The Strange Male Insect Cub

The rain was getting heavier, and the whole street was so quiet that only the sound of raindrops hitting the ground could be heard. Under the curtain of rain, the towering female Zerg crouched low, while the small male cub stood on tiptoe, pressing his pale forehead against the scaly forehead of the Zerg.

In a place hidden from view, black mist started to seep out of Jian Feng who had already turned into a half-insect, rapidly gathering between the brows of the two Zergs.

For a long time, just as Quan Ci’s heart seemed ready to stop, Jian Feng’s massive wings slowly folded back, the bone blades on his forearms began to gradually disappear, and the vivid red markings on his body calmed down. The violent look in his eyes gradually gave way to clarity.

To the female Zergs present, this scene seemed like a miracle. They stood frozen, their hearts pounding more and more fiercely in their chests.

By the Zerg god!

The sound of their heartbeats and the rush of blood in their veins throbbed so intensely it made their heads buzz.

Zerg god!

In that moment, the heavy rain felt scorching, maddening to them. They clenched their teeth, trying to suppress the trembling brought on by the shock.

When Jian Feng regained his senses, the first thing he saw was a small face, trying its best to appear serious, but still immature.

He blinked, rainwater rolling off his eyelashes like tears, sliding down to his mouth.

At that moment, Jian Feng thought he had seen an angel.

The existence that he saw when he was flipping through human history, which combined purity, beauty and redemption.

As he mused, a milky scent hit his nose, seemingly coming from the small male cub in front of him, shattering his angelic illusion in an instant.

This wasn’t an angel, this was the most noble being of their Zerg race, a chubby little male cub.

A male cub? How could a male cub be here?!!

Jian Feng’s eyes widened in shock. When he met Quan Ci’s gaze and saw his female father and female brother crying with joy, the memories rushed back to him, leaving him dumbstruck, a strange sense of disorientation washing over him.

His first thought was: Quan Ci is done for!

He actually abducted the little male cub from his home to a female Zerg on the brink of insect transformation and lose its mind. When they got back, he probably wouldn’t live to see the next day’s sun.

Only then did the surreal realization hit him—he had been saved by the male cub.

Was it even possible for a female Zerg already in the transformation stage to be soothed?!!

This was no less shocking than a Zerg proclaimed dead suddenly jumping up alive.

The incredulity wasn’t limited to Jian Feng alone.

They knew nothing about the true abilities of male cubs!

Meanwhile, Wei’an was staring at the black mist in his hands. He noticed that if he let go, the mist would return to the Zerg’s body, and some even tried to enter his brother’s body.

He couldn’t let it get into his brother’s body! With a fierce little frown, he puffed up his cheeks and swallowed the black mist in one gulp.

The instincts he retained from his past as a spiritual artifact told him that this substance was beneficial to him.

But it was so bitter!

Wei’an scrunched up his entire face.

Noticing something was off, Quan Ci bent down and gently picked him up. “What’s wrong?”

“Bitter.” Wei’an’s voice was soft and sweet, his bright blue eyes misty. While answering his brother’s question, he lowered his head and took out a candy from the small bag hung in his belt by the housekeeper, pulling out a piece of candy and handing it to Quan Ci. “Peel it for Wei’an~”

“Why is it bitter?” Quan Ci asked while taking the candy and peeling it, placing it by his brother’s lips.

After Wei’an opened his mouth to eat the candy, he recovered  immediately and patted his brother’s chest with his little hand to comfort him in a serious manner, “It won’t be bitter after eating the candy~ Don’t worry, brother~”

For a moment, Quan Ci stood in a daze, an unfamiliar and indescribable feeling rising within him, like a strange, foreign seed quietly taking root in his heart.

Looking up at his brother, who didn’t seem very happy, Wei’an hesitated for a long time before digging into his pouch and handing Quan Ci a small handful of candy. “Brother, eat~”

There weren’t many candies in the small handful. Wei’an’s tiny hands could only hold two pieces despite his effort. Quan Ci looked at the still slightly red-eyed Wei’an and slowly closed his hand around the candies, accepting them.

Before they left, Wei’an hesitated for a long time before pulling out a single candy from his pouch and placing it in Jian Feng’s hand. This Zerg was covered in blood and was also his brother’s friend, so he gave him a piece of candy to cheer him up.

The candy was small, smaller than Jian Feng’s fingernail, but he cradled it with great care, struggling for a long time before finally squeezing out a “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome~” Wei’an beamed sweetly from Quan Ci’s arms.

Once the little cub had left, the female Zergs who had remained quiet suddenly surged forward in a frenzy. “I want that candy! Name your price!”

It was their first time seeing a male cub, and they were overwhelmed with excitement. Oh, the male cub was so adorable!

“I want it! Hurry up and name your price!”

This was a candy given by a male cub. They wanted to buy it and keep it as a family heirloom.

“What are you running for? You’ve already been so close to the cub, and now you want to hog the candy too? You must be asking for a good beating!” One of the female Zergs stepped on another’s shoulder, leaping over the group and racing after Jian Feng.

This dumb female had the nerve to get close to a male cub!

Why him!

Their jealousy drove them to chase relentlessly.

Fleeing like a desperate dog, Jian Feng dashed around, using every obstacle and building he could find to shake off the female Zergs on his tail.

“Throw me the candy, brother! It’ll be safe with me,” Jian Xi called out earnestly while trying to catch up with Jian Feng.

“Catch!” Without hesitation, Jian Feng tossed the candy towards him.

Jian Xi leaped into the air, snatching it, his face lighting up with joy as he ran along the wall. What landed in his hand was his to keep.

The female Zergs chasing Jian Feng fiercely glared at him before turning to chase Jian Xi.

Once their figures disappeared, Jian Feng smiled, hid the candy in his spatial button, and turned to leave. He didn’t expect to turn around and face the loving gaze of his own female father.

“Give it to me, your female father will keep it safe for you and give it to you later.” Li Yi said with a smile.

Jian Feng, his face ashen, handed over the candy.

As Quan Ci came back holding Wei’an, he immediately faced Quan Yan, who was sitting on the sofa in the main hall with a smiling face.

His steps faltered, and Wei’an, seeing Quan Yan, immediately opened his arms. “Brother, hug~”

Quan Yan, who had missed him all day, came forward and took Wei’an from Quan Ci’s arms.

“Did you miss me?”

“Miss~” Wei’an responded loudly.

Quan Ci stood aside and looked at the two zergs. For a moment, he was a little uncomfortable with the empty arms.

At night, a loud noise came from the combat room. Quan Ci, who had been thrown against the wall by someone gripping his neck, stifled a cough.

Wearing combat gear and exuding a dangerous aura, Quan Yan held him by the neck, lifted him up, and punched him in the face. His usually gentle expression was now chillingly cold. “Do you know how dangerous a female Zerg that’s already half-transformed is?”

“I know.”

Quan Yan’s eyes narrowed, and he suddenly kicked him away. The force sent Quan Ci crashing heavily into the wall, rendering him unable to get up.

“You’re really bold!” Quan Yan said, turning his back and leaving.

Quan Ci silently got up from the floor. Indeed, his courage was quite something!

Such a small male cub, if there is any accident, he may die there.

Today’s weather was not like yesterday’s torrential rain. Instead, it was a clear and sunny day.

In the spacious courtyard, the sound of a whip hitting something echoed, occasionally mixed with muffled groans.

The strong smell of blood lingered in the air, making the tea snacks in his mouth less appetizing.

Alhandra tossed the tea snacks he was holding onto the plate and sat on a chair in the corridor, coldly watching Quan Ci, who was kneeling and being whipped in the courtyard. His anger had not subsided.

He had taken advantage of Alhandra’s absence to coax the still-under-one-year-old Wei’an outside, even allowing him to approach a female Zerg that had already transformed and was in a violent state.

How dare he!

Alhandra gritted his teeth, unable to imagine the scene at that time, shuddering at the thought.

Quan Ci knelt with his back straight, his spirit somewhat disoriented from the intense pain. The whipping had been going on for a long time.

He knew well that making that decision would lead to trouble afterward, but even with his already cold heart, it still ached with each lash and the fierce gaze of the male father.

Blood dripped from the open wounds onto the ground. Quan Ci blinked, trying to see Alhandra’s face through the bloodied vision, but found that he could no longer clearly see the face of this male Zerg in his sight or memory.

The male father, Alhandra, this male Zerg had personally removed the innate attachment and affection a female Zerg has for a male father through repeated punishments after his birth.

He gave a mocking smile, trying hard to steady himself and not collapse in a heap.

In the orchard, Wei’an, who was picking fruit with the butler, suddenly felt discomfort. He set down the fruit, sat on the ground, and patted his chest, saying, “Wei’an feels unwell~”

Since last night, Wei’an had occasionally felt unwell. Alhandra had asked Qiao Song to check him, and the results of the examination showed that there was nothing wrong except that he was a little weak.

Alhandra thought that Wei’an might have been frightened. Early in the morning, he had the butler take Wei’an to play in the orchard, and after sending Wei’an away, he dragged Quan Ci, who had been tortured all night, out for more whipping.

“I’ve already contacted Dr. Qiao. I’ll take you there,” the butler said.

“No~” Wei’an shook his head. “I want to find male father~” He pushed himself up from the ground and walked forward.

The butler thought the scene at the main courtyard was not suitable for a young cub and tried to block Wei’an. “If you’re uncomfortable, seeing Dr. Qiao would be better than finding male father.”

Wei’an shook his head, his eyes starting to redden and well up with tears. He pouted, looking extremely distressed and pitiful. “Wei’an wants to find male father~”

The butler was at a loss. Making a young cub cry was a serious offense. He tried to contact Alhandra but couldn’t reach him because Alhandra wasn’t wearing his terminal. The butler, still not daring to hold Wei’an, followed him, continuously trying to persuade him to go back.

The robot dispatched by the butler to report to Alhandra at the main courtyard had not yet reached him when Alhandra suddenly remembered something and went upstairs.

The robot stood at the empty seat, waiting. Without instructions, they were not allowed on the third floor.

It was time for little Wei’an to drink milk, so Alhandra needed to prepare.

To ensure he personally fed Wei’an, Alhandra had hidden Wei’an’s milk bottle in his study, to prevent some rebellious children and relatives from taking over this task.

Meanwhile, Wei’an, riding in his cloud-shaped stroller, had just arrived at the main courtyard when he saw Quan Ci, who was kneeling on the ground, covered in blood. He widened his eyes and clumsily got off the cloud, staggering forward. “Wuw… Brother… Brother~”

Quan Ci, who was being beaten, stiffened. He seemed to have heard the voice of the little male cub?

It couldn’t be. Alhandra pampered the little male cub so much that it was impossible for him to see such a scene. Quan Ci dismissed his own guess.

Quan Fan, hiding aside and worried about being caught, was terrified when he saw Wei’an. The robot in charge of the punishment raised its whip high, about to bring it down, just as Wei’an ran to Quan Ci’s back.

The butler, who had to walk without a flying device, was so anxious upon seeing this that his main brain almost crashed.

“Quan Ci, Wei’an is behind you!” Quan Fan shouted from afar while sprinting toward Wei’an in a burst of speed.

Hearing Quan Fan’s voice, Quan Ci immediately tried to block the whip, but his body, which had been tortured all night, did not allow him to do so. In desperation, he could only shield both Zergs under him, the whip’s upward swing leaving a long bloody mark on his face.


The milk bottle in Alhandra’s hand fell to the ground. He stared blankly at the small figure protected at the very bottom, an overwhelming sense of panic surged through him, and for a moment, his legs were so weak he could barely stand.


Hello friends~

Can you guys comment on the quality of the translation? I have a lot of project I’m currently translating along with this novel and I’m a little worried if my work is a little sloppy(•᷄- •᷅ )

By the way, the reason for this note is to invite you all to Join Our Discord Server ᵗᵃˡᵏ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀) If you want to stay updated on the latest novel releases you can get the server role Onee-chan Novels here.
That’s all, ciao~

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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