The Sickly Youngest Member of the Villainous Family

Tsymvf 71

[Immunity to status effects has been removed].


[Health and Strength buffs have been removed].


[New stats unlocked].


[Name: Sasha Winchester (LV.7)]


[Occupation: Sprout Savior]


[Attribute: Key of Mechius]


[Stats: Stamina 26 / Strength 18 / Ability 8 / Intelligence 39 / Health 21]


I saw the word ‘Health’ in red letters.


Next to it was a small warning.


‘Health cannot be replenished by potions.’


‘Recommended health threshold for a healthy player: 30-70.’


‘If the optimal health standard is lowered, health continues to decrease.’


Ah… so, using my powers comes at the cost of my Health?


Cough, cough.


“Miss… your forehead feels like a burning coal.”


Maya looked at me with worried eyes, gently patting the towel on my head.


As the buff effects were lifted, I couldn’t have imagined it would hurt so much.




Othello was staring at me with a terrified expression.


I blacked out before he disappeared from view, and in my daze, I was carried by him to his room.


The doctor who had been tending to him was now at my side, grinding herbs to make a medicine.


“Does Sasha have another cold?”


Jin asked the doctor as he walked in.


The doctor raised his glasses, covering the tip of his nose, and replied.


“It doesn’t seem like typical cold symptoms, but more like a depletion of energy. There’s no swelling in the throat, but she has been coughing and vomiting blood due to fatigue.”




“Recently, if there have been significant events that startled her or situations causing extreme exhaustion…”


“…There were.”


Othello pursed his lips.


As I struggled to catch my breath, Othello stared at me for a long time.


It was as if he felt burdened by my condition.


“She came to a place she shouldn’t have.”


Othello continued.


“And she used her powers to help me.”


A brief silence followed.


I wondered if Othello felt guilty about what had happened that day.


It was explained that my presence on the snowy mountain that day was a precursor to my power manifestation.


Even Othello was said to have sleepwalked around the mansion during his manifestation.


However, the fact that he happened to encounter me at that moment was an inexplicable occurrence.


“Is there a possibility of fever due to the instability of her powers?”


Jin asked, and the doctor shook his head.


“I’ve examined many members of the Winchester family, both lords and ladies. In cases where abilities are unstable, there is always a significant fluctuation in heart rate.”


The doctor continued.


“However, Miss Shasha’s heart rate is very stable. It seems unlikely to be due to her powers. Rather, it’s more like she’s sick because the manifestation of her powers has exhausted her stamina.”


“In that case, what should we do?”


“For the time being, I think we should stabilize her body and mind with the elixir and pallas incense you gave her, bring down her fever, and monitor her condition. She’s unwell, but it doesn’t appear to be an illness.”


Jin nodded at the doctor’s explanation. Othello, who had been watching me wordlessly, asked the doctor.


“Is there nothing that can be done?”


The doctor was stunned. Having observed Othello for several days, he knew well the temperament of the man.


Rumor had it that doctors had been grabbed by the collar at least three times.


Now, the composed voice asking if there was nothing, he could do for his younger sister was quite unusual.


After a moment of contemplation, the doctor opened his mouth with a solemn expression.


“The only thing I can think of is…….”


At that moment, Jin spoke up.


“What about Sariya?”


Surprised by Jin’s words, the doctor looked at him and asked.


“How does young master know that?”


Jin recalled the information he had obtained from the book earlier. While the complete recipe for making elixirs wasn’t provided, but there were special ingredients that might work.


Powerful enough to bring the dead back to life.


“What is Sariya?”


Othello inquired, and the doctor spoke again.


“In the ice valley of the Harhard Cave of Halo, there is a plant called Sariya that grows once every ten years. It’s said that when brewed and consumed, it has an effect on unspecified symptoms related to abilities, much like Lady Sasha’s.”




“Yes, one moment.”


The doctor retrieved a thick book from the bag he carried and flipped through its pages, revealing an illustration of a mushroom. The mushroom had a transparent cap resembling ice.


“It grows in places even the mountain folk can’t reach due to the difficult terrain.”


“Is there any taboo on picking them?”


“No, you can just pick it like any other mushroom. However, the cave in the ice valley has a treacherous terrain. Besides, with the death of Halo’s head of the family, and the destruction of the prison where the reformed Bahimos were kept, there have been reports of Bahimos appearing around the valley…….”


At the mention of Bahimos, Othello’s eyebrows twitched.


“So, even ordinary mountain folk can’t approach the vicinity of the valley… ”


“I suppose that means you can’t get them in the markets in Rosento either.”


Jin pressed his lips together.


After gazing at me with a chilly expression, Othello turned around after a while and said.


“I’ll get it within three days.”


That day was the day Othello had decided to return to Taylor’s.


“Ha…… but young master, your body is also…….”


“In the meantime, take care of Sasha. If anything happens to Sasha, you die.”


“Ah…… uh…… I understand.”


Just when I thought Vanessa’s death would clear up the misunderstanding between the two families and finalize the hostage exchange, the Taylors refused.


Even though it seemed disadvantageous for them to let Evan, whose ability had manifested, in Winchester, the reasons remained unknown.


“Othel… cough.”


I wanted to call his name, but Othello took off at a brisk pace. I heard Jin’s hushed voice.


“It’s okay, trust me.”




I’d been so distracted by Othello that I’d momentarily forgotten that Jin was still watching me.


“I told you. What’s precious to me will never be taken away.”


The chilling gaze made my head spin.




Only the sound of choking came from my throat.


My heart was pounding, thumping, at a rapid pace.


“I’ll be back.”


A few moments later, Othello left, followed by Jin, and I was left in the room with the doctor.


While I wasn’t particularly concerned about Othello’s safety since Jin was accompanying him, I felt a significant sense of burden.


The fact that both of them were going to deal with something dangerous and troublesome on my behalf weighed heavily on my mind.




Sitting atop a spire to the north, Evan gazed out over the serene landscape.


The power of blue light, known as ‘blue obedience’, allows the subject to retain their normal rationality, but not to resist the will of the caster.


Chenoa Taylor didn’t even remember that he was now submitting to Evan’s power.




The tranquil autumn sky passed by, giving way to the approaching winter with dark, snow-laden clouds.


Winchester’s winter would undoubtedly be harsher than Taylor’s.


Even more so for Halo, who has lost her family head. It is said that they faces difficulties due to the lack of a successor.


They may end up with the weakest family head ever. The balance of the four families will be disturbed in some way.


Is this part of Phersetos’ plan? It is impossible to know.


Evan looked up at the grey sky. He remembered the moment on the snowy mountain when a unique power had flowed through Othello’s body.


At the same time, he felt the source of Sasha Winchester’s power stir.


If it was due to Sasha Winchester’s ability, then in the future, Sasha Winchester will become a fire moth that burns away her life.


“This time, I’ll outlive you.”


Suddenly, Sasha’s voice echoed in his mind.


A stirring emotion touched Evan’s senses, awakening his awareness.


Evan didn’t know the origin of that emotion, and he probably never would.


The moment he heard those words, he felt as if he had been chained to something.




His gaze drifted to Sasha’s surroundings.


His brow twitched, and Evan circled the spire and jumped down.


Clarity adjusted the fall speed, and Evan landed on a third-floor window ledge.


– Bring me all the doctors and apothecaries of Rosento.


– The young masters have already gone to procure the precious herbs.


Through his connection to Chenoa, he could hear the voice of Recardo speaking to one of his men.


– I’ll get going. I must see for myself.


Recardo’s voice was low and stern as he rose to leave.


– But we still need to discuss Halo’s disposition……!


– Come back for that later.


The tone, as sharp as a blade, hinted at what his expression would be.


At this moment, there would be no room in his heart for the rest of the household heads.


Then, another voice came through.


“Miss, you´re asking me to borrow a book under these circumstances.”


The voices of the maid and Sasha were coming from the lower window.


The doctor seemed to be away for a while.


“You have a doctor, why would a young lady need to know about these herbs…….”


“Even if there is a doctor, the level of medicine here is not…… There’s a book my grandfather told me to read. Cough.”


Despite the inevitable cough at the end of her words, her voice was lively and robust, suggesting that she wouldn’t die easily.


“I have to live for a long time. Cough.”


Sasha’s voice was determined, almost fierce.


Evan, leaning against the window ledge, let a fleeting and complex smile play at the corners of his lips.


“…It will be so.”

Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


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