The Strange Male Insect Cub

“You’ve been on Kato Star for so long, isn’t your human agent urging you?” Quan Ci asked.

After Wei’an left, the two brothers rarely had a chance to catch up.

“It’s not easy to leave once you’re here,” Quan Yan said with an ambiguous smile.

He had indeed stayed on Kato Star for too long. The agent had urged him multiple times, and if it weren’t for the Zerg’s extreme exclusivity, the agent might have even come to personally drag him away.

Quan Yan didn’t think he was intentionally delaying his return. Each time he tried to leave, he would turn around to find Wei’an with tearful eyes, clinging to his leg and pleading for him not to go.

Quan Yan believed no female Zerg could withstand that display, so the departure time kept getting extended.

“Your injuries are almost healed. You should leave while it’s still night,” he kindly suggested.

“No need to leave at night. I asked for leave when I came here, and I’ll just let the male father and Wei’an know tomorrow before leaving,” Quan Ci replied, puzzled by his brother’s suggestion.

Although the military academy was strictly managed, it wasn’t impossible to find time in a single night.

When Quan Yan heard this, he gave his brother another meaningful smile.

At that time, Quan Ci didn’t understand until the next day, when he was about to leave and faced Wei’an with tearful eyes clinging to his leg, that he finally understood the meaning of Quan Yan’s smile.

How childish! Wouldn’t it be better to make it clear earlier?

Since he said he was leaving, Wei An ran to his room with a bottle of milk every morning to stare at him, afraid he would leave.

In the evening, Wei’an would cling to the door with a pitiful look, saying he would come back tomorrow and begging him not to leave quietly.

Because of this, he had been glared at by Alhandra several times.

Sitting on the living room carpet playing with toys, Wei’an would occasionally look back to see if his brother had left. When he saw that he hadn’t, he would turn back and continue playing.

After finishing his task, Quan Ci watched the small figure and, with a slight frown, walked over to sit down and play with him.

Wei’an was clearly much happier with his brother’s company. He nestled in his brother’s arms and introduced his toys one by one.

As Quan Ci played with him, he wondered if little Wei’an was too lonely. Although he seemed fine usually, whenever they got busy, he had to spend time alone.

Quan Fan had to go to school and could only return once every seven days. Quan Yan and Alhandra also had their own matters to attend to.

During these times, Wei’an didn’t cry or make a fuss. Sometimes he would stay with their female father, and sometimes he would quietly sit on the carpet, playing with his toys and waiting for the male father and brothers to finish their work, behaving in a way that made one’s heart ache.

This was why whenever he looked at them with longing eyes, they couldn’t bring themselves to refuse him.

When Wei’an was injured, Quan Chu had set out immediately. In two days and nights, he had jumped through dozens of transit points, not even taking the time to change out of his cold, hard military uniform.

As soon as he entered, Wei’an, who was originally playing on the carpet, immediately got up with one hand supporting his brother’s hand and stumbled towards him, “Female father~”

Quan Chu crouched down to catch the little figure running towards him. “Female father, Wei’an missed you~”

Wei’an clung to his neck, not letting go.

“Hmm.” Quan Chu responded softly as he picked him up.

“Female father.” Quan Ci greeted as he stood up.

“Hmm.” Quan Chu nodded and then took Wei’an upstairs.

Wei’an, held by him, poked his head out from his shoulder and waved to his brother, “See you tonight, brother~”

“Hmm, see you tonight,” Quan Ci said, watching as Wei’an, now having the female father, abandoned his brother. He reluctantly admitted to himself that he was a bit envious.

As Quan Chu took Wei’an upstairs, he stared at his dangling hand in a daze. After a long while, he reached out as if to touch it but retracted his fingers just before contact.

“Does it still hurt?” he asked.

Wei’an, who hadn’t seen his female father much since hatching, was not at all unfamiliar with him. He looked up and kissed his female father’s chin, smiling and showing his small teeth, “It doesn’t hurt. Did female father come back because he missed Wei’an~”



As Wei’an looked dejectedly at the floor, Quan Chu, who had hesitated for a long time, finally touched his head with a serious expression, his voice carrying a special coldness, “I’m a bit worried about you.”

Wei’an’s face instantly brightened as he rolled around in his arms, “Female father, you’re so good~”

Quan Chu’s expression cooled again, “Get up, you’re pressing on your hand.”


Unable to do anything with Wei’an, Quan Chu carefully held him to prevent his movements from pressing on his injured hand.

At night, seeing Wei’an, who had just bathed and was happily carrying a pillow to find his female father to sleep, Alhandra, with a dark face, went to bed alone.

In the middle of the night, feeling something was missing and unable to sleep, Alhandra picked up the pillow and went to Quan Chu’s room, pushing the door open.

Quan Chu, who was startled awake, saw the male lord with a pillow and a not-so-good expression, and a look of surprise flashed across his face, “Male lord?”

Alhandra waved his hand to signal him to be quiet. After setting the pillow and lying down on the other side of the bed, he looked at the sleeping Wei’an and couldn’t help but pinch his face, muttering to himself, “Little ungrateful thing.”


The sunlight filtered through the window, scattered across the room. Quan Chu was currently dressing Wei’an, looking somewhat flustered since he had never done this before. However, his face remained calm and composed.

He dressed Wei’an in a light yellow outfit with little ducks on it. Because Wei An’s hand was injured, it was a bit difficult to dress him, but fortunately, Wei’an was very cooperative, raising his hand and turning as needed. Though it took some time, it was finally done.

Very cute!

Quan Chu thought to himself.

The soft, white little guy in the light yellow duck outfit, with his bright blue eyes looking at you, was simply overwhelming in cuteness.

After examining him with satisfaction, Alhandra took Wei’an from his hands and carried him downstairs.

Downstairs, seeing his two brothers standing there, Wei’an waved his little hand and greeted each of them, “Good morning, brothers~”

Quan Yan smiled and replied, “Male father, female father, good morning. Wei’an, good morning.”

Quan Ci nodded with a neutral tone, “Male father, female father, good morning.” His tone softened a bit when he looked at Wei’an, “Good morning, Wei’an.”

Wei’an, nestled in Alhandra’s arms, blinked and looked up at his male father’s chin, “Good morning, male father. Good morning, father female1“维安不能叫父雌,要叫雌父,” he did infact made a mistake in pronouncing, so cute(/≧▽≦)/~”

Alhandra, smiling, ruffled his hair, “Wei’an shouldn’t call him father female. You should call him female father.”

“Why~” Wei’an asked with wide, puzzled eyes.

“Because Wei’an crawled out of female father’s belly.”

“Wow~” Wei’an’s eyes widened, and he reached out to touch Quan Chu’s muscular stomach, “Female father, you’re amazing~”

Quan Chu paused after sitting down, and wanted to say something but swallowed it back when he met the little guy’s confused eyes. He nodded lightly in response to the compliment.

After this episode, Quan Yan and the two zerg took a closer look at Wei’an. Their eyes lit up. This soft little guy was really cute.

“Wei’an looks so cute today. Are you going out?” Quan Yan asked with a smile.

“Mm-hmm,” Wei’an responded, putting down his bottle and happily swinging his legs with a bright smile. “I’m going out to play today.”

“Where to?” Quan Ci chimed in.

He tilted his head in thought for a moment. “Male father didn’t say~”

At the dinner table, little Wei’an looked at this and that from time to time, obviously very happy. One, two, three—he counted on his fingers, nodding with enthusiasm.

Wei’an had three older brothers, a male father, a big uncle, and um~ and a female father.

He had so many relatives, and no one dared to destroy Wei’an’s body anymore.

Patting his chest, he secretly grinned with his eyes squinted. “My little knife is hidden in here, and no Zerg can see it!”

After breakfast, he waved goodbye to his two brothers before setting off with his male father and female father for a day of fun.

As they watched Wei’an leave, Quan Yan and Quan Ci exchanged a glance before quickly taking advantage of his absence to leave Kato Star.

“Wow~” On the ride, Wei’an pressed his face against the window, excitedly watching the flow of Zerg below. When they passed a mall he had visited with Quan Yan before, he pointed down with enthusiasm. “I went there with my brother!”

He patted the wooden knife in Alhandra’s hand, saying, “I bought my little knife there~”

Leaning casually, Alhandra raised an eyebrow and pulled Wei’an into his arms, glancing at the wooden knife. He pointed at it and asked, “You really like this little thing?”

“It’s not a little thing, it’s my knife~” Wei’an replied sweetly, lying obediently in his arms.

“Give me a kiss, and I’ll buy you many of these knives.”

“Bend down a little~ Wei’an can’t reach.”

“What if I don’t? Then there won’t be any more knives,” Alhandra teased, his eyes full of mischief. Instead of bending down, he straightened his back, making it even harder for Wei’an to reach.

It was rare for Quan Chu to see the male master so childish, and he couldn’t help but look at him. He felt that the male master seemed to have changed a lot this time.

He frowned and thought.

Wei’an pouted, tugging on Alhandra’s little finger with his small hand, his bright blue eyes blinking as he softly pleaded, “Male father is the best~ Wei’an wants to kiss male father. Please bend down a little~”

Alhandra inhaled sharply, surrendering as he leaned down and offered his cheek. He received a gentle kiss, still faintly smelling of milk.

Though he appeared helpless, his heart swelled with pride and satisfaction. His cub was just too good at acting coquettish.

The Fengshan Leisure Club was the largest entertainment venue on Kato Star. It spanned a vast area and offered all kinds of extreme sports, hundreds of outdoor battlefields, thousands of mecha models, the most realistic virtual battlegrounds, a luxurious auction in midair beneath treacherous snow-covered mountains, and even a beach covering an area of ​​100 kilometers…

This place had everything you could want, with the best service and utmost discretion. However, the expenses were beyond the reach of most middle-class families. Only the elite of Kato Star and high-status male Zerg could afford to play here.

Carrying Wei’an, Alhandra waved away the sub-female who wanted to lead the way, making his way toward their usual rainforest area.

Quan Chu didn’t join them and instead headed off to another venue to maintain his own social circle.

As they reached the upper floor, Alhandra suddenly covered Wei’an’s eyes, his eyes swept around the exposed sub-females and female zergs in the open-air venue. A thin layer of anger surfaced on his face as his eyes locked onto a male Zerg sitting nearby, looking a bit embarrassed. His tone was icy, “Farison Enger, explain yourself.”

The golden-haired male Zerg, Farison Enger, chuckled awkwardly.

Yesterday, when Alhandra had contacted him, he had been preoccupied with some less-than-appropriate activities. After the excitement, he only vaguely remembered Alhandra mentioning a gathering but forgot that he’d also mentioned bringing his cub. So, he had called over some sub-female and female Zerg to serve, out of habit.

The other male Zerg greeted Alhandra and then leaned back, ready to watch the show unfold.

“Everyone, out.” After dismissing the attendants, Farison Enger looked at Alhandra, his amber eyes filled with regret. “That was my mistake. The mech shop on Cangyuan Avenue—consider that a gift for the little cub as my apology.”

Though Farison Enger’s family rank was a bit lower than Alhandra’s, he wasn’t intimidated by him. This apology was merely for having acted inappropriately in the presence of a cub.

Seeing his sincere apology, Alhandra nodded, accepting it. He then turned to the group of onlookers. “Where are your cubs?”

“They’re on their way,” Shang Ying replied, his gray eyes falling on Wei’an in Alhandra’s arms. “Bring little Wei’an over here quickly. You’ve been showing him off in your social media, It’s rare that you are willing to bring him out to meet.”

Shang Ying’s original family name was Elvis, but he found it too long and simply took his female father’s surname.

Alhandra, unbothered, carried Wei’an over. As soon as they sat down, Shang Ying scooped Wei’an onto his lap.

Wei’an, sitting obediently on Shang Ying’s knee, looked up at him with his clear blue eyes, which were as pure as a summer sky, making Shang Ying feel a wave of warmth.

Shang Ying pulled out two fist-sized black crystal balls as a gift for Wei’an. Unable to hold both, Wei’an looked at his male father in confusion.

Shang Ying noticed his sling-bound arm. “What happened here?”

Alhandra’s expression darkened at the question as he took Wei’an back into his arms. “He got injured.”

“The treatment cabin didn’t work?” Cliff  asked, surprised.

“No.” Alhandra ruffled Wei’an’s hair and put the black crystal balls into the space necklace around Wei’an’s neck. “He’s allergic and intolerant to many medications.”

Wei’an glanced down at the necklace and fiddled with it a bit. His mental power wasn’t steady enough to take things out of it yet.

After examining the necklace, Wei’an looked back at his male father. Seeing the sadness on his face, he propped himself up with his one good hand and stood on Alhandra’s lap. Alhandra reached out to steady him, softening his voice. “What are you trying to do?”

Wei’an, holding onto his father’s hand, stood on tiptoes and rubbed his chubby little face against Alhandra’s cheek. “Don’t be sad, male father~”

The soft, smooth skin of his face always caused a slight tremor in the heart with every touch. Alhandra hadn’t realized just how sensitive Wei’an was to his emotions.

He smiled, wrapping one arm around Wei’an’s back and burying his head against his shoulder, breathing in the faint milky scent from the small body.

Life was truly miraculous, he thought, especially for giving him Wei’an. “Mm, I’m not sad anymore.”

Cliff and the others looked on with disdain. “You’ve gone soft since having a cub?”

“Get lost.” Alhandra kicked him lightly, then began introducing his friends to Wei’an.

“If you ever run into trouble, find them.”

“Okay.” Little Wei’an tilted his head to look up at his uncles. After some thought, he reluctantly pulled out the candy he’d saved from his pocket and distributed it to each of them, one piece per Zerg.

When he got to Shang Ying, Wei’an pursed his lips and opened his small hand. “There’s no more~”

His adorable expression made the group chuckle. It was their first time seeing such a cute little Zerg cub.

Feeling playful, Shang Ying, pretending to be upset, drooped his eyebrows. “They all got one, but I didn’t. I feel so left out.”

Wei’an blinked, not quite understanding but sensing the sadness. After hesitating, he squeezed his little pouch and said, “Then… here, take this~”

Amused, Shang Ying accepted the pouch, curious to see Wei’an’s reaction.

Once he had the pouch, Wei’an tugged on his sleeve, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Take good care of it~ Next time, I’ll bring two candies and trade with you, okay?”

Oh dear, this little cub was too much to handle!

Shang Ying, his heart melting, bent down and tapped his cheek with a grin. “I can give it back now if you rub your cheek against mine like you did with your male father.”

He had long been eyeing those chubby cheeks.

Without hesitation, Wei’an leaned in and rubbed both sides of his soft face against Shang Ying’s, just like he did with his father. Satisfied, Shang Ying returned the pouch, slipping it back onto him.

Cherishing the pouch that had been returned to him, Wei’an was overjoyed, his little voice piping up, “Thank you, Uncle Shang Ying~”

The other male zergs despised Shang Ying for being childish, but at the same time, they felt that this little Wei’an was so precious. It was no wonder Alhandra was so protective of him—he was a cub that any Zerg would want to take home and raise themselves.

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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