The Sickly Youngest Member of the Villainous Family

Gradually, the fierce light in Kather’s three pairs of eyes began to fade.


And then, Kather knelt in front of me.


From the three open mouths, breaths were coming out.


The eyes that were looking at me no longer held hostility.


“Haah… Haah…”


I could barely breathe.


Kather’s sharp and pointed fangs were still intimidating, but I had gained their recognition.


As a member of the Winchester family and the master who should not be attacked.




“Hand me the Soul Ball.”


I reached out my hand towards Kather.


The reason I had gone to such lengths to make Kater obey me.


Cou- kegh-.


The head in the middle spat out a bead onto my palm.


I stared at the small golden ball on my palm.


This was Kather’s Soul Ball.


A device that could summon Kather when needed.


Of course, it could only be used within the mansion.


If I was ever in danger again, such as someone breaking into my room, pressing the Soul Ball would summon Kather to come and tear apart the enemy.


“Well done.”


Although I have guards and Robin waiting outside my room, this would be more useful in urgent situations.


I petted Kather’s middle head.


Then, the heads on both sides took turns pushing their heads into my hand.


“All right, I’ll pet you all too.”


The dramatic change in demeanor was fascinating, as the previously fierce dogs were now trying to be petted.


I petted each of Kather’s heads one by one.


“You don’t have to go through all this trouble, really.”


I heard Jin’s voice from behind.


“You’ll be safe in my collection.”


Goosebumps ran down my spine as I turned to look at him.


“Brother, please stop acting now.”


Upon hearing my words, Jin shrugged and twisted his lips.


“Acting, huh? Seems like it looks like that. Well, then I should stop.”


Something about his tone felt strange.


“Thank you for cooperating.”


“Was this effort because of Evan, the guy who threatened you?”


Jin muttered to himself.


“I should have killed him while he was still in prison.”


Behind Jin, a mixture of black flames flowed.


The Winchesters say “kill” as naturally as eating.


I shook my head and said.


“It’s not just because of Evan.”


At my words, Jin furrowed his eyebrows.


Then, after a moment, he spoke up again.


“In addition to Evan Taylor in this mansion….”




“Is there something else that could threaten you?”


I suddenly remembered Evan’s words.


You never know whose body is carrying Phersetos.


Will I one day have to tell Recardo or my brothers the secrets of the world?


I thought back to the moment when Phersetos had risen from Jin’s body, and I felt a little uneasy.


* * *

Someone opened the door to the prison with a creak.




The height was certainly not that of a guard.


When Evan looked up, there was a boy with deep green eyes standing in front of him.


The boy was wearing a robe as if trying to disguise his identity, and his shoes seemed worn out from a long journey.


Evan raised an eyebrow because he knew the boy.


Othello was not someone who should be here right now.


Othello approached Evan with hesitant steps and pushed his shoulder, causing Evan to fall.




The sound of a dagger piercing the ground echoed in his ears.


A cold fire burned in Othello’s eyes as he climbed on top of Evan.


He had fought Othello with a sword before.


In every encounter, Othello showed remarkable talent in swordsmanship.


He was so skilled that even Jin Winchester, the heir, couldn’t match him in swordsmanship alone.


‘Was Othello’s black flame this strong?’


The density of the black flame flowing around Othello’s body was so strong that Evan blinked his eyebrows.


It was a change that hadn’t been visible in the previous encounters.


“I didn’t like it last time either.”


A threatening tone flowed from Othello’s lips.


“Now that we meet again, I want to kill you even more, brat.”


Intense hostility emanated from him.


“You shouldn’t be here.”


Evan’s dry voice made Othello stare at him with even more aggressive eyes.


Right next to Evan’s face, the dagger stuck in the ground could pierce into him at any moment.


But it would be troublesome if Evan Taylor dies in Winchester’s underground prison.


Othello pressed Evan’s throat firmly, threatening him.


“For touching something that should never be touched again.”


A growling voice echoed in Evan’s ears.


“I’m here to warn you not to push your luck.”


After a while, Othello released his grip on Evan’s throat.


As Othello stood up, as if he had touched something dirty, he brushed his hands and looked at Evan with an expressionless face.


“Did you come all the way here because of Sasha Winchester?”


It was a long way, a distance that would have taken four days of nonstop walking to reach.


“Because I attacked your sister?”


It would have been difficult to break through Taylor’s stern guard.


He would have to deal with whatever happened back home.




Looking down at Evan with a chilling gaze, Othello pursed his lips.


“At first, when I heard what you did, I was going to kill you.”


Evan knew about Othello’s temper.


He must have set out from Taylor’s mansion with that determination.


“Even now, I feel like tearing you apart.”


But in the previous encounters, Othello showed no interest in Sasha Winchester.


Sasha Winchester was at the center of everything.


“Sasha that kid…….”


Othello’s eyes were more intense than those that showed his feelings for Permetis, the only thing he was obsessed with. (T/N: In other timelines, not in this one, thankfully)


“If she hadn’t said something else about you, I wouldn’t have kept you alive.”




Othello’s emotions seemed clear.


He desperately wanted to kill Evan while barely holding back.


And the reason for that… was Sasha Winchester.


“….Do you cherish that kid?”


Evan asked, but Othello didn’t answer.


But the blazing, fiery green eyes were enough to answer Evan’s question.


‘You have changed, a man who had no human feelings for anything but himself. A man whose feelings for Permetis were nothing more but a distorted obsession…….’


After a moment of thought, Evan took something out of his pocket and threw it at Othello’s feet.


“Take it.”


It was because an instantly familiar scent emanated from Othello.


Othello raised an eyebrow in confusion.


“What is this lump of rags?”




“You poisoned Sasha?”


At the moment when the aura behind Othello became even stronger than before, Evan spoke again.


“It’s not for Sasha’s, it’s yours.”


Othello frowned as if asking what nonsense Evan was talking about.


Evan nonchalantly continued.


“I can neutralize most of the poisons handled by Taylors. This is a powerful antidote that can even purge the venom currently coursing through your body.”


He had long harbored suspicions about his own family, the Taylors.


He had already suspected that Chenoa was using poison against the Winchester hostage.


The Duke of Winchester had been an enemy for the past twenty-seven encounters, but now many things were changing.


The beginning of that change was probably that girl.


Othello picked up the antidote from the ground.


“How am I supposed to trust you? You, the heir to the Taylors, hand me the antidote to protect me from the Taylors?”


If Othello let a little bit of his dark aura flow through his hand, the antidote would turn into ash.


“If you don’t want to believe me, then don’t.”


Evan spoke calmly, and Othello stared at him for a long time.


He was an arrogant little brat that he didn’t want to leave alone.


After learning about what happened to Sasha, he had only wanted to kill Evan.


If it hadn’t been Sasha’s voice he heard through ‘Lune,’ he wouldn’t have been able to control himself.


“I’m not sure why I’m giving you this, either.”


Evan’s blue eyes were piercing.


Sasha’s words flashed through his mind again, her innocent expression making waves.




Staring at Evan with a fierce gaze, Othello put the vial back into his pocket.


Then, after a while, he turned slowly.


“Remember my warning well. If that girl is threatened again, I’ll kill you.”


Othello’s low voice flowed into Evan’s ears.


Soon, the sound of the prison door closing echoed again.


Evan leaned against the cold wall and looked up at the ceiling.


* * *


I dreamed of someone gently stroking my forehead.


The hand was cold and quite rough, but for some reason, it felt good.


When I woke up in the morning, Othello’s stuffed bear was next to me.


I stroked it once and then got out of bed.


Maya, who brought my breakfast, smiled brightly and said.


“Miss, the Duke has finished the Verus (the monthly meeting of the families) and has returned.”

Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


  1. eternal perspective says:

    Thanks for chap
    So it’s either taylors being taken over by the evil or they kept it well hidden from him for 28 regressions.

  2. Hopeday2020 says:

    Awww… My Othello, best big bro

  3. Rubielle says:

    I figured he was listening in with the teddy but damn. In one of the previous chapters she told the bear about the world ending and Evan. So Othello knows more than Jin right now.

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