The Strange Male Insect Cub

Generally, both male and female cubs have an instinct to protect their food.

When little Wei’an reluctantly gave them candy, they saw his hesitation and couldn’t understand why he wanted to share with them.

They asked Wei An with great confusion, and Wei An said as if it was a matter of course, “It’s a meeting gift~”

The uncles had given him many gifts upon meeting, so he wanted to return the gesture.

Shang Ying and the other zergs looked at each other and finally couldn’t help laughing.

They never thought they’d receive a gift from a cub who wasn’t even one year old yet.

Wei’an, not understanding why they were laughing, blinked in confusion. As always, these big Zerg were beyond his comprehension.

Meanwhile, Quan Yan and Quan Ci had already left Kato Star. Quan Ci, in a hurry, had spent nearly all the money he had earned from hunting alien beasts over the years just to travel via the warp point.

As soon as he arrived at the military academy, he bumped into Chu Yuan, who had been waiting for him.

Upon seeing him, Chu Yuan rushed over, exclaiming, “You’re finally here! For the past two days, Instructor Wen has been so mad that he’s practically unapproachable. If it weren’t for Instructor Cen, you’d be put in the detention room as soon as you got back.”

Quan Ci nodded. “What about Jian Feng? Has he returned?”

He had been busy with little Wei’an these past few days and had forgotten to check on Jian Feng’s situation.

Speaking of Jian Feng, Chu Yuan got even more excited. “Jian Feng is better now! His Zerg riot level is the lowest in the entire academy. I had to pester him for a long time before he told me that you brought a male cub to save him. Is that true?”

There was no reason to hide it, so Quan Ci nodded in confirmation.

“He said the little cub was adorable, like a soft rice ball, with a milky scent. Do you have any pictures? Let me see.” Chu Yuan looked at him expectantly, his amber eyes gleaming.

Quan Ci paused, then placed a hand on Chu Yuan’s head, forcing him to turn away. “You’re acting like a lovesick female. My Wei’an is still young, and he shouldn’t be around someone like you.”

“Wow, seriously? We are also good friends, how can you treat me differently? Wait, what are you doing?” Noticing that Quan Ci was browsing a vibrant online shop, Chu Yuan curiously leaned over.

Upon closer inspection, he saw that it was all cub-related products and toys. He was buying toys for the cubs at home?!

This didn’t fit Quan Ci’s personality!

Someone like Quan Ci, who was indifferent to anything except becoming stronger, wasn’t the type to browse cub shops or do anything remotely out of character like this.

Feeling puzzled, Chu Yuan glanced at the prices, and his face instantly froze.

“…Why is everything so expensive?!”

His cry echoed as Quan Ci, without batting an eye, walked ahead.

Though his face remained expressionless, he was thinking about how sad little Wei’an might feel when he returned home and found no one there. He’d better buy a gift in advance to cheer him up.

At the Fengshan Leisure Club, the more Shang Ying and the others interacted with Wei’an, the more fond they became of him.

His soft personality, combined with his sparkling blue eyes that always seemed to carry a gentle smile, filled them with joy whenever they saw him.

As they waited for the other cubs to arrive, they took turns holding Wei’an, feeling the softness of his little body and sighing internally about why their own male cubs weren’t as cute.

When the cubs called over by their male fathers finally arrived, Wei’an was in Farison Enger’s arms. Upon meeting the confused gaze of his own cub, Farison awkwardly put Wei’an down. “Little Wei’an, go play with your brothers!”

Wei’an looked at him with doubts, and said in a baby voice, “Wei’an’s brothers aren’t here~”

Understanding what he meant, Alhandra casually ruffled his hair. “Then go play with them and make some new friends.”

The cubs who had arrived were all male and about the same age as Wei’an. The only female cub was Shang Yan, from Shang Ying’s family.

Speaking of Shang Ying, he was quite unique. Not only had he shortened his name to match his female father’s surname for convenience, but he also found it troublesome that his cubs had different surnames depending on whether they followed his or their female father’s. In the end, he decided all his cubs should have his surname.

Shang Ying didn’t particularly dislike female cubs. He was indifferent to whether his cubs were male or female and was quite well-known in male circles.

Wei’an and the other cubs were taken to a floor specially designed for them. The decor was bright and soft, and the floor was covered in thick, cream-colored carpets, clearly meant for male cubs. Female cubs, being tougher, didn’t need such careful treatment.

There were five cubs in total, all around Wei’an’s age. The oldest was three, and the youngest was two. With Wei’an being the newest addition, he was the youngest.

The little dumplings that have been playing together for a long time curiously surrounded the younger new little dumpling Wei’an in the middle and curiously studied this little new friend.

“What’s your name?” the oldest, Krillochuan, asked. He had a head of gray-white curls and light green eyes.

Knowing the question was directed at him, Wei’an, holding his beloved wooden sword, obediently replied, “Wei’an~”

“My name is Krillochuan. You’d better remember it, understand?” His tone was domineering and brash.

“Got it~”

Next, a male cub with brown hair and purple eyes, two and a half years old, said, “My name is Farison Naiman. Just call me Naiman.”

“Cole, just call me Cole.” Cole shook his tea-colored curls, his golden eyes lively and full of smiles.

“I’m Shang Yan.” The female cub Shang Yan, who was two but taller than the others, said. He had gray-white hair and matching eyes.

“Who said you could talk before me?” The last male cub stomped on his foot fiercely, he looked at Wei’an with tea-green eyes and raised head high with gray hair shaking, “My name is Shang You. What’s that you’re holding? Let me play with it.”

Wei’an looked down at the wooden sword in his arms and shook his head, hugging it even tighter. “No~”

Shang You, who had been intrigued by Wei’an’s constant hold on the wooden sword, was stunned by the refusal and quickly grew angry.

He was rejected!

Someone actually dared to refuse him!

Spoiled and indulged at home, he stormed forward and tried to grab it. “Give it to me! I want to play with it!”

Wei’an, tightly clutching his wooden sword, stumbled a bit but soon teared up. “No~ It’s Wei’an’s~”

Seeing the two fighting, Krillochuan, who considered himself the eldest and responsible, stepped in and pulled Shang You away, scolding with a stern face, “You’re older than Wei’an, so how can you steal his things?”

Shang You tried to push him, but Krillochuan, with his one-year advantage, held firm and didn’t budge.

Unable to push him, Shang You turned his fierce glare to Shang Yan. “Aren’t you going to help me push him?”

Shang Yan shook his head, his small face showing no emotion. “You’re in the wrong. I won’t help.”

Infuriated, Shang You snarled at Shang Yan, “You’re done for! When we get home, I’ll have father beat you!”

Shang Yan’s face turned pale, and he stubbornly turned away, refusing to speak.

Seeing that Shang You was stuck, Krillochuan nodded in satisfaction and then turned to his new little friend. Noticing Wei’an’s red-rimmed eyes and puffy cheeks, he awkwardly lowered his hands.

This little brother was so small—he had to be gentle. What if he scared him and made him cry?

“You know, what you’re doing isn’t right,” Krillochuan gently advised, trying to be a responsible big brother. “Friends should share toys. If you’re too stingy, you won’t make any friends.”

He spoke with an air of authority, as if he were much more mature.

Behind him, Shang You gnashed his teeth in frustration, angry that Krillochuan treated him so harshly while being so gentle to the new cub.

Is it because he looks cute?

He sneaked a glance at Wei’an, who was gazing at Krillochuan with his big, watery blue eyes, and quickly looked away, pouting even more.

Okay, he is really cute

“Really?” Wei’an’s voice was small, with a hint of a sob.

“Really, I promise,” Krillochuan said, patting his chest in a big brotherly manner.

Naiman and Cole nodded to add credibility.

At first, they were a bit unwilling to be told by their male father to play with a younger male cub. But after meeting him, they felt it wasn’t so bad.

Their new friend, little Wei’an, was the most adorable male cub they had ever seen.

“Alright then~” Wei’an reluctantly handed over the wooden knife, “You guys have to be gentle when playing with it~”

As soon as he saw Wei’an’s reluctance, Shang You rushed over and grabbed the wooden knife. He didn’t particularly like it, he was just mainly curious because Wei’an had been protective of it and had refused him. He wanted to see what was so special about it.

Once he got the knife, Shang You was puzzled. It was just a peculiar-looking wooden stick. What was so fun about it?

Wei’an was a male cub like them. What could be so special about a wooden stick? He must not have found the right way to play with it.

As Shang You thought this, he became interested in investigating the toy.

Among the Zerg, male cubs were very weak and fragile, but this was only to other Zergs.

Compared to other races, especially human cubs, male cubs are physically strong. so even if the toys are strengthened before being exported to the Zerg, they are no better than fragile goods in their hands.

With a “crack,” Shang You, full of curiosity, snapped the tip of the wooden knife off.

He was stunned for a moment, not expecting the thing to break so easily. Realizing this, he quickly hid the broken knife behind his back, holding his chin high as if nothing had happened.

Unfortunately, Wei’an had seen him break the knife.

His eyes, which had not yet stopped tearing, welled up again. Wei’an walked up to Shang You, his voice trembling, “Knife~ Broken~”

Shang You, with his hands behind his back, shook his little head rapidly, “No, it’s not broken.”

Wei’an sniffled, his voice still soft and tearful, “Liar, I saw it~”

Seeing Wei’an’s eyes fixed on him, Shang You felt guilty. “It’s just a piece of wood. I’ll play with you.”

Wei’an shook his head and extended his hand, “Knife~”

Shang You bit his lip but handed the broken knife back to Wei’an, grumbling, “I didn’t do it on purpose.”

Looking at the now broken wooden knife, Wei’an’s lip trembled, and he couldn’t hold back any longer, bursting into tears.

The other male cubs and the only female cub, Shang Yan, were instantly taken aback and hurried over to comfort their new friend.

Shang You, panicking, jumped up and down, “I’ll pay, I’ll get you many more just like it. Don’t cry.”

Wei’an, deeply hurt, didn’t listen to their attempts at comfort. He just kept crying with his head tilted back and eyes closed.

Seeing Wei’an crying so hard that he started hiccuping, Shang Yan, afraid he might cry even more, squatted down, hugged Wei’an’s legs, and rushed outside with him.

On the other side, Alhandra, who had been chatting with friends, suddenly stiffened.

Did he hear Wei’an crying?

Seeing Alhandra suddenly stand up and walk out, the other Zergs were puzzled. “What’s wrong?”

He waved his hand, his face darkened as he quickly followed the direction of the crying. Halfway there, he saw Wei’an being carried by Shang Yan.

Wei’an’s tender face was red from crying, hiccuping as he cried softly, his blue eyes full of tears, with large droplets streaming down continuously.

Alhandra’s face darkened as he took Wei’an into his arms, patting his back soothingly. “What’s wrong?”

Farison and the others, seeing Wei’an’s pitiful state after being so adorable just moments ago, frowned deeply.

“What happened?” Shang Ying asked Shang Yan, his tone was not good.

Shang Yan clenched his fists and mustered up courage to look at the male father. “Shang You broke his toy.”

At that moment, Wei’an, still held in the male father’s arms, took out the wooden sword in his arms, sobbing and complaining aggrievedly, “Male Father~ Knife is broken~”

The sight of the little cub crying with his injured hand and holding the damaged toy, looking both pitiful and expectant, tugged at the hearts of the Zergs who had only recently met him, especially Alhandra.

Fuming with anger, Alhandra shot a fierce glare at Shang Ying. He didn’t want to take his frustration out on the cubs, but he would deal with Shang Ying properly later.

Seeing the situation, Shang Ying, who was already annoyed, covered his face and left without a word, soon returning with a struggling Shang You.

“I’m going to tell the female grandpa if you do this.” Shang You shouted while struggling.

Shang Ying, who was laughing in anger, gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t even mention telling the female grandpa. It’s useless even if you tell your deceased male grandpa. Apologize properly.”

He made Shang You stand in front of Wei’an.

Shang You, who was still making a fuss, suddenly became depressed after seeing Wei An crying pitifully in Alhandra’s arms.

Having been reprimanded by Krillochuan and others, and being told that if he didn’t comfort Wei’an, they wouldn’t play with him.

There were not many male cubs to begin with. If they didn’t play with him, he could only play with the female cubs with zerg patterns all over their faces, and he didn’t want to.

Shang You reluctantly made his first apology in his life, “I’m sorry. I will compensate you..”

Wei’an, looking up at him with teary eyes, instantly recalled how Shang You had broken the wooden knife. His earlier, slightly improved mood plummeted, and he sobbed, “Knife is broken~ Wuwuwu~ Wei’an is sad~ I don’t forgive you~ Wuwuwu.”

He cried as he tried to burrow back into Alhandra’s arms. Alhandra, who was heartbroken by his actions, glared at Shang Ying again.

After coaxing him for a long time, it didn’t work. After a long time of trying to soothe him without success, Alhandra, who was afraid that he would get dehydrated from crying, could only make a virtual call to Quan Yan. Since he had bought the toy, it should be his responsibility to coax Wei’an.

Next time, he should buy a sturdier toy!

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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