The Secret Circumstances of the Fake Ducal Couple

SCFDC I Chapter 11

If you want to heat the bed.

Cain raised his head and made eye contact with Jane. He leaned
against the back of the chair. Boredom passed by in an instant.

Jane clutched the hem of her dress.

Jane tried to relax herself. She couldn’t be this nervous every time she met him.

At that moment, the wind blew through the open window. A cool
breeze moved his scent and carried it to Jane. His scent was fig,
Cain’s scent was her favorite.

Her scent made me feel at ease. She even gained the courage to speak out to Cain, who was cold to her.

He said, “If you have any business, please tell me.”

“It smells nice.”

Jane made her smile by flexing her facial muscles, which were not moving very well. She smiled so widely that her dimples were visible.

In the past, Cain really liked her dimples that only appeared on her left side.

When he looked at her dimples, his eyes had a sweet glow, like melted honey. But now it was as cold as ice.

“I hope you refrain from unnecessary conversations.”

“What does that mean?”

“I mean, there’s no need to say hello. Just say what you need to say.”

Cain pointed out what Jane had said about the scent of his figs.

She didn’t mean anything much. As he said, she was just saying hello.

She felt awkward talking to him, and the air in the room was heavy, so she only said those things to vent.

Jane realized. That she was not allowed even the lightest words to be exchanged between them as she was his servant and he was her master.

“All right. I will be careful from now on. I have business to attend to.”

Cain nodded at her. He told Jane to sit down and she sat down

on the sofa in the middle of the office. She was facing Cain.


Cain didn’t even bother to show her the courtesy of moving to the sofa across from her.

He was still sitting in his office, at his desk and kept sitting on his mahogany chair, staring at her.

“You asked me to be your child’s mother,” she said.

“Please tell me exactly what I need to do.”

“If I tell you, can you do it?”

Despite the calm tone, the words were clearly intended to be sarcastic.

“If there is anything I need to do as a duchess, I will learn it and do it.”

Unlike her trembling insides, Jane’s voice was calm. Even though Cain blatantly ignores her, She acted as if she liked it.

She was right, she was right, but it twisted her stomach. It was a waste of showing her useless emotions. Cain shook her head as if

shaking off her feelings.

“Your will is amazing. If I ask you to heat the bed, will you do that

Jane’s eyes widened in shock.

Was Cain, the kind of person who could say things like that?

Jane’s lips trembled. Cain’s sarcasm burned Jane’s brain

Even considering her past, she believed that Cain was too harsh with Jane.

She was treated unfairly. Jane wanted to scream and get angry. But she couldn’t. She was just hurt.

His love also makes people laughable and shabby.

Jane, who had promised herself that she would quickly sort out her feelings for Cain, tried to answer calmly.

“I’m happy if you need me.”

This time she twitched her eyebrow at Cain. He stroked his mouth.

“See if you’re confident.”

“I just learned not to back down from what needs to be done.”

Jane barely spoke without shaking. He burst out laughing as if he
was shocked. Then he soon got a straight face.

“I guess I was looking forward to it, but it’s a shame. You don’t need to take care of my bedroom situation. I’ll take care of it, so don’t worry.”

Cain seemed frustrated and unbuttoned his shirt. Each time his long fingers passed, the collar of his shirt opened, revealing a glimpse of his chest.

Rumors about Cain passed by, strangely stimulating the
imagination of adults.

〈It’s completely different from the daytime. In bed… … Such a gentleperson… … . If I were to be held in that ocean-like heart just once, I would have no wish.>

She heard the rumor about Cain’s history with women. He seemed to generously share his love with those around him.

Her past worries that he would be lonely even for a moment without her was in vain.

Jane had no intention of criticizing Cain’s past relationships.

There was no way women would leave a man as handsome as Cain alone, and since he had been free and alone, it wasn’t a problem.

That’s what he was like, and even though he met a lot of women, he didn’t make a single noise.

He pleases the woman sufficiently and they part ways cleanly. It is known that he maintains good relationships with some women even after breaking up with them.

That’s why women are more anxious.

In the Kingdom of Emblan, where free love is encouraged, his actions were not a problem.

But things are different after marriage. Free love was only possible between unmarried men and women. If one party got married, it becomes an affair from then on.

There was a prevalent atmosphere in social circles that it was okay as long as you didn’t get caught, but when the Queen came to the throne, laws were introduced to prevent adultery.

This is because the court was noisy day after day due to the

issue of extramarital children.

“I think we need to talk more about that.”

Jane did not want to embarrass the Hastings family.

Since she and Cain were getting married, she wanted to at least
prevent a situation where she would not be able to fulfill her role and bring shame to the family.

Is it simply because of that reason?

She asked herself and helped herself.

She honestly hated the idea of him having another woman. It was only when he was a complete stranger that he was able to live his life dismissing it as a passing rumor.

But if you live with him and see it with your own eyes, you can’t
Tolerate it because it’s the ultimate truth.

“What more do we need to talk about?”

“I don’t want you to meet another woman while we are married.”

It was a condition to protect Jane herself.

If she sees Cain wearing another woman’s lipstick or perfume, she
might turn into ashes.

Cain stared at Jane and opened the drawer of his nightstand.

He took a cigar out of the case and cut off the end.

He placed the cigar between his long fingers and expertly lit it.

He sucked on the cigar until his cheeks were sore and slowly exhaled the smoke.

“What if I don’t like it?”

Jane’s face was obscured by smoke, then revealed clearly. Her
indifferent face showed no emotional turmoil, but Cain knew.

He realized that Jane is very uncomfortable.

Even when those gangsters dragged her by her hair, her brightly shining eyes didn’t turned black.

Cain knew why.

She said, ‘It’s uncomfortable to be with you.’

She had the same reaction every time I spent time with her. Her

face, which seemed fine at first, became gray as time went by.

Not even when she went to visit the house on the hill, not even now in the carriage on her way back to Somnium House.

Cain continued his thoughts as he saw her not avoiding his gaze.

For Jane, who hates him, he doesn’t want to do his fair share of harm during their marriage.

‘You can’t do that.’

Cain threw his cigar into the ashtray and grinned.

“Okay, Jane.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I will do whatever you want. I’m looking forward to it. A night to
share with my wife.”

Cain smiled. The smile that wasn’t mocking, the first she’d seen since she met him, was so wonderful that it gave her goosebumps, but it was as cold as ice on hers.

“I asked you to inform me what to do.”

“I’ll tell you. You can take charge of everything as a duchess.”

To Jane, her responsibility sounded like a burden.

Cain took out the contract that he had prepared when he first went to meet Jane. Cain picked up his pen and added a few more details to the contract.

He sat in front of Jane while he held the contract. As he approached her, Jane involuntarily took a breath.

Cain glanced at her and threw the contract onto the table.

“Check it.”

“Can you possibly fix it?”

“Is it possible?”

Cain’s voice came out unevenly.

“Jane, this is in the form of a deal, but don’t forget. I bought you with money. It’s the relationship between employer and employee.”


Jane, who had endured all of his rudeness, was furious.

Cain lifted her chin as if he had something to say.

She was right about everything he said, so Jane pursed her lips. Her eyes turned red. Although there is no mention of money anywhere in the contract, he paid off Jane’s debt, and will provide all the money for Jane’s clothing, food, and expenses in the future.

“If you don’t have enough money, tell me. I will make that level of

“What… do you mean?”

“Check the last chapter.”

Jane flipped through her papers.


“This… … What is it?”

“Were you planning on continuing to live with me?”

Cain put the cigar between his fingers into his mouth.


“Then there is no need to ask. Because it’s literal.”

The alimony was Cain’s money for the one year of time he would
spend with Jane.

Their relationship changed from once her lover alone to the employer and employee.

Jane took a slow, deep breath. Soon she put on her calm mask as if she had never been excited and turned her attention to her contract.

Cain felt a little disappointed. It was quite nice to see her eyelashes fluttering aimlessly.

“All right. The contract… … Let’s look at it a little further. I’ll tell you in advance, I’m not trying to get into trouble. Just a little… … Anyway, since it’s marriage, for me… … .”

“You sound like it’s something very important. Wasn’t a promise to
you like a candle that could be extinguished at any time?”

Cain sneered.

The things he said had plummeted Jane’s mood to no end. She

lowered her head and tried to suppress his sarcasm.

But will it be wise for her to continue to endure it?

It’s okay to be sarcastic when you’re alone, but if you show this
behavior in front of others, it’s a big deal. She was also not good at educating the Adults.

Jane clenched her fists.

“Cain, I have a favor to ask you.”

He looked at Jane as she was freaking out about something. Jane spoke quickly before he could cover her mouth.

“I wish you could be polite.”

“… … .”

Cain’s knife-like gaze moved across Jane’s face.

“… … Even just in front of other people. I have my reputation, I have my esteem. … .”

“Have you already started acting like a mother? Even you have started thinking about your face…”

“Shouldn’t I at least deserve that?”

He saved something from drowning and even helped her by handing over the responsibilities.

He Payed off her debt, so she doen’t have to worry about making a living. But now she even asks me to respect her.

Jane was clearly mistaken.

Cain was going to reject her outright and tell her not to worry about her dignity. But at that moment, Jane’s shaking hands caught his eyes.

That sad expression and those long, white fingers were the problem.


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