The Sickly Youngest Member of the Villainous Family

The regressed Evan Taylor returned and kidnapped Jin.


Then he plunged a knife into Jin’s heart.


Until the very last moment, there was overwhelming guilt for killing an innocent person, but ultimately, he carried out what needed to be done.


Jin died in vain, and Evan believed that his task was complete.


However, as time passed and that period came around again, Phersetos was resurrected in the body of Recardo.


Again, the world came to an end, and time repeated itself.


And on the third time, Evan Taylor killed everyone in the Winchester family.


When Sasha Winchester pleaded to be killed, he granted that wish this time.


– Thank you.


Even after three cycles, Recardo was not easy.


Evan succeeded in killing him, losing one of his arms.


However, upon hearing the news that Phersetos had resurrected in the body of his half-sister, he looked up at the darkening sky with a despondent expression.


Fourth cycle, fifth cycle, sixth cycle.


Evan Taylor regressed again and made efforts to prevent the end by Phersetos.


The only way to stop Phersetos’ resurrection is to find and eliminate the human host he inhabits before the time of the end.


But inevitably, when the time comes, Phersetos awakens in the body of an unexpected person.


It remained a mystery whose body he was hiding in.


Until the final moment.


In the sixth cycle, Phersetos was resurrected in the body of Evan’s most trusted ally, the magic tower master Cassilion.


With intense evil swallowing people, Phersetos fulfilled his mission.


In the end, at the final moment, Evan witnessed the world being defeated once again.


In the seventh cycle, the eyes of Evan who regressed were no longer those of an ordinary human.


He had over a hundred years of experience and was no match for anyone anymore.


He began indiscriminately slaughtering people.


His half-mad eyes were filled with hollow despair.


He killed Chenoa Taylor and all members of the Taylors, then moved on to the other houses.


He simply killed anyone in his sight.


As if he wanted to bring the world to an absolute end.


After committing such a massacre that even Kaisa, his ancestor, couldn’t match, the world was drenched in red blood.


At the final moment, Evan smiled and said.


–  You’re within me, Phersetos.


And just as he was about to pierce his own throat with a sword, his hand stopped.


Because Phersetos didn’t allow it.


Evil emanated from Evan’s body, and the world once again entered the moment of destruction.


Evan’s hollow eyes were filled only with agony.


In the eighth cycle, Evan woke up once more.


The world was filled with eternal destruction, and he was ultimately alone.


And so, for the twenty-eighth time, he awoke.


* * *

[The secret of the blue falcon has been destroyed].


The cinema-like space faded away, and I stood alone in Evan’s room.




As if it had done its job, the item disappeared.


And I replayed the scene I had just watched.


The screening time was a full nine hours, and the flow of time was luckily different from the outside.


I could feel the significance of “the twenty-seventh.”


Twenty-seven times of destruction, death, and regression.


The moments that Evan Taylor had experienced since the original story were vividly recorded.


Of course, I hadn’t seen every single moment.


Only the significant moments were condensed and shown.


Betrayed by someone he thought was a comrade,


Defeating the villain, he believed to be Phersetos’ host, only to find out they were innocent. Sometimes screaming, sometimes reduced to a miserable state.


Scenes of brutal killings turned into bloodshed…


And even the sight of Evan Taylor becoming a murderer in the seventh cycle…


The eyes consumed by Phersetos were chilling.


“There’s no choice but to go mad.”


I never took my eyes off those moments.


The Evan Taylor I knew had his personality worn down quite a bit, but he was nonetheless the hero I was rooting for.


In the original version, Evan, who endured ten days and nights on a cliff to protect the lives of young children, had become a cold-blooded man who didn’t blink an eye at their deaths.


He finally comes to his senses, only to lose them again. He realizes, despairs, stands up, and falls back down again…….


The desperate struggle of a single human to save the world.


No… it was the fall of a hero trapped in meaningless regressions, losing his humanity.


“So that’s how it happened…….”


And I saw myself, no, Sasha Winchester, in the process.


Always with the same expression… her pitiful appearance begging Evan to kill her remained unchanged.


In the twenty-seventh cycle, Evan finally responded to Sasha Winchester wish for the first time.


– Always this moment.


He had a smile on his lips, but his eyes weren’t smiling.


– ……I’m a little jealous.


And without mercy, he took Sasha’s life.


Unlike before, Sasha looked at him with slightly surprised eyes as she faced her end.


Evan Taylor, who had even envied the death of the unfortunate Sasha.


My stomach churned.


I had witnessed the scene of Jin losing his life more than ten times, and Othello fifteen.


In the predetermined wheel of a cosmic horror novel’s ending, Evan was struggling hard.


Like a beast with a leash, perhaps almost giving up.




I left Evan’s “special area.”


Now that the secret of the blue falcon was gone, I wouldn’t be able to enter on my own.


Knowing much more than I had been curious about from that book, I was no longer intrigued by that space.


I opened the door and left.


“Miss, where are you going?”


Maya, who was organizing my dolls, hurriedly followed me.


Heading for the messy corridor, I spoke.


“To Evan.”


* * *

As I understood, one must endure the outburst of their ability alone.


Jin did, and I heard Othello did as well.


There were servants and soldiers standing outside Evan’s door, but they couldn’t easily enter.


It was a situation where one shouldn’t enter.


Evan’s body was stretched a bit, floating above the bed.


A dark blue aura surrounded him.


The blade-like form of the aura seemed to refuse to allow anything else to enter.




Maya urgently stopped me from entering Evan’s room.




Only then did the servants look at me and startle.


“You can’t. It’s dangerous.”


[Use the skill ‘Black Domination’ (SS/LV.4)].


Children of noble families who have not manifested their powers are treated as literally children.


But now, such protection was a burden in this situation.




“My body won’t move!”


The least I can do is make sure the servants have nothing to do with it later.




I ignored Maya’s words and stepped into Evan’s territory, using my skill to subdue the maids and servants.


There was something odd about Evan’s past.


In all twenty-seven instances of the past, the awakening of his ability occurred when he was just four years old.


But this time, Evan had only recently awakened.


It was probably triggered by his encounter with me when he broke into my room.


But from what I’ve seen of Evan’s past, every time he’s awakened, he appeared to be in considerable agony.


No matter how many times he regressed, it always seemed to be a challenge to get his young body to accept it.


I climbed onto the bed and approached Evan.


The blue light writhing in the form of a rough blade was blocked by my skill and split in two, but its aura was still menacing.


Evan was still unconscious as I climbed on top of him.


“Wake up, Evan!”


I yelled.


I considered punching him.


But his face was too innocent, and his lips were too precious for that.


“I know you don’t want to wake up!”


In the previous round, Evan had told the pleading Sasha that he envied her death.


He must have wanted to escape the horrors of the twenty-seventh dreadful regression.


It’s understandable that Evan was so exhausted that he desired eternal rest.


“I understand the pain, and I understand that you wanted to run away.”


Evan’s eyebrows twitched at the sound of my understanding.


And in that moment, the energy that had been scattered and dissipated gathered and grazed my cheek.


I felt a tingling sensation on my cheek.


If I had awakened Evan’s ability, I should be able to quell his current rampage without a doubt.




Maya’s frantic call came from outside.


The aura was now in the form of thorns, preventing anyone from approaching the room.


Is it moving according to Evan’s will, or does it have a separate will of its own?


I hopped on top of Evan, grabbed his collar, and shouted at him.


“Ending it here will only lead us back! You know better than anyone that it can’t be the solution.”


We have to defeat Phersetos.


Until then, time will never let Evan go.


I wondered what would happen to me if I followed Sasha’s fate and died.


There’s no guarantee that I’ll regress with Evan again. Perhaps I’ll end up seeing the reaper once more.


But I don’t want to throw away the life that’s been given to me so easily.


“Now, you’re not alone. I’ll be by your side…”


My hand gripping Evan’s collar trembled.


I will find the elixir, I will get well, and as long as I have the strength, I will help Evan find and defeat Phersetos and bring peace to the world.


I’ll maintain a reasonably peaceful relationship with the Winchester family, which has become my family, and live well.


For that to happen, you can’t die like this!


“…..I’ll be with you. I promise.”


And in that moment, Evan slowly opened his eyes.


The blue light that had been raging had been blocked and suppressed by Black Domination.


If it weren’t for the Black Domination, he might have died right then.


Looking into his eyes, I spoke quite distinctly.


“This time, I’m going to live longer than you.”


There I was, in Evan’s blue eyes.


The corners of his eyes were red.


As I was about to release my grip on Evan’s collar, he suddenly grabbed my hand.


It was as if he was telling me not to let go.




After a moment, Evan’s lips trembled.




It was a hoarse, cracked voice.


In Evan’s memory, he’d sounded like that before he’d slashed Sasha Winchester.


My chest suddenly throbbed.


“……You have to take responsibility for what you said.”


Was Evan’s gaze always like this? No, it wasn’t, it was different.


In any memory I had seen, Evan had never looked at a comrade with such eyes.


The gaze that met mine was piercing, enough to send shivers down my spine.


It was so strong that one could mistake it for hostility.


“I’ll make it so.”


Suddenly, I could see with my own eyes that the blue aura that had hovered menacingly at Evan’s side had completely subsided.


The shimmering blade turned into droplets, circling Evan and me.


As if it had been so docile to begin with.


It had overcome the rampage of the Clear Light.


My adventure seems to have been successful.


But I couldn’t smile.


Like a tamed beast, he was looking at me with big eyes.



Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


  1. eternal perspective says:

    Thanks for chap
    Fr it’s similar to kim dokja convincing that goldfish.

    Lol now it’s clear to everyone her ability is under her complete control. Wonder how she’ll handle the aftermath.

    100/100 for the one where he killed everyone and it was him.

  2. Dannyel says:

    Wow, such an emotional chapter!!!

    10 of 10 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    Thanks for the translation ❤️

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