The Strange Male Insect Cub

“Waaa…” A cry shattered the silence.

Quan Ci instantly straightened up, picked up Quan Fan, and went to check on Wei’an.

He saw the small cub lying on the ground, letting out a heart-wrenching cry. There was a long, deep and hideous gash on his white and little tender arm, which seemed to be swept by the tip of the whip.

Quan Ci’s heart tightened, and he was a little breathless for a moment. Such a whip could tear apart even an adult female Zerg, how could such a small male cub endure it?

Carefully, he picked up Wei’an and staggered to his feet, shouting angrily, “Call the doctor! Call the doctor quickly!”

Quan Fan, who was standing aside, rolled and crawled behind the fast-running Quan Ci, crying all the way. He used to not cry when he was beaten, but now he was crying so hard that he could barely breathe.

The heart-wrenching cries still echoed in Alhandra’s ears, leaving him unable to think clearly, moving mechanically to follow along.

When he arrived at the hospital building, Wei An, who was crying so hard that his face turned pale, refused to take the anesthesia and kept crying for his father.

Alhandra quickly stepped forward and held him in his arms. As soon as Wei’an was in his embrace, he clung tightly to Alhandra’s clothes with his uninjured hand, crying out of breath, “Wuwuwu… It hurts… Wei’an hurts…”

Due to Wei’an remaining in his eggshell for two years without hatching, his body was weaker than most male cubs, and he was allergic to many medications. Unlike other Zergs who could lie in a treatment cabin when injured, Wei’an could only receive the most primitive suturing treatment.

Dr. Qiao Song signaled to Alhandra to hold Wei’an still for the anesthesia.

Alhandra, with trembling hands, held Wei’an in his arms. Wei An, who struggled subconsciously because of the pain but could not move, cried even harder, his usually soft babyish voice was now a torn, desperate wail.

Holding him, Alhandra felt the tears soaking his chest, and he too started to cry.

The tender, hoarse cries felt like a steel blade stirring up unbearable pain in his heart, becoming a psychological shadow for all the female Zergs present.

Quan Yan, who arrived after receiving the news, clenched his teeth and swore in anger. He was so distressed that he grabbed Quan Ci who was standing beside him, but when he saw that he was covered in wounds and had difficulty even standing, he let go.

After Wei’an’s wounds were stitched up and he fainted from crying, Alhandra, drenched in sweat, turned his head and cast a silent, piercing glance at them. His eyes were turbulent with dark and murky waves, sinking into the depths.

In fact, the female Zerg that have entered the insect transformation period cannot be appeased by a male zerg. Even if they can be appeased, it will take several male zergs with top mental power half a year or even longer to appease them.

Quan Ci and the others did not understand this, so when they saw Wei’an calmed down after Jian Feng, they were merely shocked by the male Zerg’s ability.

Meeting Alhandra’s gaze, Quan Yan’s heart chilled. He had once wondered why Alhandra treated them this way. They were also his cubs, and although they were female Zergs, they carried half of his bloodline. Why did he hate them so much he wished to beat them to death?

He spent years searching for this answer, only to conclude that Alhandra simply detested female Zergs from the bottom of his heart.

Quan Yan did not understand. If Alhandra truly hated female Zergs, why would he marry female Zergs and the female father, making them give birth to these female Zergs?

At night, as Wei’an just woke up, his wounds hurt, and tears streamed down his face. Alhandra, who had been watching by the bedside, gently wiped his tears, “Does it hurt?”

Wei’an nodded pitifully. His blue eyes, washed with tears, resembled the sky after rain.

“This medicine will make it stop hurting,” Alhandra, feeling distressed, offered a pain-relief pill to his mouth.

Wei’an opened his mouth to eat it, and the sweet taste spread in his mouth. His voice, still carrying a sob, asked, “Sweet~ Sugar~”

“Yes, this is a special pain-relief candy I made for you.” Alhandra gently hugged Wei’an, “Does it still hurt?”

“Not anymore~”

“I’m sorry you got hurt.”

Wei’an, lying in his embrace, struggled to lift his functional left hand to pat his back, his white face looking obedient and earnest, “Not male father~ It’s the robot that’s bad~”

Alhandra didn’t expect him to blame the robot. After thinking about it, it made sense, he was so young and didn’t understand much. Everything he saw was the answer to him.

“Yes, the robot was bad. We’ll throw it away.”

“Bad robot throw away~ Don’t beat brother~”

“Male father promises Wei’an to throw it away. Then Wei’an also promises male father one thing, okay?”


“If something like this happens again, stay far away. Otherwise, it will hurt just like this time?” He said, gently touching Wei’an’s hanging hand.

Wei’an, frowning and thinking for a while, shook his head.

Alhandra’s face darkened, and his voice grew cold, “Why?”

“Brother was beaten~ Must protect brother~”

Alhandra was stunned, looking at Wei’an’s face with such a natural expression, unable to find the words to respond.

After a long while, he finally said, “If something like this happens, you can tell male father. Male father will come.”

“Mm.” Wei’an nodded, snuggling in his arms, his functional hand playing with his hair, “Male father is great~ Wei’an will look~”

Alhandra held him close, the softness of his body making his heart soften as well.

Night has always been forgiving and silent, many complex emotions and thoughts settling and growing in such darkness, like seeds of wild grass waiting to merge into the sky with a breeze.

“I heard male father threw everything in the punishment tower and is planning to turn it into a game room?” The virtual figure asked in surprise.

“Mm.” Quan Ci nodded, handling some tasks in casual clothes. The whipping from yesterday seemed to have had no visible effect on him.

For all the female Zergs in the Alhandra Manor, this was excellent news. The punishment tower, which had caused them so much psychological trauma and hatred, was gone.

“That’s really good news. I heard it’s because our little male cub accidentally got beaten?” Quan Lu asked with a smile.

Quan Ci’s actions slowed as he looked up at Quan Lü with a calm response, “Mm.”

“He does have some use.”

“Something came up. I’m hanging up.” Quan Ci ended the virtual call.

He leaned back in his chair, his gaze vacant as he looked into the air, thinking about Wei’an and wondering how he was doing now.

Just then, the doorbell rang. He tapped the screen that appeared in the air, and Wei’an’s figure appeared before him.

The little cub stood outside the door, his injured hand in a blue cloth sling to prevent movement, while the uninjured hand waved eagerly towards the doorbell, “Brother, open the door~”

Quan Ci opened the door and walked outside, his brows furrowed tightly. “Why are you running around instead of properly resting?”

As soon as Wei An saw Quan Ci, he staggered over. Perhaps because he couldn’t keep his balance with one hand hanging, he looked like he was about to fall at any time, which frightened Quan Ci.

He quickly stepped forward, took Wei’an into his arms, and scolded softly, “Why are you running around instead of resting properly?”

Wei’an, held in his embrace, was not at all intimidated by the scolding. Instead, he stared at the wounds on Quan Ci’s face with concern, carefully reaching out to touch the edges before retracting his hand.

“Does it hurt, brother?” he asked, looking up with his big, round eyes.

Quan Ci was about to say it didn’t hurt, but upon seeing the pain in Wei’an’s eyes, his words took an unexpected turn, “It does hurt.”

As soon as he spoke, Wei’an’s eyes filled with tears, and large droplets began to fall, landing on Quan Ci’s hand and causing an inexplicable shiver.

“Brother~ Brother, don’t hurt,” Wei’an’s soft voice was choked with sobs. He puffed his cheeks and gently blew on the wound on Quan Ci’s face, then fumbled in his small pocket to pull out a candy, “Eat this~ It will stop hurting.”

Seeing Wei’an like this, Quan Ci felt the long-frozen seed of familial affection in his heart finally warmed by a long-awaited spring breeze, growing wildly like weeds breaking through the snow to reach the sky.

He clumsily wiped Wei’an’s tears, taking the candy from his hand and eating it, “Did Wei’an come here just for me?”

“Yes, yes,” Wei’an nodded seriously, “Don’t be afraid, brother~ The bad robot is gone~ It won’t beat brother anymore~”

“Mm, not afraid.” Quan Ci buried his face in Wei’an’s neck, taking a deep breath of the sweet milk scent that lingered on his nose, soft and comforting.

Wei’an, tickled by the gesture, laughed and shrank his neck, “It’s ticklish~”

Quan Ci, with no intention of letting him go, held him close and moved him to the sofa. He then, in this position, opened a virtual screen to finish up some work.

Wei’an, obediently nestled in his brother’s arms, covered his mouth with his hand, understandingly not disturbing Quan Ci’s work.

After a while, feeling quite bored, Wei’an gently tapped Quan Ci’s arm. When Quan Ci looked over, he quietly said, “Brother, let me down~”

Although Quan Ci didn’t want to let him down, he thought it was only natural for a cub to be restless. Since Wei’an had been so well-behaved for a long time, he let him down on the sofa next to him.

Bored while sitting next to his brother, Wei’an swayed his little head. Seeing a nearby pillow, his eyes lit up. He propped himself up with one hand, crawled over to grab the pillow with his mouth, and wobbled back.

After returning, he placed the pillow on his seat with satisfaction, then noticed the fruit on the table.

He turned around, sliding down the sofa, trying to reach the ground with his feet.

Quan Ci, keeping an eye on him, smiled slightly as he saw Wei’an’s little feet flailing in the air.

After much effort, Wei’an finally stood on the ground, took a little breath, and patted his tiny chest, “Oh dear~”

After comforting himself, he reached forward and reached out to take the fruit he had set his eyes on, but he didn’t expect that the table was too big to reach.

He looked at his brother for help, but seeing that Quan Ci was focused on his work, he turned back and tried to tiptoe.

Quan Ci only looked up when Wei’an turned around, carefully watching him to prevent a fall.

Despite stretching and still not reaching the fruit, Wei’an did not give up. He looked around, then crawled back to the sofa, threw the pillow down, and slid off the edge of the sofa again.

He dragged the pillow to the table, placed it under his feet, and finally reached the fruit. Biting into it, his little face scrunched up, “Puh puh~ Sour.”

He put the bitten fruit back on the plate, pouting, and dragged the pillow back to the sofa.

Quan Ci patted his head, his tone gentle, “Are you hungry?”

Wei’an hugged his tummy, “Yes~”

With this answer, Quan Ci instructed the butler to bring Wei’an’s milk to him.

Alhandra, handing the milk bottle to the butler, sat on the sofa in the study, feeling frustrated. His little Wei’an seemed overly attached to his brothers.

He could push his brothers away or isolate them, but he hated seeing the soft little male cub looking so dejected, which troubled him.

Seeing the butler bring the milk bottle, Wei’an was delighted. He took the bottle, settled back into Quan Ci’s arms, and said, “Brother, feed me~”

Quan Ci looked at the butler, who smiled and said, “The young master is usually fed by Alhandra or Quan Yan.”

Too spoiled.

He thought to himself as he checked the milk’s temperature, supported Wei’an’s back, and made sure he wouldn’t choke before putting the nipple of the bottle in his mouth.

Wei’an, holding the bottle with one hand, drank eagerly, the warm milk making him so happy that his little toes curled up.

Seeing Wei’an’s blissful expression made Quan Ci happy as well.

Is it really that good?

Relaxed, Quan Ci watched Wei’an drinking with his eyes closed, and out of curiosity, took the bottle, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip.

It wasn’t very tasty, it tasted odd.

Thinking this way, he looked up and met the surprised and condemning eyes of Quan Yan who just came over.

Quan Yan, who had come over to check on him, was astonished to see his usually aloof and composed brother drinking the cub’s milk.

Quan Ci, with a stiff expression, reattached the bottle and returned it to Wei’an’s mouth, conveying a silent denial.

I didn’t, it’s not me, you saw wrong!

Wei’an hesitated, then pulled the nipple of the bottle from his mouth and offered it to Quan Ci, saying while swallowing, “Brother, drink~ Wei’an isn’t hungry.”

Quan Ci: ………

Quan Yan’s gaze grew even more reproachful. He approached and took Wei’an from Quan Ci’s arms, “Wei’an can drink it, he isn’t hungry.”

“Really~” The little male cub looked at Quan Ci with confusion.

Quan Ci, stiffly nodding, watched as Wei’an happily put the nipple back in his mouth.

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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