he was pulled by Shang You. He didn’t expect that this male cub brother would pull him and run over in a hurry just to introduce him as a brother.

Wei’an scrutinized Shang Yan and then tilted his little face up. “My brother is taller than your brother.”

Shang You looked at the heights of the two and secretly compared them in his mind, realizing that Wei’an was right. He immediately looked displeased and complained, “Why aren’t you taller than him?”

Shang Yan looked down at him and moved his lips, “I’m younger than him.”

Getting the answer, Shang You placed his hands on his hips and declared, “My brother will grow taller than your brother in the future.”

“Nonsense. My brother is the tallest!” Wei’an retorted with a scrunched nose.

“My brother will definitely grow taller than your brother.”

“My brother is the number one in his school!” Wei’an also placed his hands on his hips, proudly declaring.

Not knowing if Shang Yan was also number one, Shang You immediately turned to ask him.

Shang Yan shook his head. He was sick and didn’t do well in the last exam.

Shang You wrinkled his nose in disgust and shouted back with great energy, “My brother will be number one next time!”

Alhandra and the others, drawn by the commotion, watched the two little cubs argue with interest, holding their drinks. Such a level of argument was new to them, especially with the two little ones going back and forth like they were tickling each other.

Quan Chu had never seen such a scene either. Every time the female zergs competed for supremacy, they would fight fiercely, even the female cubs who had just hatched.

Wei’an, not backing down, raised his small baby voice, “My brother also reads books with me~”

“My brother will also read books with me in the future!”

“My brother teaches me to recognize characters, picks fruit with me, buys me candy, and plays with toys with me~”

Shang You had never done any of these with Shang Yan. Clenching his fists, he angrily shouted back, “My brother will do those things with me in the future too!”

As they argued, Quan Fan kept his gaze fixed on Wei’an’s small back, without blinking from beginning to end, he didn’t know why he couldn’t look away.

Occasionally when he looked up, he would see the envious eyes of Shang Yan looking at him.

Is he envious of himself?

Quan Fan was puzzled. What could he have to envy?

He moved his gaze to the small figure in front of him again, his mind kept replaying the back of him standing up and blocking Shang You’s way with a protective meaning when he came over.

During the argument, Wei’an’s look at Shang You grew increasingly pitiful. His brother didn’t accompany him. How pitiful.

Shang You, feeling ashamed by Wei’an’s look, stomped his feet and left angrily.

The first time Wei’an won an argument, he turned around and squeezed himself into Quan Fan’s arms. Smiling up with his little teeth showing, he looked up at Quan Fan.

Quan Fan gently pinched his face, suddenly feeling that having a younger male brother wasn’t so bad!

After learning that Wei’an had cried over his broken wooden knife, his uncle, Alhandra Zangshi, sat in his study with a serious expression, buying every color and shape of toy knife available online to send to Kato Star’s Alhandra Manor.

Quan Chu, upon hearing this, immediately headed to the back mountain of the school.

If he remembered correctly, there was a piece of hard wood there, perfect for making wooden knives that wouldn’t break easily.

Chu Yuan and Jian Feng, watching Quan Chu carve the wooden knife, were astonished and immediately joined in when they learned it was for the little male cub.

The next day, in Alhandra Manor, Wei’an sat amidst a pile of wooden knives, his eyes wide. “Male father~ Knives~ So many knives!”

Alhandra picked him up from the pile of knives, “These are from your female father, your uncle, female brother and me. Of course, I sent the most. Are you happy?”

Wei’an gave him a loud kiss on the cheek, his baby voice cheerful, “Happy.”

“Well, let’s not cry when we remove the stitches, okay?” Alhandra said, patting his still-hanging hand. He was already quite afraid of Wei’an’s tears.

His little Wei’an was perfect in everything except for being too prone to crying. His tears had become Alhandra’s greatest anxiety.

“Does it hurt?” he asked, tilting his head.

“Not very much.” Qiao Song said the painkillers were still medicine, and since Wei’an was weak, too much wouldn’t be good. He had to prepare for the worst.

Hearing it wasn’t very painful, Wei’an touched his male father’s furrowed brows, “Wei’an won’t cry, very strong~”

“This is a package from Young Master Quan Chu. It’s for the young master.” The butler brought up a package.

Seeing Wei’an’s curious gaze, Alhandra gently said, “Let’s open it first and then go to Doctor Qiao, okay?”

Wei’an nodded vigorously, “Okay.”

Upon opening the package, it was indeed a small wooden knife. However, this one was pitch black, with only the handle in white. The white patterns spread from the handle to the blade, forming a mysterious design.

This knife was carved by Quan Chu to resemble the one Wei’an had seen in his dormitory.

Wei’an stared at the knife for a long time, his little heart racing. The exact same knife, which had been a vague shadow in his heart, was now spinning rapidly. The feeling that had drawn his heart disappeared when he finally held the knife.

He looked up with the knife in his arms, “Like it~ Male father I like it~”

“Then let’s go remove the stitches, shall we?”


Despite promising not to cry, finally came out with tears in his eyes. He covered his face with his hands embarrassedly. “Male father, don’t look~”

Seeing Wei’an’s tears, Alhandra’s mouth twitched upwards, “It’s useless, I remember every time you cry clearly, and I recorded it to send to your brother and female father.”

He made sure others would share in the discomfort too.

Not only did Alhandra send the video, but he also planned to save it and show it to Wei’an when he grew up, capturing every angle of his tears.

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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