The Strange Male Insect Cub

Quan Yan held Wei’an while walking through the street, stopping to buy anything that caught Wei’an’s interest and gently explaining how to play with it or what it was used for.

Listening to his explanations, Wei’an’s eyes would widen in amazement, exclaiming “Wow!” and clapping, which filled Quan Yan with a sense of accomplishment.

The way Wei’an clapped made the Zergs secretly observing him clutch their chests, their hard female hearts melting into a puddle.

Even as a male cub, how could he be this adorable?

Quan Yan glanced at the Zergs who were quietly following them, and seeing that they were keeping their distance, he looked away.

Zerg males were rare, and the chance to see one even rarer. As long as they didn’t go overboard, Quan Yan could turn a blind eye.

As they continued walking, Wei’an suddenly got excited, patting his brother’s chest and pointing at a stall on the side. “Brother~ want!”

Quan Yan followed his hand and saw a small stall with a human chinese-style setup. On it were various colorful toys for cubs.

Among them was a 20-centimeter black toy knife made of a special, lightweight wood that was smooth to the touch.

He approached the stall with Wei’an in his arms, and the stall owner, a female Zerg, immediately stood up excitedly, trying to maintain composure while asking, “What would you like?”

However, the stall owner couldn’t take their eyes off Wei’an.

Wei’an leaned forward in his brother’s arms, staring eagerly at the wooden knife. “Wei’an wants~”

The stall owner heard the little baby voice and picked up the knife and handed it to him in a daze, with a wide smile on his tanned face, “Here, here, here, whatever Wei’an wants.”

Wei’an looked up at his brother, and only after getting a nod did he reach out to accept the knife. “Thank you~”

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome.” The flattered stall owner waved his hand, his eyes never leaving Wei’an from beginning to end, and he was still looking at him eagerly even after Quan Yan paid and left.

This might have been the closest the stall owner had ever been to a male cub. The Zerg thought, unable to contain the joy.

As soon as Wei’an got the wooden knife, he hugged it close, rubbing his face against it. The previously cherished toy, Fishy, was instantly forgotten, floating in the air while pitifully clinging to Wei’an’s hair.

“Brother, good~” Wei’an kissed the wooden knife and then looked up to kiss Quan Yan on the cheek.

The soft impact on his cheek made Quan Yan’s eyelashes tremble slightly, his expression growing even softer.

Just like his friends said, he is not a good-tempered zerg, his nature is far from the gentleness he shows. In fact, his heart is calculating, more cruel and competitive than ordinary female zergs, and he has no empathy for races other than the Zerg.

The gentleness he displayed was merely a facade to lower the vigilance of other interstellar races, allowing him to facilitate his career in the entertainment industry smoothly.

So when he showed genuine affection for his newly found younger brother, his friends believed it was due to Zerg’s natural inclination to calm the rising agitation, so that he could appease his increasing restlessness.

In fact, there are not so many messed up reasons!

Quan Yan looked at the well-behaved Wei’an, who was snuggled in his arms, playing with the wooden knife. The world seemed like a soft and gentle dream.

His love for Wei’an had nothing to do with benefits or manipulation, it was simply because Wei’an was Wei’an—his soft, small brother who shared his blood, who loved to be spoiled and cling to him.

Wei’an had walked into his life with unsteady, small steps, tugging at his pant leg, pulling him out of the darkness, step by step.

Ruan He came out of a mecha shop listlessly and found that the eyes of these femalezergs on the street were vaguely looking in one direction. He followed their line of sight and found that his good friend Quan Yan was actually strolling in a shopping street that specially served cubs? !

Startled, he then noticed the male cub in Quan Yan’s arms and understood.

Ruan He hurried over to greet him, curious to see the male cub who had so thoroughly enchanted his friend.

Quan Yan sensed Ruan He approaching and turned around to face him, his expression warm enough to charm anyone. “It’s rare to see you come out on your own initiative.”

Ruan He approached, a hint of frustration on his face. “I’m just out buying mecha materials for that brat at the military academy.”

“Xun? If I remember correctly, he’s only a second-year student. There’s no need to dive into mechas so soon,” Quan Yan replied casually.

“Who cares.” Ruan He glanced at the cub in his arms. “Is this your precious little brother?”

He asked cautiously, careful not to get too close and risk startling the little one.

Wei’an leaned against his brother’s shoulder, blinking his big eyes at the Zerg in front of him.

Unlike female cubs whose faces were marked by Zerg patterns covering a third of their faces, the male cub’s face was soft and flawless, with deep blue eyes that were pure and innocent, clearer than the unpolluted sky. Under the upright little nose are rosy lips, with chubby cheeks that made him look soft and delicate, the kind of face that made anyone hesitate to raise their voice.

Seeing Wei’an’s curiosity, Quan Yan introduced him, “This is Ruan He. Wei’an can just call him Ruan He.”

Wei’an, lying on his brother’s shoulder, shook his head, waving his small hand. “No~ not brother~”

Quan Yan chuckled softly. “Right, not brother. Wei’an can just call him Ruan He.”

Ruan He looked at him in disbelief. How could he not be called brother? A friend of his brother was practically a brother himself, wasn’t he?

Before he could say anything, a soft voice calling out “Ruan He” dissolved all his objections.

Well, to be honest, this little male cub’s voice was enough to make anyone’s heart melt.

Wei’an studied his brother’s friend, noticing the dark aura surrounding him as well. He didn’t know this was a sign of imminent Zerg agitation, but he remembered seeing this same dark aura around his brother.

After staring for a while, he reached out a curious hand, grabbing a wisp of the dark aura from Ruan He’s shoulder.

Ruan He looked at his outstretched little hand and thought he wanted to make contact with him, so he stretched out his hand to shake his little hand, but Wei An took his hand back before he could shake his little hand.

He withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened, secretly wondering if this little male cub was teasing him on purpose.

Sure enough, even a young male Zerg are bad at heart.

Back in his brother’s arms, Wei’an hugged the wooden knife with one hand while holding onto the dark mist with the other. Remembering a previous bad experience, he hesitated for a moment but eventually, curiosity got the better of him, and he took a small bite of the mist.

The next second, an extremely bitter taste spread across Wei’an’s taste buds. “Pah, pah, pah~”

Wei’an’s entire little face scrunched up, and his eyes reddened visibly.

Quan Yan’s heart skipped a beat. He was fine just a moment ago, so why was he suddenly about to cry?

“What happened?”

Wei’an threw away the black mist he was holding and buried his head against his brother’s shoulder, rubbing against him with a grievance. “Bitter~”

The bitterness that Wei’an had ingested flowed through his meridians, coursing through his entire body before being absorbed into his consciousness. There, a semi-transparent knife floated, and as the black mist was absorbed into the blade, the once transparent knife became slightly more solid.

Although Quan Yan didn’t know why Wei’an felt bitter, he quickly bought some candy from a nearby store, unwrapped it, and brought it to Wei’an’s lips. “Be good, open your mouth. Eat this, and it won’t be bitter anymore.”

Wei’an obediently opened his mouth, and as soon as the candy entered, the bitterness faded. However, being a very pampered little one, he still seemed listless.

Feeling sorry for him, Quan Yan gently stroked Wei’an’s back, said goodbye to Ruan He, and left with him in his arms.

Ruan He watched them go, thinking to himself that although the mischievous nature of male cubs was undeniable, this little one was truly adorable, making any zerg’s heart itch with affection just by looking at him.

Around two o’clock in the morning, a figure leaned against the door of Room 213 in Gu Yi Military School, lingering there for a long time.

The strange little cub didn’t come today.

Maybe something came up, or maybe the little cub didn’t want to see him anymore.

Quan Ci’s gaze subconsciously swept around the dormitory, as if searching for something.

He hoped nothing had happened!

He had looked into the reason for the little cub’s strange appearance, and finally found a similar reference in human mythology that described a ghost.

But that little cub was far from the terrifying evil spirits depicted in human stories, instead, the cub was white, tender, and adorable. So it couldn’t be a ghost. A young cub like that should be cherished, so how could it have died and become a ghost?

Quan Ci thought as he turned and went to bed.

That night, Quan Ci woke up several times, each time instinctively scanning the room.

He was stunned for a long time when he noticed his movements. He thought that the strange little male cub still left a deep mark in his heart, which made him a little uncomfortable for a while.

In the morning, Wei’an sat on the bed, dazed. He actually hadn’t flown to see his brother last night? Without his brother, Wei’an didn’t sleep well.

When Alhandra picked him up, he complained, “Yesterday, Wei’an didn’t see brother~ Sleeping wasn’t comfy~”

Alhandra, seeing his complaining little face, couldn’t help but laugh fondly. “But didn’t you go out with your brother yesterday? How come you didn’t see him?”

Wei’an, with a serious little face, replied earnestly, “Not brother~ Wei’an didn’t fly~ Didn’t see brother~ So, I didn’t sleep well.”

His earnest little expression was so adorable that Alhandra held his face and gave him several kisses, leaving Wei’an so stunned that he forgot what he was about to say.

At breakfast, he sat in his male father’s lap with a helpless look, sighing in a manner that made the female attendants struggle to suppress their laughter.

At Gu Yi Military School, Quan Ci watched as Jian Feng was forcibly taken aboard a starship. The usually sunny and healthy youth was now tormented by the restlessness of the zerg source, irritable and aggressive, with bloodshot amber eyes. He used the last bit of his reason to control his behavior, preventing himself from going berserk and harming others.

Everyone present understood that this might be their last goodbye.

Jian Feng’s restlessness was already at its peak, and the full onset of the zerg source’s rampage and his transformation into a mindless zerg were just a step away.

His final destination might be the battlefield against the star beasts, where he would meet his end.

This was the last bit of dignity the Zerg could offer him.

Chu Yuan, with red eyes and tightly pressed lips, trembled as he held back his tears, even trying to force a smile for Jian Feng, but failing miserably and ending up with a distorted expression instead.

Such scenes were common among the Zerg. They should have been used to it, but getting used to parting and death was the greatest tragedy.

After seeing Jian Feng off, Quan Ci turned and boarded another starship.

He had been thinking about this for a long time. Jian Feng’s current situation could only be alleviated by a male Zerg, but noble male Zergs would never soothe an ordinary zerg, even if that zerg was a military student.

Male Zergs would only soothe their female lord, attendants, and cubs, so the greatest aspiration of any female Zerg was to become a male Zerg’s mate or attendant.

With Jian Feng’s status, it was impossible for him to stand out among countless female Zergs and become an attendant to a male Zerg.

Without the soothing of a male Zerg, he would have to wait until his zerg source rampaged, transforming him completely before being sent to the battlefield to die with dignity.

Quan Ci’s gaze darkened. Jian Feng had once saved him during a fierce competition in the wilderness, absorbing so much EY material that it caused his already high restlessness level to spike.

He couldn’t just watch Jian Feng die like this. Forcing a male Zerg to soothe Jian Feng wasn’t an option, not even if he was an Alhandra family female Zerg. The only solution left was his newly born male cub brother.

He had recently video-called Quan Yan and saw with his own eyes that his restlessness had significantly decreased. From that moment, Quan Ci had the idea of coaxing the young male cub into soothing Jian Feng.

Fortunately, Jian Feng’s home was also on Kato Star. Before being sent to the battlefield, he would stay at home until the zerg source rampaged, giving him a chance to say goodbye to his family.

“Quan Ci, where are you going?” Chu Yuan called out as he snapped back to reality.

“Going home,” Quan Ci replied flatly.

“Back to Kato Star? Take me with you.”

“Not taking you.” With that, he swiftly closed the door and set off.

Chu Yuan, who had been coldly refused, could only watch helplessly as the small starship exclusive to the military academy flew away. Such starships were only accessible to instructors, mentors, and the top student of each grade.

Since Quan Ci refused to take him, there was no way for him to catch up.

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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