The Runaway Heroine is Too Good at Escaping


















“We have to get my luggage back!”


Because inside my luggage were Seraphina’s diary!


If I lose Seraphina’s diary, I will lose all clues about my possession and Princess Eva.


I didn’t want to get tangled up with the bandits and waste my time, but now my mind has completely changed.


“There are important items in there! All my books and diaries are in that bag. They might seem worthless to you, but their value varies from person to person.”


“Uh, sure… No one is belittling your things.”


“I said it in advance because I was worried you maybe would think so.”


“Hmm, do we have time to go look for it?”


When Arkhangelo said that, I became afraid that they will leaving my belongings behind.


So, I decided to use Seraphina’s face, which didn’t look like a villainess at all.


I drooped my eyes and made the saddest face possible. It really made me look pitiful.


Raffaelo, the most normal of the male leads, sighed deeply.


“Hey, we were planning to raid their hideout to get your stuff back anyway, so please stop looking so sad.”




“Yeah, why do you look so pitiful even while saying that?”


“You really do look pitiful. It must be a talent. Working in a theater might not be a bad idea.”


“Ah, yes… Of course, Arkhangelo has a talent for singing, but I think it would also be good at acting roles that always shows anger in the theater.”


“You can take the role of the anger-inducing character! You truly have a talent for making me angry!”


As I relaxed my expression, Raffaelo finally looked relieved.


He glanced at the direction the bandits had disappeared and asked again.


“Are we going to raid their hideout now?”


“Yes, let’s do that. But…”


Simone pointed to the mountain and spoke elegantly.


“Do you know where their hideout is? It seems complicated to find a path in the mountain.”


“Wait a minute! I might be able to do it with magic!”


I was a spatial mage, so I should be able to locate them. There was a spell that accurately guided the way to a nearby target, and I could use that.


…But how did the spell work?


Damn, I didn’t have the spellbook!


“Oh, the bandits stole that spellbook too!”


It’s embarrassing for me as a former top instructor that I haven’t memorized even the basic concepts.


Then, the only thing left for us to do is…


“We have to search the mountain for the bandits’ traces.”


“Well, I used to work in the military police deserter apprehension team. Tracking down deserters is my specialty, so don’t worry.”






“Oh, I just thought it was an interesting word.”


Raffaelo looked more reliable as a soldier than ever.


“Seraphina, aren’t your clothes uncomfortable for climbing the mountain?”


“Oh don’t worry, they’re light, so it’s fine!”


“Alright, then let’s go.”


Luckily, the mountain only appeared dense with trees, but it wasn’t too rugged.


Raffaelo led the way, conversing with Simone and looking for traces of the bandits. He was very professional in checking broken branches and footprints.


Hmm, I feel reassured to be with people who have combat skills.


Meanwhile, Arkhangelo, climbing next to me, got his bracelet caught in a bush and irritably pulled it out.


He was dressed in such elegant clothes with flamboyant accessories, making it harder to climb the mountain than it was for me. He looked so different from Raffaelo, who seemed like a survival expert.


“Damn it, do we really have to climb this mountain…”


Arkhangelo and I made eye contact.


“Yeah, I guess we have to endure…”


Arkhangelo shut his mouth and resumed climbing. He bit his lip and stopped complaining.


I just desperately hoped the bandits hadn’t touched my luggage.













While climbing the mountain, Raffaelo looked at Simone, who wasn’t even out of breath beside him.


Silver hair that looked like it was snowed on, blue eyes that resembled the sky and sea, and transparent skin that didn’t sweat a drop.


People often mistook Simone for being weak and not connected to power because of his gentle appearance and his position as the head of the administration, but Simone…


However, that’s not important right now.


“So, why did we can lose those bandits?”


It wasn’t surprising that Seraphina, an ordinary noble lady, or Arkhangelo and Ghieuspe, who were not used to physical fights, missed the presence of the bandits.


They could have been too distracted by the intense battle in front of them to notice the thieves trying to steal their belongings.


But it made no sense for Simone not to notice.


Raffaelo could only think that he deliberately let the bandits go.


He didn’t ask in front of Seraphina because he thought there must be a reason… But now that it was just the two of them, he was curious.


Ghieuspe probably noticed too but didn’t ask because he was so taciturn, and Arkhangelo might have noticed but found it too bothersome to ask.


“Hmm, well…”


Simone responded as he glanced back at those climbing the mountain.


Ghieuspe, walking silently at the very back, and Arkhangelo, whose face was full of irritation but kept his mouth tightly shut.


And next to them was…


Seraphina Viviana, with her lilac hair all tangled but climbing the mountain with a determined expression.


“I had to check something…”


Simone responded enigmatically with a soft voice and a smile.










After walking for a long time following Raffaelo, we arrived at the bandits’ hideout.


“It should be over there.”


Beyond the bushes, we saw several shabby buildings gathered together. They were more like barracks than houses.


And in front of them were rough-looking people… It was clearly the bandits we had seen earlier.


“Hey, why did you come back all beaten up?”


“Don’t even ask us. We didn’t expect them to be that strong.”


“We got completely overpowered by just one noble!”


“Just one person? Are you sure it wasn’t a thug? Is he really a noble?”


“Yeah, you could tell by his fighting style. He must be a high-ranking soldier.”


“By the way, that noble was looking for something, right?”


The bandits started chatting loudly in their rough manner.


I kept a close watch on them with burning eyes. So, where’s my luggage?


“Yeah? What were they looking for?”


“A golden box, but we don’t know anything about it. We just ran away.”


“Still, we managed to steal the luggage, hahaha.”


“Nobles usually have expensive items.”


“Well done. Store it in the warehouse. We’ll sell it all at once later to avoid being tracked.”


At the command of what seemed to be their leader, the bandits carrying the bags immediately got up and went somewhere.


I memorized the direction they were heading to.


“Alright, shall we go?”


At that moment, Raffaelo stood up and spoke in a low voice.


“There are so many people there. Shouldn’t we come up with a plan?”


“Ah, they’re all weaker than me.”


Raffaelo’s arrogance somehow reminded me of Arkhangelo.


The others nodded as if his attitude was natural, showing how much they trusted him.


However, just as he was about to rush out, new people appeared.


But they didn’t seem to be a bandits.


“Hey, the food isn’t ready yet! Do you want to die?”


“I-I’m sorry…”


“And you haven’t even done the laundry properly! This is a complete mess!”


It was clear that these weak and ordinary-looking people were being mistreated by the bandits.


It was obvious they were being held against their will.


“They’re the kidnapped people…”


“So, it was true.”


“I have no choice. I were going to hand this over to the local army, but now that I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I have to save them.”


“Seems you guys not as bad as I thought.”


“Why do you think of us as such trash?”


Well, it’s because in the original novel, they were competed to see who could accumulate the most karma, haha.


Looking at comments like ‘Is this a male lead or a villain?’, ‘Author, please don’t make them the male leads’, and ‘Why don’t male leads regret anything these days?’ can make anyone suspicious…


Anyway, led by Raffaelo, the male leads seemed determined not only to retrieve our luggage but also to rescue the people and wipe out the bandits.


Even though we decided not to waste time here, we ended up having to clear out the bandits.


Hahh, well, let’s just think of it as doing a good deed.


“Well, it’s not uncommon for people to turn to bandits out of desperation. Stealing goods can be overlooked, but kidnapping and enslaving people cannot be tolerated.”


“Indeed. These people need to be punished.”


“I heard a story at the inn yesterday that these guys have been notorious for harassing villagers for a long time.”


“Alright, then here’s the plan.”


Raffaelo, pulling out a club, turned to us and said.


“Ghieuspe, you and I will take down the bandits.”




“Simone, you take the others and rescue the people, then find the luggage and Aurora’s belongings.”


“Are you treating me like ‘the others’ right now?”


“Cheer up, I’m also that ‘the others’, Sir.”


“Are you call that comforting?”


Arkhangelo muttered with a dissatisfied look on his face.


“Why don’t you just ask me to sing, then?”


“Oh, did you have that kind of power? Like, if you sing, we can recover our strength or something!”



“What on earth are you talking about?”


“So you don’t have that kind of ability? That’s disappointing.”


Arkhangelo looked at me incredulously.


But in a fantasy world, usually musicians are take a role as a healer, right?









Hello, you can support me here & mass release chapter req ^o^ buy me a coffee.


  1. Fara says:

    I love her personality so much…thank you for updating❤️

    1. louyve says:

      Thanks for reading this storyy ❣️

  2. Delila says:

    Thanks for your work ! I really enjoyed the dynamics between the characters and how the story developed and the female lead is loveable, strong minded and funny

    1. louyve says:

      Yes! It’s always interesting to see their interactions, their adventures are also quite exciting so while reading it I didn’t even think much about whether there was ML for Seraphina or not. 🐝

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