The Sickly Youngest Member of the Villainous Family

Tsymvf 78

The aura it exuded was so vicious that it paralyzed the entire body.


Leviathan is believed to have gone extinct 300 years ago.


Its power was so overwhelming that the four major families decided to exterminate these monsters.


After a century-long hunt, only two remained.


The heads of the Akada and Taylor families captured one, while the Halo family’s head defeated the other but succumbed to injuries and perished.


After that, the Leviathan faded into history.


‘But why…….’


I looked at Leviathan, who seemed to be about to devour me at any moment and desperately activated a skill.


[Using skill ‘Black Domination (LV.5/SS).]


However, like a small snowflake approaching a burning giant torch, my skill had little effect.


Leviathan’s red eyes seemed to glow eerily. Its enormous body turned toward me at a speed I could barely see.


But with a loud bang, my field of vision changed.


“……are you okay?”


Instead of the chilling red eyes, I saw cold, dark green irises in front of me.


In an instant, my feet touched the ground.




Jin had caught me and saved me.


If it wasn’t for him, I would have died without realizing it.


“Shit, the entrance collapsed!”


“When will the head of the family come!”


Amidst the destruction and chaos, people’s cries echoed.


The sole entrance, an iron gate, was twisted and jammed, and even the locking mechanism was distorted. We were completely trapped.


“We have to get Duke Recardo!”


Leviathan was too powerful an opponent for anyone not of the immediate family to face.


His mere presence in the same room was enough to let any normal person faint.


“We can’t afford to wait for my father.”


Jin said as he gently put me down and stepped forward. The black cloak draped behind Jin moved in sync with his advance.


“Does that mean we have to deal with that monster ourselves?”


Bashiron protested to Jin in a strained voice.


Bashiron also belonged to the intermediate family, and as one who inherited Hector’s blood, he possessed quite a bit of power.


He might not be on Recardo’s level, but he would be between Jin and Othello, who were still growing.


If the intensity of the flame was any indication.


“If you know of a better way, please speak up.”


Jin said, turning his cold gaze toward the audience.


Leviathan with its head lowered, slowly raised its head.


Permetis turned away from it with a look of horror.




In the end, no one could propose an alternative.




No one here could face the monster alone, and fleeing was not an option.


“I’m the strongest.”


It was a bold statement for a fourteen-year-old boy to make, but it was true.


“I’ will attack, Bashiron, you will cover me.”


Bashiron’s eyebrows twitched.


“Do you know its weakness?”




“Ha. Unlike in the past when the heads of the family were present, the current children don’t learn about extinct monsters. It’s quite disappointing.”


Bashiron, who had been looking at Permetis for a moment, spoke.


“Leviathan has backward-facing scales on its belly.”


A kind of reversed dragon scale.


“Unlike its bluish body, these scales are distinctly black.”


A black aura rose gradually around Bashiron’s body.


Though we were in an antagonistic relationship, Bashiron was strong and experienced.


“Everyone, create an exit.”


Following Jin, Bashiron addressed us.


Now I realized he was a Winchester after all.


“Soul Ball!”


I pulled out Kather’s Soul Ball from my inventory and squeezed it hard.


A space opened up and a three-headed dog popped out.


“That…… That is……!!!”




The people looked like they were going to faint as one more monster was added, but I said.


“Kather, help the people!”


Kather who was walking among the crowd, growled in response to my command and began butting his head against the iron gate.


People were still afraid, but they seemed to understand that Kather was helping them.


“……I can’t believe you even tamed Kather.”


Bashiron’s eyebrows were furrowed in both admiration and slight displeasure.


“What are you all doing? Help too.”


“…Yes…….. yes!”


At Bashiron’s command, people followed Kather and began creating scratches on the iron gate.




A massive body reaching 20 meters, covered in armor-like scales.


Half of its belly was in contact with the ground, revealing no apparent weaknesses.


Seeing Jin rushing toward it, Leviathan raised its tail.


Then, with an incredible speed, almost like a fleeting afterimage, it attacked Jin.




Dust rose, and with anxious eyes, I stared into the cloud of dust.


What had just happened?


Leviathan raised its tail as if frustrated, and Bashiron’s black aura broke rather easily.




As a recoil, Bashiron stumbled backward.


However, taking advantage of the opening, Jin, with his hand enveloped in a graceful black aura, struck the belly of Leviathan.


The reversed dragon scale of it, emitting an unusually black light, was vividly visible even to my eyes.


As if flint striking against a rock, hundreds of times the intensity of flames burst forth.


While Black Flame could be used at a distance, the farther the caster was, the weaker the intensity became.


Jin had decided to go for maximum power, even if it meant taking a risk.


It was enough to send three or four Bahimos to the netherworld.






Seeing Leviathan’s eyes flash, I shouted.


But there was no doubt that my shout was too late compared to the Leviathan’s attack.




The now unrestrained tail of Leviathan sent Jin flying with tremendous force.


Jin slumped to the floor, the mess on the floor looking like a bomb had gone off.




Jin was out cold.


He was conscious, but only his eyes glowed fiercely, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.




I ran to him, trying to assess his condition. Just then, I heard a sharp voice.


“The iron gate is almost torn off, everyone use your powers to open it!”


I hastily pulled a potion from my inventory and poured it into Jin’s mouth.


“This is…… cough…….”


“It’s medicine.”


I could see what seemed like a fractured chest bone, even to my eyes.




However, I knew.


Even if Jin recovered like this, he wouldn’t be able to face Leviathan.


Striking the Leviathan’s belly with maximum force had only left a small scratch.


Without Recardo’s arrival, victory was out of our reach.


We had no way to escape, and even if we did… everyone in the mansion, including Maya, Rowen, and the others, would be in danger.




“Don’t talk, brother.”


“Don’t. You…….”


Recardo, Jin, Othello, and Evan. These four knew that using my powers would take a toll on my body.




Although Jin’s eyes glinted with a cold light, I couldn’t ignore the fact that we had to seize the last hope to salvage this situation.


“…. We have to do it.”


I spoke to Jin, and his usually cold, shrouded-in-darkness eyes shook intensely.




Leviathan observed us, revealing its sharp fangs once again.


I focused my mind and directed my power towards Jin, recalling the feeling from the moment I wanted to save Othello.


[Manifest this power].


[Gives strength to the target.]


A white light began to spread from my hands.


It was powerful enough to make people who were concentrating on breaking the gate stop and turn around.


[The target’s causality rate is low, reducing the effectiveness of this ability].


And then the expected phrase popped up.


The causality rate of Jin is not very high, so it will not be the most efficient.


But it’s an ability that allowed Othello, who had no strength left, to kill the Bahimos with a single blow.


May it have the same effect on Jin.




An enormous explosion echoed from the midpoint between Leviathan and us.


It was as significant as when Leviathan had sent Jin flying before.


Everyone’s gaze, including mine, was fixed on Jin.


Amid the dust, Jin stood tall.


“What… happened…”


Voices expressing disbelief were in the air.


Jin, with broken bones and in a state of complete exhaustion, looked as if he would be incapacitated immediately, at least to anyone who saw him.


But with his body restored by the potion, and his strength enhanced by my powers, he was facing off against Leviathan with an even more vicious wave of black flames than before.


“I thought Recardo Winchester had appeared.”


A trembling voice came from behind. The black flame was so intense that it could be mistaken for Recardo.




The black scales on Leviathan’s belly, which acted as armor, were partially shattered, as if they had fulfilled their function.


“It’s the weak point!”


Bashiron, who was sitting with injuries, shouted to Jin.


We couldn’t see Jin’s expression, but we could feel that he was confronting Leviathan without a hint of backing down.




I involuntarily called out Jin’s name.


At that moment, black flames began to gather in Jin’s hands.


It was at least twice the size of the first attack.

Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


  1. eternal perspective says:

    Thanks for chap
    Lol she’s in for it next time

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