The Runaway Heroine is Too Good at Escaping



















Since the barrier was firmly protecting me, he couldn’t even come near.


‘A spatial barrier spell…!’


I remembered seeing it in the magic book. It’s a spell I haven’t mastered yet.


So, by using the ‘random spatial spell,’ I can use spells I haven’t learned yet with a certain probability!


“What kind of trick is this?!”


The leader’s pounded on the barrier, trying to break into the space protecting me. Naturally, the barrier didn’t budge.


Alright, I just need to call the others now.


The leader’s was so focused on me that he didn’t even think of escaping.


“Here, over here!”


I shouted loudly.


I didn’t expect someone to appear right away, but something surprising soon happened.


Bang! Crash!


A man’s huge body flew through the air with a loud noise and crashed into the corner. The leader, who had filled my vision, disappeared in an instant.


Standing there was none other than Simone.


Looking down at the man who was battered with no emotion


Our eyes met, and a usual smile spread across Simone’s face.


“Are you alright, lady Seraphina?”


“What? You got here quickly. You came was just after I cast a spell.”


“I was worried about you, so I was on my way.”


“Haha, if that’s the case, you should have come with me from the start. Why did you put me in danger?”


“…I’ll take care of it now. Sorry for being late.”


Simone looked down at the man with eyes devoid of any emotion, like looking at garbage—or rather, an object of no value. It was so chilling that anyone watching would feel creeped out.


The man staggered to his feet and glared at Simone with reddened eyes.


“How dare you!”


Even though Simone had easily knocked him down with one kick earlier, the man didn’t back off.


He might think what happened earlier was just luck. Unlike me, Simone doesn’t use magic but relies on physical strength, so he might appear weaker.


But I don’t need to worry about that. I knew Simone’s strength was no fluke.




The leader swung his body and threw a punch.


Simone easily dodged the attack as if it were nothing and gently pushed him back.




The man flew into another tree and crashed hard.


“What is this…?”


The man stood up, trembling, more from shock than the physical blow.




Once again, Simone’s fist quickly struck him.


Simone Monteverdi.


The young Marquess who inherited the Monteverdi title and the youngest administrative minister.


Though his career seemed unrelated to combat, I knew his past from the original story.


When he was the second son of the Monteverdi family, a fierce power struggle erupted within the family as the Marquess fell ill. Among his five sons, the first and third fought, while the fourth and fifth lost their lives. Simone, too, was cast out with nothing.


However, he roamed various places like the Magic Tower, mercenary markets, and slums, gaining strength. Eventually, he returned and succeeded in killing the first and third sons, inheriting the title.


Now, he lived elegantly as an administrator, seemingly unrelated to combat, but in reality, he was the strongest among the four main characters.


Raffaelo had professionally trained combat skills, but Simone was more terrifying because he internalized his skills through real-life experience.


“Oh my….”


While I was astonished, Simone continued fighting the man.


However, it looked more like Simone was toying with the man than an actual fight.


As the fight continued, Simone suddenly exclaimed, ‘Ah,’ and glanced down at his wristwatch. His gaze shifted back to the man.


He quickly picked up the axe that had fallen inside the tent.




In an instant, he drove the axe into the man’s arm.


The man groaned, blood dripping, and he collapsed to the ground, unable to endure the pain.


It was the first bloody incident I had seen since coming to this world—or in my entire life, really.


‘Oh, I didn’t want to see something like this…’


No matter how indifferent my personality, there’s no way I could remain calm while watching someone bleed.


I averted my eyes from the blood-covered floor.


“Are you alright, lady Seraphina?”


“I have to say I’m fine. It’s not polite or considerate to tell someone who fought for me that I’m not.”


“So, you’re not alright.”


“Honestly, yes.”


Simone looked slightly taken aback, but then he glanced at me with a look that suggested he was ready to move on to the next task.


“Would you like to step outside? I’ll take you to Arkhangelo.”


“Aren’t I supposed to be protecting Arkhangelo?”


“To be honest, yes.”


Since the captain had fainted, Simone seemed to have decided to just take me outside.


He turned his head and stared at my luggage bag.


More precisely, at the diary peeking out from a gap of the Luggage.


“Did you come to get that?”


“Yes, that’s right. I also found Aurora’s box.”


“Ah, so that’s it.”


At that moment, I instinctively felt a sense of foreboding. The look in Simone’s eyes as he gazed at me was somehow…


“Yes, you definitely need that. That way, you can learn about that body of yours.”




“It wouldn’t have been easy to keep that secret from everyone, right?”


His unexpected whisper left my face twisted in confusion.


“What are you talking about?”


“There are a few strange things, but I’ll mention just one.”


Simone’s blue eyes stared intently at me.


“When we met once, lady Seraphina, you had been fighting with Aurora, and your hair was a mess. You didn’t have neatly braided hair like now. You didn’t remember anything about your past.”




“And the most peculiar thing is that Viviana, who used to despise math, now seems to be quite good at it. You cursed about math a lot when you were with Aurora before.”




“Don’t worry, I’m just curious about what you are. There’s no need to be so wary.”


Damn it, Simone knew from the beginning.


That I wasn’t Seraphina Viviana.













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