The Strange Male Insect Cub

Since that time, Quan Yan has been continuously posting pictures on WeChat Moments one after another. Sometimes it was a little figure running towards him, sometimes it was a voice of “brother~”, and there’s even a picture of a little hand holding a grape, ready to give it to someone.

The captions are filled with joy and a sense of pride, leaving his friends in the social circle quite puzzled and wondering what he’s up to.

Is this obsessive display of affection for his little brother really from the Quan Yan they used to know?

Could it be that something’s wrong with his brain due to the EY substance?!

In fact, someone even messaged Quan Yan, asking if something was wrong.

Quan Yan saw the message, chuckled, and replied, “It’s okay, it’s just that my brother is too cute.”


Su Yu, after receiving the reply, looked at Ruan He with a serious face. “Is brother Quan’s Zerg source agitationr getting worse? He’s starting to talk nonsense now.”

Ruan He, “……”

He couldn’t believe Quan Yan’s change either, but it was a bit too much to believe that Quan Yan’s zerg source agitation was serious and his mind was not clear rather than accepting that he genuinely adored his little brother!

Similarly, Quan Ci, who also noticed the change in Quan Yan’s social media moments recently, frowned slightly.

He didn’t know what had happened during Quan Yan’s return to Katuo Star that led to this series of behaviors. But from what he remembered, they all, like him, didn’t like or even resented male Zerg.

Because of this dislike, whether they were in school or outside, they never revealed that they were female zergs of the Alhandra family, nor did they let anyone know they had a male father.

At the hatching ceremony of that little male Zerg, Quan Ci could still sense Quan Yan’s aversion to the little one.

But now, in just a short period, his words are filled with affection and love?

This was something Quan Ci and the others couldn’t understand, even finding it bizarre.

The only explanation he could think of was that the little male Zerg had a strong mental power. Whenever Quan Yan, whose Zerg Source was unstable, stayed by his side, his Zerg Source would calm down. Being unconsciously influenced over time could lead to Quan Yan developing a fondness for the little male Zerg.

The mental power of a male Zerg is very unique, different from all the other races in the galaxy, making female zergs feel soothed and secure just by being near them. Over time, female zergs would become dependent on the male Zerg, to the point where they couldn’t live without them. Severe cases would even lead to them being unable to endure cold or disdainful looks from the male Zerg.

This would cause them to feel inferior, self-loathing, and eventually lead to suicide. Many female lords die this way every year.

The other races in the galaxy probably wouldn’t imagine that, in their eyes, the strong, cold, and emotionally sparse female lords would behave this way when facing male zergs.

They couldn’t leave their male lord, nor would they resist anything the male lord did, whether good or bad.

This is why Quan Ci detested male Zerg. He couldn’t imagine himself falling deeply in love with a male Zerg, to the point where he would become so humble that he would constantly try to please him because he couldn’t bear his harsh words and indifference.

Such a sick and twisted relationship shouldn’t exist!

Quan Ci dialed a virtual video call to Quan Yan. Whether or not things were as he suspected would become clear after seeing Quan Yan’s current state.

After all, a Zerg Source disorder couldn’t be hidden.

When the video connected, Quan Yan, dressed casually and lying on a recliner, appeared on the screen.

Lying there, basking in the sun, Quan Yan looked as calm as ever, though there was a hint of confusion in his dark green eyes as he looked at his rarely-contacted brother. “Xiao Ci, what’s up?”

Quan Ci didn’t speak and just stared at his face. After noticing that the Zerg patterns on Quan Yan’s face, which had been moving frequently not long ago, had now stabilized, his eyes darkened as he ended the call.

The Zerg patterns on a female zerg’s face move most frequently when the Zerg Source is unstable. The lower the instability, the less the Zerg patterns move. In newly hatched female cubs, the patterns on their faces remain fixed for the first month. Only when invaded by EY substance in the air, causing Zerg Source instability, do the patterns slowly start to move.

Although the Zerg patterns on Quan Yan’s face were still moving, it was far less frequent compared to the time when his Zerg Source was highly unstable. This indicated that he had been soothed.

The only thing that could soothe a Zerg Source disorder was a male Zerg. It was impossible for his male father to soothe Quan Yan, apart from that little male Zerg, Quan Yan couldn’t have found another male Zerg to soothe him.

If he could have, he wouldn’t have experienced Zerg Source disorder twice in a year.

While thinking about this, Chu Yuan suddenly appeared in his vision, pulling him up and running, “Jian Feng is in trouble.”

Quan Ci’s expression changed, quickly following his steps, “Explain in detail.”

On the other side, after Quan Yan saw Quan Ci hang up the call, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled as he realized his purpose.

His little brother was still as stubborn as ever.

After playing with his male father for a while, Wei’an had the butler carry him to find his brother. When he arrived at the lawn and saw Quan Yan lying on the recliner from a distance, he started calling out in his baby voice, “Brother~”

Hearing the voice, Quan Yan looked up and saw him wobbling over. He immediately got up and quickly walked over to scoop him into his arms.

Wei’an, now in his brother’s arms, wrapped his small arms around Quan Yan’s neck and rubbed his face against him. “I missed you, brother~”

Upon hearing this, a smile appeared in Quan Yan’s eyes. When he met Wei’an’s bright gaze, he suddenly remembered that since his hatching, Wei’an had never gone out to play.

While male cubs are fragile and precious, it’s not necessary to keep them confined at home for protection.

Where there are female zerg, no male zerg will be harmed. Male Zerg are absolutely safe in the Zerg race, and this is a universal truth among all star races.

“Do you want to go out and play?” Quan Yan suddenly asked.

“Yes~” Wei’an, understanding what it meant to go out and play, lit up with excitement. He even gave his brother a kiss and sweetly coaxed, “Brother is so good~”

When teasing him, Alhandra and Quan Yan would tell Wei’an about some fun things outside, and Quan Fan would tell him about his time at the kindergarten.

Although Wei’an didn’t fully understand, it didn’t stop him from being curious and knowing that it must be fun outside.

Overjoyed by the kiss, Quan Yan carried him and started heading outside, “Let’s go, I’ll take our little Wei’an out to play.”

Wei’an, nestled in his brother’s arms, was laughing happily, pointing outside with his little hand and softly chiming, “Let’s go~”


Quan Yan left the house with a smile, but now he regretted going out.

The Zerg are quite fond of human culture. Although humans are physically weak, their intelligence has allowed them to occupy a place in the universe.

Among human culture, what the Zerg love most isn’t the high-tech gadgets or weapons, but their food culture.

When humans first appeared in the view of the various races in the universe, those races didn’t harbor any good intentions toward this weak race.

Just as they were about to take action and divide up this race, no one expected the powerful and fierce Zerg to take an interest in them due to their love for human food. Later, for various reasons, the Zerg even offered protection to the humans.

This unexpected turn of events made the other races grind their teeth in frustration. Not daring to provoke the Zerg, they eventually gave up on the idea of dividing the humans and watched helplessly as they slowly grew stronger.

As a result, the Zerg’s culinary culture became highly developed, and half of the entire commercial city was filled with food vendors.

Nestled in Quan Yan’s arms, Wei’an drooled as he watched other cubs holding spicy fish rolls. He pointed at the stall selling the rolls and looked up at Quan Yan with wide, eager eyes, “Brother~ Eat~”

Seeing how much he wanted it, Quan Yan felt both heartache and helplessness. Wei’an was still too young. Not even a year old, the little male cub was not only weaker than female cubs but also weaker than other male cubs his age. How could he let him eat these street snacks?

“We won’t eat that. It doesn’t taste good, and it’ll hurt your tummy if you eat it.” he gently coaxed.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless eyes watching them secretly shifted their reproachful gazes to Quan Yan.

When Quan Yan walked into the commercial street holding Wei’an, all the female Zergs, whether adult or young, immediately turned to look.

Why? Because they sensed the presence of a male Zerg.

When they saw that it was a white and tender little male cub, the strong hearts under the strong appearance cried out with excitement.

A male cub!

A male cub!

It’s a male Zerg cub!

White, tender, cute, soft and fragrant male cub!

They rarely get to see male Zerg, and now they were seeing a male cub?!

The female Zerg were so excited they pinched their own thighs, fearing they might accidentally scream and scare the delicate little male cub.

They even restrained themselves from staring at the male cub, which was almost against their instincts, but they did it very well and did not make Wei An feel uncomfortable.

It wasn’t until they heard the female Zerg holding the male cub lie to him about the spicy fish roll not tasting good, just to prevent him from eating it, that they lost control and glared fiercely at Quan Yan.

How could there be a female Zerg who wouldn’t even buy a spicy fish roll for a male cub? What a disgrace to the female Zerg! If you can’t afford to raise him, then let us take care of him. We could buy enough spicy fish rolls to fill a whole house!

Some female Zerg couldn’t help but want to rush over, but fortunately, they were held back by their more rational friends.

Not to mention that the zerg patterns on that female Zerg’s face indicated high status, so it was impossible for him to not be able to afford it. Besides, if they rushed over like this, they might end up scaring the little male cub.

Wei’an stared intently at the spicy fish roll, but after hearing his brother’s words, he swallowed his saliva and turned his gaze away, burying his little head in Quan Yan’s shoulder. “Wei’an can’t see it anymore~ Won’t eat it~”

This adorable action almost made the surrounding female Zerg cough up blood. If it weren’t for the little bit of rationality they had left, who knows what might have happened.

Hiding his face in his brother’s shoulder, Wei’an secretly swallowed his saliva. He knew he shouldn’t eat just anything, it would make him vomit and hurt.

Last time, while eating in his male father’s arms, he smelled his male father’s food, which seemed tastier than his own. Unable to resist, he reached out and grabbed some food from the table. That night, he ended up vomiting and in pain.

Alhandra, both angry and anxious, had his eyes red with tears. After that, when they ate, he made sure to eat only bland food, fearing that Wei’an might get tempted again.

Since then, Wei’an didn’t dare to eat random things anymore. He was afraid of making his male father cry. No matter how much he wanted to eat, as long as someone said he couldn’t, he would cover his eyes and say in a soft baby voice that he couldn’t eat if he couldn’t see.

Quan Yan touched his head with heartache and annoyance, and then left the food area quickly.

It had been a long time since he had returned to Kato Star, which is why he didn’t know that the commercial city’s entrance was occupied by a food district that spanned three whole streets. Otherwise, he would have definitely avoided it.

After walking past the three streets, Quan Yan slowed down his pace. On either side of the street stood towering amusement centers, mostly filled with low-end versions of mechas, various weapons, and starships for young female Zerg to play with. There were also designated areas for military academy students, where the equipment was a bit more advanced.

The stalls lined up along the street belonged to the cubs.

At this moment, Wei’an, nestled in Quan Yan’s arms, was wide-eyed with amazement, his gaze fixed on a mermaid doll with silver-white patterns on its tail.

Seeing how intently he was staring, Quan Yan stepped forward and bought the doll and held it in his hand, “Wei An, give it a name!”

Wei’an clapped his hands in delight, his eyes crinkling with joy, “Fishy!”

As soon as his soft voice fell, the mermaid doll sitting in Quan Yan’s hand swished its tail and swam through the air, wrapping its arms around Wei’an’s hand, its voice clear and melodious, “Fishy!”

Seeing it move, Wei’an happily hugged it to his chest and gave it a big kiss on the face, “Fishy, Wei An’s!”

Watching his series of actions, Quan Yan felt a wave of relief wash over him. It seemed the food district’s influence had worn off. “Yes, Wei’an’s.”

catto support me!! (By onee-chan)

meow~ I translate seme protagonist danmeis! ᓚᘏᗢ


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