The Saintess Returned to the Emperor's Arms

The end of the fight 

The next morning, the servants called Riella and woke her up.

A fluffy bed, soft blanket, And the same good scent that comes from the Emperor.

Riella, who was buried in it and tossed about in a daze, suddenly got up with her heart pounding.

Yes, this is the Emperor’s bedroom.

“Sorry for waking you up. Miss Blinite. Did you sleep well?”

One of the servants, who was waiting for her as soon as she opened her eyes, said politely. Riella unknowingly bowed her head as if in response to the servants’ greeting, and looked around her.

This is the Emperor’s bedroom, but the Emperor was not there.

‘Was it true that he had an all-night meeting?’

“Then I will serve you breakfast.”

“What? here?”

“Yes. His Majesty requested that you eat comfortably here.”

As soon as the servant’s words came out, a luxurious breakfast was served in front of Riella. Freshly baked bread, fresh fruit, fragrant coffee, and milk.

Riella stuck her tongue out as she watched the food carried out on a three-tier tray so that she could eat comfortably while sitting on the bed.

“I can’t eat all of this much.”

“His Majesty has asked that you eat all of it without leaving anything behind.”

“I’ll take it to my bedroom and eat it slowly.”

“His Majesty has also asked you to eat here until the end.”

‘What a strange man, asking for so many things.’

Riella couldn’t help it and picked up a piece of bread under the servant’s watchful eye. As she bit into the crunchy bite, she felt the servant’s eyes scrutinizing her.

It was a more persistent and suspicious look than to check whether she ate well as the emperor asked.

It wasn’t just that servant. Everyone who carried trays, poured coffee, opened windows, and moved in and out of the bedroom was looking at her.

It was natural.

The emperor’s assassin who was transported to the detached palace. 

And she is now a woman who bathes in the Emperor’s bathroom, eats, and sleeps in the Emperor’s bed.

Of course, she would be the object of interest and concern.

But it was also funny to explain to them here that nothing happened to her and the emperor last night, and it was not necessary for Riella.

The only thing Riella was curious about was the emperor’s thoughts.

‘What is the purpose of doing this to me?’ 

As she pondered that, the servant spoke again. Riella thought the servant was urging her to eat more breakfast.

“After you finish your meal, you need to prepare your afternoon schedule.”

“What? Are you sure you’re talking to me?”

Riela thought that the servant mistook her for others. She doesn’t have a “schedule” that she has to take care of.

“Yes. You must dress up and attend the reception hall at the main palace. Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of time. We will help you prepare.”

Apparently, it wasn’t a mistake.

With those words, the servant bowed slightly, as if the servant had fulfilled the role, and walked away.

* * *

The royal family’s meeting with the emperor, which began in the morning, began to show signs of completion well after lunchtime. 

During that time, there were four handkerchiefs that King Taran II used and threw to wipe off his sweat.

“Then will this be enough?”

In the reception hall of the main palace, on a long table, interested parties from the royal family and the empire sat facing each other.

Rather than a warm social gathering between the two monarchs, the atmosphere was more like that of a judge.

It was the Minister of Justice of the Empire who asked the last intention of the Liotta royal family while organizing the documents. Taran II answered, with a grin full of his face, not to miss this opportunity.

“Of course. Of course!”

“Is there any other condition that the royal family wants?”

“No, there is no such thing! We have no disagreements, we are simply grateful that the Emperor has granted us such forgiveness Hahah.….”

“It’s not because the king is good.”

It was Herhan who interrupted Taran II’s seemingly endless stream of flattery.

“Likewise, it’s not because the princess is good.”

Greta flinched slightly at Herhan’s glare as he crossed his arms.

Fortunately, Herhan’s gaze returned to the king.

“I decided to ask this for the stability of my country and the peace of the people of Liotta. I didn’t forgive you, so I hope you don’t dare say that word. King…”

“Ah, yes. yes. I know. your majesty. Don’t worry. We’ll do better in the future. We were not thinking clearly, it was a very stupid mistake. In the future, we will renovate, so that our royal family can become Your Majesty’s strength—”

“No. I will take care of my power, so you should spend your time looking after your people.”

“Yes, yes….”

The king sighed and bowed his head. 

It was the moment when the fifth handkerchief was needed.

But what’s a handkerchief, what’s a little humiliation? The sun was finally shining in the fallen sky.

This meeting, disguised as a reception, had been announced by the Emperor’s representatives in the early hours of the morning.

When he first heard the news, the king thought that the time had come. He now wore a crown, which might be the last, and walked through the royal corridor, which might soon be driven out.

But the emperor’s proposal at the meeting was completely unexpected.

“It is appropriate to expose the sins in detail and punish the crimes of this royal family, but we will arrange this without informing the outside world and concluding a compensation treaty between the two countries.”

At the same time as the words were over, the emperor’s ministers delivered the agreement prepared in advance.

They were to remain silent about the truth of the incident and the penalties for violating it. It also contained a list of compensation the Elshweig Empire would demand from the Kingdom of Liotta as an apology.

Taran II doubted his eyes.

Even compensation did not deviate much from the general level of trade. 

‘Really, this, so easy for forgiveness?’

It was an unbelievable favor, so it was a favor that he was afraid to even ask why.

the king was stunned. While everyone involved in the royal family was confused, only Greta secretly swallowed a laugh.

‘I didn’t expect that holding and shaking Riella would have such an effect. It’s really great. How did you do it, Riella? Did you even beg the Emperor to save Fabian?’ 

It didn’t matter what the desperate Riella did. The important thing was that she had gotten out of this crisis, and that she was very proud of herself for coming up with such a clever trick.

Greta realized belatedly that another agreement had arrived in front of her because she was so intoxicated with the sense of victory.

“What is this? The agreement has already been signed.”

“The princess still has one more left.”

“What? What is that….”

Greta glanced questioningly at the Emperor and opened the agreement in front of her.

Her eyes, which were carefully scanning the text from above, were wide open, and trembling, then soon filled with anger.

“Your Majesty, this is…”

“Since you caused damage, of course you have to pay for it.”

“But anyway!”

When Greta attacked the emperor, the surprised king took away Greta’s agreement.

He wondered if there was still more compensation left for the empire, but the target of the compensation contained in the agreement was not the empire.

Riella Blinite. It was the woman.

“I don’t like it. Why should I do this? Riella is also an obvious accomplice, not a victim!”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m the one proposing the treaty, and I’m just making my demands.”

It was then.

Suddenly, a knight entered the hall and whispered something to the Emperor. The Emperor nodded his approval, and a figure stepped through the open door.

It was Riella.

“I’m glad you got here at the right time.” said the emperor.

Still, Riella hesitated and unable to approach

‘I don’t know what they were talking about, but I could guess that it wasn’t a very pleasant story.’

“It’s okay, Riella. Come to my side.”

The Emperor held out his hand. When Riella didn’t take it, he stood up and took her hand, pulling her closer.

Greta’s face crumpled at that act, but Herhan didn’t pay attention to such a reaction and asked Riella kindly.

“Isn’t the new bed uncomfortable? I was worried because the bed in my room was different from yours.”

“yes. It was fine.”

For some reason, the king flinched at the intense conversation between the two.

It was Greta who interrupted them.

“I will not sign this agreement.”


The emperor, who was known to be angry or repulsive, was unexpectedly calm.

Of course, it was a possible reaction because there was something to believe.

“It is the princess’ freedom to refuse. But since I’m not willing to make any concessions, this entire agreement will be null and void, and we will have no choice but to prepare formal charges against the royal family as scheduled.”

“Ah, Your Majesty! you can’t do that, you can’t do that!”

Of course, the king jumped to his feet.

Not only that, but he even violently grabbed the shoulder of his daughter who was sitting next to him and shook it. 

He said “why don’t you follow your Majesty’s order right away, and why don’t you just give her the reward money and be done with it?”

“It’s not about the money! It’s about…!”

Greta gritted her teeth.

In addition to the considerable amount of compensation that the royal family was to pay Riella every month, the agreement contained several other items.

Give Riella a home and a job wherever she wants. Take responsibility for and protect Riella’s safety for the rest of her life. 

In addition, the princess should make an official and sincere apology in front of all interested parties.

There is also a condition that if there is any problem with Riella’s personal life in the future, all treaties will be nullified immediately.

“What is it? What’s the problem? It’s not impossible, right?”

“If we do this, our royal family will be held back by that woman for the rest of our lives!”

“Who cares about that when you’re about to be decapitated, Is it because you don’t want to apologize to that woman? Because of your pride?”

“Father. Not that!”

Taran II lost his temper and jumped up and began dragging Greta out.

The king had heard the rumors about the emperor of the empire and Riella Blinite. Even the two of them seemed to have slept together yesterday, so there was absolutely nothing good about touching the woman the emperor cared so much for.

‘It had to be stopped. It had to be prevented so that this treaty wouldn’t be canceled.’

“Come here. get down on your knees and beg!”

“Ah, Your Majesty! Ouch, Father!”

“Come on, beg, Greta!”

In the end, Greta, who was dragged out by the king, knelt down in front of the emperor and Riella.

The king pressed her head to prevent Greta from raising her head, while he also knelt down next to her.

“I am sorry, I am so sorry, please forgive me, for all that I have done, I have used you and made a false accusation. forgive me once, and I will never, ever appear in front of you again, and I know that this will not make up for all my injustices, but I beg you, please forgive me….”

The king’s pathetic and pitiful apology continued endlessly.

Greta seemed to sob, clenched her teeth and swallowed a curse. 

However, no one could see her face properly because she put her forehead on the floor and didn’t raise her head.

* * * 

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


  1. Mai says:

    The King and his daughter are a joke, how is their country still around? I bet the princess will end up doing something anyway and that will become their end.

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