The Sickly Youngest Member of the Villainous Family

Entering Recardo Winchester’s office, Rowen reported with a grim expression.

“Robin got injured while playing with Young Master Jin and will likely not be back for several months.”

“And the extent of the injuries?”

“A dislocated right shoulder, a fractured left tibia, and a couple of broken finger bones.”

“I’m going to put Jin on probation for three months. Robin is to be paid one year’s salary as compensation.”

Without hearing more, Recardo knew what had happened.

Rowen replied, “Robin is at fault for failing to become skillful enough to be played with, and therefore the young master’s diligence has to be rewarded.”

Rowen was Robin’s brother.

Recardo raised an eyebrow and looked out the window.

Jin Winchester, heir to the Winchesters who resembled him.

Powerful enough to hold his own against dozens of soldiers, but his emotional processing hadn’t yet advanced beyond that of a child.

Only his brother, Othello, was an exception to Jin’s outletless possessiveness and aggression.

“It’s Jin’s fault for not controlling his emotions.”

As his father, he knew he had to give him a warning. It was obvious to him what Jin was trying to warn him about.

He didn’t want Maya alive for nearly putting Sasha in danger.

But it was an uncharacteristic way for the child who was to become the heir to the Winchesters.

“Until Robin recovers, I will escort her, myself,” Rowen finished with a bow of his head.

“Do as you please.”

Recardo’s voice echoed in the office.

A moment later, Recardo stood, and Rowen took a step back. It was easy to guess where he was going.

It was dark outside the window.

Recardo left his office and walked down the corridor.

A long shadow followed him, along with Rowen.

As they passed the north wing and headed south, the corners of the doors were cushioned.

With an expressionless face, Recardo walked through, and Rowen followed behind him.

~ Translations by Lurelia | Editing by Valpal | Read only at ~

A moment later, they arrived in front of a room on the second floor.

Maya, who had just finished putting Sasha to bed, spotted him coming and covered her mouth to stifle a scream.

Then she bowed deeply.


Leaving Maya and Rowen at the door, he entered Sasha’s room.

There was a deep silence in the room, with Sasha asleep, her hands stretched out above her head, oblivious to the world.

Sasha’s room smelled sweet.

Something fruity, something like the sweetness of a pie, something out of place in Winchester.

Behind him, a great black flame flared.

It was enough to wake the deepest of sleepers, but Sasha slept softly, as if listening to a lullaby.

Recardo stepped up to Sasha’s bedside.


Sasha was sleeping soundly, but she tossed and turned as she sensed his proximity.

A small, fluffy hand caught his attention. A tiny hand that looked like it might break if he touched it.


He stared at it for a moment, eyebrows furrowed, and was about to turn away when he heard a voice that sounded like it was laughing.


Sasha was smiling as if she were having a good time.

Her small lips were upturned at the corners, and her closed eyes, covered with thick lashes, were smiling.

She was probably having a good dream.

“Daddy…” mumbled the soft, babyish voice.

His eyebrows twitched, and he studied Sasha for a long moment. Sasha was sleeping soundly again, seemingly drifting back to sleep.

Recardo’s eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed.

“…… I’m not familiar with this,” his voice trailed off.

A moment later, he stepped out of Sasha’s room.

Maya waited, her head bowed deeply.

Recardo walked back down the corridor he’d come from.

When he was some distance away, Maya looked up, put a hand to her chest, and let out a small sigh.

“…… again.”

Maya smiled to herself.

“……You’re paying attention, aren’t you?”

* * *

[Name: Sasha Winchester (LV.2)]

[Occupation : Unemployed]

[Trait : Rattle Master (Strength+3)]

The year went by at a pretty fast pace.

There were some minor incidents with Jin and Othello, but I grew up anyway.

And just like that, I was a three-year-old baby! 

I’m still Sasha Winchester, unemployed, but a few things have changed for me too.

For one thing, I can now tie my hair into a ponytail, but don’t be fooled by that. I still don’t have a lot of hair.

Maya ties it up every morning, and when I look in the mirror, I can actually tell I am a girl and not just an androgynous baby.

My profile in the status window now shows a lovely picture of myself in a ponytail.

And I can walk pretty well now. I can walk 50 meters without falling over.

Most impressive of all, I am no longer wearing diapers.

I used to feel so self-conscious about my lack of control, but now I’m using the word “poop” to indicate that I need to go to the bathroom.

And now.

“Squeeze……hey, hey!”

I was throwing a little tantrum as Maya tied my hair into a bun and pulled it back hard.

“I’m being gentle, miss.”

“Front part!”

“Okay, I’ll be gentler.”

I sat back, feeling Maya’s touch become a little softer.

“You’ll have to behave yourself around the duke today. It’s a big day.”

There was a reason Maya had been taking such great care this morning.

“Don’t break any plates like you did at the last dinner, okay?”

It was an important occasion: a once-a-year gathering of all the Winchesters.

For three days, the manor would be quite noisy with guests.

‘Is Bashiron coming?’

I hadn’t heard from him since the ambush a year ago, when I was told he was quite badly wounded.

I still tremble at the thought of him trying to use Shadow of the Abyss on me.

~ Translations by Lurelia | Editing by Valpal | Read only at ~

“I hope you do not get offended by the cranky nobles, my lovely lady,” Maya said as she finished tying up my hair. “Though I’m sure the duke and the young masters would not be so forgiving.”


I answered with a nod.

My tongue isn’t rolling quite as skillfully as it should, and I’m still struggling with pronunciation.

So, there wasn’t much I could say yet.

“Are you feeling well?”

I heard Maya’s voice from behind me, but my gaze was drawn to myself in the mirror.

A little green-eyed baby with chubby, cute cheeks stood in the mirror.

The silver hair tied back in two ponytails was pretty cute.

I was wearing a purple-colored dress, and my reflection in the dress was like a doll standing on its own.

I looked so cute and adorable that even I couldn’t help but admire myself.


“Yes, miss.”

After admiring my face for a while, I reached out to Maya for a hug. Maya hugged me gently with a pleased expression on her face.

“I’ll carry you around. Since you’re still young, His Excellency the Duke will understand…….”

When Maya opened the door, I saw two familiar faces. I was surprised to see Jin and Othello waiting for me.

Maya was also a little surprised and asked, “Young masters, why are you here?”

Today’s Jin and Othello seemed more decorated than usual.

Perhaps the maids had done their best to dress them up.

After a quick glance at Othello’s stern expression, Jin spoke first.

I could see myself in his dark gaze.

“I’m here to escort her.”


Want to keep reading? Visit my Kofi shop for advanced chapter tiers and read 12 chapters ahead of public release.

Lazy potato, who loves to read. (๑˘︶˘๑) For support and advanced chapters here


  1. Thanks for chap
    Whelp poor knight. I didn’t think he’d put him out of commission tbh.

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