The Runaway Heroine is Too Good at Escaping









“People should be treated according to their abilities. That way, they’ll be more motivated to work hard, and this world will continue to advance.”


“That seems to make sense.”


“For magical engineering to advance in this world, obstacles that stand in its way must be eliminated.”


“What kind of obstacles are you referring to?”


“Did you know that replacing parts of the body with machines is prohibited, except for disabled veterans? Why should it be banned if someone wants to do it? Shouldn’t we respect individual wishes?”


“Hmm, that does seem like excessive control.”


“If replacing body parts with machines can make someone stronger, why stop them from doing so if they want to improve their abilities?”


However, the Master of the magic tower’s ideology became increasingly extreme.


“I believe that more diverse methods should be employed to develop human potential. It’s a waste if someone’s abilities go unused.”




“If everyone fully utilized their abilities, this world would be perfect. We need to drive those who are lazy and complacent to reach their full potential.”


“If everyone worked hard and performed their duties, a utopia would surely be built.”


“I believe that stricter regulations should be imposed on the poor. We must ensure productivity, even if it means forcing them into labor.”


At some point, Ghieuspe found it difficult to agree with the magic tower master’s ideology.


“If it’s to develop individual abilities, then any process should be permissible. It’s for both the individual and society.”


“But infringing on personal freedom…”


“That too is ultimately for their own good. They will be thankful to me later.”


At the same time, the educational process in the tower became increasingly rigorous.


“Even if the current process is tough, you must endure it. It’s all for your future and the future of this world.”




“Ghieuspe, this is truly all for your sake. You will thank me later because thanks to me, you will become a great mage.”




“And your parents have high expectations of you. You should make your family happy.”


“…I will do my best.”


Ghieuspe began to wonder if this was really normal, but the other mages were undergoing the same training as him.


“If you sleep now, you’ll just dream, but if you study now, you’ll achieve your dreams.”


“How great a mage you become will even determine the face of your future spouse.”


They said things like that, believing that studying hard was the only answer in life.


Since everyone behaved that way, Ghieuspe eventually believed it was normal too.


Of course, no matter how persistent Ghieuspe was, it was difficult to endure the strict educational process every day.


Thus, on the one day he skipped training, the magic tower master, with a smiling face, said she wanted to talk to Ghieuspe.


“Ghieuspe, is studying becoming too difficult for you?”


“…Honestly, yes. I even thought about leaving the tower.”


“Think carefully. What you are best at is magic, and you can become a great mage. If you just endure this hardship now, a happy future awaits you. You need to strengthen your resolve.”


“I will do my best.”


“All the other mages here are training just like you. You’ve worked hard up until now—don’t you feel it’s a waste to give up?”




“The duty of a mage is to train. If you don’t train and study, you’re not truly a mage.”


No matter what the magic tower master said, Ghieuspe’s face remained troubled. Seeing this, the magic tower master took Ghieuspe’s hand and led him somewhere.


“Ghieuspe, it can’t be helped. This is the only way for you to succeed.”


“What method are you referring to?”


“It’s simple. When you neglect your training, you’ll be punished. That should give you the motivation to work harder, don’t you think?”


“…I understand. I’ll do it.”


At that moment, Ghieuspe believed that everything the magic tower master said was correct.


After all, the magic tower master had already succeeded in her field and was ahead of everyone. Ghieuspe believed there was no way she could be wrong.


However, the ‘punishment’ that the magic tower master imposed on Ghieuspe was shocking.


When the magic tower master opened the door to a certain room, multiple laboratories appeared before Ghieuspe’s eyes.


And, unbelievably, all the people inside those laboratories were imprisoned.


“Master, what is this…?”


“Ah, these are the human subjects for experiments that contribute to the advancement of magical engineering.”


“Is it really permissible to conduct human experiments?”


“These people are either prisoners or those who voluntarily came because they lacked money. They weren’t kidnapped and forced into experiments.”




“Thanks to these people, the magical engineering of our country is advancing. This can be considered a patriotic act. You know as well as I do that some sacrifices are inevitable for the sake of outstanding technology.”


While Ghieuspe was at a loss for words, the magic tower leader continued with even more horrifying remarks.


“From now on, you will manage these subjects.”




“Whenever you neglect your training, you’ll be tasked with managing these people. Seeing them should clear your mind. You’ll soon realize that it’s better to be on the side of the experimenters rather than the subjects because you’re a talented person.”


“…I can’t do that.”


For the first time, Ghieuspe felt something was seriously wrong.


He had to escape.


However, when Ghieuspe expressed his refusal, the magic tower master’s yellow eyes gleamed ominously.


“Ghieuspe, are you thinking of giving up now? Are you going to throw away everything you’ve achieved so far?”




“If you go back to society, you’ll be nothing. You’ll just be a fool who neither mastered magic nor any martial skills, even at your age. Without magic, you’re worthless.”




“Choose. Will you become a worthless person like the test subjects, or will you become someone capable like the experimenters?”


“Is this really the path to becoming a capable person?”


“Of course. The fact that you can command others is proof that you’ve lived diligently.”


Ah, Ghieuspe realized that it was too late to escape.


As the magic tower master had said, if Ghieuspe returned to society, he would be nothing.


He had heard countless times from the magic tower master that ability is everything, and he couldn’t bring himself to reject that teaching.




“Then Ghieuspe, from now on, every time you fail in magic, you will manage these people. Let’s work hard together.”


Thus began the true nightmare in the tower.


From that point on, Ghieuspe gradually lost his words.


He focused solely on his magical training and stopped communicating with anyone.


It was on one such day, when he was particularly unwell and repeatedly failed a new spell, that he encountered a rather unusual test subject.


“Ghieuspe, here is a newly arrived test subject. Experiment on this person with a drug that suppresses emotions. If this experiment succeeds, we will no longer be dominated by emotions.”


Following the magic tower master’s instructions, Ghieuspe headed to the laboratory.


There, he met someone who seemed completely out of place in that laboratory.


‘…Is he a noble?’


Even though he was in a disheveled state inside the lab, his appearance radiated an undeniable brilliance. His every gesture was aristocratic, and his aura was nothing short of extraordinary.


However, his eyes shone fiercely, like an untamed beast.


“…I’m sorry.”


As Ghieuspe administered the drug, he muttered a cowardly apology.


The test subject looked at him, then let out a small, scoffing laugh.


“Sometimes saying something is worse than saying nothing at all.”




“Isn’t that right, young duke Ascary?”









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