The Runaway Heroine is Too Good at Escaping
















“It was a golden box. That, that is…”


“It’s alright. You don’t have to explain further.”


Cutting off the man’s words, Simone turned his head back towards us and smiled slightly.


“It seems Aurora has something she wants to convey to us, so we probably need to go and get it ourselves, right?”


“Well, yes.”


“This is getting tiresome.”




“So, are you going to eliminate the bandits?”


When I asked that, Raffaelo shrugged as if to say, ‘What are you talking about?’


“Do we really need to eliminate it? We can just get the item back. Showing them a gun should make them hand it over.”


That was an unexpected answer. I thought, of course, the male leads would say they were going to get rid of the bandits.


In novels, they usually do that. Moreover, aren’t these people who have kidnapped several others complete scum?


“Aren’t you going to deal with the bandits? They say people have been kidnapped.”


“Well, it’s not really our job, is it? Won’t they rescue themselves somehow?”


“Hmph, that’s a job for the soldiers who are paid by the state. It’s not our concern.”


“Arkhangelo, I’m a soldier.”


“…You’re on leave, so it doesn’t matter.”


Hmm. Well, rather than wasting time trying to eliminate the bandits, finding Aurora quickly might be better. As expected of the ‘trash male leads’ from the original work, they didn’t care about the safety of the kidnapped people.


“I like how all of you have bad personalities. It’s just as I expected.”


“Do you call that a compliment? And why have you been treating us like trash from the beginning?”


“By the way, how did you all manage to get here, leaving your jobs?”


Ignoring my question, Arkhangelo stared at me with a subtle gaze before answering.


“I only perform when I want to, so it doesn’t matter.”


“I had accumulated some leave.”




“Mage is not an employee, so it doesn’t matter. Ah, for your information, I resigned from my position as Minister of Administration a few weeks ago. There was going to be a personnel change soon anyway.”


“Is it okay to resign from such a high position as Minister of Administration so easily?”


“Instead, I took a seat as a senator. As you know, senators are elected among the nobles, so there’s no worry about temporarily vacating the position.”


Ha, even in this world, they have high positions that they can share among themselves without working. It seems that a proletarian revolution might happen here in the near future.


Anyway, after understanding how they all managed to come here, I nodded.


In the past, I lived like a high school senior every year while teaching high school seniors, but these people can keep their positions without working. I’m so envious. I didn’t even have holidays.


If I had rested on holidays instead of teaching, my position as a top lecturer would have been replaced by another teacher among the many teachers in *Daechi-dong.


(*Daechi-dong is an affluent neighborhood in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Daechi-dong is divided into three different “dongs” which are Daechi 1-dong, 2-dong, and 4-dong. Daechi-dong is predominantly considered the residential area of Gangnam)


Because, just like the students, I was also a part of the college entrance exam system, haha!


…It’s depressing, I should stop thinking about it.


“Alright, let’s all go to sleep now and depart tomorrow.”


After Simone settled the situation, we all went back to our respective rooms.


After chatting about various things, the thought of taking a nap disappeared, so I opened my bag and took out the most important items.


Seraphina’s book and diary.


My luggage only contained comfortable dresses, underwear, toiletries, emergency medicine, and some items of personal care. But the rest of the space in the bag was filled with these books.


There might be something written by Seraphina that could help us understand the current situation. That’s why I brought these heavy books and diary’s with me.


However, when I eagerly opened the first math book, it was full of random doodles.


– Math is boring


– The era of humanities will surely come


These were the kinds of doodles written inside.


Quickly closing the math book, I opened the magic book next.


But it was in a similar condition.


– ?? Why am I the only one who doesn’t understand this? So what does it mean?


– Common sense would say that if more people don’t understand something than those who do, then isn’t the one who understands the weird one?


– So what is math, you crazy people!! 


The scribbles in her magic book didn’t seem very helpful either….


Poor Seraphina, she created the concept of ‘what the heck is that’ by herself.


Hmm, let’s read something else. Is there any interesting magic?


– Random Space Magic


When in a crisis, and unsure which magic to use, employ ‘Random Space Magic.’


This will draw upon your inherent magical talent to automatically manifest the most appropriate magic for the situation.


The method is simple. Release all the magic within your body, rotate it, and shout the keyword you set.


However, this magic is not omnipotent, so to implement the magic, you must prove the magic you want to manifest.


If you fail to prove it, there could be side effects that worsen your health.


‘So you can use magic randomly?’


Just as I was reading the book with interest, there was a knock on the door.


Knock knock-




“Lady Seraphina, it’s me.”


At Simone’s sudden voice, I quickly stood up and opened the door in haste. What’s going on? Is there a problem?


However, unexpectedly, Simone, with a bright expression, handed me a bottle of health supplements.


“I brought these for you to take if you feel tired during the journey.”


“Oh, thank you…”


“This supplement is very effective. Please rest well.”


Simone, with his dazzling silver hair, looked like an angel.


Perfect proportions, a solid body, a refreshing impression, and a kind and delicate personality.


To someone who didn’t know better, his kindness might have been touching, and they could easily fall for him.


‘Let’s never trust him.’


Of course, the current situation was quite different from the original story I had read. Especially since Aurora had become a completely different person.


But even so, I couldn’t entirely ignore the information from the original story.


Even if the plot had twisted, the male leads’ jobs and appearances remained the same, didn’t they? Oh, and Arkhangelo’s personality too.


In the original story I read, Simone was an individual who, despite his kind and gentle appearance, was colder and more ruthless than anyone else.


Even when Aurora begged him to save her, he responded coldly.


– “Simone, please help me. I really want to escape now…”


– “Haha, Aurora, I sympathize with your situation, but it has nothing to do with me.”


– “Was everything you’ve shown me a lie?”


– “No, that was also me. I just don’t see any reason to help you right now.”


He wasn’t just indifferent; there was a certain twistedness to him


– “Oh, Aurora, you’ve escaped after all… I don’t like people who give up easily. Hmm, should I go after you?”


Therefore, it was important not to forget that Simone’s twisted personality might still be present. His kindness might be hiding some kind of conspiracy.


Moreover, his reaction when I asked about Princess Eva was very suspicious.


So, I decided to remain cautious of Simone.










The next day, when we decided to go meet the bandits, the weather was clear.


Surely, being in the southern part of the continent, the weather here was always good. Thanks to that, it was hard to feel gloomy.


“Does everyone have everything they need?”


“Let’s see… Ah, my diary is in place. Then I have everything!”


The most important items among my belongings were Seraphina’s book and diary, and since I had them, there was nothing to worry about. As long as I had them, I was fine with anything.


“Is the diary the most important thing?”


“Yes, without it, I really can’t manage.”


“Really. You must like recording things daily.”


“Rather than writing new records, I prefer reading what I’ve written in the past.”


Even in the previous world, I didn’t keep a diary. If I had written a diary, it would have been something like this…


– January 1, Thursday


Today, I conducted the ‘Building Concepts’ class from 6 AM to 10 AM.


– January 2, Friday


Today, I conducted the ‘Building Concepts’ class from 6 AM to 10 AM.


– January 3, Saturday


Today, I conducted the ‘Building Concepts’ class from 10 AM to 10 PM.


It would have been filled with such entries, haha.


Anyway, originally I didn’t have the habit of writing a diary.


“Hmm, I see…”


Simone looked at me with a peculiar expression.


We rented a steam carriage from the inn and rode it.


After traveling for a while, the infamous pass where bandits appeared came into view.


“Hey! Hand over all your money!”


But I didn’t expect them to appear so suddenly.












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